A listing of 2023 dates of the primary sacred times for world religions including Judaism, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu,
Christian, Baha’i, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Shinto, Jain, Confucian, Daoist, Native American, Materialism,
Secular Humanism and more. . Very convenient to avoid conflicts when scheduling events for multi-cultural populations.
Provider Type: Faith-Based
Disaster & Religion App
The Disaster and Religion App.helps disaster responders better serve America’s diverse religious communities and build partnerships with religious leaders, with easily accessible religious literacy and competency information on 27 unique religions. It was created by the National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN), New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS), and the University of southern California Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC).
2021 Report on International Religious Freedom
6/2/22 The annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom”the International Religious Freedom Report”describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The report covers government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals, and U.S. policies to promote religious freedom around the world. The U.S. Department of State submits the reports in accordance with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
Just Serve
JustServe.org is a website where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.
JustServe is a service to help link community volunteer needs with volunteers and does not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation in posting projects or in encouraging volunteers to serve according to our guidelines. Sponsored by the LDS Church
San Jose Bridge Communities (SJBC)
SJBC is a grass roots organization with the philosophy of service that facilitates opportunities to form cross cultural and cross class friendships. Programs include: Parenting Classes, Language Exchange Classes, Food Distribution, Tutoring, Getting Ahead Class, Hands and Voices (focus on equipping students with the tools to express themselves through painting, drawing, Film, photography and more), Arte y cafe (an art class design for destressing and self care) . Multi-language: Spanish
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has developed a baseline security self-assessment that is designed for a person, with little to no security experience, to complete a security assessment.
Houses of Worship (HOW) security self-assessment USER GUIDE | Houses of Worship
Security Self-Assessment | The assessment, when completed, will provide an easy to follow road map for implementing suggested voluntary options for consideration
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Saint Thomas provides an English Language Class free to anyone who wants to learn. For more information
Classes are Fridays at 10am with instructor Mabel Cheng in the Disciples Room of our Education Building.
Contact Us
Key Words: FBO, SCC, PACT
San Jose mandala ceremony offers universal lesson in change
4/6/22 As chanting filled the main hall of a local Buddhist temple Sunday afternoon, San Jose resident Trang Huynh joined with about 50 people in praying and celebrating a sand mandala dissolution ceremony.
The monks, assigned by the Dalai Lama, spent more than three days meticulously pouring sand by hand onto a blueprint to create the mandala. The holy ceremony ends with the breaking of the sand circle, as colorful grains of sand are swirled together into a gray pile. This symbolizes a core lesson of impermanence: Everything is bound to change and nothing lasts forever.
Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship –Security Guide
December 2020 Acts of targeted violence against houses of worship are a real”and potentially growing”problem in the United States and a top priority for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA has prepared this comprehensive security guide based on original analysis to help houses of worship develop a comprehensive security strategy to mitigate future incidents.
Webinar (Recording): Preventing Targeted Violence and Protecting the Safety and Security of Houses of Worship through Faith and Community Based Approaches in the US and in Europe
Key Words: FBO, Faith Based Organization,
DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
The DHS Center serves as a clearinghouse for information, connecting and coordinating with faith-based organizations allowing information to be shared in both directions, informing decision-making at DHS by elevating concerns, ground truth and local situational awareness while providing feedback, updates and guidance to the faith community.
Guide for Developing HighQuality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
6/13 This guide provides houses of worship with information regarding emergency operations
planning for the spectrum of threats and hazards they may face. It discusses actions that may be
taken before, during, and after an incident in order to reduce the impact on property and any loss
of life and it encourages every house of worship to develop an EOP.
