
The News-Information contains links to trusted immigration resources and assistance for SCC Immigrants and refugees. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 964 Results / Page 1 of 39

ADVOCACY: AILA’s Advocacy Action Center

4/11/22 Take Action: Urge the Senate to Pass the American Dream and Promise Act and the Farm Workforce Modernization Act

ADVOCACY: Detention Watch Network

DWN is a national coalition of organizations and individuals working to expose and challenge the injustices of the United States’ immigration detention and deportation system and advocate for profound change ...

ADVOCACY: Forward Together

Forward Together is a multi-racial organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform culture and policy to catalyze social change. Our mission is to ensure that women, youth ...


Since a shared vocabulary is the necessary first step for discussing racial equity, Generocity has put together a glossary of terms you might find useful.

ADVOCACY: How to Deepen Our Compassion for Refugees

4-7-22 When we face large numbers of people in need, we almost instinctively pull back. By questioning this reaction, we can make space for a more empathic response.

ADVOCACY: Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We ...

ADVOCACY: Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC)

The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all ...

ADVOCACY: Jose Antonio Vargas: Don’t Ignore Asian-Americans In Unauthorized Immigration Debate

10/19/18 Contrary to what’s reflected in the mainstream media, the Asian undocumented population is far from negligible. There are an estimated 1.7 million undocumented Asian-Americans living in the U.S., and ...

ADVOCACY: Know Your Rights VideoMultilingual

Jan 2016. 10 minute video in English and | Spanish | advising how to interact with authorities.

ADVOCACY: Kosmos Interview with American Muslim Voice Founder

12/15/15 Samina Faheem Sundas, a Sunni Muslim woman originally from Pakistan living in the United States, is the founder of American Muslim Voice, a grassroots organization that seeks to foster ...

ADVOCACY: Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG)

In the wake of the 2016 election, an army of more than 120,000 lawyers, law students, and activists rose up in defense of the values, principles, individuals, and communities that ...

ADVOCACY: Multi-faith Rally and Re-affirmation of Santa Clara County Values

8/20/17 In a display of unity against bigotry, leaders of numerous faiths, members of their congregations and others, joined public officials to express solidarity in the wake of the bloody ...

ADVOCACY: South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking (SBCEHT)Multilingual

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery that is widespread and occurs in the US, California, and right here in the Bay Area. It is one of the largest ...

ADVOCACY: What is a sanctuary city?

2/17 A sanctuary city is a place that has decided to keep local resources to solve local problems. Some people think ‘sanctuary’ means the city is harboring fugitives. That’s a ...

ADVOCACY: When Facts Don’t Matter: How to Communicate More Effectively about Immigration’s Costs and Benefits

11-18 Policymaking in democratic societies relies on the engagement of an electorate able to access and think critically about new information, and to adjust their views accordingly. This report explores ...

AFGHANISTAN: Afghan resettlement raises the question- Who is coming to the U.S.?

9/5/21 With tens of thousands of Afghans arriving at the end of America’s longest war, such comments from witnesses and government officials have left a question looming over the coming ...

AFGHANISTAN: Explainer: Humanitarian Parole and the Afghan Evacuation

8/30/21 The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has prompted a refugee crisis. UNHCR reports that more than 550,000 Afghans have been displaced since January due to Taliban advances. Those ...

AFGHANISTAN: San Jose City Resource Page

9/1/21 Information and resources, including local resettlement and legal assistance and congressional assistance for relatives still in Afghanistan.

AFGHANISTAN: Where Afghan refugees are expected to be resettled, by state

9/16/21 The Biden administration this week notified state authorities of the number of Afghan evacuees each state could receive in the coming weeks as part of the first phase of ...

CHILDREN: California high court rules for immigrant kids in visa fight

8/16/18 The California Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for some immigrant children who are abused or abandoned by a parent to seek a U.S. visa to avoid deportation ...

CHILDREN: Detaining migrant kids now a multi-billion dollar industry

7/12/18 Detaining immigrant children has morphed into a surging industry in the U.S. that now reaps $1 billion annually – a tenfold increase over the past decade, an Associated Press ...

CHILDREN: Facing Our Future: Children in the Aftermath of Immigration Enforcement

2010 Research from the Urban Institute on the Separation of Parents and Children Following Immigration Enforcement, the Effects of Immigration Enforcement on Family Well-Being, Consequences for Children: Child Behaviors, Changes, ...


Kids, this comic is for you. It’s based on a radio story that NPR education reporter Cory Turner did. He asked some experts what kids might want to know about ...

CHILDREN: Health 4 All KidsMultilingual

Beginning January 1, 2020, young adults up to age 26, no matter their immigration status, will be eligible for Medi-Cal Unlike restricted-scope Medi-Cal, children with full-scope Medi-Cal are able to ...

