Don’t be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks

A simple primer on how to interrupt racist attacks in public from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). This video suggests how we can all support a victim without involving police (unless the victim asks). If you are an educator, we strongly encourage you to share this video in your classrooms. Key Words: Islamophobia, Hate Crimes, Advocacy, intervention

How Misinformation Fueled Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in the Tijuana Border Region

2/7/19 In the US, misinformation and fake news have plagued the immigration debate for years, fostering anti-immigrant sentiment and hostility within certain segments of the population.
A global phenomenon, misinformation has driven public debate on immigration and ethnic conflict in multiple countries”leading in a number of cases to violence. In Mexico, social media users took misleading images out of context and shared them on online platforms. The subsequent upsurge in misinformation led to anti-immigrant hostility and violent confrontations between Tijuana residents and the Central American migrant caravan. Key Words: Asylum, refugee, FAKE NEWS

SCC Network of Care for Behavioral Health

This Web Data Base is a resource for Santa Clara County individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. It provides information about behavioral health services, laws, and related news, as well as communication tools and other features.
Key Words: Depression * Pain Management * (Opioids) Substance * PTSD * Grief / Grieving * Autism * Stress Recovery * Smoke Free * Fitness * Alzheimer’s * ADHD * Heart Health * Breast Health * Cancer * Mental Health * Counseling * Therapy *

A Grown-Up’s Guide to Using Technology with Young Children

2019 The Center for Early Learning at Silicon Valley Community Foundation has partnered with Common Sense Media, the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology, to create this resource. It was created to be a resource that recognized that technology will be used with young children in today’s complex world of different household makeups – from multiple generations living under the same roof, to single parents working more than one job, to stay-at-home parents caring for multiple children all day long, to friends and relatives acting as a child’s primary caregiver .
We recognize that the confusion and challenges surrounding using technology with young children (for the purpose of this guide, from birth through age 8) vary widely depending on the child’s age, so we divided the guide into sections based on age brackets: 0-2, 3-5 and 6-8.

Study Guides and Strategies

The Study Guides and Strategies Website is intended for students, ages middle school through returning adult, as well as their parents, teachers and support professionals. Its resources are intended to empower all learners without regard to institutional and national boundaries; cultural mores and religious beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation. Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric, educational public service. Key Words:

Map To Success: Identifying Job Opportunities and Career Pathways

1/22/19 he National Immigration Forum’s Map to Success is an interactive tool, providing immigrants and other workers with information on select career paths in the U.S. The map lists jobs with the greatest shortages in states with large immigrant populations, highlighting occupations with potential for career advancement. We aim to assist American employers recruit workers to fill job shortages, and thus help to enhance our overall economic well-being. Key Words: Employment

Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning and Healthy Development

Focus on immigrant and refugee parents raising children from prenatal to age 5. Provides families with information about healthy development, early learning, school readiness and family engagement. Published by Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (BRYCS). Multi-language: Arabic, Nepali, Somali & Spanish Key Words:

Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Older Americans

While each person’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies from fires and floods to potential terrorist attacks. By evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan that fits those needs, you and your loved ones can be better prepared. This guide outlines commonsense measures older Americans can take to start preparing for emergencies before they happen. Key Words: VPOPs, Seniors, Elderly

Stop Hate Project / Lawyers’ Committee HOTLINE

The Lawyers’ Committee serves as a resource for organizations and individuals combating hate crimes in their respective communities The Stop Hate Project works to strengthen the capacity of community leaders, law enforcement, and organizations around the country to combat hate by connecting these groups with established legal and social services resources.
Resource and reporting hotline for hate incidents: 1-844-9-NO-HATE (1-844-966-4283). Key Words: Hate Crimes

Consumer Guide (Guía de Protección al Consumidor) from the Mexican Consulate

Published in Spanish on Apr 1, 2018 – In this “Consumer’s Guide” recommendations compiled from several organizations, including the Better Business Bureau, Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health, The Law Foundation, the San Mateo Council, Vision and Commitment, Community Legal Services East Palo Alto, Project Sentinel, Center for Responsible Lending, PG&E, One Degree and the Mission Asset Fund (which offers Financial Advise Window at the San Jose Consulate).

