An open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally. Anyone has the potential to be an ally. Allies recognize that though they’re not a member of the underinvested and oppressed communities they support, they make a concerted effort to better understand the struggle, every single day.
Because an ally might have more privilege and recognizes said privilege, they are powerful voices alongside oppressed ones.

Immigration Data Matters

This useful online guide links users directly to the most credible, high-quality data on immigrants and immigration in the United States and internationally. The easy-to-use publication includes more than 250 data resources compiled by governmental and authoritative nongovernmental sources. Key Words: Demographics

Multi-language COVID-19 Videos and Quickguides

Disinformation during COVID-19 is more than just fake news ” it can mean life or death in terms of how people take care of themselves and their loved ones. We designed these cards to be shared widely through social media and encourage you to share them, but as a set. Sharing just one card out of the whole set could lead to confusion. Multi-language:
, in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telegu, Bengali, Urdu, Marathi, Nepali, Kannada, Burmese, Key Words: Indian, international

SafeChat Silicon Valley

SafeChatSV is a confidential online chat platform for people that have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence or intimate partner violence to connect with an advocate for support.
SafeChatSV is a collaborative project of domestic violence organizations in Silicon Valley. Trained, confidential advocates are available to provide emotional support, connection to resources, and education around domestic violence and relationship abuse. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese


The Anti-Oppression Network is a coalition of individuals, grassroots groups, and community organizations dedicated to grounding our work towards liberation in the principles of decolonization, anti-oppression and intersectionality.
The aim of the Network is to provide resources, support, solidarity, and mutual aid in helping individuals, collectives, community organizations and society as a whole re-evaluate, unlearn, disrupt and transform cycles of oppression, and develop meaningful strategies for more effective, long-term, and sustainable organizing.
Key Words: Canada, Indigenous, tolerance, racism

Free COVID-19 Contact Tracing Course

2022 In this free, 7 hour virtual course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, and why contact tracing can be effective. How contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission. Also cover several important ethical considerations around isolation, and quarantine. Identify some of the most common barriers — along with strategies to overcome them. English with Subtitles: Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Chinese (Simplified), Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Vietnamese, Korean, German, Russian, Turkish, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Nepali  Key Words: Pandemic, Coronavirus

Coronavirus Advice for Consumers

AVOID CORONAVIRUS SCAMS with advice from the FTC: learn how to tell the difference between a real contact tracer and a scammer. Legitimate tracers need health information, not money or personal financial information. *** Don’t respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government. Here’s what you need to know.*** Ignore offers for vaccinations and miracle treatments or cures. Scammers are selling products to treat or prevent COVID-19 without proof that they work.

ACTION: Stop AAPI Hate Reporting Center

We encourage all who have witnessed or experienced micro-aggressions, bullying, harassment, hate speech, or violence to help us document. The more information we have, the better we can respond and prevent further incidents from occurring.
Submit an Incident Report Form in:
English,Chinese-Traditional, Chinese-Simplified,
Korean, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Punjabi, Tagalog, Hmong, Hindi

Key Words: Hate Crime, Asian

Promising Alternatives to Detention in the Era of COVID-19

Oct/2020 The impacts of COVID-19 have been far-reaching for people in migration-related detention or at-risk of being detained. Amidst the many issues of concern that have been highlighted by the IDC (International Detention Coalition), there are also a number of promising responses and practices that demonstrate how alternatives to detention (ATD) can be utilized to reduce public health concerns, while supporting compliance with human rights standards and the provision of, and access to essential services.
This Briefing Note was informed by data made available between April-August 2020. Multi-language:
Spanish |
French |
Arabic |

AirNow Interactive National Air Quality Map

AirNow is your one-stop source for air quality data. Our recently redesigned site highlights air quality in your local area first, while still providing air quality information at state, national, and world views. A new interactive map even lets you zoom out to get the big picture or drill down to see data for a single air quality monitor.
AirNow reports air quality using the official U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI), a color-coded index designed to communicate whether air quality is healthy or unhealthy for you. When you know the AQI in your area, you can take steps to protect your health.

