Alzheimers Association 24-hour helpline 1.800.272.3900 Multi-Language: Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese , English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, , Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese
Provider Type: Non-Profit
Multi-language Emergency Financial First Aid Kit
9/19 The Operation Hope Emergency and FEMA Financial First Aid Kit offer easy step-by-step instructions for how to protect personal assets and financial information, and reduce the challenges associated with emergencies and disasters. Downloadable pdf or Online Fillable Forms.
Financial First Aid Webinar taping by Los Altos OEM
Multi-language: Chinese Simplified |
Traditional Chinese |
Korean |
Vietnamese |
Spanish |
Refugee Health Information Network (rhin)
RHIN is a national collaborative partnership that has created a database of quality multilingual, public health resources for those providing care to resettled refugees and asylees. Resources include Health education materials in various languages and formats (brochures, fact sheets, videos), Provider tools (including information on refugee populations and cultures), and information on Emergency Preparedness and Response for vulnerable populations.
Korean American Community Services – Silicon Valley
Even through this challenging time, KACS is still open to provide essential services including Social Services, our Senior Nutrition Program, and other vital services for our vulnerable community. If you can help our community and families who a re in the greatest needs, please contact Eunice Chun, to find ways to help the most vulnerable during this time.
KACS of Silicon Valley provides social, educational, and cultural services for the Korean American community. KACS is dedicated to assisting the elderly, low-income individuals and families, recent immigrants and youth. Information & Referral, Citizenship Assistance in English and Korean, Translation, Counseling, Senior transportation, youth tutoring, Senior lunch Monday – Friday. Multi-language: Korean Key Words: Immigrant integration, Asian, food, nutrition, API
Immigrants Rising (previously Educators For Fair Consideration (E4FC)
Immigrants Rising works to empower undocumented young people to achieve educational and career goals through personal scholarships, outreach presentations, educational guides and resource links. Immigrants Rising also provides resources, knowledge and financial support for immigrant entrepreneurs, regardless of legal status, at any stage of their journey. Key Words: DACA, Dreamers, undocumented, financial aid, SF Bay Area, SCC,
Educational resources that don’t require proof of citizenship or immigration status:
2022 Undergraduate Scholarships |
2022 Undergraduate Fellowships |
2022 Graduate Scholarships |
2022 Graduate Fellowships
Upwardly Global
Highly qualified immigrant professionals want to rebuild their careers here in the U.S., but they’re not familiar with the American way to job search. We are a nonprofit organization that helps highly-skilled immigrants, refugees and asylees reclaim their careers here in the United States and helps American employers discover and understand this hidden talent pool. Professional Licensing Guides |
Offices in San Francisco and San Jose, CA English Flyer | Spanish Flyer | Russian Flyer | Chinese Flyer | Portuguese Flyer | Key Words: Employment, Career, Professional, RIF
American Red Cross (ARC) National
Enter your zip code and find a Red Cross chapter and services near you. Find free disaster / emergency training and preparedness materials.
Contact for disaster relief assistance after an event. | Cruz Roja Americana | Spanish
American Red Cross (ARC) Reunification Assistance
6/2021 Reunification of Family in the US and US Territories
Restoring Family Links to locate a family member outside of the US separated by international crisis. Phone or text (1-800-985-5990).
our free Restoring Family Links national helpline.
Multi-language: Spanish
American Red Cross (ARC) – Free Disaster Preparation and Response Apps
Spanish language toggle feature on Red Cross Disaster Preparation Apps Tornado, Hurricane, Earthquake, Flood, Wildfire, and First Aid (even Pet First Aid). Also includes Monster Guard disaster prep game for children. in Android, iPhone and iPad. | Spanish |
American Veterenarian Medical Association Disaster Materials
Includes detailed booklet, Saving the Whole Family, to help prepare for small and large animals (English and Spanish) Also a 400 page searchable Pdf resource designed for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, emergency managers, and others interested in all hazards/all species veterinary and animal emergency issues. Contains templates for writing detailed animal disaster annexes to county and state emergency operations plans. Multi-language: Spanish
Boat People SOS (BPSOS)
From the boat people exodus to Hurricane Katrina to the Gulf Coast Oil Spill, BPSOS has earned the trust and respect of the people and among stakeholders for its ability to respond in times of crisis and to provide long-term solutions to social issues. Today BPSOS focuses its domestic operation in: direct services, Immigration/Citizenship, Domestic Violence, Seniors, Survivors, anti-trafficking, youth, occupational safety, advocacy, community development and organizing, research, and media. Offices in: Southern California, TX, VA, GE, DE and Southeast Asia. Multi-Language: Vietnamese, Asian International Key Words: Disaster Relief
NICOS Chinese Health Coalition
NICOS Chinese Health Coalition and provides information to San Francisco Chinatown residents
Chinatown Disaster Preparedness Project, Chinese Community Problem Gambling Project, Chinese Community Health Access and Self-Sufficiency Project, Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services Advocacy, Consultation and Training Project (CLAS ACT), a program to reduce health disparities in minority populations through promotion of the Office of Minority Health’s National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services. Key Words: Asian, API
Pew Hispanic Center
Founded in 2001, the Pew Hispanic Center is a nonpartisan research organization that seeks to improve understanding of the U.S. Hispanic population and to chronicle Latinos’ growing impact on the nation. Site contains a wealth of research in the areas of Hispanic Demographics, Economics and Finances, Education, Latino Identity, Immigration, Labor, Politics, and more. Key Word: Spanish
Red Cross / Red Crescent Family Reunification
The ICRC, American Red Cross (ARC) and Red Crescent Societies work together around the world to locate people and put them back into contact with their relatives. This work includes looking for family members, restoring contact, reuniting families and seeking to clarify the fate of those who remain missing.