CHILDREN: Immigration Options for Undocumented Immigrant Children

8/18 A collection of one-page fact sheets fro ILRC on:
*Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) * Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) * U Visa * Trafficking Visa (T Visa) ...

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Multilingual Service Providers-Advocacy

The Multilingual Service Providers-Advocacy contains links to trusted immigration resources and assistance for SCC Immigrants and refugees. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 5 Results / Page 1 of 1

ADVOCACY: Capulli TonalehquehMultilingual

Capulli Tonalehqueh is an Aztec dance and cultural diffusion group based in San Jose. Their name means “community of guardians who accompany the sun” in the Nahuatl language. Their mission ...

ADVOCACY: Know Your Rights VideoMultilingual

Jan 2016. 10 minute video in English and | Spanish | advising how to interact with authorities.

ADVOCACY: Rainbow Welcome IniativeMultilingual

The Rainbow Welcome Initiative through Heartland Alliance supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) asylees and refugees as they resettle in the United States. This project helps LGBT asylees and ...

ADVOCACY: Refugee Council USAMultilingual

The RCUSA is a coalition of 29 U.S.-based non-governmental organizations, is dedicated to refugee protection, welcome, and excellence in the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Key Words: Legal Resources for displaced Afghans seeking humanitarian assistance and guidance

ADVOCACY: South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking (SBCEHT)Multilingual

Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery that is widespread and occurs in the US, California, and right here in the Bay Area. It is one of the largest ...

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Free San Jose Spanish CERT Class

Curso de Formación Básica del Equipo de Respuesta a Emergencias de la Comunidad Española (o CERT por sus siglas en ingles) Sept 20th – Oct 15th

El Equipo Comunitario de Respuesta a Emergencias (CERT por sus siglas en inglés) es un adiestramiento de todos los peligros con una duración de 20 horas, ofrecido por el Departamento de la Oficina de Emergencia de la Ciudad de San José (OEM por sus siglas en inglés) para los residentes de San José. El adiestramiento está diseñado para que los residentes puedan protegerse, proteger a sus familias, vecinos, y su vecindarios en el caso de una emergencia.

The US Has Approved Only 123 Afghan Humanitarian Parole Applications in the Last Year

08/19/22 More than a year since the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the U.S. government has approved less than 2% of Afghan applications it processed for a humanitarian parole program. Since July 2021, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has collected nearly $20 million from 66,000 applications filed through something called a Form I-131 and approved just 123 of the less than 8,000 applications processed.

The US Has Approved Only 123 Afghan Humanitarian Parole Applications in the Last Year


COVID-19 information and resources for children, parents, teachers and advocates including Shelter-In-Place amusements and learning tools.

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Found 35 Results / Page 1 of 2

CHILDREN: A Grown-Up’s Guide to Using Technology with Young Children

2019 The Center for Early Learning at Silicon Valley Community Foundation has partnered with Common Sense Media, the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world ...

CHILDREN: A Guide to Creating “Safe Space” Policies for Early Childhood Programs

4/19 Early childhood programs play an important role in the lives of young children and their families. But in our current immigration policy climate, families across the country are questioning ...

CHILDREN: Backpack Emergency Card for Children

Printable ID Cards from the CDC to be completed and carried in children’s backpacks. It is important to have your emergency contact information with you in case of an emergency. ...

CHILDREN: Care, Cope, Connect – Children’s Mental HealthMultilingual

The Care, Cope, Connect resource, was created by Sesame Street in Communities in collaboration with the First 5 Association of CA, helps parents cope with stress and provide safety and ...

CHILDREN: CDC Guidance for Schools and Child Care Programs Before and During an OutbreakMultilingual

1/6/22 The CDC has published Resources for K-12 Schools and Childcare Programs to support planning, preparation, and response to COVID-19. Includes Checklists, Protocols for Cleaning, Supplemental Guidance For Child Care ...

CHILDREN: Colorin ColoradoMultilingual

A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners. Current news articles regarding the COVID-19 impact on schools, ESL, the childcare system and tips for parents. This site ...

CHILDREN: COVIBOOK Multi-language Children’s BookMultilingual

Manuela Molina created this short book to support and reassure children under the age of 7, regarding the COVID-19. This book is an invitation for families to discuss the full ...

CHILDREN: First 5 Community Family Resource Centers and Resource DirectoryMultilingual

The goal of FIRST 5’s Family Resource Center Initiative is to give Santa Clara County families the skills and capacity to promote their children’s development, ensure their children’s school readiness, ...