Muslim American Society-Social Services Foundation (MAS-SSF)
10/21 The (MAS-SSF) offers peer mental health and social support services in five languages: English, Dari/Farsi, Pashto, Arabic, and Urdu. Support Services in-person, on the phone, and over the internet include: * A completely confidential and HIPAA-compliant peer mental health service that gives you the ability to interact with a dedicated peer specialist from virtually anywhere. Call 916 486-8626, Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm * Email MAS-SSF at counseling@mas-ssf.org
Amala Hopeline for Muslim Youth
10/21 If you are feeling sadness, anxiety, fear, or any emotions that you need to process, please call Amala Hopeline. We aim to provide a culturally competent, confidential, and non-judgmental counseling and resource referral over the phone. We are available Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays from 6PM-10PM. Please give us a call, we are here for you. 855-95-Amala
MuslimARC (Anti-Racist Collaborative) Toolkits
MuslimARC is an human rights education organization. Our work consists of raising awareness and training Muslim communities on issues of racial justice. In order to uproot racism, we focus on developing and delivering education on internalized, interpersonal, and institutional racism. In our trainings and workshops, MuslimARC addresses both personal and systemic racism.
Suicide Prevention Muslim Community Action Guide
Muslims are not immune to mental illness. Even though suicide is disallowed in strong language in the Qur’an (see 4:29; 2:195), it does not diminish the fact that countless Muslims struggle every day with suicidal thoughts.
While you may not be trained as a mental health
professional, this guide is meant to equip you with the
knowledge and tools to better prevent, intervene, and
address suicide in your community and help save lives.
Welcoming San Jose 2021 – 24 Plan
With recent changes in the national landscape that
allow for greater forward movement for immigrant
communities, building an inclusive and cohesive
San José is work that requires a deliberate investment from all sectors. A bold local strategy and
infrastructure to support immigrant inclusion is
critical to a successful city for all, regardless of national origin or immigration status. The Welcoming
San José Plan: 2021-2024 is another step towards
building and implementing this local strategy, in
collaboration with our many community partners.
Muslim Americans Experience a Wave of Islamophobic Attacks Following 20th Anniversary of 9/11
9-16-21 On what should have been a day of reflection and solidarity marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorism attacks on our nation, some Americans once again decided it was more important to turn to hate by harassing and attacking their fellow man.
NBC News’ Sakshi Venkatraman has reported that “as the 20th anniversary of 9/11 passed Saturday, Muslim Americans braced for what community leaders said happens every year around this time: a wave of hate and overt Islamophobia.”
Since 9/11, US Muslims Have Gained Unprecedented Political, Cultural Influence
8/1/21 As the 20th anniversary of September 11 approaches, the recent rise of many Muslim Americans to positions of power and influence”in Washington and in statehouses, on big screens and small ones, across playing fields and news desks”is a development that few in the U.S. would have predicted two decades ago, Muslims included. In the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks by the radical Islamic sect Al-Qaeda, anti-Muslim hate crimes exploded and the ensuing global “war on terror” to root out jihadists created a “climate of discrimination, fear and intolerance,” as one think tank described it, that surrounded people.
Muslim American mental health experts are developing their own resources
8/26/21 Muslim American adults are twice as likely to report a history of attempted suicide than Americans belonging to other religious traditions or no religion, according to a new study. It’s a rate even higher than experts feared, one that includes both local tragedies that families may be reluctant to report and high-profile cases, like the shocking murder-suicide in Allen, Texas, that left an entire family dead in April and sent shockwaves through Muslim communities around the country.
SEEMA – Find a Muslim Therapist
SEEMA advocates to embrace and empower mental health by way of support groups, educational workshops, social activities, and access to professionals, to eradicate mental health stigma within the Muslim community. Find a Muslim Therapist in North America
Christians and the Vaccine
Should I take the COVID vaccine?
This is a question that everyone must answer for themselves.
For some Christians, this question runs into a particular set of roadblocks. These are serious issues, and they deserve a thoughtful and biblical response.
We have gathered as a coalition to provide information about the vaccine from trusted Christian voices. We make the case that Christians should take the vaccine. But as important as the action itself is, we believe the decision making process matters just as much. Key Words: Misinformation
Statement by United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights
4/21/21 Discrimination in the Americas – Challenges and good practices – This past year has changed our lives in ways we still struggle to understand.
But in the midst of so many uncertainties, one thing comes clear: rarely have we seen such a powerful demonstration of the value of human rights.
COVID-19 and its impacts have been feeding off and exacerbating gaps in human rights protection; fault lines built on profound, intersecting and structural discrimination and inequalities.
The pandemic took the whole world by storm, but the tempest hit hardest in the Americas.
