Mental Health
Many people are experiencing multi-layer trauma and taking steps to reduce the natural stress they are experiencing can help them to deal with the issues that may feel more immediate. No need to wait for a crisis to access multi-language free and low cost resources for Counseling, Stress Reduction, Grief, Spiritual and Emotional Support, Therapy, Staying at Home Tips and Activities
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The Care, Cope, Connect resource, was created by Sesame Street in Communities in collaboration with the First 5 Association of CA, helps parents cope with stress and provide safety and ...
During this past year of isolation, video-conferencing platforms have become a crucial way to stay employed and stay in touch, but they are increasingly leaving us overwhelmed and exhausted. Stanford ...
A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma –
Target audience: Government, media and local organisations working on the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The current COVID-19 outbreak has provoked ...
AACI continues to provide essential healthcare servicesr:
**Health Center is providing medical care and screening for patients.
**Behavioral Health is providing counseling and support to clients using telehealth ...
AARP has developed an online platform to help address social isolation for people over 50 years old. To request a friendly caller, call 1-888-281-0145, It captures contact information from people ...
AACI’s Asian Women’s Home serves survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. Asian Women’s Home serves everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, socioeconomic background, or sexual orientation. All ...
The Becoming ACEs Aware in California Training is a free, two-hour training to learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, screening, risk assessment, and evidence-based care to effectively intervene ...
Our programs entail working with parents of infants & teens, keeping at-risk youth in a drug and violence-free school environment as well as on-site crisis counseling. We proudly serve all ...
VFAC is an Integrated Condolence Care Program for families and communities who have suffered loss of loved ones, and who have experienced a disrupted grief process due to restrictions related ...
COVID-19 Update: Bill Wilson Center offers a variety of services for children, adolescents, families and adults, including health care, counseling, addiction recovery, housing, LGBTQ and Foster Youth programs, Drop In ...
CA has launched a hotline to deliver services and help for older Californians. CALL: 1-833-544-2374. Social isolation is real. During these trying times it’s important to check in with our ...
The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis. Professionally ...
El aislamiento durante la crisis del coronavirus ha creado una situacion estresante y llena de ansiedad. Escuche unos sencillos consejos de una psicologa familiar para hacer mas llevadero este periodo. ...
3/18/20 Children react to stress differently than adults – they may withdraw or behave in a more ‘babyish’ way, seem anxious or clingy, be preoccupied with illness in their play ...
A Family Calming Kit is a set of tools that supports children and families with understanding and regulating emotions and lowering feelings of stress. By using the Family Calming Kit, ...
HeartMob lets you report and document online harassment across platforms and get the kind of help you want from the community. We’re fighting fire with water, and working step by ...
An accredited crisis line for older adults and adults living with disabilities. Specialists at the Friendship Line offer emotional support, elder abuse reporting, well-being checks, grief support, active suicide prevention, ...
Kara’s mission is to provide grief support for children, teens, families and adults. Our guiding values are empathy and compassion. Free one-on-one peer counseling or support groups with trained volunteers ...
Maitri is a free, con?dential, nonpro?t organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area that primarily helps families and individuals from South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri ...
The premier domestic violence agency in Santa Clara County. We are the only stand-alone domestic violence agency and the largest provider of these services. 24/7 HOTLINE for victims of domestic ...
SafeChatSV is a confidential online chat platform for people that have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence or intimate partner violence to connect with an advocate for support.
SafeChatSV ...
The Safety Planning Guide was created by members of Sanctuary’s Survivor Leadership program and has been reviewed by multiple clinicians. The guide draws from survivors’ and clinicians’ expertise, as well ...
Summary of SCC Behavioral Health Programs
A Family Outreach and Engagement Program (formerly known as ECCAC or Ethnic and Cultural Communities Advisory Committee) providing linguistic and culturally competent outreach, education, advocacy and peer support to ethnic ...
Updated from April 2018 Immigrantinfo Blog – Links to some free local resources for adults and children, Also a few relaxation and energy therapy options for anyone who would like ...
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