CHILDREN: FREE Bilingual Children’s Picture Dictionary – ClothesMultilingual

Learn types of clothing with this bilingual children’s picture dictionary. Free download in:
English/Afrikaans, English/Albanian, English/Amharic, English/Arabic Egyptian, English/Arabic Formal, English/Arabic Gulf, English/Arabic Levantine, English/Arabic Maghrebi, English/Armenian, English/Azerbaijani, English/Basque, ...

CHILDREN: Gateway Community Outreach

Our Family Resource Center supports over 1500 Edenvale families on a weekly basis, providing food, clothing, life skills classes, and more at no cost.
Other community programs including homeless ...

CHILDREN: ICAN-International Children’s Assistance NetworkMultilingual

COVID-19 Update:
Find information on everything regarding the virus: shelter-in-place; food distribution; family needs such as diapers, formula, and calming kits; learning at home for kids; financial relief information; ...

CHILDREN: Kidpower 30-Skill Challenge™ eHandbookMultilingual

This coaching eHandbook provides a step-by-step teaching tool that any caring adult can use to teach vital “People Safety” skills to prepare children and teens to take charge of their ...

CHILDREN: Kidpower Safety Tips for Kids, Teens & AdultsMultilingual

Kidpower has produced free downloadable checklists of Safety Tips to teach Kids, Teens & Adults how to be safe from abuse, bullying, harassment, assault, and other violence. Languages: English, French, ...

CHILDREN: Raising a Girl: A Handbook for Newcomer Mothers and DaughtersMultilingual

This book from BRYC contains a Special Focus on Female Genital Cutting (FGC). It is intended for mothers and daughters or caregivers of girls to read through and talk about ...

CHILDREN: Raising Teens in a New Country HandbookMultilingual

Published by the Office of Refugee Resettlement for parents and teens who are new to the United States and for service providers working with them. The handbook covers topics such ...

CHILDREN: Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning and Healthy DevelopmentMultilingual

Focus on immigrant and refugee parents raising children from prenatal to age 5. Provides families with information about healthy development, early learning, school readiness and family engagement. Published by Bridging ...

CHILDREN: Rebekah Children’s Services Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center promotes school readiness through education, information and resources on nutrition, health, kindergarten readiness, early literacy, positive parenting and parenting advocacy for children and families. The Family ...

CHILDREN: Refugee Portal – BRYCS (Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services)Multilingual

We created this portal to ensure that refugees have easy access to multilingual resources. The languages shown here represent the most common languages spoken among refugees resettled in the U.S. ...

CHILDREN: Santa Clara County Tackles Children’s Covid-19 Grief

2/25/22 More than one in 330 children in the state have lost at least one of their caretakers to Covid-19, a disease that has now killed more than 928,000 people ...

CHILDREN: SCC Childcare Resource & Referral (R&R) ProgramMultilingual

The SCC R&R Program, managed by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, helps families access childcare that meets their specific needs and supports early learning and care providers to ...

CHILDREN: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

1990 Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to ...

CHILDREN: What Kids Can Do: Paying Attention to Children’s Capacities in the Pandemic

2/25/21 Opening up opportunities for children to get involved can make a tremendous difference to their recovery by increasing feelings of solidarity, empowerment, and interconnection. Still, the knowledge, creativity, energy, ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: is a public service website that allows users to easily find, customize, and share data on more than 400 measures about child health and well being in California. Data ...

DISASTER: Home Alone: Prepare Kids for Emergencies

Many children don’t have adult supervision 100% of the time. Parents and caregivers have jobs, errands, and other responsibilities that require them to leave their kids home alone some of ...

DISASTER: Let’s Have Fun With Fire Safety – English & SpanishMultilingual

This activity book gives young children valuable fire safety and prevention tips. Contains coloring pages and fun activities introducing children to topics such as escape planning, kitchen fire safety and ...

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Grants, loans, contracts and reimbursements for emergency response and recovery. CARES Act, SBA, CADRE Collaboration, SVCN, SVCF

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Found 20 Results / Page 1 of 1

ADVOCACY: Non-profit Racial Equity Pledge

The disparate health and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Silicon Valley communities of color are a profound illustration of the devastating cost of systemic racism
130 nonprofit leaders, ...

COMMUNICATION: California Teleconnect Fund (CTF)

The CTF is a program run by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that provides a 25% discount on select telephone services and 50% discounts on broadband services to schools, ...

COMMUNICATION: IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC)

COVID-19 Update:
The IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) is offering pro-bono INTERNET CONNECTIVITY, IT support, and hardware, With social distancing, internet connectivity has becoming even more critical, and we ...

DISASTER: CADRE (Collaborating Agencies’ Disaster Relief Effort)

CADRE coordinates organizational preparedness planning in non-disaster times and activates to respond and provide essential services during and after a disaster.
CADRE works with Santa Clara County’s emergency management ...

