THE LONG TAIL OF AFGHAN RELOCATION AND RESETTLEMENT: Achievements, Obstacles, and Opportunities

4/22 REPORT TO THE OPERATION ALLIES WELCOME UNIFIED COORDINATION GROUP – Short-sightedness in identifying preferred relocation and resettlement solutions has come at the expense of devising sustainable, long-term strategies. Every step of the
way, Afghans in the US have been met by agencies trying to address their needs while dealing with staffing and funding shortfalls and already full case loads. In addition to strains on the resettlement program, the crisis has also put an enormous strain on legal service providers, who are necessary to implement long-term strategies.

2021 Report on International Religious Freedom

6/2/22 The annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom”the International Religious Freedom Report”describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The report covers government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals, and U.S. policies to promote religious freedom around the world. The U.S. Department of State submits the reports in accordance with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

CIELO Indigenous Interpreters

The fundamental piece of CIELO’s work is to create new leadership and nurture the growth of leaders through the National Indigenous Interpreters conference and the continuous CIELO’s workshops that are held all year long.
Multi-language: Indigenous, Spanish Key Words: Translation, Mixteco, Language Access

Santa Clara County leaders want office to track hate crimes

6/5/22 The Board of Supervisors recently directed county workers to come up with a plan for implementing dozens of recommendations for addressing hate crimes. This would include developing a reporting system for hate-based incidents and making data about these incidents more transparent to the public. The board also asked for more details about the creation of a new county office that would receive and track reports of hate incidents and crimes. The San Jose Police Department reported 116 hate crimes in 2021, compared to 89 in 2020 and 33 in 2019. This is part of a broader pattern in California where the overall number of hate crimes increased from 1,015 in 2019 to 1,330 in 2020.

FACT SHEET: The Biden Administration Blueprint for a Fair, Orderly and Humane Immigration System

7/27/21 Today the Administration is releasing a blueprint that outlines the next steps Federal agencies will be taking to continue implementing the President’s transformative vision for a 21st century immigration system that secures the border, fairly and efficiently considers asylum claims, strengthens regional migration management efforts in North and Central America, and addresses the root causes of migration from Central America. Success in building this fair, orderly, and humane immigration system won’t be achieved overnight, especially after the prior Administration’s irrational and inhumane policies, but this Administration has a blueprint to get there and is making real progress.

DHS Working with Local Law Enforcement – 287(g) Program Overview

7/21 Section 287(g) of the INA allows the DHS to enter into formal written agreements (Memoranda of Agreement or MOAs) with state or local law enforcement agencies and deputize selected state and local law enforcement officers to perform certain functions of federal immigration agents. The MOAs are negotiated between DHS and the local authorities and include delegation of authority to a limited number of state and local officers. All of this must be done under the supervision of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Deputized officers are required to abide by federal civil rights laws and regulations. In general, deputized officers are authorized to:
287(g) End-of-Year

Biden signs bill to create commission studying AAPI museum

6/13/22 President Joe Biden on Monday signed “H.R. 3525″or the “Commission To Study the Potential Creation of a National Museum of Asian Pacific American History and Culture Act” into law, telling those assembled at the East Room of the White House that generations of AAPI individuals “have literally shaped the history and the contours of this country.”

Binational Center for the Development of Oaxacan Indigenous Communities

Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueno – Serving the indigenous migrant communities from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico that reside in CA. (CBDIO) works to increase the participation of indigenous women in the life of the migrant community by providing training and promotion of gender equality, so that they may exercise self-determination in their civic lives.
CBDIO also promotes health education on prevention and treatment of different illnesses.
Located in Fresno, Greenfield, and Madera, but offer translation services for the following indigenous languages: Mixteco, Triqui, Tlapaneco, Zapoteco, Punjabi translations. COVID-19 audio recordings for some Indigenous languages that are not written. Key Words: Language Access, Interpreter

Maya Interpreters

Our interpretation agency is here to help you. Request an interpreter for legal, medical, social, immigration, court and business purposes. Multi-language: Maya Key Words: Indigenous, Language Access


The Refugee Processing Center (RPC) is operated by the U.S Department of State (DOS) Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) in the Rosslyn section of Arlington, Virginia USA.
At the RPC and at Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs), an interactive computer system called the Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS) is used to process and track the movement of refugees from various countries around the world to the U.S. for resettlement under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).

