South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking (SBCEHT)

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery that is widespread and occurs in the US, California, and right here in the Bay Area. It is one of the largest criminal industries in the world and the fastest growing. SBCEHT is the local effort that responds to human trafficking in the counties of Santa Clara and San Benito. Through a victim-centered approach we are strengthening local capacity to respond to and identify human trafficking survivors. Multi-language

EBESCO LearningExpress Recursos Para Hispanohablantes

If you’re preparing for an upcoming test, be sure to visit your official test administrator’s website to see if there are any important changes related to the coronavirus pandemic.
San Jose Public Library System offers resources for citizenship preparation, GED, and English as a Second Language (ESL) study, in Spanish.
Note: First time users will need to create an account. SJ Library card required (free to all Santa Clara County residents).

Coursera for Refugees

Coursera is an international on-line learning platform that offers free on-line classes from 140+ top universities and educational organizations. Non-profit organizations that work with refugees can apply to receive group financial aid packages, which include: 1) Free access to Coursera courses. 2) A recommended course list specifically for refugees. 3) Administrative features & support to best use Coursera. 4) A custom portal to connect with other nonprofits serving refugees. Key Words:

California Online Voter Registration

The deadline to register or re-register to vote for any election is 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before that election. If you submit an application after this time, your application will still be processed for future elections. To register online you will need:
*Your CA driver license or CA identification card number * the last four digits of your social security number * your date of birth. If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview. Multi-langage: | Spanish | Chinese | Korean | Hindi | Tagalog | |Vietnamese | |Japanese | Khmer | Thai |
Key Words:

National Voter Registration Forms in 21 Languages

Official U.S. Government Online Voter Registration site. with registration forms in 21 languages. Multi-language: National Mail Voter Registration Form – English | Amharic | National Mail Voter Registration Form Audio File – Apache | Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | FrenchHaitian Creole | Hindi | Japanese | Khmer | Korean | Navajo | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese | Yup’ik | Key Words: Citizen, civic

Hmong Studies Journal

The Hmong Studies Journal is a unique and established peer-reviewed Internet-based academic publication devoted to the scholarly discussion of Hmong history, Hmong culture, Hmong people, and other facets of the Hmong experience in the U.S., Asia and around the world. The Hmong Studies Journal has published 15 volumes and 19 online issues since 1996. Key Words: Asian, , API Hmong,

ITIN – The Facts about the Individual Tax Identification Number

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even if they do not have a Social Security number and regardless of their immigration status.
ITINs allow the IRS to bring in billions of dollars the federal government otherwise would have no way of collecting. This fact sheet explains what ITINs are, who has them, and the purposes for which they are used. Key Words:

New American Economy (NAE)

The Partnership for a New American Economy brings together more than 500 Republican, Democratic, and Independent mayors and business leaders united in making the economic case for streamlining, modernizing, and rationalizing our immigration system. This site contains research, reports and multi-media information demonstrating the contributions of Immigrants to the US economy and the need for immigration reform. 2016 report on New Americans in San Jose and Santa Clara County Key Words: OIR, SJ, SCC, demographics, mapping, disaster


Free bi-lingual Spanish phonics-based,
interactive (with voice) ESL website. Its graded structure can be easily adapted for teaching English to
students whose first language is not Spanish. Key Words: Student Resource, English as a Second Language.

Career Online High School (COHS) – SJPL

The San Jose Public Library (SJPL) is offering a limited number of free scholarships to qualified adult learners (of any immigration status) who speak English, live in San Jose, and have completed at least 8th grade. Earn an accredited high school diploma and a career certificate in one of 8 high-demand fields. Students work with an academic coach, certified teachers, career mentor, and graduate with a high school diploma, resume, cover letter, and other tools to start or advance their careers. Key Word: SCC, GED, Financial Aid, Education,

Career Online High School (COHS) – CA

Available by scholarship through select California libraries, COHS offers eligible adults the opportunity to complete their high school education. Students earn a career certificate in one of 8 high-demand fields and graduate with a high school diploma, resume, cover letter, and other tools to start or advance their careers. Support from certified teachers, career coach and Mentor. Several Bay Area libraries are participating. Key Words: GED,