DISASTER: Nonprofit Insurance Alliance

NIA is a 501(c)3 serving over 20,000 nonprofit organizations in 32 states and the District of Columbia rely on us for their liability and property insurance. These nonprofits include animal ...


Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) created this fund in partnership with the Castellano Family Foundation. This initiative calls for vastly increased funding for Silicon Valley’s Latinx community leaders and Latinx-led ...

FOOD: Peninsula Food Runners

Our recipients include soup kitchens, shelters, low-income residences, affordable housing centers, schools, senior centers, family centers, homeless programs and group homes. We deliver 70,000+ healthy nutritious meals weekly to 400+ ...

HEALTH: CA Dept of Public Health Guidance Documents: Coronavirus Disease

2/9/21 A list of various guidance documents from the CDPH covering:
**Adult and Senior Care Facilities (PDF)
**Community care facilities, including assisted living facilities and child care

HEALTH: CDC Communities, Schools, Workplaces, and EventsMultilingual

CDC guidance for work, school, community events, FBOs and also homeless programs. Multi-language:
Key Words: Disaster, COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus, Children


HEALTH: FEMA – Community Vaccination Centers Playbook

2/4/21 This playbook establishes guidance for providing federal support to existing and new Community Vaccination Centers (CVCs) that are essential to accomplishing the mission, to include interagency coordination, resource support, ...

IMMIGRANTS: Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF)Multilingual

APIAHF and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) have collaborated on a combat hate crime toolkit that provides basic and critical information for victims, community based organization, and ...

LEGAL: Employer Liabilities and Considerations for Requiring Vaccinations – Recording

SVCN Webinar Recording Answering Questions About Vaccine Mandates for CA Non-Profits.
Can our nonprofit require our employees to be vaccinated as a condition of employment?
Do we have ...

LEGAL: OneJustice Pro-Bono Non-Profit Legal Asst

OneJustice was founded on a belief that lawyers and law students could be heroes by using their skills to bring equal justice to Californians in need. OneJustice continues to build ...

RESOURCE: Catchafire – Bay Area Capacity Building Collective

Strengthen your organization with the help of pro bono volunteers. This program connects you with talented professionals looking to give back, allowing you to access expertise in areas such as ...

RESOURCE: Idealist Non-Profit VolunteersMultilingual is a free, multi-language, international site where non-profit, community, and government organizations can post jobs, internships, and volunteer needs and volunteers can look for opportunities. For non-profits, registration, event ...

RESOURCE: Resources For Non-Profits – San Jose ListMultilingual

We are partnering across City departments and with trusted nonprofit service organizations to help guide you in this time of crisis. With fast changing information and new resources coming online ...

RESOURCE: SCC Commission on the Status of Women Mini-Grant Application

The CSW supports programs, events, and causes throughout the year collaboratively and financially through mini grants. Grants are made for up to $1,500 to non-profits for programs and one-time events, ...

RESOURCE: Silicon Valley Council of Non-ProfitsMultilingual

The mission of SVCN is to benefit nonprofits and protect and empower the communities they serve by:
***Convening nonprofit, community, business, and government groups to collectively work on community ...

RESOURCE: Supply Bank

SupplyBank.Org operates like a food bank, but for supplies. That means we manufacture, procure and receive large quantities of basic needs material items and send them to 450 other local ...

RESOURCE: Tech Soup Resources for Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19

In difficult times, the world turns to civil society for support. At TechSoup, we’re committed to equipping your nonprofit with the technology resources you need to meet your mission, serve ...

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Resources for students and teachers Community Colleges, Adult Ed, Distance Learning, Employment Opportunities, Job Search, Workers Rights

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Found 32 Results / Page 1 of 2

DISASTER: Unemployment Assistance (DUA)Multilingual

DUA is a federal program that night be authorized to provide financial assistance to jobless workers and the self-employed when they are unemployed as a direct result of a Presidentially ...

EDUCATION: Learn to Earn Tool Kit


EDUCATION: Opportunity Youth Academy (OYA)

The Opportunity Youth Academy offers Santa Clara County students a blended program of teacher-directed instruction and online credit accrual and recovery options. The individualized support of teachers, counselors, navigators, liaisons ...

EDUCATION: UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center

Helping Undocumented Students Thrive at SJSU
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center provides for undocumented students”and connects them with supporters throughout the SJSU community.
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center ...

EMPLOYMENT: AFL-CIO: When the Paycheck Stops – Survival guide to unemployment

Advice on surviving the COVID-19 pandemic including how to find the help you need, taking charge of your personal finances, and looking for a job. Key Words:

EMPLOYMENT: CA EDD (Employment Development Dept)

California is responding to the spread of a respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus (COVID-19). While investigations to learn more about the virus are ongoing, workers and employers should ...