Mortgage Translations Clearinghouse

Created by FHFA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac in collaboration with industry, consumer, and government partners, the Mortgage Translations clearinghouse contains resources such as translated documents, borrower education materials, a standardized glossary of mortgage terms, and more. The clearinghouse is an easy-to-use collection of translated documents and tools to assist lenders, servicers, housing counselors, and others in helping mortgage borrowers who have limited English proficiency. (LEP).
The site currently contains Spanish language documents and resources. Materials in other languages will be added in the future. Key Words: Housing

Immigrant Child Health Toolkit

This toolkit was created to help pediatritions recognize and address unique stressors in immigrant children, and to provide information on laws as well as legal and other resources for each state. Useful information for anyone working with immigrants. Key words: deportation, trauma, undocumented, family separation, mental health

Immigrant Child Health Toolkit

Created by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to help clinics caring for immigrant children and families. Includes:
*demographics, access to care, socioeconomic factors and unique stressors for immigrant children here.
*Commonly asked questions about clinical and practice issues related to immigrant health.
*Immigration Status FAQs – Learn more about the unique needs of children and families that related to immigration status and family separation.
*Commonly asked questions regarding access to health care and public benefits for immigrant children.
*Mental health considerations for immigrant children
*State Legal Resources for Immigrant Children and Families – Interactive map providing state by state resources and organizations addressing the legal needs of immigrant families.

DNA tests for separated families slammed by immigration advocates

7/5/18 Immigration advocates on Thursday criticized the Trump administration’s plan to conduct genetic testing on migrant children and parents separated as a result of its “zero tolerance” policy, saying the move is invasive and raises concerns over what the government might do with the biological data.
The federal government will be conducting the DNA tests (via a cheek swab) for every detained migrant child and then seeing if the DNA matches that of their purported parents. The move to collect DNA also raises serious concerns about consent for the children involved, said Jennifer Falcon, communications director for the immigrants rights group RAICES.

Refugee Portal – BRYCS (Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services)

We created this portal to ensure that refugees have easy access to multilingual resources. The languages shown here represent the most common languages spoken among refugees resettled in the U.S. Click on your language below for resources on the topics of family life and parenting, early childhood, the U.S. school system (K-12), children’s books, and health/mental health. Key Words: multi-language, family,

We Have Rights: Video When ICE is Outside our Doors

5/5/18 In direct response to expressed community need, ACLU has joined forces with Brooklyn Defender Services to create and distribute a series of powerful and informative videos based on true stories to provide real life action points for what to do when ICE is outside our doors, is in our homes, stops us in our communities, and/or arrests us. Multi-language: View in Spanish | Urdu | Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin


Many great resources for ESL teachers and students including exercises for practicing real life English, including job interviews, using the telephone, shopping, and everyday conversations. Contains printable teaching resources for language arts, TESOL, TEFL and ESL.

Tarjimly Translation App

Realtime Translators for Refugees. Anytime. Anywhere. Fast. Free Over 9000 Vetted volunteer translators in 80+ languages. NGOs and nonprofits around the world use Tarjimly to effectively communicate with the people they’re trying to help. Where machine translation has failed them, Tarjimly is solving a major problem for these organizations by mobilizing the world’s bilingual speakers. Key Words: Language Access

Building Welcoming Schools – A Guide for K-12 Educators

4/18 One of the first places that refugee and immigrant families have the opportunity connect with others is in schools. Ensuring refugee and immigrant students and their families feel welcome and accepted in their school
environments is not only foundational for their
academic success, but their longer-term economic
and social success, as well. Welcoming Refugees
has created this toolkit to offer schools and after
school learning centers an easily accessible way to
promote a welcoming school.