ILRC Community Resources for Immigrants

ILRC ‘s main focus is to educate and assist attorneys and legal advocates in their work to help immigrants. Unfortunately, we do not directly represent clients and we are not able to provide individual legal consultations. In an effort to ensure clients receive the assistance and guidance they may be seeking, we have developed this downloadable resource packet, which includes a contact Directory of low fee or free legal services for immigrants in San Francisco and Oakland Bay Area English and Spanish

SPIRAL (Selected Patient Information in Asian Languages)

SPIRAL aims to increase access to Asian-language health information for consumers and health care providers. The SPIRAL web site is a collection of links to Asian-language patient care documents that have been created by authoritative sources and are freely available on the Web. Links are organized by topic and language. Languages: Cambodian, Chinese English, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Thai, Vietnamese Key Words: Medical, API

San Francisco Library ESL & Citizenship Resources

Due to ongoing staffing shortages, the Library will continue to offer limited library services after June 15. We thank you for your patience and support as we work to restore library services systemwide.

Lists of local SF providers of ESL and Citizenship Assistance plus links to USCIS and practice materials. Multi-language site translation with explanatory videos. Languages:
| Chinese
| Spanish

New Americans Campaign (NAC)

The New Americans Campaign is a nonpartisan, national network of legal-service providers, faith-based organizations, businesses, foundations and community leaders. We are streamlining access to naturalization services, so that greater numbers of qualified permanent residents take the critical step to becoming American citizens. The campaign is focused on assisting the 8 million lawful permanent residents who already qualify for citizenship.

College Guide for Students With Learning Disabilities

2022Although the Americans with Disabilities Act requires every university and college to have a disability office. This page on describes some of the most common accommodations that might be available, enabling students to attend classes, complete coursework, and undertake exams in a way that suits them best. While 94 percent of high school students with learning disabilities get some kind of help, just 17 percent of college students do. Key Words: Education,

EthnoMed Cultural Profiles

The objective of the website is to make information about culture, language, health, illness and community resources directly accessible to health care providers who see patients from different ethnic groups. Multi-language materials on disaster preparedness and numeral medical conditions, along with cultural perceptions and treatment advice, available for download.

MedlinePlus Multi-language Health Information

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you free and reliable information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in multiple languages. Key Words: Languages: ” Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bosnian, Burmese, Chamorro, Chinese – Simplified, Chinese – Traditional, Chuukese, Croatian, Farsi, French, German, Gujarathi, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Hmong, Ilocano, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Laotian, Marshallese, Nepali, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Thai, Tigrinya, Tongan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese

IDEAL Consortium

The IDEAL Consortium, a project of the EdTech Center at World Education, Inc., is working to develop effective distance education programs for adult learners, raising the quality of blended and distance online learning across the United States through new educational technology innovations and collaborative research and practice.

Handbook of Distance Education for Adult Learners

The IDEAL Consortium provides technical assistance, web-based tools, and publications to member states to help them design distance education programs based on their distinct needs. This Handbook is intended to help teachers and administrators design and deliver distance education programs for adult basic learners using a variety of instructional delivery models and curricula. Its primary purpose is to guide local adult education programs understand the issues related to distance education so that they can develop a plan for implementing a program in their agency.

How to Become an ESL Teacher

For someone considering a career in ESL Teaching – an excellent description of what to expect and what might be required of an ESL Teacher including general educational requirements, job description, possible salary, potential rewards and challenges. Part of a broader site:, with information, resources, support and guides for all lines of teaching.

Learning for Justice-Formerly Teaching Tolerance!