EMPLOYMENT: CA State List of Essential Workers

The California State Public Health Officer has designated the following list of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” to help state, local, tribal, and industry partners as they work to protect communities, ...

EMPLOYMENT: Culturally and Linguistically Competent Nursing Care – Free Online Course

From Think Cultural Health – As healthcare disparities among cultural minority groups persist in our country, culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) are increasingly recognized as an important strategy for ...

EMPLOYMENT: Day Worker Center of Mt. ViewMultilingual

Now open to serve you in person!  The Day Worker Center of Mountain View is a non-profit organization that connects the day worker community with employers in a safe and ...

EMPLOYMENT: DiversityInc Job Board

Apply to work at companies that “get it.” In 2020, DiversityInc’s job board included more than 166,000 job listings hiring diverse applicants. Our job board is a useful tool both ...

EMPLOYMENT: Employment-Based Visa Categories in the United States

7/8/21 One of the key principles guiding the U.S. immigration system has been admitting foreign workers with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy. Current U.S. immigration law provides ...

EMPLOYMENT: Expand Ability

Expandability’s mission is to provide support and services that aim to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities by supporting and developing their abilities through advocacy and meaningful ...

EMPLOYMENT: Expedited Licensure Process for Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs)

Beginning January 1, 2021, individuals in with refugee, asylee, or special immigrant visa status, who apply for licensure by the Board of Registered Nursing may seek an expedited licensure process. ...

EMPLOYMENT: Immigrant Workers’ Rights and COVID-19 – Frequently Asked Questions

4/10/20 This document from the National Employment Law Project.answers frequently asked questions from immigrant workers and their advocates about COVID-19-related topics. Key Words: Undocumented

EMPLOYMENT: La Cooperativa Campesina de CaliforniaMultilingual

A 501 c (3) corporation, is the statewide association of agencies implementing and administering farm worker service programs including employment training, advocacy and disaster relief. Members: California Human Development Corporation (CHDC) | Center for Employment Training (CET) | Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC) | Employers’ Training Resource (ETR) | ...


OnwardCA is an initiative of companies, foundations, and humans to get California workers displaced by COVID-19 essential life services and back to work as quickly as possible. Help you get ...

EMPLOYMENT: Santa Clara County Current Living Wage Rate

County’s Living Wage rates are reviewed and updated annually based on specified cost of living adjustments. New rates are effective July 1 of the following fiscal year.
Key Words: ...

EMPLOYMENT: Silicon Valley Council of Non-Profits (SVCN) Job Board

The SVCN is leveraging our job board to help nonprofits providing essential services connect with talented and passionate nonprofit staff who suddenly find themselves out of work or underemployed.

EMPLOYMENT: SJPL Works: Career & Business

SJPL Works unites the expertise of the area’s top leaders in economic and workforce development to create an extensive network of resources for employment seekers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. ...

EMPLOYMENT: Undocumented Workers’ Employment RightsMultilingual

12/20 With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided to workers by both federal and California law. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Chinese |

EMPLOYMENT: Upwardly GlobalMultilingual

Highly qualified immigrant professionals want to rebuild their careers here in the U.S., but they’re not familiar with the American way to job search. We are a nonprofit organization that ...

EMPLOYMENT: US Living Wage Calculator

The tool helps individuals, communities, and employers determine a local wage rate that allows residents to meet minimum standards of living. Since 2020, childcare expenses are ground-truthed (established data values ...

EMPLOYMENT: Work2FutureMultilingual

Work2future operates One-Stop Centers that serve the areas of San Jose, Campbell, Morgan Hill, Los Altos Hills, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, and the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara ...

ESL: English for My Job

Website for people who work in restaurants, bars, hotels, cafes, airports, and anywhere else where you might have to talk to customers in English. .All of the exercises are free. ...

IMMIGRANTS: ITIN – The Facts about the Individual Tax Identification Number

The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even ...

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Basic Needs

Food Resources and Access, Housing, Healthcare, Insurance, Childcare, Financial Assistance (Grants and Loans), Access & Functional Needs (AFN), Disaster Legal Assistance.

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Found 117 Results / Page 1 of 5

CHILDREN: Health 4 All KidsMultilingual

Beginning January 1, 2020, young adults up to age 26, no matter their immigration status, will be eligible for Medi-Cal Unlike restricted-scope Medi-Cal, children with full-scope Medi-Cal are able to ...

CHILDREN: SCC Childcare Resource & Referral (R&R) ProgramMultilingual

The SCC R&R Program, managed by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, helps families access childcare that meets their specific needs and supports early learning and care providers to ...

COMMUNICATION: 711 Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS)Multilingual

Free TTY-based Telecommunications Relay Services permit persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with ...