PanLex Translator App

The PanLex Translator app provides access to PanLex’s free multilingual dictionary. You can translate words from any language to any other language. The dictionary contains more than 5,700 of the world’s 7,000 languages. It is a support to students, translators, interpreters, new arrivals, clinicians, as well as disaster relief and refugee-support personnel. Read more about the PanLex Mission to overcome language barriers to human rights, information, and opportunities. Key Words: SCC Language Bank

How Sub-Saharan Africans Contribute to the U.S. Economy

January 2018 Report from the Partnership for a New American Economy. A detailed analysis of the most recent available demographic and socioeconomic data. Over half of the Sub-Saharan Africans living in the US come from 5 countries – Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Africa .
Our findings suggest that African immigrants measure high in many respects. They naturalize at high rates. They attain higher levels of education than the overall U.S. population, and are more likely to have earned their degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, or STEM, field. They also make meaningful contributions to several vital sectors of the economy (including healthcare) where employers have persistent challenges finding enough workers. Key Words: Research

Think Cultural Health

This website features information, continuing education opportunities, resources, and more for health and health care professionals to learn about culturally and linguistically appropriate services, or CLAS. Launched in 2004, Free CE’s e-learning. It covers strategies for providing CLAS during the prepare, respond, and recover phases of a disaster. A Communication Guide will help you and your organization interact more effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse individuals.
Think Cultural Health is sponsored by the Office of Minority Health. Key Words: Cultural Competence, Language Access

White Swan Foundation (East Indian Mental Health Support)

White Swan Foundation for Mental Health is an India based not-for-profit organization that offers knowledge services in the area of mental health. We aim to provide patients, caregivers and others with well-researched content that will help them make informed decisions on how to deal with mental health issues. Site includes videos and information addressing different mental health issues and obstacles to treatment from an East Indian perspective. The White Swan Foundation team will collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations across the world to bring to you the best-in-class knowledge on mental health.
White Swan Publications in Hindi

Legal Aid at Work

COVID-19 Update – If you are having work-related issues due to the coronavirus, call our Work & Family helpline: 800-880-8047 or general helpline: 415-864-8848.
Multi-language: English, Spanish, Chinese, Urdu, Vietnamese and Farsi
English Coronavirus FAQ |
Vietnamese Coronavirus FAQ |
Spanish Coronavirus FAQ |
Chinese Coronavirus FAQ
Key Words: Employment

Legal Aid at Work offers free information online, including our selection of more than 100 detailed and up-to-date fact sheets about specific provisions of the law related to employment. Also English, Spanish and Chinese manuals for employers to protect the rights of their workers.. Spanish | Chinese
Workers’ Rights Clinic, helplines 415-864-8208 or 866-864-8208 (toll-free) Key Words: ALLIES1, RRN, Rapid Response

Disaster Legal Aid

The goals of this website are:
*to serve as a centralized national resource for legal aid, pro bono and criminal defender attorneys across the country on legal issues related to all types of disasters,
*to recruit and help mobilize pro bono attorneys in the aftermath of a disaster, and
*to provide accurate and timely information on legal issues related to disasters to the low and moderate income public.
This is a collaborative effort of Lone Star Legal Aid, the American Bar Association, the Legal Services Corporation, the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, the Texas Legal Services Center and Pro Bono Net. Multi-language:
Spanish |

RACECOUNTS – Measuring Racial Disparity is CA Counties

Race Counts project has developed a tool to assess racial disparity is 7 Key Issue areas: *Economic * Opportunity * Access to Health Care * Education * Housing * Democracy * Crime & Justice * Healthy Built Environments. Racial disparity is pervasive across California and it impacts all of us. See the full picture across counties, issue areas and indicators. Santa Clara is a high performance, low disparity, and more populous county. Winter 2017 Report


As we celebrate our 40th year, EdSource is proud to be hailed as a leading nonprofit source for independent, comprehensive education information, analysis and data.
Parents, practitioners and policymakers trust EdSource to synthesize complex education issues and provide them with accurate, actionable information to make school reform work throughout California and the nation. We strive to engage everyone who has a stake in our schools and our students by highlighting successes, documenting problems and shining a spotlight on key education challenges and solutions.