Our work has evolved in the last 30 years, from reducing prejudice to tackling systemic injustice. So we’ve chosen a new name that better reflects that evolution: Learning for Justice. COVID-19 Update: Some excellent tools can be found in SUPPORTING STUDENTS THROUGH CORONAVIRUS

The Teaching Tolerance blog is a place where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find resources, news, suggestions, conversation and support. Key Words: School, Children, Teacher Resource, Cultural Competence,


iAmerica is a national campaign driven by diverse organizations, created to offer informational tools and interactive opportunities for immigrants and their families to become full participants in our nation’s democracy.
The website is a centralized platform with accessible and credible essential services and information for immigrant families. Key Words: DACA, Haitian TPS, Collaborative, Immigration Legal, Citizenship, Know Your Rights

Immigration Advocates Network (IAN)

The IAN is a collaborative effort of leading immigrants’ rights organizations designed to increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them. The IAN Non-Profit Resource Center provides an assortment of free, easily accessible and comprehensive online resources and tools. Key Words: Legal Library, Listserv, Podcasts, Professional Training, Calendar, Alerts, Membership


ASISTA seeks to enhance the security, independence, and full participation in society of immigrant and refugee survivors of gender-based violence by promoting integrated holistic approaches and educating those whose actions and attitudes affect women who experience violence. Provides comprehensive, cutting edge technical assistance and resources to those assisting non-citizen survivors of violence in the immigration law arena. Trains lawyers, domestic violence and sexual assault advocates, law enforcement personnel, and civil and criminal court judges. Key Words: U-Visa, T-Visa, Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Workplace Violence, Mental Health Multi-Language: Spanish

Indigenous Farmworker Study

The Indigenous Farmworker Study is a partnership between a group of farm labor researchers and the Indigenous Program of California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA). This website shares information and insights learned about the history, languages, demography and culture of indigenous farmworkers, and outlines the economic and social challenges they face. Key Words: Undocumented Immigrants, Language: Spanish

Word Book

Free downloadable book that contains a simple dictionary of common words, explanations of grammar, simple civics and explanation of US Government, and more. Produced by Voice of America. Key Words: ESL, English as a Second Language, education,


SpanishDict is a large Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and language learning website. It is an easy-to-use resource for translation and learning Spanish. Interactive space to cultivate a fun and active community where members can ask and answer questions, practice with each other, and experience the joy of using a new language.

Scholarships for Hispanic and Latino Students has identified some of the unique challenges faced by Latinos who are increasingly heading for higher education. Information on scholarships and how to fill in application forms for aid. Financial Aid and state tuitions for Undocumented Students, links to directories of scholarships, and a list of scholarships specifically for Hispanic students. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Education,

PD Soros Fellowships for New Americans

To apply for the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans programs, you must be a New American who is 30 or younger as of the application deadline, and who is pursuing a graduate degree full-time in the US. Applicants may apply to the Fellowship at the same time that they are applying for graduate school, or after they are already enrolled in graduate school. Key Words: Scholarship, University, College, grant, financial aid, immigrants, Education,

Citizenship Works

Citizenshipworks provides free on-line assistance that helps you become a U.S. citizen, step-by-step. Citizenshipworks is a collaboration between the Immigration Advocates Network, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, and Pro Bono Net. We aim to make the immigration system accessible everyone through user-friendly technology, plain language legal information, and a national network of nonprofit immigration service providers. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Chinese |

OE Global

We are a global network of educational institutions, individuals and organizations that support an approach to education based on collective development and use of open educational materials. Open Education combines the traditions of knowledge sharing and creation with 21st century technology to create a vast pool of openly shared educational resources, while harnessing today’s collaborative spirit to develop educational approaches that are more responsive to learner’s needs. The Open Education Consortium is a non-profit, social benefit organization registered in the US and operating worldwide.

USA Hello

An online center for information and education for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and welcoming communities.
USAHello has free classes in many languages. Our classes prepare you for the GED® tests and for the US citizenship test.
Extensive information on Life in America, US Culture, Diversity, Laws, etc.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

HSF has distributed over $470 million in scholarships, granting 5,100 awards each year. The scholarship application period begins on January 1 every year. The awards, which range from $1,000 to $15,000, are granted in collaboration with several other organizations, including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Key Words: Latino, Latinx, Spanish

Archive – More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S.

Nov. 2015. A majority of the 1 million who left the U.S. for Mexico between 2009 and 2014 left of their own accord, according to the Mexican government’s ENADID survey data. The Mexican survey also showed that six in ten (61%) return migrants (those who reported they had been living in the U.S. five years earlier but as of 2014 were back in Mexico) cited family reunification as the main reason for their return. By comparison, 14% of Mexico’s return migrants said the reason for their return was deportation from the U.S.