The help line (1-844-782-9441) was activated and ready to receive calls from across the US.
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit, bilingual call center that connects people to housing and provides supportive, second chance employment. We provide professional housing location and listing services, assist displaced households in finding new housing, offer waiting list opening support, and gather housing data for regions and municipalities across the US. Multi-language: Spanish
Southern Poverty Law Center Immigrant Justice Project
Created in 2004 to address the unique legal needs of migrant workers, a group particularly vulnerable to workplace abuse. IJP litigates cases that can result in systemic, industry-wide change. Prior to the establishment of IJP, there was no entity providing legal representation to most immigrant workers in the South.
Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP)
LEAP is a national organization founded in 1982 with a mission to achieve full participation and equality for Asian and Pacific Islanders (API) through leadership, empowerment and policy. LEAP is headquartered in Los Angeles and has an office in Washington, DC.
Momentum’s Immigrant Women Program (IWP )
IWP is a national leader in understanding and addressing the unique challenges confronting immigrant women. IWP trains advocates, service providers, and law enforcement personnel working with immigrant women on the rights of immigrant victims of violence, domestic abuse, exploitation and sexual assault.
Eradicating Longstanding Disparities: A Gender Equality Agenda for Lawmakers for the Post-COVID-19 World
Migration Information
Provides data from numerous global organizations and governments and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends. A unique, online resource, the Source offers useful tools, vital data, and essential facts on the movement of people worldwide.
Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS)
MALCS is a national organization of Chicanas/Latinas and Native American women working in academia and in community settings with a common goal: to work toward the support, education and dissemination of Chicana/Latina and Native American women’s issues. Spanish
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
The nation’s oldest and largest network of Hispanic health and human service providers, and our community-based members reach more than 15 million Hispanic consumers throughout the U.S. Key Words: Latino, Spanish
La Raza Centro Legal
A nonprofit organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities for Latinos. Site features information on Resources in Immigration Law, Housing Law, Senior Law and Workers Rights, Member of Office in San Francisco serving Bay Area Spanish
National Immigration Law Center (NILC)
Public Education materials in several languages regarding Public Charge, Immigrant eligibility for Federal and CA State Food Stamps, CalWORKS, Know your rights with Law Enforcement and Immigration, disaster relief, and more. Offices in Los Angeles, Washington DC, and Berkley. Multi-language Materials Key Words KYR
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
The NNIRR is a national organization composed of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists. It serves as a forum to share information and analysis, to educate communities and the general public, and to develop and coordinate plans of action on important immigrant and refugee issues. Working to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status.
National Society for Hispanic Professionals
With 10,000+ members, the NSHP is the leading non-profit networking association for Hispanic professionals in the United States. Membership is free. Multi-Language: Spanish Key Words: Latino
Organization of Chinese Americans
Headquartered in Washington, DC, there are over 80 OCA chapters and affiliates across the country working on behalf of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent as an organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States. Key Word: Advocate, Asian, , API Multi-Language: Chinese
Partners Against Hate
Partners Against Hate was a collaborative project of the Anti-Defamation League, The Leadership Conference Education Fund, and the Center for Preventing Hate, which offered promising education and counteraction strategies for young people and the wide range of community-based professionals who work and interact with youth, including parents, law enforcement officials, educators, and community/business leaders. Free downloadable booklets and information about anti-hate crime laws, state by state. Key Words: Tolerance,
Partnership for a New America
The National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA) is a national multiethnic, multiracial partnership. We represent the collective power and resources of the country’s 37 largest regional immigrant rights organizations in 31 states. Our members provide services from processing voter registration to health care enrollment for their communities, and they combine service delivery with sophisticated organizing tactics to advance local and state policy. This site contains information and resources to promote and assist immigrants in the naturalization process.