Zombie Pandemic Preparedness Graphic Novel

CDC has a fun way of teaching about emergency preparedness. Our graphic novel, “Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic” demonstrates the importance of being prepared in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy. Readers follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies. Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency. Included in the novel is a Preparedness Checklist so that readers can get their family, workplace, or school ready before disaster strikes. Key Words: Children

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Storm & Flood Recovery

The CDC has designed this activity book as an interactive tool to further children’s education and promote disaster preparedness. Ready Wrigley was created to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies by staying informed, packing emergency kits, and making a family communication plan.

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Winter Weather

The CDC has designed this activity book as an interactive tool to further children’s education and promote disaster preparedness. Ready Wrigley was created to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies by staying informed, packing emergency kits, and making a family communication plan. Spanish |  Key Words: Climate Change, Disaster

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Extreme Heat

The CDC has designed this activity book as an interactive tool to further children’s education and promote disaster preparedness. Ready Wrigley was created to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies by staying informed, packing emergency kits, and making a family communication plan  Key Words:  Climate Change, Disaster

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Earthquakes

The CDC has designed this activity book as an interactive tool to further children’s education and promote disaster preparedness. Ready Wrigley was created to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies by staying informed, packing emergency kits, and making a family communication plan. Spanish |

Ready Wrigley Prepares for Flu Season

The CDC has designed this activity book as an interactive tool to further children’s education and promote disaster preparedness. Ready Wrigley was created to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies by staying informed, packing emergency kits, and making a family communication plan. Spanish | Key Word: Health, Pandemic


3/10/17 Te U.S. government reported a 5-fold increase in the number of electronic media searches at the border in a single year, from 4,764 in 2015 to 23,877 in 2016. Every
one of those searches was a potential privacy violation. Our lives are minutely documented on the phones and laptops we carry, and in the cloud. Our devices carry
records of private conversations, family photos, medical documents, banking information, information about what websites we visit, and much more. Moreover, people in many professions, such as lawyers and journalists, have a heightened need to keep their electronic information confidential. How can travelers keep their digital data safe?

ORAM – Organization for Refuge, Asylum and Migration

Founded in 2008, ORAM specializes in the protection of exceptionally vulnerable refugees, including LGBTIQ refugees. ORAM’s free professional training, toolkit, materials and direct refugee assistance, enable the international community to protect exceptionally vulnerable refugees and asylum seekers and safeguards the integrity of the international refugee protection system. Key Words: Gay, Transgender, Lesbian. Multi-language information and materials can be ordered or downloaded.
Arabic |
Farsi |
French | Russian | Spanish | Turkish |

USCIS Policy Manual

3/7/22 The USCIS Policy Manual is the agency’s centralized online repository for USCIS’s immigration policies. The manual is structured to house several volumes pertaining to different areas of immigration benefits administered by the agency such as citizenship and naturalization, adjustment of status, admissibility, protection and parole, nonimmigrants, refugees, asylees, immigrants, waivers, and travel and employment.

Latinos in Technology (LIT) Scholarship

Application ended 4/21/21 – ck for next year.
Funded by the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley, For Latino(a) students who have a declared major in a science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)-related field
Up to 100 scholarship of up to $30,000 (paid over three years, provided renewal eligibility requirements are met).
Scholarship recipients will also be provided internship opportunities with LIT Scholarship corporate funders from Silicon Valley. Application Deadline November 12th. Key Words: Education, Financial Aid, Latinx,