COMMUNICATION: CA Lifeline Program – Telephone DiscountsMultilingual

There are two main Universal LifeLine Telephone Service discounts in CA: the CA LifeLine Program (CA LifeLine) and the federal Lifeline program (Federal Lifeline). CA households qualify by receiving certain ...

COMMUNICATION: EveryoneOn – Low Cost Internet, Equipment, and Free Digital Literacy ClassesMultilingual

EveryoneOn is a national nonprofit working to eliminate the digital divide by making high-speed, low-cost Internet service and computers, and free digital literacy courses accessible to all unconnected Americans. Through ...

COMMUNICATION: Safelink Free Phone ProgramMultilingual

SafeLink Free Phone program for low income customers. Eligibility guidelines vary by state. Most qualify if they participate in a public assistance program such as CalFresh, MediCal, SSI, CalWorks, LIHEAP, ...

DISASTER: The Salvation Army SCCMultilingual

A national faith based organization with multiple social services including Disaster Services, Emergency Financial Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Food, Family Counseling Services, Health Services, Housing and more. Main Santa Clara County ...

ETHNIC: Jewish Family & Children’s Services (JFCS)Multilingual

Programs for adults, seniors, youth, children, refugees, emegres. Immigration, ESL and Citizenship assistance, financial assistance. Educational Scholarships and Loans
Areas Served: ...

FINANCE: FHFA Mortgage Translations ClearinghouseMultilingual

An easy-to-use collection of translated documents and tools to assist lenders, servicers, housing counselors, and others in helping mortgage borrowers who have limited English proficiency? (LEP). Created by FHFA, Fannie ...

FINANCE: IRC Individual Development Account (IDA)

START SAVING – Get up to $4,000 for individuals and $8,000 for families to buy a car or pay for school. This is not a loan”you never need to pay ...

FINANCE: Mission Asset Fund Lending Circles (MAF)

MAF is a San Francisco based nonprofit that provides zero-interest social loans and financial education to help hardworking families build their credit and realize their financial goals with Lending Circles ...

FOOD: 2nd Harvest of Silicon ValleyMultilingual

3/20 COVID-19 Update:
Call (800) 984-3663, Text: GETFOOD to (408)455-5181, Email:, or visit the SHFB website to find closest food box pickup during shut down period. All ages ...

FOOD: Animals – PET PANTRY – Silicon Valley Humane Society

4/11/21 Pet Pantry is available to all residents of Santa Clara county experiencing financial hardship. Pet Pantry food is distributed from our Animal Community Center located at 901 Ames Avenue ...

FOOD: Catholic Charities Free Food Distribution

FREE Weekly and Bi- Weekly Drive Thru sites at Churches for food. No registration needed beforehand – Registration will be done on site.
Dates range Tuesday through Saturday

FOOD: Food Stamps (CalFresh)Multilingual

CalFresh, formerly known as California’s Food Stamp Program, is a federal government nutrition program, like WIC and School Meals. People may be eligible to receive food stamp benefits whether or ...

FOOD: Free Prepared Meals for Adults 60 Years and OlderMultilingual

11/19/21 Seniors (60-plus) are eligible to receive meals from the @CityofSanJose Senior Nutrition Program and from countywide food distribution sites. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Vietnamese |


FOOD: Free Summer Meals for ALL Children & Youth 18 and UnderMultilingual

6/26/22 Free meals are available to ALL kids ages 18 and under this summer, with no registration required! Second Harvest of Silicon Valley has launched a site locator on its ...

FOOD: Self Help for the ElderlyMultilingual

We have set up additional phone lines to provide information and help with sign up for Congregate or home-delivered meals, COVID-19 vaccinations, and other referrals. The hours are Monday – ...

FOOD: Veggielution Community FarmMultilingual

Veggielution Community Farm was created in 2008 to help people make healthy food choices and provide opportunities for connecting with the natural world. We are fostering a sustainable food system ...

GOVERNMENT: 2024 CA Healthcare Program Eligibility by Federal Poverty Level

Program Eligibility by Federal Poverty Level for 2024.  Your financial help and whether you qualify for various Covered California or Medi-Cal programs depends on your income, based on the Federal ...

GOVERNMENT: Mortgage help from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

There is free foreclosure help. If anyone tries to charge you in advance for help or guarantees that they can stop your foreclosure, they’re not legitimate.
If you’re behind ...

HEALTH: AACI (Asian Americans for Community Involvement)Multilingual

AACI continues to provide essential healthcare servicesr:
**Health Center is providing medical care and screening for patients.
**Behavioral Health is providing counseling and support to clients using telehealth ...