Mixteco Indigenous Language Services

Since launching in 2010, the Indigenous Language Services program has seen an immense increase in the need for indigenous interpreters and we are now serving clients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We continue our collaboration at large with school districts, healthcare providers, law enforcement, and social services agencies. We are actively contracting with regional agencies at a statewide and national level. Key Words: Language Access Multi-language: Mixteco

Esperanza United Language access plan template

This Language access template is designed to help your program create or enhance your language access plan. The template includes sample language that is relevant for working with survivors with limited English proficiency. The template is offered as a PDF document that is editable with Adobe Acrobat, and options for sample language that you can adapt to fit your organizational and community realities.

Cultural Quick Reference Guides

These two-page Cultural Quick Reference Guides support the provider-client relationship by giving country-specific information on cultural norms, health practices, and courtesies to observe to enhance communication. Languages and literacy, personal greetings, naming conventions, and non-verbal signals are included to support optimal provider-client interaction. Facts about TB in country with details on stigma, traditional remedies, and beliefs, will aid providers in better understanding patient expectations regarding treatment. From the SE National Center for Tuberculosis (SNTC) Available for: Afghanistan, China, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Mexico and Ukraine.

40% of AAPI LGBTQ youths have considered suicide in last year

4/20/22 The survey from the Trevor Project found that 40 percent of LGBTQ youths who are Asian American or Pacific Islander, or AAPI, have seriously considered suicide in the past year. Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian youths experienced the highest rate, at 49 percent, followed by Korean American youths, at 47 percent, and Filipino American youths, at 41 percent.
The report also includes responses from Indian, Vietnamese and Chinese American LGBTQ youths.

SCC Section 8 Interest List

Santa Clara County Housing Authority (SCCHA) would like to remind you to update your information or refresh your application in the Interest List for the Section 8 program. Or, if you haven’t signed up yet, the Interest List is always open and taking applications!
The Section 8 Program is a federally funded rental assistance program that helps eligible low-income individuals and families pay for rental housing. Interested households may register to be considered for two types of rental assistance, either a Housing Choice Voucher or a Property Voucher. Multi-;language:
Spanish |
Vietnamese |

Immigration reform could prevent food prices from harming consumers

6/3/22 Our national security is tied to our ability to feed ourselves. As former officials who served in the Bush administration, we see an urgent need to address the labor shortage in the agricultural industry by fixing our immigration system. That would allow farmworkers to contribute to the economy free from uncertainty and fear and keep food on the tables of America’s families at lower costs.


Japantown Prepared is an all-volunteer CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) group. It formed in 2011 after the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami disaster. Our mission is to prepare San Jose Japantown for any major disasters. The businesses, organizations, churches, and residents of Japantown work together to help each other out. We train, communicate, and collaborate to prepare for disasters of all kinds. We serve our community to minimize loss of life, injuries, and property damage.


Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has developed a baseline security self-assessment that is designed for a person, with little to no security experience, to complete a security assessment.
Houses of Worship (HOW) security self-assessment USER GUIDE | Houses of Worship
Security Self-Assessment
| The assessment, when completed, will provide an easy to follow road map for implementing suggested voluntary options for consideration

San Jose African America Community Services Agency (AACSA)

The AAACSA, founded in 1978, is one of the only African American cultural centers in the Silicon Valley. Our mission: providing quality educational, cultural, social and recreational programs, services and activities in order to perpetuate and strengthen African American identity, culture, values, traditions, knowledge and family life, is at the heart of all programs. AACSA’s membership is open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, age or disability. The Agency’s diverse activities and services offer a natural gateway to African American life.  Key Words: SCC

Vibes & Smiles

Our ultimate mission is to bring back the roots of love, kindness, and positivity in all communities by being of service to others. We are dedicated to cultivating & fostering growth of positivity through community actions. From music, families, the homeless, education, sports organizations, underserved neighborhoods, and many more communities, we are always looking to collaborate in ways that create change and make a positive impact. Vibes & Smiles works with businesses, i.e. nonprofits, small businesses, restaurants, schools, etc., and holds events to motivate and inspire others to participate in making a positive impact wherever they can. In this day in age, willingness to help others is often overlooked, but is much needed. Good people bring out the good in people. Join us as we make a difference. Pay it forward!

UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center

Helping Undocumented Students Thrive at SJSU
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center provides for undocumented students”and connects them with supporters throughout the SJSU community.
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center (USRC) provides direct services such as financial aid resources and legal support to students who are undocumented and to those from mix-status families. Our goal is to ensure that students, regardless of their immigration status, have access to reliable information, equitable resources, and opportunities that support their academic and personal success.


9/21 In September 2021, the San José City Council approved 55 organizations to the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, an important part of the City’s Community and Economic Recovery strategy.
This Task Force, which will be convened for no more than a year, will be an opportunity for the City to engage with and learn from the people and communities who have been most impacted by the pandemic. Recovery is not for the City to do alone, rather this work must be done with the whole community, for the benefit of those most burdened by the crisis, guided by their wisdom, tapping into their potential, and building on their deep enduring strength.

San Jose Bridge Communities (SJBC)

SJBC is a grass roots organization with the philosophy of service that facilitates opportunities to form cross cultural and cross class friendships. Programs include: Parenting Classes, Language Exchange Classes, Food Distribution, Tutoring, Getting Ahead Class, Hands and Voices (focus on equipping students with the tools to express themselves through painting, drawing, Film, photography and more), Arte y cafe (an art class design for destressing and self care) . Multi-language: Spanish

Just Serve is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.
JustServe is a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers and does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in posting projects or in encouraging volunteers to serve according to our guidelines. Sponsored by the LDS Church

United Effort Organization

We assist clients apply for public assistance programs. We find resources for our clients to help them achieve their goals towards self-sufficiency. We match our clients with mentors who work with clients to develop career path, as well as provide guidance, motivation, emotional support, and role modeling.

Archive – 2022 Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

In 1978, a joint congressional resolution established Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. The first 10 days of May were chosen to coincide with two important milestones in Asian/Pacific American history: the arrival in the United States of the first Japanese immigrants (May 7, 1843) and contributions of Chinese workers to the building of the transcontinental railroad completed May 10, 1869. In 1992, Congress expanded the observance to a monthlong celebration that is now known as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

COVID-19 Funding Stalls Over Immigration Dispute as Virus Cases Tick Up

4/8/22 For weeks, the White House has pressed Congress to pass new funding in order to keep up the federal government’s testing capabilities and purchasing power of therapeutics and vaccines. Senate negotiators struck a bipartisan agreement on Monday to replenish those funds. But a day later, the GOP blocked a procedural vote over an immigration-related public health order.

Board Resolution Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis

6/23/21 Our County’s Division of Equity and Social Justice was created to address social inequities that exist within County services including racial and ethnic disparities. The coronavirus outbreak laid bare the disproportionate number of people of color getting COVID-19 in our County, including our Latino population countywide and our Latino, African American and Asian American communities in East San Jose.
Other communities across the Country have declared racism a public health crisis including the City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Madison County, Cook County, the City of Pittsburgh, the City of Boston, Kansas City and the State of Arizona.

Path to Permanent Residency for TPS Beneficiaries Restored

On March 21, 2022 USCIS agreed to restore a path to permanent residency for Temporary Protected Status beneficiaries. Because of this settlement, TPS beneficiaries impacted by then-Acting Director Cuccinelli’s policy will be able to reopen and dismiss their removal orders and apply to adjust their status to become permanent residents”eliminating the threat of deportation if their TPS protections are revoked in the future.
Multi-language: Spanish

Adult Refugee Services Unit (ARSU) newsletter #7,

April 14, 2022 The ARSU NEWSLETTER shares pertinent information relevant to the needs of Refugees and Non-citizen Crime Survivors and includes resources and updates for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA), Refugee Social Services (RSS), Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance Program (TCVAP), and the California Repatriation Program. Published by the CA Dept of Social Services (CA DSS).