Phone Ringtone Advises CA Immigrants of Their Rights

6/27/17 SALINAS These are uncertain times for the immigrant community and advocates are trying to find ways to bring them help and comfort.
The latest effort comes in the form of aby the United Farm Workers, a cumbia-style jingle that advises “if immigration comes, keep calm. You have the right to not sign anything and not say anything. You have the right to remain silent and to ask for a lawyer.”
Download Ringtone |

Map the Impact – ALLIES Report on Immigrant Contributions

In February 2017, New American Economy (NAE) released Map the Impact, an interactive tool showcasing the contributions of immigrants in all 435 Congressional districts, the 55 largest U.S. metro areas, all 50 states, and industry sectors across the economy. With information on immigrant tax contributions, spending power, entrepreneurship, workforce, homeownership, demographics, voting power, and more, Map the Impact shows that the foreign-born are helping to grow the economy everywhere. Key Words: Disaster, Mapping

Managing Money from Consumer Action

A financial literacy clearinghouse featuring Consumer Action’s award-winning multilingual educational materials, headline news on personal finance topics and recommended publications created by other organizations and government agencies. The materials focus on financial services, sound financial planning and debt management, saving for emergencies and retirement and how to avoid frauds and scams. Key Words: Allies1 Multi-language: Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean

Big Future Scholarship Search

College Board’s Free Scholarship Search. Find scholarships, other financial aid and internships from more than 2,200 programs, totaling nearly $6 billion. Scholarship information is based on the College Board’s Annual Survey of Financial Aid Programs. Enter your personal information to find the most matches. Key Words: Education, Directory,

CA Community Colleges. is your online gateway to the California Community Colleges. Each year at our 113 colleges, 2.1 million students from all over the world build their career skills, prepare for transfer to four-year colleges and universities, or simply enrich their lives through learning. Choose a college, connect to application process, explore financial aid. Key Words: Education, scholarship, directory,

USAHello Resources for Newcomers to America

A one-stop, comprehensive website that houses the resources and information newcomers need to build successful lives for themselves and their families in the US. Resettled refugees and immigrants have collaborated on our content, which is written for English learners and those with interrupted educations. Our programs are further enhanced by automated and manual translations and the latest in multi-modal learning techniques. We use the proliferation of mobile technology and the power of the internet to provide safe, trustworthy support where and when it is needed. Español, Spanish, English, Arabic, Français, French, Af-Soomaali, Somali, Afrikaans, Basa Sunda, Key Words: RIF is a searchable online directory of over 1,000 free or low-cost non-profit immigration legal services providers in all 50 states. Only nonprofits that are BIA recognized or have attorneys on staff are included in the directory. Users can search by state, zip code, or detention facility. Users can also refine their search by types and areas of legal assistance provided, populations served, languages spoken, other areas of legal assistance, and non-legal services provided. Developed by the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net. Multi-language: Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Farsi, Frenc, Haitian Creole, Hmong, Khmer, Korean, Russian, Spansh, Vietnamese

Forward.US was founded by leaders in the technology community to give our values a voice in American politics. Tech is a community of dreamers and doers, entrepreneurs and engineers. We support comprehensive immigration reform, improving the quality of American education, and encouraging more investment in scientific innovation. Silicon Valley Chapter Key Words: Legal

What to Know About Immigration Raids

March 2017 99 page booklet created by the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations, that compiles information and resources that should help you respond if ICE conducts raids in your community, including a documents check list, multi-language Know Your Rights (English, Spanish and Arabic) preparing a family plan, Plan for Children’s care, legal forms, contact information and more. Key Words: SCC

Restoring your home after a natural disaster

9/14 What you need to know to rebuild. This video covers potential hazards that could arise after a disaster such as lead, mold, asbestos, CO2, and other hazards and how to address them as you rebuild. It will discuss tips to hire contractors that are licensed and capable of addressing the scope of the work and will highlight things to keep in mind during construction. Key Words: Flood