CDC Social Vulnerability Index

Social vulnerability refers to the potential negative effects on communities caused by external stresses on human health. Such stresses include natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks. Reducing social vulnerability can decrease both human suffering and economic loss.
CDC Social Vulnerability Index (CDC SVI) uses 15 U.S. census variables to help local officials identify communities that may need support before, during, or after disasters.

SCC Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) Newsletter: September 2020

10/31/20 Santa Clara County joins more than hundreds of communities across the Us to celebrate Welcoming Week 2020. For this year’s theme, “Creating Home Together,” the OIR hosted virtual events during the week of 9/9/20 – 9/12/20
Activities included FREE virtual legal consultations, guided family wellness activity in English & Spanish, three panel discussions with guests focused on immigrant resiliency, immigrants as essential workers, and honoring immigrant contributions. We will also be sharing resources for #DREAMERs and immigrant youth. AND we will be hosting a virtual art gallery which will highlight the work of immigrant artists.

USAHello Resources for Newcomers to America

USAHello is a free online center for information and education for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and welcoming communities. In the USAHello classroom, we offer our GED classes in English and in manually translated Spanish. Our Citizenship class is in manually translated Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese and Swahili. The classroom is also automatically translated into several other languages to help newcomers study and learn English at the same time.Multi-language:

Catchafire – Bay Area Capacity Building Collective

Strengthen your organization with the help of pro bono volunteers. This program connects you with talented professionals looking to give back, allowing you to access expertise in areas such as marketing, web development, operations, strategy, and more.
Catchafire’s menu of 120+ pre-scoped projects, each with specific deliverables and project steps, makes it easy to find what you need and match with a volunteer with the right skills for the job. And if you aren’t sure where to begin, start by talking to a volunteer to get advice and explore ideas. Key Words: CBO,

Healing the Impacts of Racism

This Beginner’s Anti-Racism Toolkit toolkit was created as a response to the powerful uprising of anti-racism activism sparked by the ongoing work of the Black Lives Matter movement and a wave of protests against police brutality and systemic racism in America.
This guide tackles the three main areas of support that we at Collective have seen surface again and again for our clients- a need for healing, processing and making sense of this moment, and taking action toward explicit anti-racism. Key Words: Mental Health

Online Traffic Fine Reduction Request

8/15/20 If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for your traffic ticket, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay. The Judicial Council and eight California Superior Courts are working together to develop a new online option for people struggling with traffic court debt. The “MyCitations” tool allows people to look up their traffic citation, answer a series of simple questions and submit a request to the court for a possible reduction in the amount owed. Users can also request a payment plan, more time to pay or community service.

ICE Detention Management

ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) manages and oversees the nation’s civil immigration detention system. ICE detainees placed in ERO custody represent virtually every country in the world, various security classifications, both genders and medical conditions ranging from healthy to terminally ill.
Key Words: Statistics, demographics

Disability Rights Videos

Rooted in Rights – Videos on accessibility, alt text, and AFN Tools and resources. Redefining narratives around disability, mental health and chronic illness. As part of Disability Rights Washington, our Seattle-based team of disabled video producers, editors and digital organizers partner with both local coalitions and national advocacy campaigns to fight for concrete changes for our community. Key Words: AFN, Access & Functional Needs, BLM, KYR

COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency Regulations

On December 15, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to adopt non-emergency COVID-19 prevention regulations. These regulations took effect on February 3, 2023 and will remain in effect for two years after the effective date, except for the recordkeeping subsections that will remain in effect for three years.
These regulations include some of the same requirements found in the COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS), as well as new provisions aimed at making it easier for employers to provide consistent protections to workers and allow for flexibility if changes are made to guidance in the future from the California Department of Public Health.