Vietnamese American Service Center set to open in fall in San Jose
2/16/21 After nearly a decade of planning and years of construction, Santa Clara County’s Vietnamese-American Service Center is set for a grand opening this fall.
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Based in Santa Clara, CA, CAIR-SFBA is America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group, with regional offices nationwide.
Our mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims. The CAIR-SFBA office is now offering low-cost or pro bono legal assistance for citizenship, adjustment of status, family petitions, asylum, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), T-Visas, U-Visas, and Violence against Women Act (VAWA) self-petitions, Asylum, Afghan SIV
Request Legal Assistance |
Report an Incident of racial or religious discrimination or Request Legal Services
Key Words: KYR, Hate Crime, Muslim,
CISA Faith Based Community Cybersecurity Resources
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is committed to supporting efforts to maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities while sustaining an open and welcoming environment. In partnership with the Department of Homeland Security Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives and the Faith-Based Information Sharing and Analysis Organization, CISA provides resources that assist in securing physical and cyber infrastructure.
Mental Health Stigma in the Muslim Community
2012 Report – The possibility that cultural normative beliefs may be mislabeled or unidentified due to cultural insensitivity also need to be addressed, particularly insofar as such mislabeling may lead to both the unnecessary stigmatization of those who, in fact, do not have psychiatric problems, and the failure to help individuals who do need it. Further, anti-stigma interventionists must take care to not inadvertently undermine strengths of Muslim attitudes toward mental illness, potentially including less blame placed on patients (at least in some contexts) and greater hope regarding prognosis.
Map the Impact – New American Economy Report on Immigrant Contributions
2019 interactive map to get comprehensive national, state and local immigration data. Map the Impact now includes new data on Dreamers, refugees, TPS holders, and undocumented immigrants directly impacted by the 2020 Presidential Election.
A Muslim prayer app was doing more than reminding users to pray. It was selling their info
11/20/20 Users of the popular Muslim prayer app Muslim Pro are posting negative reviews and taking to Twitter to discuss their disappointment after a news report revealed the app was selling users’ information to companies and government agencies. An investigation and report by Vice’s Motherboard found that the app sold location data and other personal information to a third-party broker called X-Mode. X-Mode later sold that same data to defense contractors that provide information to agencies like the U.S. military.
Archive – Tzu Chi Providing Care and Support After Northern California’s Lightning Complex Fire
9/4/20 The CZU fire in the southern Bay Area was one of three major fire sites in the Bay Area. Minjhing Hsieh, Executive Director of Tzu Chi’s Northwest region, visited the Santa Cruz County shelter for the first time on August 27th alongside volunteers Grace Chen and CM Yung. Volunteers learned more about the shelter from the site manager, Mark Larson, who told them that the area is 110 acres, has 71 cabins, and a parking lot that can accommodate 150 RVs. On August 20, nearly 500 evacuees occupied the shelter, of which, about two hundred people lived in the cabins, and about three hundred lived in 130 RVs. Key Words: Disaster
Raising Children in a New Country: An Illustrated Handbook
Refugee and immigrant families come to the United States with a wealth of parenting strengths, drawing on culture, tradition and family experience. Like most parents in the U.S., they tend to be responsible and nurturing, and have often sacrificed tremendously to provide their children with an opportunity for safety and success in this new country. At the same time, it is clear that newcomer parents often need assistance adapting to: a new physical environment with unaccustomed dangers; the loss of extended family and community support; the ineffectiveness (and sometimes illegality) of traditional methods of discipline; and their children’s new and often unfamiliar “Americanized” behaviors. Multi-language: Arabic & Somali Key Words: English Audio | Somali Audio NOW AVAILABLE IN Dari and Pashto |
SIVIC (Silicon Valley Interreligious Council)
We have started a list of faith communities in Santa Clara County that offer online worship services and we have COVID-19 info and resource links. If you wish to add your faith community to the list of those with online servicess, send an email to info@sivicouncil.org with the name of the faith community and a link to where the information is about viewing the services.