African Human Rights Coalition

The African Human Rights Coalition (AHRC) works with LGBTI communities and individuals in African countries seeking to claim and defend their human rights. *Providing advocacy and direct services to combat homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia, as well as related individual case advocacy, forming coalition alliances locally, on the continent, and abroad; *To provide fully comprehensive and ad hoc case management services for LGBTI individuals, to include humanitarian assistance, referrals and resources; International

Know Your Rights (KYN) – ILRC Multi-language Red Cards

All people in the US, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. The Red Cards were created to help people assert their rights and defend themselves against constitutional violations. Red cards provide critical information on how to assert these rights, along with an explanation to ICE agents that the individual is indeed asserting their rights. These cards can be ordered free by non-profit service providers in English/Spanish. Also available on line in: | Spanish | Chinese | Tagalog | Arabic |

Rainbow Welcome Iniative

The Rainbow Welcome Initiative through Heartland Alliance supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) asylees and refugees as they resettle in the United States. This project helps LGBT asylees and refugees find assistance and connect with trained service providers and support. Multi-language LGBT Know Your Rights: English | Spanish | French | Arabic
| Key Words: Unacompanied Children, KYN

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – Federal

The EITC or EIC, is a benefit for working people with low to moderate income. To qualify, you must meet certain requirements and file a federal tax return, even if you do not owe any tax or are not required to file. EITC reduces the amount of tax you owe and may give you a refund. 29 states and DC also have additional state EITC awards. All states have free tax filing assistance provided by trained volunteers between January 15th and April 14th. Call the IRS at 1-800-906-9887 to find locations nearest to you. Multi-language: | Spanish | Chinese Traditional | Korean | Russian | Vietnamese |

Informed Immigrant

Directory of over 1,200 trusted non-profits, clinics, and immigrant-serving organizations that are able to connect with you directly in your community.
Enter your zip code.and find free or low cost help in the following areas:
Legal Help, Healthcare Access, Mental Health Support, Financial Assistance or employment support, Community Action & Organizing: local, regional, and national organizations coordinating many efforts of the immigrant community to advocate for their rights | Spanish |

Archive – Choosing My Way video game

Choosing My Way is a video game where players decide how to respond to opportunities and challenges after refugee resettlement in the US. Players choose goals, collect resources, and respond to situations. The goals and situations change every time, so the game is never the same. Key Words: Refugee


ServiceSpace is an organization run entirely by volunteers. We leverage technology to encourage everyday people around the world to do small acts of service. Our aim is to ignite the fundamental generosity in ourselves and others, creating both inner and outer transformation.
ServiceSpace was conceived by volunteers, was built by volunteers, and is run by volunteers — all for the benefit of volunteers. Our projects range from a daily positive news service, to an acts-of-kindness portal, to a gift-economy restaurant. Regardless of the endeavor, we act in concert to create service opportunities for each other and to support each other’s service journeys. Key Words: Positive Resource

Untapped Talent: The Costs of Brain Waste among Highly Skilled Immigrants in the US

12/16 Migration Policy Report – Nearly 2 million immigrants with college degrees in the US. 1 out of every 4 are relegated to low-skilled jobs or unable to find work. This skill underutilization (often referred to as brain waste) comes at a significant cost to families and the U.S. economy: College-educated immigrants employed in low-skilled work miss out on more than $39 billion in wages. And as a result, federal, state, and local governments lose out on more than $10 billion in unrealized tax receipts, according to this study, which offers the first-ever estimates of the economic costs of brain waste.

Immi helps immigrants in the U.S. understand their legal options. Our online screening tool, legal information, and referrals to nonprofit legal services organizations are always free to use. Immi was created by the Immigration Advocates Network and Pro Bono Net, two nonprofit organizations dedicated to increasing access to justice for low-income immigrants. Key Words: Directory Multi-language: Spanish

Huffington Post is Tracking Islamophobia

2016 The Huffington Post will document this deplorable wave of hate for all of 2016 using news reports and firsthand accounts. The breadth and severity of Islamophobia in America can no longer go unnoticed. Enough is enough. Email to report an anti-Muslim act for the tracker. Or tell us about those who have overcome, battled or survived Islamophobia for a possible story: Key Words: Hate Crimes