Welcome to the United States – Updated 9/22/23

9/22/23   USCIS has updated the publication, Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants. The guide contains practical information to help new immigrants settle into everyday life in the United States, including how to find a place to live, how to get a Social Security number and how the U.S. system of government works. Available in 14 languages: | English | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese Traditional | Chinese Simplified | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Somali | Tagalog | Urdu | Vietnamese |

Stop Notario Fraud

2015. Resources and information from AILA for victims of dishonest immigration consultants often known as “notarios.” Immigration consultants, notaries public, and notarios cannot represent you in the immigration process.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

2021. The MLA Language Map is for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning about the linguistic and cultural composition of the United States. The Language Map uses aggregated data from the 2006 & 10 American Community Survey (ACS) to display the locations and numbers of speakers of thirty languages commonly spoken in the United States. The Language Map Data Center provides information about over three hundred languages spoken in the United States.

Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders – A Community of Contrasts

Jan 2015. A 2014 report from Asian Americans for Justice. Though relatively small in number, NHPI was one of the fastest growing racial groups in California over the previous decade, growing 29% between 2000 and 2010. According to the 2010 Census, there were over 286,000 NHPI statewide. Census projections now put the population over 340,000. NHPI live in almost every county in the state, with the largest numbers living in Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Alameda, and Orange Counties. API

Citizenship Matters

Jul 25, 2014. Published by Program for Environmental And Regional Equity / Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration – This report released by the Center for American Progress and the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration at USC details just how important the actions of politicians on these pressing matters are to one of the fastest-growing segments of the electorate: the children of immigrants. Key Words: Vote

What’s at Stake for the State – USC CSII Study

May 2013. CSII report paints a multi-hued picture of the state’s 2.6 million unauthorized Californians, providing data at the state and regional levels on their demographics, their potential income gains, and how to make the most of their authorization. The report also estimated the economic benefit of legalization and naturalization for undocumented Californians by state and region. Key Words: citizenship, integration, demographics

American Red Cross Disaster Safety Library

The American Red Cross (ARC) has created this Disaster and Safety Library to assist you in preparing your home, school and workplace in the event of a disaster or emergency. Here you will find multi-language fact sheets, preparedness checklists, recovery guides and other helpful information to keep you informed and safe. Arabic, Chinese, Franch, Haitian, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, Urdu, Vietnamese

Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund

APIASF provides scholarships from one-time $2,500 awards to multi-year $20,000 awards. to underserved AAPI students with focus on those who: Live at or below the poverty level, or are otherwise of low socioeconomic status; are the first in their families to attend college; are representative of the AAPI community’s diversity, especially those ethnicities that have been underrepresented on college campuses due to limited access and opportunity. Application period typically between September and January. Key Words: Post-Secondary Education, Financial Aid, API

USCIS Multi-language Citizenship and Immigration Information

This page offers information in several languages on a variety of topics such as citizenship, Green Cards, employee verification, biometrics, how to report fraud and avoid immigration scams, and humanitarian programs. Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Chamorro, Chinese, French, German, Haiti Creole, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Palauan, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese


Plain-language legal information for victims of abuse. In 2001, the website was launched to provide state-specific legal information and resources for survivors of domestic violence.  Confidential Email Hotline to offer direct support to survivors, their advocates, friends and family members. WomensLaw is not just for women. We serve and support all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.
Multi-language: Spanish

Citizenship-A Wise Investment for Cities.pdf

This 2014 report represents the first stage in what will be an ongoing research effort by C4C (Cities for Citizenship) to analyze the social and economic benefits of increased naturalization to immigrant families and local economies. The initial assessment examines the economic benefits of naturalization for Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York, with the understanding that similar benefits are achievable in other metropolitan areas. Key Words: Immigrant integration,

Smithsonian Latino Center

The Smithsonian Latino Center was created in 1997 to promote Latino presence within the Smithsonian. The Center is not represented in one physical location; rather, it works collaboratively with the Institution’s museums and research centers, ensuring that the contributions of the Latino community in the arts, history, national culture and scientific achievement are explored, presented, celebrated and preserved. Spanish