In the Long Run, Diversity Wins
11/20/19 Is religious diversity too politically difficult and socially disruptive, as many argue? Perhaps, the argument goes, the stability and social peace of these countries is maintained by their relative ethnic and religious homogeneity”and that this fragile balance can’t withstand the diversity that the newest wave of migrants is introducing.
But new research published over the summer provides some reason to think that humans may not be as averse to diversity as we think, at least not over time.
Archive – HONDURAS 2019 PILGRIMAGE BRIEF: – U.S. Responsibility and Roadmap for Change
7/19 An international delegation of 75 faith leaders involved with issues of social justice and immigration traveled to Honduras from March 18th to 25th, 2019, led by the SHARE Foundation, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity, Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and Sisters of Mercy of the Americas’ Justice Team. We went to listen, learn, and witness. Our objectives were to bring back to the U.S. a better understanding of what is at the root of the flow of migrants, especially youth and families, from Central America (and particularly Honduras),
Intercultural Speakers Bureau from ING
ING’s ICSB examines the roots and inter-connectedness of various forms of bigotry, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia, that are directed against Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Latinx, Asians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Native Americans. Panels of speakers address the history and impact of knowledge creation under colonialism and slavery, old and neo-orientalism, xenophobia, and internalized bigotry. Panels will include group discussions and conclude with calls to action to counter prejudice and hate while building an inclusive society based on mutual understanding and solidarity.
To schedule a panel, allow 2-4 weeks advance notice and at least 1-2 hours for a panel for speaker presentations and discussion. Contact us at 408-296-7312 extension 160 or email scheduler@ing.org. Key Words: SCC
Don’t be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks
A simple primer on how to interrupt racist attacks in public from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). This video suggests how we can all support a victim without involving police (unless the victim asks). If you are an educator, we strongly encourage you to share this video in your classrooms. Key Words: Islamophobia, Hate Crimes, Advocacy, intervention
Catholic Charities Free Food Distribution
FREE Weekly and Bi- Weekly Drive Thru sites at Churches for food. No registration needed beforehand – Registration will be done on site.
Dates range Tuesday through Saturday
Mental Health Starts With Me
A site with links to Santa Clara County Mental Health Resources including: General Mental Health Services, LGBTQ, Faith-Based, Culturally Specific, and Online Support. Key Words: SCC
The Salvation Army SCC
A national faith based organization with multiple social services including Disaster Services, Emergency Financial Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Food, Family Counseling Services, Health Services, Housing and more. Main Santa Clara County offices in San Jose and Gilroy. Spanish Key Words: EAN, Homeless, Disaster, CADRE, SCC
Faith Leaders Oppose Trump’s Immigration Policy Of Separating Children From Parents
6/16/18 A Trump administration policy of separating children from their parents on the U.S. border has prompted a crescendo of criticism among religious leaders. They span different faiths, denominations and ages. Some of them have also helped the president gain support for his base.
About 11,000 children are in shelters, according to the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Nearly 2,000 children were removed from the care of their parents and taken into federal custody between April 19 and May 31, an immigration official said Friday.
Multi-faith Rally and Re-affirmation of Santa Clara County Values
8/20/17 In a display of unity against bigotry, leaders of numerous faiths, members of their congregations and others, joined public officials to express solidarity in the wake of the bloody rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The rally at Emmanuel Baptist Church San Jose drew about 300, including leaders Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, SCC Supervisor Dave Cortese, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and SJ Police Chief Eddie Garcia.. Father Jon Pedigo, one of the event organizers, said, The best thing we can do is show and promote a different vision of who we are as a community. Show them we appreciate and respect each other and embrace each other regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or immigration status.
Know Your Rights as a Refugee (fro CWS)
3/17 Some of the free multilingual guides on rights as a refugee in the U.S. Offered by CWS (Church World Service) to create a home base for groups serving immigrants and refugees around the world. Booklets available for download in English | French | Arabic | Nepali | Somali |
Audio materials also available to download.
Bay Area Solidarity Network aims to protect undocumented immigrants from deportation
4/7/17 SAN JOSE – Building on a national movement to protect immigrant communities, faith leaders and local and state politicians on Friday pledged their support to undocumented immigrants who fear deportation under the Trump administration.