One Nation 2019 Report -Built on the Strength of Immigrants

10/2019 This report was published in conjunction with the Tri- Caucus (Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus and Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus) in Washington, D.C.
A resource and tool with facts, data, research, imagery, and curated stories that show that immigrants make America stronger. Key Words: Demographics, research
Multi-language: Chinese |
Korean |
Tagalog |
Mongolian |

CommonLit Free reading activities and digital tools for at-home learning

CommonLit is a nonprofit on a mission to ensure that all children have the reading and writing skills to succeed in college and beyond.
CommonLit’s free lessons exist in both a printable and digital format. As a parent, you have complete flexibility to assign lessons to your child digitally or print them out for your child to complete on paper as you see fit.
Multi-language: Spanish
Key Words: Literacy

UndocuHealth Project Emergency Toolkit

The United We Dream (UWD) UndocuHealth Project was started to facilitate the incorporation and daily practice of self-love, community healing, and wellness when organizing in times of trouble, turbulence, and chaos. The Toolkit was designed to alleviate not only the stress and anxiety of folks across the nation and keep ours families secure, but also to give the reader tools that will allow them to conduct safe zone events and incorporate stress reducing activities within their community work and daily lives.
Things like music-ivism, artivism, and breathing practices is what will transform these anxieties and insecurities into something positive! Key Words: Undocumented,

Self-Care in Difficult Times

Updated from April 2018 Immigrantinfo Blog – Links to some free local resources for adults and children, Also a few relaxation and energy therapy options for anyone who would like relief from stress and anxiety. These techniques were chosen because:
***They are simple and effective***They are free and do not require the assistance of a Therapist***They are not language intensive, although for some there are multi-language handouts
| English | Arabic | Dari | Farsi | French | German | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya |.

Safety Planning During COVID-19: Tips From Domestic Violence Survivors For Survivors

The Safety Planning Guide was created by members of Sanctuary’s Survivor Leadership program and has been reviewed by multiple clinicians. The guide draws from survivors’ and clinicians’ expertise, as well as from safety planning models from the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Sanctuary for Families, and Love is Respect. DV Planning Handout En
| French
| German
| Arabic
| Korean

Tech Interactive at Home

Teachers and parents, we’ve pulled together a collection of lesson plans and activities that you can adapt for at-home learning. You’ll find a variety of materials for different grade levels, subjects and levels of independence, but what they all share is our mission of developing the problem-solvers of tomorrow. Key Words: Education, children, Multi-language:

Archive – GSMA”Worldwide Association Of Mobile Operators

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors.
As part of their Disaster Response Programme they also have an excellent page dealing with Refugee Connectivity

Union Plus Free College Benefit

Earn an Associate Degree ” completely online, for FREE! Even if you don’t qualify for student financial aid, the Union Plus Free College Benefit will be applied to your balance for tuition, fees and e-books.
The Union Plus Program is open to any current or retired union member.
Under an academic partnership with Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC), the program offers grants ” known as “last dollar scholarships” ” that fill the gap between any federal, state and employer education grants for tuition, fees, and e-books for certain online programs at Eastern Gateway. *Only the Free College online degree and certain certificate programs are eligible for these benefits. Key Words: Financial Aid, Scholarship,

Union Plus Benefits

Union Privilege is a nonprofit organization founded by the AFL-CIO in 1986 to provide benefit programs exclusively to union members (current and retired) and their families.
We pass along the exclusive benefits we’ve negotiated on behalf of union members directly to you. Also Disaster Relief Grants, Mortgage Assistance, Advocacy, and more. These benefits and programs are FREE to union members and their families. There’s no membership “if you’re a current or retired union member or a family member ” you’re in.