Hot Peach Pages International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies

International directory of abuse hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centres and women’s organizations, plus domestic violence information in over 110 languages. Multi-language: , Afrikaans, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Basque, Bengali, Blackfoot, Bosnian, Bosanski, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cambodian, Khmer, Catalan, Chinese, Cree, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dari, Dene, Dhivehi, Dinka, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Fijian, Filipino, Tagalog, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Hmong, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Inuktitut, Inupiaq, Irish,
Italiano, Japanese, Karen, Kichwa, Kirundi, Korean, Kurdish, Labradori, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Melayu, Maltese, Maori, Marshallese, Mongolian, Montagnais, Ndebele,
Nepali, Norwegian, Naadh, Ojibwe, Oshiwambo, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian,
Român?, Samoan, Samoa, Serbian, Setswana,
Seychellois, Seselwa, Shan, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovene,
Somali, Sotho, Spanis, Swahili, Swedish, Tajiki, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tigrigna, Tokelauan, Tongan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Venda, Vietnamese, Welsh, Zulu

Resources for the Hindu American community

Specifically tailored to the issues the Hindu American community may face with regard to religious freedom in schools, workplace, the justice system, housing, Also information on Hate Crimes, Temple security, COVID-19 issues, and basic, introductory information regarding rights, responsibilities and duties as citizens or legal residents of the U.S.
Hindu Holidays
Key Words: KYR, Know Your Rights, Indian

Tools to Avoid Scammers

The USCIS wants to combat immigration services scams by equipping applicants, legal service providers and community-based organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to detect and protect themselves from dishonest practices. Links to information about how to find authorized legal immigration help, common scams and where to report them. | Spanish |

University of Victoria Study Zone

The Study Zone is for students of the English Language Centre (ELC) at the University of Victoria. ELC teachers create the English language lessons and practice exercises. The site is designed for our adult English language learners, but all are welcome to read the lessons and use the exercises. Key Words: Instructor Resource, Student Resource

FEMA Mobile Disaster App – English & Spanish

The app provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, maps of open shelters and Disaster Recovery Centers, and tips on how to survive natural and manmade disasters. The latest version (May, 2016) features weather-related alerts from the National Weather Service (NWS). Users can sign up to receive these alerts for up to five locations across the U.S.The |Spanish| of the app is available for download to Android and Apple devices. Key words: Federal Emergency Management System

University of Houston Center for Immigration Research

Research from UH and other local institutions, focused on the examination of immigration trends and related international and national immigration policy. The Center serves as a resource for immigration data for local institutions, organizations and policy-makers involved with the settlement and incorporation of America’s “new immigrants” into their communities. Key Words: Collaboration, Immigrant Integration,

Disability Rights California Multi-Language Publications

Mission is to advocate, educate, investigate and litigate to advance and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities. We envision a barrier-free, inclusive, diverse world that values each individual and their voice. In this world, all people with disabilities enjoy the power of equal rights and opportunities, dignity, choice, independence and freedom from abuse, neglect and discrimination. Key Words: Functional Access, AFN, Health Care, Special Needs, Multi-language: Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Russian, Tagalog, Hmong, Armenian, Ukrainian, Lao, Thai, Arabic, Japanese, Persian, Farsi

Immigrants Rising (previously Educators For Fair Consideration (E4FC)

Immigrants Rising works to empower undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal scholarships, outreach presentations, educational guides and resource links. Immigrants Rising also provides resources, knowledge and financial support for immigrant entrepreneurs, regardless of legal status, at any stage of their journey. Key Words: DACA, Dreamers, undocumented, financial aid, SF Bay Area, SCC,
Educational resources that don’t require proof of citizenship or immigration status:
2022 Undergraduate Scholarships |
2022 Undergraduate Fellowships |
2022 Graduate Scholarships |
2022 Graduate Fellowships

Diversity Preparedness

The National Resource Center serves as a resource and information exchange portal to facilitate communication, networking and collaboration to build resilience and eliminate disparities for culturally diverse communities across all phases of an emergency. Administered by Drexel University