Ethiopian Community Development Council, Inc.
ECDC’s programs assist newcomers by giving them hope for their future, and helping them become self-sufficient, productive members of their communities. Refugee Resettlement, Social Services, IDA (Individual Development Accounts), Community Education. Multi-language, Ameharic, Oromiffaa, & Tigrigna Offices in NV, MD, VA, CO. Key Words: Africa
Futures Without Violence Recommendations for Working with Immigrant Women
Manual containing information on the additional vulnerability of immigrant women to particular types of domestic violence including Questions and Answers for Immigrant and Refugee Women.
Key Words: DV Multi-language: English, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)
ILRC is a national, non-profit resource center that provides legal trainings, educational materials, and advocacy to advance immigrant rights. Information for service providers, advocates and attorneys. Areas of expertise. | Know Your Rights Red Cards available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Franch, Hmong and Korean.
Key Words: Asylum, Refugee, Citizenship, Naturalization, Crimes, DACA/DAPA, Enforcement, Family-Based, Youth, LGBTQ, Removal Defense, U Visa/T Visa/VAWA, Deferred Action, Know Your Rights (KYR), Dream Act, Immigration Fraud Awareness. Serving Counties of: Marin, SF, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Alameda and Contra Costa. SCC OIR List,
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
Country Resources – As the main arbiters of where, when, and how people may cross borders, individual countries still hold many of the keys to the immigration and integration trajectories of increasingly diverse flows of migrants. This growing list of country resource pages catalogues and contextualizes the migration experiences of many countries around the world. Key Words: Refugee, Climate Change, Research,
India Network Foundation
The India Network Foundation is a non-profit organization founded to serve the Asian Indian community around the World, and Researchers and Scholars interested in learning about India. International
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU)
ISPU is an independent, nonpartisan think tank and research organization committed to conducting objective, empirical research and offering expert policy analysis on issues facing the US including US foreign policy, national security, the economy, and public health. In addition, ISPU has built a solid reputation as a trusted source for information about American Muslims and Muslim communities around the world. Key Words: Islam
Laotian American National Alliance (LANA)
LANA is the oldest Laotian American non-partisan, non-religious, 501c3 organization in the US. LANA strives to cultivate the strengths and leadership of all Laotian Americans from the diverse ethnic communities from Laotian Hmong, Iu-Mien, Khmu, Lahu, Lao, Tai Lue, Phu Tai, Tai Dam, Tai Phuan and other descendants from Laos. Key Words: Asia, API, Translation
Proteus, Inc.
COVID-19 Update: Our Proteus offices are open for business by appointment only. Toll Free: (888) 776-9998
***Provides employment assistance including services available to anyone, free of charge, on a walk-in basis: FREE public access to computers, fax machines, telephones, and copiers (for job-seeking purposes only). Assistance with applying for unemployment Insurance through EDD. Referral to partner agencies, employers, or other resources that might further assist you. Serving CA Central Valley including: Fresno County, Kern County, Tulare County, Los Angeles County and Kings County. Multi-language: Spanish Key Word: Vocational Training Key Words: Migrant Farmworker, Employment
San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium
Beginning in 2007, community, faith, labor, and legal organizations have come together as the Immigrant Rights Consortium.
San Mateo County Info Handbook
The 2014 database contains information on health and human service agencies serving San Mateo County residents. Specifically, these are nonprofit and public (government) agencies that provide direct services to the public. Other organizations in the database include hobby clubs, political organizations, social, service, and fraternal groups, and environmental organizations serving San Mateo County. 2014 PDF Versions: | English |
Spanish |
Smart Voter
Smart Voter is one of the most comprehensive and reliable sources of unbiased information for voters on the Web. The service is made available to the public through partnerships with the League of Women Voters and election officials of various states and local communities around the US? Smart Voter’s technology and central operations are managed by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, a non-partisan nonprofit organization.