HEALTH: Bay Area Community Health (prev Foothill Community Health Center)Multilingual

BACH Medical and Dental Clinics ARE OPEN. Now offering Tele-health services. Drive through testing with referral from Provider.
Medical Services, Women’s Health, Dental, Counseling, Optometry, Mental Health, Vaccinations, Pediatric, ...

HEALTH: Covered California Health InsuranceMultilingual

Open enrollment has been extended due to COVID-19 with increased savings on premiums through 2022. Immigrant communities and families with mixed immigration status (such as having undocumented parents, lawfully present ...

HEALTH: Disability Rights California Multi-Language PublicationsMultilingual

Mission is to advocate, educate, investigate and litigate to advance and protect the rights of Californians with disabilities. We envision a barrier-free, inclusive, diverse world that values each individual and ...

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Loans and Guidelines for emergency economic response and recovery – CARES, Chamber of Commerce, SBA, SVCN, Local Government Assistance

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Found 17 Results / Page 1 of 1

DISASTER: Disaster Relief Resource Guide for Businesses

GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners and has dedicated representatives to field general business questions and to assist business owners as they seek to access business recovery ...

EMPLOYMENT: CA State List of Essential Workers

The California State Public Health Officer has designated the following list of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” to help state, local, tribal, and industry partners as they work to protect communities, ...

EMPLOYMENT: COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency RegulationsMultilingual

On December 15, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to adopt non-emergency COVID-19 prevention regulations. These regulations took effect on February 3, 2023 and will remain in ...

EMPLOYMENT: Employer Vaccination ToolkitMultilingual

5/21/21 The Employer Vaccination Toolkit provides employers with vaccine education materials, information on COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and other guidance for employees, and an online form to request vaccination ...

ETHNIC: Latino Business Foundation Silicon Valley

BUSINESS ACADEMY – One of the main causes for new small business operations to close is due to lack of knowledge in business planning and operations. Latino Business Foundation Silicon ...

FINANCE: ANewAmerica Women’s Business Center – San JoseMultilingual

COVID-19 Update: Effective June 22, 2021 the center has resumed in-person operations. Please Note: We do require the use of a mask upon entry into our office regardless of vaccination ...

FINANCE: CA Small Business Loan Guarantee ProgramMultilingual

IBank’s Small Business Finance Center supports communities throughout California by providing loan guarantees, Jump Start loans, disaster relief financing and more. Small Businesses located in California with 1-750 employees are ...

FINANCE: San Jose small businesses get break on paying taxes

9/29/21 After being hammered by the pandemic, small businesses will have one less expense to incur ” at least for now.
The San Jose City Council on Tuesday unanimously ...

GOVERNMENT: Ensuring Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers Have the Ability to Work Safely

An extensive list of identified essential critical infrastructure workers in the fields of Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Public Safety / First Responders, Education and Food & Agriculture, It is intended to ...

HEALTH: CDC Communities, Schools, Workplaces, and EventsMultilingual

CDC guidance for work, school, community events, FBOs and also homeless programs. Multi-language:
Key Words: Disaster, COVID-19, Pandemic, Coronavirus, Children


RESOURCE: Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Santa Clara CountyMultilingual

The Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of SCC is dedicated to reaching out to the business community to support, promote and stay connected to the Filipino community in the United ...

RESOURCE: Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Silicon ValleyMultilingual

The mission of the HCC Silicon Valley is to maximize Hispanic business and economic development by serving as an advocate and resource for its members, business owners, professionals, students and ...

RESOURCE: iFundWomen

IFundWomen is a startup funding platform for women of color, providing access to capital through crowdfunding and grants, expert business coaching on all the topics entrepreneurs need to know about, ...

RESOURCE: Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern CAMultilingual

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California (JCCNC) was founded in 1950 to promote business, mutual understanding, and goodwill between Japan and the United States.

RESOURCE: SCC COVID-19 Businesses and Workplaces PortalMultilingual

1/15/21 updated guidance for employers, workers and customers. COVID-19 Business Call Center: (408) 961-5500
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |

RESOURCE: Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Hispanic SatelliteMultilingual

Our mission is to provide services to Latino small business owners and entrepreneurs, helping them to grow and establish successful businesses. Northern California SBDC’s offer free, individualized and confidential one-on-one ...

RESOURCE: Vietnamese American Chamber of Commerce – Silicon ValleyMultilingual

Serving businesses’ needs with the core focus in Vietnamese businesses and businesses serving Vietnamese community. Promoting and supporting member businesses for the advancement of economic growth throughout the Silicon Valley ...