The network includes 70 congregations throughout Santa Clara County. Some have pledged to offer sanctuary to families at immediate risk of deportation while others will provide various forms of support to these individuals, such as connecting them to legal resources. Others will participate in PACT’s Rapid Response Team, a group of volunteers that plans to show up to the scene of local ICE raids to document the incident.
Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC)
The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all human beings with dignity and respect. Coalition members work together to advocate for just and equitable immigration policies, educate faith communities, and serve immigrant populations around the country. Key Words: Sanctuary Toolkit
Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley
The Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley is a 85-year-old nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening Jewish community and helping Jews and others both locally, in the Silicon Valley, and overseas. Children’s camp, free children’s books, philanthropy, day school, fitness facility.
San Jose Unity rally supports immigrants, decries hate speech
11/20/16 SJ Mercury News – 500 people braved the rain Sunday for a bigger cause: fighting against hate speech, protecting health care and the defending the civil rights of immigrants. Catalyzed by the volatile presidential election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, organizers said the Unity Gathering was meant to bring the community together after the Republicans victory to spread messages of peace and hope.
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC)
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) builds interreligious harmony and understanding so as to promote a just and compassionate society in Silicon Valley. Sponsoring projects such as the Sustainable, Just and Healthy Food Campaign and the Compassion Games. Key Words: Diversity, FBO
Santa Maria Urban Ministry (SMUM)
SMUM provides the local community with a safe, welcoming place to seek basic services that meet short-term needs, and educational and targeted services to support permanent transformation. Bi-lingual Spanish programs include ESL classes, after school tutoring and homework sessions, ABC preschool, clothes closet, and a food pantry. Serving Zip Codes 95110 * 95128 * 95112 * 95131 * 95117 * 95132 * 95125 * 95134 * 95126 * 95192 (SJSU) Key Words: Multi-language: Spanish
FEMA Fundamental Principles and Policymaking Criteria for Partnerships with Faith-based Organization
Final Rule Implementing Executive Order 13559 – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), along with eight other federal agencies, published a final rule that will provide new religious liberty protections for beneficiaries of federally funded social service programs, while also adding new protections for the ability of religious providers to compete for government funds on the same basis as any other private organization. Key Words: Disaster, CBO,FBO, Resource, Regulation
PACT-San Jose
PACT’s mission is to empower everyday people to create a more healthy and just society by winning victories for the community – not by speaking for them, but by teaching people how to speak up and take action in the public arena through grass roots organizing.
PACT represents more than 50,000 people through it’s member organizations: PACT is an affiliate of the PICO National Network, one of the largest grassroots community organizations in the US, representing more than 1,000 religious congregations, schools, and neighborhood institutions and 1,000,000 families in 150 cities and towns. Key Words: Collaboration Multi-lingual: Spanish
AMURT’s mission is to help improve the quality of life for the poor and disadvantaged people of the world, and those affected by calamity and conflict. We encourage and enable individuals and communities to harness their own resources for securing the basic necessities of life and for gaining greater economic, social and spiritual fulfillment, while honoring their customs, language, and religious beliefs. Key Words: Refugee
Disaster Preparedness In Migrant Communities – A Manual for First Responders
This 2013 manual shares the lessons learned from the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS). Newcomers – the collective term for immigrants, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, and unaccompanied children – are in most ways like everyone else when disaster strikes a community. They need things like shelter and security, food and water, medical care, and an opportunity to quickly get back to earning a living. However, newcomers have unique issues during times of crisis. Some, if not addressed, can have disastrous results.
Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA)
IRUSA conducts numerous humanitarian programs in the US and around the world, including food aid, women’s programs, education, disaster relief, health, and more. In partnership with the American Red Cross,, IRUSA offers free training to disaster volunteers and assists refugees in local communities. As a member of NVOAD, IRUSA responds to major disasters sending volunteers and resources. Key Words: Muslim, FBO, INTERNATIONAL
United Sikhs
United Sikhs is a UN-affiliated, international non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian relief, advocacy organization, to empower disadvantaged and minority communities in need, Also Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, and Youth Violence Prevention Programs, Senior Care Services, Anti-Hate Crime, Anti-Bullying Advocacy, and more. The United Sikhs National Family Resource Center was launched in 2012 to provide support, information and assistance through a 24 hour hotline (1-855-878-6333) and a new downloadable booklet, Helping Families Cope with Violence and Disaster
Zabihah is a worldwide search site for halal restaurants, food and products for Muslims. Key Words: Food, Islam, Directory
Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services (LIRS)
LIRS works with migrants and refugees and many partners in service to resettle refugees through a network of 28 local organizations in 26 states. 16 of those organizations also provide immigration legal services. Asylum seekers, survivors of torture and other migrants impacted by detention are served through 23 partners providing legal and social services including visitation ministry. In addition, we work directly with eight foster care programs at the state level to provide family reunification and foster care services for unaccompanied refugee and immigrant children.
Muslim Consultative Network (MCN)
Promotes interfaith dialogue, civic engagement,and provides a number of services to New York City’s Muslim community, including disaster education, training, and mitigation. MCN is currently developing a directory of community organizations and organizing disaster preparedness workshops for Muslim communities around the city. Key Words: FBO
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam
This Islamic Guide is for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran). It has been reviewed and edited by many professors and well-educated people. It is brief and simple to read. It contains the whole book, a Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam, and more. Multi-Language: | Spanish | French | German | Japanese | Chinese | Portuguese |Italian |
Islamic Foundation for Ecology & Environmental Sciences
IFEES has established itself an internationally recognized body articulating the Islamic position on Global Warming. IFEES invites collaboration from organizations and individuals from all persuasions who are also dedicated to the maintenance of the Earth as a healthy habitat for future generations of humankind as well as other living beings.
American Muslim Voice
The AMV Foundation is committed to connect people from all walks of life. Through education and social interaction we will erase our fears and will joyously accept each other so we can celebrate our diversity. Multi-language: Pakistani Based in San Jose, CA
Tzu Chi Foundation
Originally founded in Taiwan, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation is an international non-profit humanitarian organization with 4 major missions: charity, medicine, education, and humanistic culture. The foundation also engages in disaster relief. Tzu Chi is a member of NVOAD, National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster, and often works in collaboration with other relief agencies, such as the American Red Cross. Multi-language: Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese Key Words: Asian, Charity
Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights
We work in three geographic areas of California:
Greater San Francisco Bay Area, the Inland Valleys (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties), and Los Angeles County. Key Words: FBO
South Bay Islamic Association
In addition to prayers, SBIA provides Islamic School programs, Homeless Feeding, Islamic Funeral services, Family Night, and more. Key Words:
Islamic Network Group (ING)
Utilizing trained and certified speakers, ING annually delivers thousands of presentations and other educational programs in schools, colleges and universities, law enforcement agencies, corporations, healthcare facilities, and community organizations. ING’s goal is to challenge stereotypes and prevent prejudice while promoting understanding through education. Multi-language: Key Words: Ethnic, cultural competence, education
Love INC
Love, INC Santa Clara County is a referral line for local member churches. Call (408) 379-9223 M-F 9am till noon for needs assessment and referral for services for seniors and low income people. (Transportation to appointments or errands, Help moving, Minor home and car repairs, House cleaning, Yard work, Help with paperwork/organizing, Friendly visitor, budget mentoring program.)
Muslim Community Association (MCA)
In addition to being open for prayers five times a day, MCA provides several social services, Career Services, Legal Clinics, Medical Clinics, Weekend Islamic School programs, Dawah, Family counseling, Youth and Women’s services, Visiting scholars, etc. Multi-language Key Words: Islam, FBO
Rahime Foundation
Rahima Foundation serves the San Francisco Bay Area –
currently including: Monthly Food Distribution (basic non-perishable foods), scholarships to qualifying graduating high school students, and tuition assistance to selected students, Referrals for family counseling & employment, Human Dignity Day (For Homeless), and Used cars to those in need based upon availability. Key Words: Muslim, charity, education, FBO
Free Rice
FreeRice is a non-profit website run by the United Nations World Food Program. For every correct vocabulary answer you give, 10 grains of rice are donated. FreeRice has two goals: 1)Provide education to everyone for free. 2)Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. Key Words: Student Resource, ESL,