Social Justice Collaborative
Social Justice Collaborative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit legal aid society located in Oakland, California. As part of its initiative to defend non-citizens from deportation, SJC’s projects also include criminal defense and family-unity immigration. SJC aims to provide holistic legal services in all areas of the law, including tax equity for noncitizens, domestic violence prevention and protection, and family law. Multi-language: Spanish
Know Your Rights Booklet – ACLU
The ACLU’s Know Your Rights (KYN) booklet provides effective and useful guidance in a user-friendly question and answer format. The booklet addresses what rights you have when you are stopped, questioned, arrested, or searched by law enforcement officers. This booklet is for citizens and non-citizens with extra information for non-citizens in a separate section. This free booklet is available for download in English, Spanish|, French , Arabic , Farsi , Urdu and American Sign Language video |. An older (2003) version of the booklet is available in Hindi , Punjabi , Somali . Key Words: Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Legal
AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association) Northern CA
Association of immigration lawyers established to promote justice, advocate for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy. Over 700 immigration attorneys on the list to provide immigration legal services and court representation. Lawyer Referral List |
National resources for attorneys – a place for shared material and information on legal issues involving immigrants. SCC OIR List
Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs (AFOP)
AFOP consists of all the nonprofit and public agencies that serve eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers under the National Farmworker Jobs Program, a national job-training program. The 51 member agencies operate the program through grants awarded by the US Dept of Labor. Members serve agricultural workers in 49 states and Puerto Rico-only Alaska has no program. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Employment
Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool
The Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool is an interactive tool designed to generate charts and tables with indicators on children, age 0 to 17, for the United States, the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the top 100 metro areas using data from the American Community Survey. The Children of Immigrants Data Tool presents data on a number of population groups of children defined by the children nativity and citizenship and the nativity, citizenship, and origin of their parents, such as children with immigrant parents, children with noncitizen parents, and children with Mexican parents. Key Words: Demographics, Research
California Human Development Corporation (CHDC)
CHDC provides Emergency Assistance, Immigration and Citizenship assistance, and Farmworker focused community programs. Service Area: Counties of Butte ,Contra Costa, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo and Yuba Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Migrant
California Immigrant Welfare Policy (CIWP)
The CIPC is a project of the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California (APALC), Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), National Immigration Law Center (NILC), and Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN). CIWC works directly in the community as well as with policy makers in order to provide an integrated response to welfare law changes and to advocate for the rights of low-income immigrants. Key Words: API Multi-language: Spanish
Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC)
CVOC’s service area is comprised of the three counties of Stanislaus, Merced and Madera. Services include vocational education, ESL, housing assistance, energy payment assistance, emergency supportive services, transportation, emergency food, youth employment, health care acquisition, child care services and community education services. Drought Relief – Emergency Asst Program and Temp Jobs Program. Serving Counties of Merced, Stanislaus, and Madera Multi-language: Spanish
Filipina Women’s Network
The Filipina Women’s Network is a private, non-profit organization founded and operated to raise funding and awareness of the activities, careers and status of women of Philippine ancestry living in the United States. FWN is committed to fostering the socioeconomic, political and educational advancement of Filipina women through publications, lectures, cultural heritage events, career initiatives and professional development programs. FWN provides Filipina women with opportunities to share practical career and business experiences.
Filipino Advocates for Justice
With offices in Oakland and Union City, Filipino Advocates for Justice offers help to Filipino immigrants, including: Naturalization Assistance, Family Reunification Assistance, information on how to navigate public benefits system, and General Information and Referral. Multi-Language: Tagalog Key Words: Asian, API
Food Stamps (CalFresh)
CalFresh, formerly known as California’s Food Stamp Program, is a federal government nutrition program, like WIC and School Meals. People may be eligible to receive food stamp benefits whether or not they are working or have children. Immigrants with anyone in the family with a social security number, may qualify for partial benefits. Food Stamps are not subject to Public Charge. Multi-language: Spanish
IRC (International Rescue Committee) in Northern California
IRC staff members and volunteers believe that refugees greatest resources are themselves. We help them translate their skills, interests and past experiences into assets that are valuable in their new communities.
IRC Northern California’s Emergency Response Fund for new Afghan arrivals
25 offices in the US, including Oakland and San Jose, CA. Multi-lingual: Oromo, Somali, Amharic, Assyrian, Arabic. French, Laotian, Persian, Farsi, Thai, Vietnamese, BIA Accredited., RIF, Key Words: SCC Language Bank
Kaiser Permanente Child Health Plan
Kaiser Permanente provides full membership through a subsidized Child Health Plan, offering a quality option in California that gives children from low income families the health care they need for just $8 or $15 per child, per month, for up to 3 children. Additional children are covered at no extra premium. Call our Member Service Contact Center at 1-800-464-4000 for information about enrollment periods. is a public service website that allows users to easily find, customize, and share data on more than 400 measures about child health and well being in California. Data are available for every county, and also are offered for cities, school districts, and legislative districts when available. Data includes age groups of children living with foreign born caregivers, languages spoken at home, and more. You can compare regions of interest, and view comparable statewide data.