26 Steps to Preparedness Workbook

This workbook from Campbell CERT shows you how to build an emergency preparedness food, water and supply kit over the course of several weeks or months at a pace that fits into your already busy life. We’ve created this tool drawing from the guidelines of several authoritative agencies (FEMA,, Red Cross, and Santa Clara County Fire). Our Food & Water Calculator is designed to give you an idea of your food and water needs for the number of people in your household.
For more information, contact

County creates New Office to Address Systemic Inequities that Negatively Impact Historically Marginalized Communities

1/10/22 The new Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer will collaborate and partner with County departments to integrate values of diversity, equity, and belonging into their operations and to build organizational capacity to address systemic inequities that contribute to poor outcomes for historically marginalized communities. Dr. Analilia García, who is trained in public health and has built a career championing social justice, started today as Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, and will lead the newly created Office of Equity, Diversity and Belonging.


3/21 Programs like Medicaid, CHIP, ACA Marketplace Coverage, School Breakfast & Lunch, WIC and SNAP (“food stamps”) help your children lead healthier lives. You may have questions about whether your child’s use of these health and nutrition programs will affect your
immigration status or your application for a green card. This document provides answers to frequently asked questions to help you make good decisions for your family. Key Words: Public Charge

Extreme heat is one of the deadliest consequences of climate change.

10/7/21 Between 2010 and 2019, the hottest decade on record, California’s official data from death certificates attributed 599 deaths to heat exposure.
But a Times analysis found that the true toll is probably six times higher. An examination of mortality data from this period shows that thousands more people died on extremely hot days than would have been typical during milder weather. All told, the analysis estimates that extreme heat caused about 3,900 deaths.

Adult Refugee Services Unit (ARSU) newsletter #7

April 14, 2022 The ARSU NEWSLETTER shares pertinent information relevant to the needs of Refugees and Non-citizen Crime Survivors and includes
resources and updates for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), Entrant Cash Assistance (ECA), Refugee Social Services (RSS), Trafficking and Crime Victims Assistance
Program (TCVAP), and the California Repatriation Program. Published by the CA DSS.

Types of Student Loan Forgiveness, Cancellation, and Discharge

The terms forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge mean nearly the same thing, but they’re used in different ways. If you’re no longer required to make payments on your loans due to your job, this is generally called forgiveness or cancellation. If you’re no longer required to make payments on your loans due to other circumstances, such as a total and permanent disability or the closure of the school where you received your loans, this is generally called discharge.

IAN Non-profit Resource Center (Immigrant Advocate Network)

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information through collaboration and technology. IAN was created in 2007 by leading immigrants’ rights organizations, to increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology and collective action to better support immigrants and their advocates.

Understanding the Impact of Extreme Heat Events

3/28/22 The Los Angeles Times recently published an article detailing the impact of heat-related deaths in California and found that extreme heat caused approximately 3,900 deaths in California over the past decade”that is six times more than the state’s official count. Even so, extreme heat receives substantially less awareness than other disasters, despite killing more Americans each year than wildfires, hurricanes, and floods.

California Hard-to-Count Index Interactive Map

Many California residents live in areas that, based on demographic, socioeconomic and housing characteristics, may be hard to count in the 2020 Census. This interactive map* shows California census tracts and block groups shaded by their California Hard-to-Count Index, a metric that incorporates 14 variables correlated with an area being difficult to enumerate. Census tracts and block groups with higher CA-HTC indexes likely will pose significant challenges to numerate in 2020, while tracts and block groups with lower indexes should be easier to count.

Addressing Learning Loss in Disadvantaged Kids

4/8/22 Students with disabilities, those learning English and students who live in rural communities learn at the same rate during the academic year – and often faster – than their peers who are not disadvantaged, but they lose much more ground over the summer, according to new research from the nonprofit education policy and assessment organization NWEA.

The finding bolsters calls by Education Secretary Miguel Cardona for state education officials and school leaders to offer intensive summer learning programs for students who have incurred the steepest academic losses due to chronic interruptions to learning during the pandemic.

