Home Events Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program: 行動健康應用程式 (Mobile Health Apps)


Sep 08 2022


9:00 am - 10:00 am

Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program: 行動健康應用程式 (Mobile Health Apps)

12:00PM ET / 11:00AM CT / 10:00AM MT / 9:00AM PT
Online / By Phone


課程必須預先註冊,請致電(650)289-5400或發送電子郵件至ACCC@avenidas.org或senior.wellness@aaci.org,並提供您的姓名,電子郵件地址和電話號碼。請在主題欄中輸入“Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program”。完成課程註冊後,您會收到一封電子郵件確認,其中包含 Zoom鏈接和加入課程的說明。

您知道您的智慧型手機也是一台能幫您衡量您健康狀況的工具嗎?這堂講座會給您一些普遍健康狀況應用程式的簡介,像是 iPhone 的預設應用程式和 Google Fit 的應用程式 。您會認識如何使用這些應用程式的計步器,而且融合其它熱門的健康和健身的應用程式上追蹤的資料。您也會學習把您資料存在您醫療卡上的好處。


請點擊這裏查看英文講義。(For the English handout, please click here.)

Pre-registration is required, and to enroll into the series, please email ACCC@avenidas.org with “Mandarin Multilingual Technology Program” in the subject line, and your name, email address, and telephone number in the email. Once you have been registered, you will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom link and instructions to join the session.

Please join us for our Q+A session, where we will openly discuss questions that came up for you in the Smartphones lecture. About the Smartphones lecture:

If you’re curious about what smartphones can do and why they’ve grown so popular, come to this lecture. You’ll learn about popular smartphones on the market and some of their pros and cons. We’ll also compare and contrast two of the most popular operating systems: Android and Apple’s iOS.

For the handout in Mandarin, please click here.

For the handout in English, please click here.

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