La Cooperativa Campesina de California
La Cooperativa is a California 501 c (3) association of farmworker service programs. Members provide services throughout California but especially in rural areas where farmworkers live and work. Our diverse services have self-sufficiency through training and employment for farmworkers as a focal point. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Migrant, Health care, Legal, food,
Maitri Domestic Violence Shelter and Legal Services
Maitri is a free, con?dential, nonpro?t organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area that primarily helps families and individuals from South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives) facing domestic violence, emotional abuse, cultural alienation, or family con?ict. Maitri facilities remain closed until further notice. However, our live helpline is open from Mon to Fri (9 am to 3 pm) with voicemails checked outside of those hours. Phone 1-888-8-MAITRI or (1-888-862-4874) Multi-language: Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Marwari, Oriya, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, & Urdu.
If you are a victim of domestic violence and are currently in danger,or threatened with homelessness, or need other services due to the impact of the current pandemic situation, please call our Maitri helpline. We may be able to help connect you with internal or external resources.
Maitri also provides assistance to South Asian survivors of domestic violence with the following services: Immigration Information/ Referral, VAWA Self Petition, U Visa/T Visa Application, Removal of Conditions on Green Card, Citizenship Application. BIA Accredited Non-Profit Legal.
ACLU of Northern California
The ACLU, based in SF, works to protect civil liberties in this region of the country. We are at the forefront of every civil liberties battle – from the rights of immigrants and reproductive rights to abolition of the death penalty and the rights of lesbians and gay men. Multi-language: | Spanish |
Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC)
APALC was established in 1983 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) and has become the largest organization in southern California that provides Asian and Pacific Islander (API) and other communities with multi-lingual, culturally sensitive services and legal education. In-house attorneys and paralegals with expertise in immigration and naturalization, workers’ rights, family law and domestic violence, immigrant welfare, voting rights and anti-discrimination. Multi-language: Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) , Hindi , Japanese, Korean, Mayayalam, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Interpretation in other languages can also be arranged. Key Words: AAPI, citizenship
211 California
CA 211 links to Community, health, and disaster information (24-hour) for most California counties. Find community services near you – child care, senior services, counseling, food, shelter, job services, housing, employment, health care, and much more. Multi-language Key Words: I&R,
California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE)
The California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1976 to promote quality bilingual education for CA students with diverse cultural, racial, and linguistic backgrounds.
California Association of Food Banks
Map of California where you can click on any county, and the website for the county’s food bank will open. You can also call the CA Association of Food Banks at 1 (510) 350- 9920. There is also a list of county food bank phone numbers.
Self Help for the Elderly
We have set up additional phone lines to provide information and help with sign up for Congregate or home-delivered meals, COVID-19 vaccinations, and other referrals. The hours are Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 5 pm. The phone numbers are:
415-677-7600 *** 415-677-7601 *** 415-677-7603 *** 415-677-7581 *** 415-677-7585 *** 415-677-7591
Multi-language: Mandarin & Cantonese
Phone : (408)246-8790 Offices in: San Francisco, San Jose, San Mateo and Oakland. Key Words: Asian, Chinese
Services, Immigration Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
We no longer offer walk-in clinics due to the pandemic. Free telephonic legal consultations are available by appointment only. Call us at (408) 453-3003 to set up a consultation for potential affirmative relief. If you are in removal proceedings, call (559) 840-0005 to set up an appointment.
To sign up for an upcoming DACA clinic, email To sign up for an upcoming naturalization clinic, email Multi-language: English, Spanish, Vietnamese: Bay Area BIA Accredited Non-Profit Member of the SCC Citizenship Collaboration Key Words: Know Your Rights (KYR), DACA, VAWA, Santa Clara County, SCC,
Somos Mayfair
Providing direct services to the community and organizing residents to take collective action. Program areas: Engaging the community in dialogue: Using popular theater, supporting families to meet basic needs: Promotores (community educators) work with over 200 Mayfair families each year. We nurture a shared community identity and support collective action to impact policies and build power. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Latino, Latinx, SCC, Immigrant Integration,
Somos Mayfair COVID-19 Resource Guide is a living document compiled by SOMOS Mayfair. If you’d like to add a resource or recommend any changes, please email
South Asian Bar Association
SABA-NC was founded in 1993 to ensure that Bay Area South Asian lawyers were provided an avenue to develop professionally, network among peers and volunteer within the South Asian community. Hosted fundraiser’s for South Asian community support and social service organizations, and encouraged members to provide pro bono legal services to those in need. Key Words: API
SCC Victim Witness Assistance Program
Organizations throughout the state can help victims apply for compensation, guide victims through the criminal justice system, and provide for victims’ needs. Key Words: Vunlerable, justice, legal
Yu-Ai Kai
A Japanese American Community Senior Service, located in Japantown San Jose, is committed to serving seniors with an array of activities and programs. We offer a well-balanced senior day care program, a nutritious lunch service, social services, a transportation program and countless classes and trips for all our seniors.