FHFA Mortgage Translations Clearinghouse

An easy-to-use collection of translated documents and tools to assist lenders, servicers, housing counselors, and others in helping mortgage borrowers who have limited English proficiency? (LEP). Created by FHFA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac in collaboration with industry, consumer, and government partners, the SITE contains resources such as translated documents, borrower education materials, a standardized glossary of mortgage terms, and more.
Multi-language: English, Spanish, traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Tagalog.
Key Words: Language Access, housing

SEPARATION AND STIGMA: Transgender Youth & School Facilities

2017 Schools across the country have a legal obligation to
enforce policies that protect students from harassment
and discrimination”and that obligation includes
protecting transgender students from discrimination,
harassment, and violence. Unfortunately, too many
transgender students experience school to be a place
where they are unsafe and unsupported”a place where
they can’t even safely use the restroom. A school’s
responsibility and ability to keep all students safe is not
compromised by allowing a transgender student to use
the facilities consistent with their gender identity. When
schools deny transgender students access to these
facilities, they are inflicting profound harm on these
students, and making it impossible or unsafe for some
transgender students to attend school at all.

Housing for Ukrainian Refugees

3/10/22 is an independent platform connecting Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts and housing.
This website is a public bulletin. We encourage everyone with spare space to post a listing and to mark their listing as filled once they have successfully taken in refugees.
For refugees, asks for your nearest city to display the closest listings. We do not track your precise location. Hosts are only required to provide minimal information, such as their city and contact information. Multi-language: English, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, German, French, Dutch, Slovakian, Spanish and more.
For more information:

Drowning just below the surface: The socioeconomic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic

11/22/21 The COVID-19 pandemic has had major economic, as well as health, impacts on every nation in the world. It has amplified existing inequalities, created new ones, and destabilized communities”reversing development gains made in recent decades.
The enormous socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 are wide-ranging and have not affected everyone equally. Throughout this pandemic, those facing the greatest vulnerabilities have been the people and groups most neglected by society”those who were already drowning just below the surface. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Arabic |
French |

SAVE Fact Sheet – Information for SAVE Users: Afghan Arrival Categories, Documentation, and SAVE Responses

4/3/22 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is leading and coordinating ongoing efforts across the federal government to support vulnerable Afghans, including those who worked alongside us in Afghanistan for the past two decades, as they safely resettle in the United States. These Afghan arrivals generally fall within one of four categories that are eligible for resettlement assistance, entitlement programs, and other benefits available to refugees admitted under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

San Jose council ends COVID mask mandate

4/5/22 The city’s masking guidelines now align with the county and state, which lifted mask mandates earlier this year in almost all public indoor settings. The City Council unanimously approved ending local restrictions Tuesday with no discussion.
Residents, regardless of vaccination status, are no longer required to wear a mask except in certain high-risk settings such as hospitals, jails, homeless shelters, long-term care facilities and on public transit.

Assistance for Governments and Private Non-Profits After a Disaster

FEMA helps state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and certain types of private nonprofit organizations respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies. After an event like a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or wildfire, communities need help to cover their costs for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and restoring public infrastructure.
FEMA Public Assistance and Program Policy Guide 6/1/20

The Black-White Wealth Gap Left Black Families More Vulnerable

12/20/20 The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted devastating effects on the U.S. economy, with job losses especially concentrated among women, minorities, and low-wage workers. Economists have described the uneven and unequal economic recovery from the COVID-19 recession as a “K-shaped” recovery, characterized by divergent recovery trajectories for the affluent relative to those of less means. While considerable attention has been devoted to examining the preexisting disparities in labor market outcomes that left some households more vulnerable than others to the COVID-19 recession, less attention has been paid to the role of wealth in determining a household’s ability to buffer the pandemic’s economic shocks. Key Words: Equity

2023 HHS Language Access Plan Update

If English is not your primary language and you have difficulty communicating effectively in English, you may need an interpreter or document translation in order to have meaningful access to programs funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 requires recipients of Federal financial assistance to take reasonable steps to make their programs, services, and activities accessible by eligible persons with limited English proficiency. Read the Press Release   Lea el comunicado de prensa en español   阅读中文新闻稿 (Chinese – Simplified)     閱讀中文新聞稿 (Chinese – Traditional)     Read the Report – PDF   Leer el informe (Spanish) – PDF   阅读报告 (Chinese – Simplified) – PDF*   閱讀報告 (Chinese – Traditional) – PDF*  Key Words: LEP, Language Access, equitable 

Will the U.S. receive Ukrainian refugees?