Consejos para combatir el estres y la ansiedad

El aislamiento durante la crisis del coronavirus ha creado una situacion estresante y llena de ansiedad. Escuche unos sencillos consejos de una psicologa familiar para hacer mas llevadero este periodo. From the American Red Cross, Texas Gulf Coast Multi-Language: Spanish Key Words:

Archive – San Jose COVID-19 Virtual Local Assistance Center

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this page consists of resources for San José residents on:
**Food ** Immigrant Resources ** Housing ** Employment & Job Training ** Health & Wellness ** Utilities & Internet ** Small Businesses and Nonprofits. For more information call 311 or 408-535-3500, or fill out a contact form. Live chat (8-5, M-F), TTY for the hearing impaired at 1-800-735-2922. Key Words: Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese |


Short Video and audio clips with COVID-19 related messages Key Words: Language Access Multi-language: Mayo, Español, Akateko/Kuti’, Ñomndaa (amuzgo), Numte oote (ayapaneco), Cha’ jna’a (chatino), Úza’ (chichimeco jonaz), chinanteco, Ngiba (chocholteco), CH’ol, Tsame (chontal de Oaxaca), Yoko t’an (chontal de Tabasco), huj/Koti’, Naayari (cora), Kuapa, Dibaku (cuicateco), Español, guarijío, Tének (huasteco), mbeyajts/Ombeayiüts (huave), Wixarika (huichol), Xjuani (ixcateco), Ixil, Jakalteko/Popti’/Abxub’al, Kakchikel, kiliwa, ku’ahl, kumiay, lacandón, Ta Yol Mam, Bot’una (matlatzinca), Maayat’aan (maya), Yoremnokki (mayo), Jñatjo (mazahua), Ñnna, mazateco), Ayuujk (mixe), Tu’un Savi (mixteco), Mexikatlahtolli (nahuatl), Hñähñu (otomí), paipai, Xi’oi (pame), O’otam (papago), Oichkama no’oka/oishkam no’ok (pima), Ngiwa (popoloca del centro), Ngiwa (popoloca del poniente), T’kmaya’/yamay (popoluca de Sayula), Nuntaj’yi’Texistepec), P’urhepecha, Q’anjob’al, Mocho’ (qato’k), Cmiique Iitom (seri), Ralamuli raicha (tarahumara), Lhima’alh’ama/Lhimasipij (tepehua), Odami (tepehuano del norte), O’dam (tepehuano del sur), Pjiekakjo (tlahuica), Mèphàà (tlapaneco), Tojol-ab’al, Tutunakú, triqui, Bats’il k’op Tseltal, ats’i k’op Tsotsil, Jiak Noki (yaqui), zapoteco, Otetzame (zoque) Key Words: coronavirus, translation, Mexico, health, international

Raising Children in a New Country: An Illustrated Handbook

Refugee and immigrant families come to the United States with a wealth of parenting strengths, drawing on culture, tradition and family experience. Like most parents in the U.S., they tend to be responsible and nurturing, and have often sacrificed tremendously to provide their children with an opportunity for safety and success in this new country. At the same time, it is clear that newcomer parents often need assistance adapting to: a new physical environment with unaccustomed dangers; the loss of extended family and community support; the ineffectiveness (and sometimes illegality) of traditional methods of discipline; and their children’s new and often unfamiliar “Americanized” behaviors. Multi-language: Arabic & Somali  Key Words: English Audio | Somali Audio NOW AVAILABLE IN Dari and Pashto |

Week-by-Week Schedules to Help Plan At-Home Lessons and Activities for Kids in Grades Pre-K thru 6

From Save the Children – If the children in your life are at home due to school and work closures due to coronavirus, you may be looking for resources to help plan productive days. You’re not alone. As the world’s leading expert on childhood, we’re here to help by providing tools and tips you can trust for parents, caregivers, teachers and all those who care about children in crisis.
Our experts have carefully crafted day-by-day activities to keep little ones, from grades Pre-K thru 6, engaged in learning. Download a new schedule each week for fun things to do at home, 5 days of the week. Multi-language: Spanish

Strengthening Your Campus Website for Undocumented Students: A Guide for CA Colleges and Universities

4/2020 This guide provides concrete recommendations to build or strengthen your online presence whether your institution is just getting started or trying to take your platform to the next level. It includes an overview of important elements, recommended language and key resources for your existing Admissions (A&R) and Financial Aid (FA) websites. It also includes guidelines on creating or expanding your Undocumented Students Resources (USR) page. Key Words:

Multi-language COVID-19 Fact Sheets from the Health Literacy Project

We create and translate accessible COVID-19 information into 35 different languages to help all patients know when, and how, to seek care. Our materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing.
All materials are reviewed and vetted by physicians and medical school faculty members at the Harvard hospitals. These materials are created in collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing. These materials are freely available for download and distribution without copyright restrictions. Key Words: Healthcare, Coronavirus Multi-Language:
Albanian / Shqip |
Amharic |
Arabic |
Bengalii |
Chinese (Simplified) |
Chinese (Traditional) |
Creole / Kreyòl ayisyen |
Dutch / Nederlands |
Farsi |
Filipino |
French / Français |
German / Deutsche |
Gujarati |
Hiligaynon / Ilonggo |
Hindi |
Italian / Italiano |
Japanese |
Korean |
Malay / Malay |
Malayalam |
Marathi |
Navajo |
Oromo |
Polish / Polskie |
Portuguese / Português |
Punjabi |
Romanian /Român?|
Russian |
Somali / Af Soomaali |
Spanish / Español |
Swahili / Kiswahili |
Tamil |
Telugu |
Turkish / Türk |
Ukrainian |
Vietnamese t |
Key Words: SCC LAP

Multi-language Coronavirus Stay Safe Videos

Stay safe with true information
There is a lot of information about COVID-19. Do you know what is true and what is not true? USAHello has information from sources we can trust. Watch our videos about coronavirus myths. Learn about coronavirus scams so you can stay safe. Multi-language:
Arabic |
Burmese |
Farsi |
French |
Hindi |
Kanyarwanda |
Korean |
Nepali |
Somali |
Spanish |
Tagalog |
Tirigrinya | is dedicated to increasing access to resources and knowledge for the undocumented immigrant community across the U.S. We understand that these times are especially hard on immigrant communities dealing with the unique challenges of coronavirus and immigration status.
Regularly updated national and state by state resource guides plus where to get legal help and DACA renewal.
Multi-lingual: Spanish
Key Words: COVID-19, health, financial, mental health, education

Silicon Valley Council of Non-Profits

The mission of SVCN is to benefit nonprofits and protect and empower the communities they serve by:
***Convening nonprofit, community, business, and government groups to collectively work on community challenges.
***Supporting nonprofit leaders through workshops, summits, and cohort learning.
In partnership with CADRE, SVCN has created a site with Nonprofit Crisis Resources with Health and Government Guidelines and updates, Reopening tips, IT support and technical assistance,and more. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese

Comprehensive UAP COVID-19 Information and Resources Guide

The Office of Cultural Competency Universal Access Program (UAP) is a collaborative model with FIRST 5, County of Santa Clara agencies, SCC Office of Education, Alum Rock Unified School District, Franklin McKinley School District, and other nonprofit partners.
The UAP team pulled together a set of resources to help navigate families, particularly COVID19-related resources. This information is fluid and it is updated regularly.
The portal includes our guide, with links to the Public Health Department, as well as a multitude of resources and information from food distribution, VTA, homelessness, immigration, unemployment, legal rights, childcare for essential workers, hotlines, and more. Key Words: Directory

Listos Safety Tips for Public Health Emergencies like COVID-19

Listos California helps individuals, families and communities prepare for disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods. We also help Californians respond to COVID-19. When we all do our part, we keep more people safe.
Everyone in California is now required to stay home except to get food, get necessary health care, or go to an essential job. This is our best defense to protect you and your community. If you go out, keep at least 6 feet of distance from other people. Please listen to public health officials for updates. Multi-language:

Technology Guide for People with Disabilities

Various organizations work to help people with disabilities to overcome social, physical, attitudinal or other difficulties and avoid exclusion from many areas of life. Many employers nowadays offer opportunities for them to earn decent money. And there are multiple resources, software programs, and technological devices to help young people with different disabilities to obtain a proper education and subsequent benefits. Key Words: AFN
Fee Based