Health Information Translations

Extensive collection of translations on health and disaster preparedness subjects from a collaboration of Ohio organizations. Languages include:
Spanish, American Sign Language, Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional. English, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Marshallese, Portuguese, Brazilian, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

HHS Special Populations Emergency and Disaster Preparedness

US Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) Specialized Information Services. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness section contains a vast collection of links to preparedness and response info for specific special need populations. Key Words: Seniors, Disabled, hearing impaired, visually impaired, older adults, diabetes, women & gender, Latino, children, pregnancy, Native American, AFN Multi-language materials,

Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA)

IRUSA conducts numerous humanitarian programs in the US and around the world, including food aid, women’s programs, education, disaster relief, health, and more. In partnership with the American Red Cross,, IRUSA offers free training to disaster volunteers and assists refugees in local communities. As a member of NVOAD, IRUSA responds to major disasters sending volunteers and resources. Key Words: Muslim, FBO, INTERNATIONAL

Staying Safe Where the Earth Shakes

A CA statewide booklet that includes the “7 Steps to Earthquake Safety” – basic guidelines for what to do before, during, and after a damaging earthquake. . To keep our loved ones and our community safe, we must prepare now. This popular site includes extensive information on earthquake preparation with downloadable PDF’s specific to Southern and Northern California, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and Alaska | Multi-language:
| English
Spanish |
Chinese |
Bay Area |
Central Coast |
San Diego County |
Southern CA Coast |
Inland Southern CA Coast |
Central Valley South |
Inyo – Mono |
Delta Sierra |
Shasta Cascade |
North Coast |

| Spanish | English – Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese |

National Alzheimers Association

Alzheimers Association 24-hour helpline 1.800.272.3900 Multi-Language: Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese , English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, , Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese

Multi-language Emergency Financial First Aid Kit

9/19 The Operation Hope Emergency and FEMA Financial First Aid Kit offer easy step-by-step instructions for how to protect personal assets and financial information, and reduce the challenges associated with emergencies and disasters. Downloadable pdf or Online Fillable Forms.
Financial First Aid Webinar taping by Los Altos OEM
Multi-language: Chinese Simplified |
Traditional Chinese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Spanish |

Refugee Health Information Network (rhin)

RHIN is a national collaborative partnership that has created a database of quality multilingual, public health resources for those providing care to resettled refugees and asylees. Resources include Health education materials in various languages and formats (brochures, fact sheets, videos), Provider tools (including information on refugee populations and cultures), and information on Emergency Preparedness and Response for vulnerable populations.

American Veterenarian Medical Association Disaster Materials

Includes detailed booklet, Saving the Whole Family, to help prepare for small and large animals (English and Spanish) Also a 400 page searchable Pdf resource designed for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, emergency managers, and others interested in all hazards/all species veterinary and animal emergency issues. Contains templates for writing detailed animal disaster annexes to county and state emergency operations plans. Multi-language: Spanish

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Emergency Preparedness and Response

The CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response website is CDC’s primary source of information and resources for preparing for and responding to public health emergencies such as natural disasters, bioterrorism, outbreaks and pandemics, chemical and radiation emergencies . | Spanish | Page can also be viewed in Chinese, Tagalog (Filipino), French, German, Haitian Creole, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Vietnamese.

Red Cross / Red Crescent Family Reunification

The ICRC, American Red Cross (ARC) and Red Crescent Societies work together around the world to locate people and put them back into contact with their relatives. This work includes looking for family members, restoring contact, reuniting families and seeking to clarify the fate of those who remain missing.
The help line (1-844-782-9441) was activated and ready to receive calls from across the US.

SF Korean

Bulletin Board, resource lists, Business listings, etc. for the San Francisco Bay Area Korean community. Also links to similar sites in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., Seattle, Texas, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Colorado

A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, bilingual call center that connects people to housing and provides supportive, second chance employment. We provide professional housing location and listing services, assist displaced households in finding new housing, offer waiting list opening support, and gather housing data for regions and municipalities across the US. Multi-language: Spanish