Key Words: Asia, API
Work2future operates One-Stop Centers that serve the areas of San Jose, Campbell, Morgan Hill, Los Altos Hills, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, and the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County. Free services and classes are provided for residents, businesses, and youth, including: job search, job training, ESL classes, assessments, career counseling, and more. Information in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
Katharine & George Alexander Community Law Center
COVID-19 Update:
We are continuing to educate our clinical law students and serve clients remotely. For pro bono advice and representation in: Consumer Law, Immigration Law, or Workers’ Rights, please leave a voicemail at (408) 288-7030.
Free Santa Clara County Office of Labor Enforcement advice line on employment law issues. 1(866) 870-7725. Multi-language: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Mandarin Key Words:
Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights L – (LCCR) of the SF Bay Area
Along with the Asian Law Caucus and La Raza Centro Legal, the Lawyers’ Committee co-sponsors a weekly clinic providing pro bono assistance to low-income families and individuals on immigration-related issues. Site also contains information on rights of immigrants, access to government services and access to education. Multi-language: Key Words: Advocacy, Legal, San Francisco, API
Legal Aid Society
LAS provides free, civil legal services for those low-income persons unable to obtain access to the judicial system through other avenues. Community members provided with the needed tools to advocate for themselves and to lead more independent lives. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Advocacy, Bay Area Non-Profit Key Word:
Oshman Family Jewish Community Center
The Oshman Family JCC aspires to be a Jewish neighborhood where all are welcome. The JCC establishes common ground, uniting diverse Jewish institutions, groups and individuals. Family Play Center, gym, cultural events, information & referrals, and more. Multi-language: Hebrew & Russian
Portuguese Community Center (POSSO)
POSSO maintains an extensive data-base on a variety of services and resources for Information and Referral. Staff and volunteers assist people with application for unemployment benefits, order of medications or other personal and social needs if you are homebound. Also Social Programs, language interpretation and translation, Brown Bag, Food Distribution, Naturalization, Legal Services, CADRE Partner Key Words: I&R, Multi-language: Portuguese
PRANA South Asian Health Care
PRANA was created by Palo Alto Medical Foundation’s South Asian Wellness Task Force, a committee of physicians, nutritionists and researchers, to help South Asians improve their health and reduce their risk of disease. Health information in English and Hindi . Multi-language: Key Words: Indian, seniors
Sacred Heart Community Services
COVID-19 SHCS offers a broad range of social programs including assistance with food, clothing, housing, utilities, employment search, financial coaching, tax preparation, counseling and advocacy. Immigrant friendly. .Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Mental Health, families, citizenship, children, vulnerable populations, SCC, Undocumented, Finance
San Jose Conservation Corps & Charter School
The SJCC & CS offers secondary education courses through it’s full-time charter high school, and vocational education and job training through its Environment Program and Recycling Departments. Another program, YouthBuild San Jose, combines the mandatory academics with paid on-site job training in the high demand, high wage construction trades. Multi-Language: Spanish Key Words: Childcare, teenage parents,
San Jose Multicultural Artists Guild
SJMAG is a diverse, professional, cross-cultural arts organization, that serves the community by presenting performing arts to Silicon Valley. Offering professional theatre productions, arts education programs, artists in residence, art festivals, special events for all ages.
IRC (International Rescue Committee) – San Jose
Providing resettlement services for Afghan Refugees, Immigration legal services, legal consultations, relative visa petitions, adjustment of status, consular processing, employment authorization, affidavit of support, removal of conditional residence, refugee travel documents, naturalization, alien registration card replacement, freedom of information act request, document authenticity, information and referral. Member SCC Citizenship Collaboration. Multi-language: French, Laotian, Persian, Thai, Vietnamese, Oromo, Somali, Amharic, Assyrian, Arabic. Key Words: Refugee, RIF,
Italian American Heritage Foundation
Promoting and preserving the spirit of our Italian heritage through annual Italian Family Festa, language classes, opera, musical programs, art shows, film festivals, and Cultural Center with a research library and photo exhibition. This site also contains links to other local and national Italian organizations, Italian Embassies worldwide, Italian government agencies, and more.