My Fellow American

A project of Unity Productions Foundation (UPF), My Fellow American is an online film and social media project that calls upon concerned Americans to pledge and spread a message that Muslims are our fellow Americans. It asks people of other backgrounds to pledge, and share a real life story about a Muslim friend, neighbor, or colleague that they admire. Using the power of social media, My Fellow American seeks to change the narrative – from Muslims as the other, to Muslims as our fellow Americans. Key Words: Islam, Positive Resource

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

FAFSA should be the first port of call for most students. There are very few restrictions to the program – each applicant is considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicant must be a US citizen or an eligible non-citizen (such as a permanent resident), and have a valid Social Security number. Funding is also dependent on income level and “satisfactory” academic grades with a minimum GPA of 2.0. Key Words: Financial Aid, Education, Scholarship

English for My Job

Website for people who work in restaurants, bars, hotels, cafes, airports, and anywhere else where you might have to talk to customers in English. .All of the exercises are free. Part of the LearnEnglishFeelGood product line. Key Words: ESL, Distance Learning, Student Resource, English as a Second Language, Vocational ESL

CFPB Report Identifies Challenges Faced by Borrowers in Resumption of Student Loan Payments

1/5/24  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published an issue spotlight today on the CFPB’s oversight of student loan servicing practices in the early months of the resumption of federal student loan repayments after over three years of a payment pause due to the COVID-19 emergency. Borrowers are encountering long hold times when trying to reach their student loan servicer, experiencing significant delays in application processing times for income-driven repayment plans, and receiving inaccurate billing statements and disclosures.

Updated: Resources for consumers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak

The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (Stimulus #2) The second coronavirus pandemic stimulus package was passed by the U.S. Congress in late December 2020. The bill contains relief policies that provide financial help to families, additional unemployment funds, rental relief funds and extended small business loans.
We will continue to update this list as we learn more.Spanish version

Refugee Phrasebooks – 16 Languages

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Cultural Orientation Resource Center was funded to develop phrasebooks for selected refugee populations. These phrasebooks include appropriate English phrases for use in daily American life, selected to be direct, brief, and relevant. Included are sections on Giving Information About Yourself, Recognizing Signs, Dealing With Money, Health, Food, Clothing, Housing, and Jobs. Each phrasebook is approximately 140 pages and can be downloaded for free.
Languages: Russian, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Chinese (Cantonese), Somali, Czech, Farsi, Haitian Creole, Hungarian, Hmong, Khmer, Lao, Polish, and Vietnamese Key Words: Multi-language, Translate, Interpret,

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – CDC FAQ’s

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. CO can build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it. The Center for Disease Control cautions CO awareness in the winter when there may be poor indoor circulation. Key Words: Health Multi-language: | Spanish | Vietnamese |

Migration Policy Institute’s Language Portal

MPI’s Language Portal is a digital library of translation and interpretation information, offering one-stop access to thousands of state and local agency documents including contracts, planning reports, and translated material used to provide services to LEP individuals. Use the database to find resources by state, language, document type, area of service, and more. Multi-language Key Words: Interpret, Language Access

ITIN – The Facts about the Individual Tax Identification Number

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number and regardless of their immigration status.
ITINs allow the IRS to bring in billions of dollars the federal government otherwise would have no way of collecting. This fact sheet explains what ITINs are, who has them, and the purposes for which they are used. Key Words:

Detained, Deceived, and Deported: Experiences of Recently Deported Central American Families

May 18, 2016 Between February and May, 2016, the American Immigration Council interviewed eight individuals who were deported (or whose partners were deported) from the US after being detained in family detention facilities, during which time they came into contact with the CARA Pro Bono Project. These women (or in two of the cases, their partners) shared their experiences both describing what has happened to them and their children since returning to their country and recounting the detention and deportation process from the United States.