3/11/22 The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered the swiftest refugee displacement crisis in Europe since World War II, prompting more than 2.5 million people to flee the country during the conflict’s first two weeks.
While President Biden said Friday that the U.S. should welcome them “with open arms,” the U.S. will likely not receive large numbers of Ukrainian refugees in the immediate future, immigration policy experts said.
As of March 11, most Ukrainian refugees have fled to neighboring countries, 1.5 million of them to Poland, 225,000 to Hungary and 176,000 to Slovakia. Tens of thousands have also crossed into Russia, Romania and Moldova. Another 282,000 have left for other European countries, including Germany.

CA has new benefits for undocumented immigrants. They’re not enough, workers say

4/3/22 Introduced last month by Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia, a Democrat from Coachella, and currently under review in the legislature, AB 2847 would create the Excluded Workers Pilot Program, a two-year program that would provide funds to undocumented workers who lose their job or have their hours reduced during the calendar year 2023. The proposal, estimated at $597 million, plus administrative costs, would allow qualifying, unemployed individuals to receive up to $300 a week for 20 weeks.

With protections ending, what tenants and landlords need to know

4/1/22 After two years, four extensions and untold numbers of public and private aid programs, California’s broad safety net for renters struggling through the pandemic is being dismantled this month. Lawmakers this week extended a statewide eviction moratorium through June but only for families that have applied to the state’s emergency relief assistance program, Housing is Key. The $5.5 billion relief fund closed to new applications March 31.

UndocuBlack: The Cruelty Behind Title 42 and Its Impact on Black Migrants

3/19/22 The official reason for the enaction of the policy by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is to protect Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and the public health from COVID-19, public health emergencies. And to curtail the swarm of people in congregate settings such as that in immigration detention centers. But as all harmful policies, this policy, specifically and disproportionately, affects the Black and brown immigrants who are making the treacherous journey to the U.S. seeking safety from violence, civil unrest, murder and natural disasters.

San Jose mandala ceremony offers universal lesson in change

4/6/22 As chanting filled the main hall of a local Buddhist temple Sunday afternoon, San Jose resident Trang Huynh joined with about 50 people in praying and celebrating a sand mandala dissolution ceremony.
The monks, assigned by the Dalai Lama, spent more than three days meticulously pouring sand by hand onto a blueprint to create the mandala. The holy ceremony ends with the breaking of the sand circle, as colorful grains of sand are swirled together into a gray pile. This symbolizes a core lesson of impermanence: Everything is bound to change and nothing lasts forever.

Trauma-informed instruction for immigrant students

More and more educators across the country are learning about the impacts of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on students. Researchers estimate that half of the U.S. student population has experienced or is still experiencing some type of trauma, violence, or chronic stress
For immigrant students, the sources of trauma may be complex and may be related to:
***the reasons the family left their home country (such as war or wide-spread violence)
***difficult conditions, violence, sexual assault, or casualties during the journey to this country
***forced separation from a parent or sibling on the journey
***Experiences related to immigration enforcement
trauma and anxiety can impact students’ behavior and the importance of getting a complete picture of the source of the issue before taking steps that can have long-term consequences for the student.

Ukraine Community Resources

3/11/22 The City of San José is closely monitoring the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and proudly stands in solidarity with Ukraine and our Ukrainian community in this extraordinarily challenging time. We are ready to support our community now and long into the future.
We will continue to share resources and information as it becomes available both on this page and on our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
SJ Ukranian Resources
Bay Area Ukrainian Resources
Keu Words: TPS, Temporary Protected Status

Guidelines for the Enforcement of Civil Immigration Law

9/30/21 Revised Policy from Alejandro Mayorkas – The immigration enforcement guidelines require the protection of civil rights and civil liberties. A noncitizen’s race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, national origin, political associations, or exercise of First Amendment rights cannot be factors in deciding to take enforcement action. For the first time, they explicitly guard against the use of immigration enforcement as a tool of retaliation for a noncitizen’s assertion of legal rights, such as the right to exercise workplace or tenant rights. The guidelines make clear that immigration enforcement authority shall not be used as an instrument of unscrupulous employers seeking to exploit their employees’ immigration status.

Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic

Students in the Immigrants’ Rights Clinic have full responsibility for defending clients against deportation in San Francisco Immigration Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and the federal courts of appeals. As part of that work, students write complex legal briefs, argue cases, conduct fact investigation, interview witnesses and clients, and represent clients in mini-trials. Students also engage in cutting-edge litigation and advocacy in partnership with local and national immigrants’ rights organizations.

Cyberattack on International Committee of the Red Cross

2/4/22 Recently, a sophisticated cyberattack was detected against computer servers hosting information held by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
The attack compromised personal data and confidential ICRC information of more than 515,000 vulnerable people, including those separated from their families due to conflict, migration and disaster, missing persons and their families, and people in detention.
The attack impacted the ICRC system that the American Red Cross uses to conduct the Restoring Family Links program. The ICRC, along with the wider Red Cross and Red Crescent network, jointly runs Restoring Family Links, which seeks to reunite family members separated by conflict, disaster or migration.

2021 Trafficking in Persons Report

Human Trafficking in the Context of a Global Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is a health crisis with unprecedented repercussions for human rights and economic development globally, including in human trafficking. COVID-19 generated conditions that increased the number of people who experienced vulnerabilities to human trafficking and interrupted existing and planned anti-trafficking interventions. Governments across the world diverted resources toward the pandemic, often at the expense of anti-trafficking efforts, resulting in decreased protection measures and service provision for victims, reduction of preventative efforts, and hindrances to investigations and prosecutions of traffickers. At the same time, human traffickers quickly adapted to capitalize on the vulnerabilities exposed and exacerbated by the pandemic.

Immigrants in California

3/21 Report from the Public Policy Institute of CA (PPIC)- California has more immigrants than any other state.
California is home to almost 11 million immigrants”about a quarter of the foreign-born population nationwide. In 2019, the most current year of data, 27% of California’s population was foreign born, more than double the percentage in the rest of the country. Foreign-born residents represented at least one-third of the population in five California counties: Santa Clara (39%), San Mateo (35%), Los Angeles (34%), San Francisco (34%), and Alameda (33%). Half of California children have at least one immigrant parent. Multi-language:

Improving Access to Public Websites and Digital Services for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons

12/21 Many entities – government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses – use websites and digital services to provide information and services to the public, to accept applications, and to manage accounts. Individuals with Limited English proficiency (LEP) access these websites and digital services.
Digital services involve the electronic delivery of information, including data and content, across
multiple platforms or devices, such as text, audio, video, mobile applications, and graphics that are transmitted for viewing over the internet. This includes social media (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), websites, and applications that enable users to create and share information and content or to participate in social networking. Vital information displayed on these platforms or devices should be accessible to persons with LEP in frequently encountered languages.

Neither Safety nor Health – How Title 42 Expulsions Harm Health and Violate Rights

7/21 Report from Physicians for Human Rights – Toward the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Trump administration overrode the objections of public health experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and compelled them to issue an order under Title 42 that closed the border to migrants and asylum seekers. The government used public health as a pretext to summarily expel children and adults seeking refuge at the U.S. border more than 980,000 times, while at the same time allowing other types of travelers to continue to cross the border with no testing or quarantine requirements.

The importance of race, gender, and religion in naturalization adjudication in the US

3/1/22 This study examines group disparities in naturalization approvals by race/ethnicity, gender, and religion. We find that all else being equal, non-White applicants and Hispanic applicants are less likely to be approved than non-Hispanic White applicants, male applicants are less likely to be approved than female applicants, and applicants from Muslim-majority countries are less likely to be approved than applicants from other countries. In addition, we find that race/ethnicity, gender, and religion combine to produce a certain group hierarchy in terms of approval probabilities. For example, Blacks from Muslim-majority countries are much less likely to be approved than Whites from other countries. These findings underscore the continuing importance of race, gender, and religion in the making of US citizens.