Italian American Heritage Foundation Scholarships
Multi-language: Italian Key Words: Ethnic, cultural competence, education
Japanese-American Citizens League
JACL has 112 Chapters across the nation. Community service includes advocacy or assistance on civil rights and sponsoring of cultural, educational and recreational activities. Member benefits include membership in a credit union, group health insurance, group discounts, scholarships, etc. The SJ Chapter owns the Issei Memorial in SJ Japantown for community use. Multi-language: Japanese Key Words: Ethnic, immigrant integration, Asian, Education, Financial Aid, API, Asian, SCC Language Bank
Japanese American Museum
The Japanese American Museum collects, preserves and disseminates the culture and history of Japanese Americans in Santa Clara Valley. Multi-language: Japanese Key Words: Ethnic, cultural competence, Asian, API
Chinese Historical and Cultural Project
The Chinese Historical and Cultural Project (CHCP) is a non-profit organization based in Santa Clara County, California. It promotes and preserves Chinese American and Chinese history and culture through community outreach activities. Multi-language: Chinese Key Words: Asian , API
Contact Cares Multi-purpose Help Line
24-hour multi-purpose helpline staffed by professionally trained volunteers who provide listening/counseling, crisis intervention, and referral to other community resources (408)279-8228. A program of the Bill Wilson Center. Multi-language: Spanish and Vietnamese. Key Words: Mental Health
Day Worker Center of Mt. View
Now open to serve you in person! The Day Worker Center of Mountain View is a non-profit organization that connects the day worker community with employers in a safe and reliable environment in addition to offering various programs for workers and community members such as providing healthy meals, ESL classes, technology classes, workshops about worker’s rights and much more. Our vision is a world of diverse communities where day laborers live with full rights and responsibilities in an environment of mutual respect, peace and harmony. Spanish Key Words: Vocational Education, Employment, jobs
ECCAC Filipino Family & Support Services
Empowers families through advocacy, education and linkage to family-centered resources. We develop culturally receptive support groups for Tagolog speaking families impacted by mental health issues. Educate the family on how to access services through the county’s mental health system. Multi-language: Tagalog Key Words: Counseling, Mental Health, Advocacy, API,
Eritrean Community in Santa Clara County (ECSCC)
COVID-19 Update: Receiving requests with needs from the Eritrean community.
We offer assistance and referral services for food, language interpretation, immigration, tax preparation, and help completing any applications that may be necessary for assistance.
It is estimated that over 5000 Eritreans currently reside in Santa Clara County. ECSCC acts as a link between its members and American society. New Eritrean arrivals are provided with information to help them adjust in the America. ECSCC provides adult and youth workshops, organizes cultural shows, picnics, celebrates Eritrean national holidays and provides support in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. Multi-language: Tigrinya Key Words: Immigrant Integration, Refugee, Africa, RIF, TRANSLATION
FACTR (Family Alliance for Counseling Tools and Resolution)
Multi-cultural service, research and training center for the benefit of inter-generational immigrant families experiencing stress in their new environment. Provides counseling, psycho- educational services and cultural awareness programs for newcomer families and their children, regarding state Laws pertaining to Child Protection, Domestic Violence, Educational, Immigration and other areas. Nominal fees for services may be charged based on income. Multi-language: Chinese (Cantonese), Spanish, Vietnamese, Key Words: Immigrant Integration, Advocacy, Mental Health, Legal, RIF
Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS)
The mission of FANHS shall be to promote understanding and appreciation through the preservation and dissemination of the history and culture of Filipino Americans in the US. Multi-language: Tagalog Key Words: Networking, Philipines, API
Grail Family Services
GFS fosters learning and the empowerment of vulnerable East San Jose families with young children through programs that educate, develop leadership skills, and build a sense of community. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Networking, Cooperative, Parenting, Literacy, ESL, Advocacy
Healthier Kids Foundation
HKF focuses on ensuring access to health care services for all children. Enrolling in Medi-Cal means access to health services for FREE or at low cost, including preventive services like annual check-ups, dental, vision care and prescriptions. Now enrolling MediCal Expansion for Young Adults 19 – 25 (regardless of immigration status).. Call 1-877-557-0093 COVID-19 Vaccine information line 1-833-560-0560 Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese Key Words: SCC, Undocumented
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley
The HFSV cultivates philanthropy and inspires Hispanic children and families to achieve personal greatness. Resources are directed toward creating opportunities for Hispanic children and families. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Latino, Education, Networking
Immigration Services of Mt. View
ISMV is a small non-profit organization, providing low cost services focused on family-based immigration law with an emphasis on helping victims of domestic violence or other serious crime and students who dream of legalizing their status in the US. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words: Women, Education, DACA, DAPA. SCC OIR List
India Community Center (ICC)
3/20 COVID-19 Update – The facilities are currently closed and will re-open for group gatherings when they are able to assure the health of all members.