Coronavirus Information in Indigenous Languages, Dialects, and Spanish

These resources were gathered by the Rural Women’s Health Project, with thanks to Evelyn Moraga in Guatemala, Dr. Laura Gonzalez at the University of Florida, her colleagues at CEPIADET in Oaxaca Mexico and CIELO in Los Angeles.
Posters, Fact Sheets, audio and video materials in numerous indigenous languages. We are committed to getting these materials out to all of those residing in the U.S., no matter their country of origin or mother language. If you have materials to be added to this list, please contact us at: Multi-language

CDC Guidance for Schools and Child Care Programs Before and During an Outbreak

1/6/22 The CDC has published Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs to support planning, preparation, and response to COVID-19. Includes Checklists, Protocols for Cleaning, Supplemental Guidance For Child Care Programs That Remain Open, Facts about COVID-19 for discussions with children
Multi-language: Spanish

Women’s Magazine -ASIAN AMERICAN FEMINIST ANTIBODIES{care in the time of coronavirus}

With the COVID-19 pandemic neither behind us or solely ahead of us, this zine offers a way to make meaning of the coronavirus crisis through long-standing practices of care that come out of Asian American histories and politics. We bring together first-hand accounts and analyses from our communities, including health and service workers and caregivers on the frontlines, students, people living with chronic illness, journalists, and organizers. Together, this collection of stories, essays, and artwork shows how we experience, resist, and grapple with a viral outbreak that has been racialized as Asian, is spoken of in the language of contagion and invasion, and reveals the places where our collective social safety net is particularly threadbare. Key Words: Ethnic Media, collaborative

A doctor clearly explains how to disinfect your groceries and take out – Video

3/27/20 With the coronavirus spreading rapidly, even something as simple as bringing a canned good into your home with the virus could end up setting your family back. You don’t know who handled that item before you or whether they have COVID-19, therefore we must take extraordinary measures to protect ourselves. Key Words: coronavirus, health, COVID-19

CDC Instructions for Cleaning and Disinfecting

Interim Recommendations for US Households with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 –
Based on what is currently known about the novel coronavirus and similar coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS, spread from person-to-person with these viruses happens most frequently among close contacts (within about 6 feet). This type of transmission occurs via respiratory droplets.
Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in households and community settings. Key Words: Health, Pandemic

EPA List of Disinfectants for Use Against COVID-19 Virus

This list includes products with emerging viral pathogen claims and those with human coronavirus claims. If a product with an emerging viral pathogen claim is not available, use a product with a coronavirus claim. If the product is listed as “N” under the Emerging Viral Pathogen Claim column, then it has a human coronavirus claim. Check the EPA number on any product to see if it is on this list. There may be other effective cleaning products that are not on this list, but if it is here, you can be sure. Key Words: Health, Pandemic, Flu, COVID-19

CA Dept of Public Health Guidance Documents: Coronavirus Disease

2/9/21 A list of various guidance documents from the CDPH covering:
**Adult and Senior Care Facilities (PDF)
**Community care facilities, including assisted living facilities and child care
**COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for People at Risk for Serious Illness (PDF)
**Drinking Water, Recreational Water and Wastewater: What You Need to Know
**Employers, health care workers and workers in general industry
**Entertainment Venue (PDF)
**First responders, including paramedics and EMTs (PDF)
**Food Industry (PDF)
**Gathering Guidance (PDF)
**Guidance for Homeless Assistance Providers on **Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (PDF)
**Guidance for Individuals with Access and Functional Needs (PDF)
**Guidance for Long-Term Care Facilities
**Guidance to Medi-Cal Managed Care Health Plans: **COVID-19 Screening and Testing (PDF)
**Health care facilities from Cal/OSHA
**Health care facilities, including long-term care facilities
**Health care plans
**Department of Managed Health Care All Plan Letter (PDF)
**California Department of Insurance Bulletin (PDF)
**Coverage Options Fact Sheet (PDF)
**Home cleaning with COVID-19 positive individuals (PDF)
**Guidance for Using Disinfectants at Schools and Child Cares (PDF)
**Recordatorios para el uso de desinfectantes en las escuelas y guarderías (PDF)
**Laboratories (PDF)
**Schools and institutions of higher education
Key Words: Pandemic