Santa Clara County Tackles Children’s Covid-19 Grief

2/25/22 More than one in 330 children in the state have lost at least one of their caretakers to Covid-19, a disease that has now killed more than 928,000 people nationwide.
Loss is crushing for anyone, but the death of a parent or guardian carries potentially lifelong impacts for children ” and could very well be one of the most enduring consequences of this pandemic.

Training for Mental Resilience and Well-Being for Nurses

Osmosis and #FirstRespondersFirst have collaboratively developed an interactive e-learning course on mental health training for first responders. Self paced and open ended, based on materials and subject matter experts provided by #FirstRespondersFirst, the course includes custom Osmosis animations/videos, text resources, and assessments within 8 core modules each consisting of one or more videos (approximately 11 videos in total for a total of 50+ minutes of video content), other learning materials, and assessment items. The total estimated time to completion will be 3 – 4 hours. This course is entirely free for nurses.
IPMA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 6971, for 3.75 contact hours.

Economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on South Asians in the U.S.

10/10/20 Economic and social impacts of the current pandemic that are based on immigration status, employment opportunities, and healthcare access are major issues for South Asians in the U.S. There is wide income inequality with nearly 10% of South Asians in the U.S. living in poverty. Many have low paid and temporary jobs, including in the informal sector, and little to no savings. The pandemic disproportionately impacts these communities but there has been little media coverage. To highlight this gap, we present selected research from our forthcoming manuscript to be published later this month, which are complemented by community-based findings from the recent SAALT report on the disparate impact of COVID-19 across South Asian communities.

Elevate Mt. View guaranteed basic income (GBI) pilot program

2/22/22 The City Council approved over $1 million in funding for 166 families The Elevate MV pilot program will involve:
**Aiding extremely low-income Mountain View families and custodial caregivers with at least one child under the age of 18. Income eligibility would be set at 30% Area Median Income (AMI).
**Restricting eligibility to Mountain View residents without regard to immigration documentation and/or housing status.
**Providing participants $500 a month from 12 to 24 months ($6,000 per year), serving approximately 166 families.
The City anticipates applications for Elevate MV will start being accepted in the May/June timeframe through an online portal available in multiple languages.

Multilingual COVID-19 Resources

This FDA toolkit is designed to help community, health and social service organizations, lay health advisors (promotoras), YMCAs/YWCAs, fraternities, school organizations (e.g., PTAs/PTOs), senior centers, faith-based organizations, and others to share accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines in their social media networks and educational channels using FDA official COVID-19 messages to fight misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. In this toolkit, you will find Twitter, Facebook and Instagram messages and images about the most common myths about the COVID-19 vaccines. Multilingual COVID-19 Vaccines Myths Social Media Toolkit in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean Tagalog, Vietnamese

SAALT (South Asian Americans Leading Together)

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT) is a nation­al move­ment strat­e­gy and advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to racial jus­tice through struc­tur­al change, which means we focus on trans­form­ing insti­tu­tions while lever­ag­ing incre­men­tal change as a means to shift con­di­tions and pow­er.
Know Your Rights Pock­et Cards. in Pun­jabi, Hin­di, Urdu, Bangla, and Nepali Pro­duced by Restau­rant Oppor­tu­ni­ties Cen­ter.

Know Your Rights Poster to hang in the home with a reminder of your rights, what to say, and what to document in case of an ICE (immigration raid 11″ x 17″ POSTER, available in )
English |
Spanish |
Traditional Mandarin |
Simplified Mandarin |
Tagalog |
Korean |
French |

California leaders rush to improve student mental health care

3/4/22 As California kids struggle with the emotional toll of the pandemic, natural disasters and community-wide trauma, and schools grapple with an inadequate supply of mental health care services and clinicians to support students, state leaders are sprinting to pass a bill that could allow public schools to hire as many as 10,000 new mental health counselors.

Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program is an FCC benefit program that helps ensure that households can afford the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare and more.  The benefit provides a discount of up to $30 per month toward internet service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.

Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price.  The Affordable Connectivity Program is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.

Go to Affordable Connectivity Program Consumer FAQ for more information and to to check your eligibility and start the application online. Eligible households can also enroll through an approved provider.
Spanish |   Vietnamese |   Chinese |   Tagalog |   Korean |