ICC has facilities in both Santa Clara and Milpitas. Information & Referral (both Indian and mainstream), free legal clinic, free medical clinic, free ayurveda clinic, free behavioral health clinic. Activities for children, teens, adults, and seniors in the Indian Community. Multi-language: Hindi, Gujarati Key Words: Ethnic, cultural competence, social, mental health Food
Cambodian Women’s Association of Santa Clara County
A women’s network and support group working to empower women and their families from all ethnic groups and preserve Cambodian art and culture within the community. Focus is on Community Education as the tool to create a safe environment to live in. Multi-language: Cambodian, Khmer Key Words: SCC, Asian
Center for Employment Training (CET) Immigration Service
Services continue to be provided by telephone only. Staff is accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). Phone (408) 534-5451 for assistance with DACA, Citizenship, and immigration. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese</strong > Key Words: , Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Member of the SCC Citizenship Collaboration, SCC OIR List.
211 Bay Area Directory
211 is a free, non-emergency, confidential, 3 digit phone number and online database service that provides 24/7 access to critical health and human services. Text Coronavirus to 211211 for information on response efforts throughout the Bay Area. Referrals to new distribution locations and schedule for food box pick-up, and box meal distribution for children under 18. Food deliveries for those in quarantine or ill. Multi-language: over 170 languages Area: Counties of San Mateo, Napa, Solano , Marin and Santa Clara Key Words: food, housing, employment, health care, counseling, disaster, pandemic, COVID-19, SCC,
American Red Cross – Silicon Valley Chapter (ARC-SV)
Classes in disaster preparedness and response, health and safety, first aid, and childcare. Emergency assistance for victims of home fires and natural disasters. Fire prevention and community education programs. International Services – Family Reunification. San Jose office serves Santa Clara County. Key Words: RIF
AACI (Asian Americans for Community Involvement)
AACI continues to provide essential healthcare servicesr:
**Health Center is providing medical care and screening for patients.
**Behavioral Health is providing counseling and support to clients using telehealth and phone visits when possible.
**Asian Women’s Home, their program for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, continues to shelter and support survivors and their children.
**Senior Center is serving nutritious take out lunches for seniors.
Multi service program. Hope Program (HIV/AISA outreach prevention & education), Primary Health Care Asian focused medical facility, Covered CA Insurance Enrollment Asst, Youth Services & Recreation, Mental Health Care: Counseling, Addictions, Problem Gambling, Center for Survivors of Torture, Senior Wellness, Asian American Voices. Multi-language: Cantonese, Mandarin,Chiu-Chow, Laotian, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Tagalog, Lao-Mien, Farsi, and Japanese. Key Words: San Jose, Advocacy, Health Care, Seniors, Youth, Asian Pacific, Indo-Chinese, Substance abuse, Addiction, Recovery, AAPI, refugee, RIF, COVID-19, ethnic, SCC Language Bank,
Asian American Recovery Services, Inc. (AARS)
The purpose of AARS is to reduce the impact of substance abuse in the Asian and Pacific Islander and other affected communities of the SF Bay Area. Providing prevention, outreach, intervention and treatment services, as well as, engaging in education, research and advocacy. Key Words: API, Mental Health, Addiction, recovery, SCC Multi-language: Cantonese, Khmer/Cambodian, Mandarin, Samoan, Tagalog, and Spanish Serving: San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Santa Clara County
Asian Immigrant Women’s Advocates (AIWA)
AIWA’s mission is to empower low-income, limited English speaking Asian immigrant women workers to stimulate positive changes in their workplaces, communities and broader society. AIWA works with women workers employed in the garment, hotel, restaurant, electronics assembly and other low-wage industries in Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose, Santa Clara County. Key Words: Workers’ Rights, Employment, API, SCC Multi-language:
Asian Law Alliance (ALA)
All intakes are being conducted remotely at this time, we are currently not accepting walk-ins. Appointments by phone and ZOOM. Call (408) 287-9710 or e-mail
Anyone who wants to renew their DACA status. Call (408) 823-0799 for more information. Also assistance with Housing ** Public Benefits ** Immigration and Citizenship ** Protection For Domestic Violence Victims ** Civil Rights
County. Legal Immigration and Citizenship services. Member of the SCC Citizenship Collaboration Multi-language: Vietnamese, Spanish, Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin), Tagalog, Korean. and other languages as needed. Key Words: Refugee, Housing, Domestic Violence, Civil Rights, Public Benefits, DACA, KYR, SCC OIR List, RIF, API