COVIBOOK Multi-language Children’s Book

Manuela Molina created this short book to support and reassure children under the age of 7, regarding the COVID-19. This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full range of emotions arising from the current situation. This resource does not seek to be a source of scientific information, but rather a tool based on fantasy. Print this material so children can draw on it. Emotions are processed through repetitive play and stories read multiple times. Share COVIBOOK and help ease kiddo’s anxiety all over the world. Multi-language: English, Arabic, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonedian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Key Words: Pandemic flu, mental health, disaster

National Map of Local Entanglement with ICE

11/13/19 The interactive map from ILRC represents the degree to which local policies limit assistance in immigration enforcement, based on FOIA data we received from ICE, as well as our own expertise in local and state laws and policies relating to immigration enforcement. We update the map regularly as the laws shift and grow.
State and local governments across the country have created their own check on federal demands to coopt local law enforcement: sanctuary policies. Sanctuary policies take many forms, but broadly act to limit the participation of local agencies in helping with federal immigration enforcement. This map looks at what those policies do, where they are, and just as importantly, where they aren’t. Jurisdictions that have not enacted sanctuary policies are providing unnecessary, sometimes illegal, assistance to ICE. Key Words: Know Your Rights, KYR

HSBC Family Literacy First

HSBC Family Literacy First is a free program created by ABC Life Literacy Canada and supported by HSBC Bank Canada, to bring parents and children together to practice family literacy. Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher, and whether you’re engaging in a learning activity in your first or second language, both the parent and child benefit.
Learning should be fun for everyone involved which is why we’ve created stories and activities that are engaging for all ages, literacy levels and life experiences. Multi-language: Arabic, English, French, Chinese, and Tagalog Registration is free and you can access as many stories and activities as you like. Key Words:

Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Economic, social and cultural rights are those human rights relating to the workplace, social security, family life, participation in cultural life, and access to housing, food, water, health care and education. Dispelling the myths specifically surrounding economic, social and cultural rights is crucial to dismantling unworkable categorizations of rights as we move towards a human rights agenda that treats civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights as truly universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Keu Words: Human Rights, International

America Learns

A free educational site with Video lessons and 1000s of activities to practice English speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, grammar and a U.S. Citizenship course. Also available are Apple and Google apps to download. Key Words: ESL,

Guidebook to Suicide and Depression Awareness for Students

People contemplating suicide or experiencing the depths of a severe depression need to know they are not alone. From teenagers to college students, LGBT to the elderly, people struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts need options, reassurance, hope and help. Key Words: Mental Health, Psychology, education


Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on high school students. This fact sheet, a part of the Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators, offers educators, school staff, and parents two short scenarios about the behaviors displayed by two high school students, as well as describes behaviors you might observe in adolescents after a trauma, situations that can be traumatic, and when to seek help. Key Words: Mental Health


Describes the psychological and behavioral impact of trauma on preschool children. This fact sheet, a part of the Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators, offers educators, school staff, and parents two short scenarios about the behaviors displayed by two preschool children. It describes behaviors you might observe in preschool children, situations that can be traumatic, and when to seek help. From NCTSN (National Child Traumatic Stress Network) Key Words: Mental Health

Self Care for Educators

Highlights tips for educators on self-care. This tip sheet is a part of the Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators and includes information on working with traumatized children, and tips for school staff who work with any child who has experienced trauma. From: NCTSN (National Child Traumatic Stress Network) Key Words: Mental Health,

Auto Ayuda Para Educadores Para el Manejo de Trauma Infantil

Brinda consejos para educadores sobre el autocuidado. Este folleto, que forma parte del documento Caja de Herramientas Para Educadores Para el Manejo de Trauma Infantil, incluye información sobre cómo trabajar con niños traumatizados y consejos para el autocuidado cuando se trabaja con estos niños. Esta es la versión en español de Self Care for Educators. From Key Words: Mental Health, Multi-language: Spanish
NCTSN (National Child Traumatic Stress Network)

USA Learns English apps

With 4 levels of USA Learns English apps, you can use your phone, tablet or iPad to:
*Watch videos from our popular 1st English course!
*Practice listening to English vocabulary words.
*Record your voice to practice speaking and compare your voice to a native English speaker from the US.
*Improve your spoken English.
Key Words: ESL

A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs

4/19 Early childhood programs play an important role in the lives of young children and their families. But in our current immigration policy climate, families across the country are questioning whether it’s safe to attend or enroll.
Providers can take steps to protect families’ safety and privacy by implementing policies that designate their facilities as a safe space from immigration enforcement.
This guide from CLASP explains federal agency guidance related to “sensitive locations” provides information about designing and implementing “safe space” policies, and includes sample policy text that early childhood providers can adapt for their programs. Key Words:RRN

Know Your Rights (KNR) in Mayan

Know your rights in Maya Mam. If you have any contact with la Migra (ICE) or the police on the street, at home, in jail, at work or while driving. Original translation and interpretation in Maya Mam by the International Maya League. Content provided by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network – NDLON.
Recording and Editing by International Mayan League/USA Key Words: INDIGENOUS LANGUAGE RESOURCES

Untangling The Immigration Enforcement Web

9/17 Basic Information for Advocates About
Databases and Information-Sharing Among
Federal, State, and Local Agencies. Report from NILC. We hope that the following questions and answers will give immigrants and their advocates a better understanding of (1) how the exchange of data occurs currently,(2) how to evaluate the potential immigration-related risks and benefits of interacting with federal and state authorities, and (3) how to forge strategies and
measures that will protect immigrants more effectively. (National Immigration Law Center). Key Words: Privacy, ICE, DHS,

Archive – Positioning Low-Income Workers to Succeed in a Changing Economy

8/26/19 Report by the Hatcher Group – Funded by the Annie E. Casey and Joyce foundations, this report examines educational and employment disparities in the United States and highlights policies, programs and strategies designed to improve current and future work for lower-wage individuals and their families.
Twelve case studies fill the report and fit into 1 of 3 categories: 1) strategies that prepare young people for jobs that provide family-sustaining wages; 2) responses to concerns about worker power and agency amid a rising tide of gig and contract work; and 3) state and local policies that address wages, work and a changing economic environment. Key Words:

GLAAD Asian Pacific Islander Resource Kit

With this resource kit, GLAAD encourages journalists to cover API LGBT people’s lives, families, accomplishments and issues in their own right, and include their perspectives in other relevant coverage. The Communities of Asian Pacific Islander Media Kit provides guidelines for coverage, terminology and contact information for API LGBT organizations for more inclusive, fair and balanced coverage of the API LGBT community.

Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We empower our 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community.

Journal of Muslim Mental Health

The Journal of Muslim Mental Health is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal and publishes articles exploring social, cultural, medical, theological, historical, and psychological factors affecting the mental health of Muslims in the United States and globally. The journal publishes research and clinical material, including research articles, reviews, and reflections on clinical practice.

Pro Bono Legal Project

COVID-19 Update:
If you have a legal problem in a civil matter in Santa Clara County and you live in this County of Santa Clara, but cannot afford a private attorney, we might be able to help. We take or assist with cases in family law, and consumer law.including:
Family Law Clinics – Divorce, Paternity Issues, Domestic Violence, Custody Matters
Lawyers in the Library-Clinics
Virtual Lawyers in the Library
Limited Scope & Full Representation
Debtors’ Rights Clinics
General Administrative Support – Client Intake, Translation, Form Completion
Other Services include Lawyers in the Library Virtual Assistance