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Mental Health

Many people are experiencing multi-layer trauma and taking steps to reduce the natural stress they are experiencing can help them to deal with the issues that may feel more immediate. No need to wait for a crisis to access multi-language free and low cost resources for Counseling, Stress Reduction, Grief, Spiritual and Emotional Support, Therapy, Staying at Home Tips and Activities

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Found 88 Results / Page 1 of 4

CHILDREN: Care, Cope, Connect – Children’s Mental HealthMultilingual

The Care, Cope, Connect resource, was created by Sesame Street in Communities in collaboration with the First 5 Association of CA, helps parents cope with stress and provide safety and ...

COMMUNICATION: 9 Tips for Lightening the Load of Zoom Fatigue

During this past year of isolation, video-conferencing platforms have become a crucial way to stay employed and stay in touch, but they are increasingly leaving us overwhelmed and exhausted. Stanford ...

GOVERNMENT: Social Stigma associated with COVID-19

A guide to preventing and addressing social stigma –
Target audience: Government, media and local organisations working on the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The current COVID-19 outbreak has provoked ...

HEALTH: AACI (Asian Americans for Community Involvement)Multilingual

AACI continues to provide essential healthcare servicesr:
**Health Center is providing medical care and screening for patients.
**Behavioral Health is providing counseling and support to clients using telehealth ...

INFO: AARP Community Connections – Request a Friendly Call

AARP has developed an online platform to help address social isolation for people over 50 years old. To request a friendly caller, call 1-888-281-0145, It captures contact information from people ...

MENTAL: AACI Asian Women’s Home (Domestic Violence Shelter)Multilingual

AACI’s Asian Women’s Home serves survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. Asian Women’s Home serves everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, socioeconomic background, or sexual orientation. All ...

MENTAL: ACEs Aware in CA Training

The Becoming ACEs Aware in California Training is a free, two-hour training to learn about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), toxic stress, screening, risk assessment, and evidence-based care to effectively intervene ...

MENTAL: Alum Rock Counseling CenterMultilingual

Our programs entail working with parents of infants & teens, keeping at-risk youth in a drug and violence-free school environment as well as on-site crisis counseling. We proudly serve all ...

MENTAL: American Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center (VFAC)Multilingual

VFAC is an Integrated Condolence Care Program for families and communities who have suffered loss of loved ones, and who have experienced a disrupted grief process due to restrictions related ...

MENTAL: Bill Wilson Center (Center for Living with Dying)Multilingual

COVID-19 Update: Bill Wilson Center offers a variety of services for children, adolescents, families and adults, including health care, counseling, addiction recovery, housing, LGBTQ and Foster Youth programs, Drop In ...

MENTAL: CA Senior Hotline

CA has launched a hotline to deliver services and help for older Californians. CALL: 1-833-544-2374. Social isolation is real. During these trying times it’s important to check in with our ...

MENTAL: CA Youth Crisis Line

The California Youth Crisis Line (CYCL) operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week as the statewide emergency response system for youth (ages 12-24) and families in crisis. Professionally ...

MENTAL: Consejos para combatir el estres y la ansiedadMultilingual

El aislamiento durante la crisis del coronavirus ha creado una situacion estresante y llena de ansiedad. Escuche unos sencillos consejos de una psicologa familiar para hacer mas llevadero este periodo. ...

MENTAL: Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks – Taking Care of ChildrenMultilingual

3/18/20 Children react to stress differently than adults – they may withdraw or behave in a more ‘babyish’ way, seem anxious or clingy, be preoccupied with illness in their play ...

MENTAL: Family Calming Kit from First 5Multilingual

A Family Calming Kit is a set of tools that supports children and families with understanding and regulating emotions and lowering feelings of stress. By using the Family Calming Kit, ...

MENTAL: Heartmob

HeartMob lets you report and document online harassment across platforms and get the kind of help you want from the community. We’re fighting fire with water, and working step by ...

MENTAL: Institute of Aging’s 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line

An accredited crisis line for older adults and adults living with disabilities. Specialists at the Friendship Line offer emotional support, elder abuse reporting, well-being checks, grief support, active suicide prevention, ...

MENTAL: Kara Grief SupportMultilingual

Kara’s mission is to provide grief support for children, teens, families and adults. Our guiding values are empathy and compassion. Free one-on-one peer counseling or support groups with trained volunteers ...

MENTAL: Maitri Domestic Violence Shelter and Legal ServicesMultilingual

Maitri is a free, con?dential, nonpro?t organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area that primarily helps families and individuals from South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri ...

MENTAL: Next Door Solutions (NDS) – Domestic Violence

The premier domestic violence agency in Santa Clara County. We are the only stand-alone domestic violence agency and the largest provider of these services. 24/7 HOTLINE for victims of domestic ...

MENTAL: SafeChat Silicon ValleyMultilingual

SafeChatSV is a confidential online chat platform for people that have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence or intimate partner violence to connect with an advocate for support.
SafeChatSV ...

MENTAL: Safety Planning During COVID-19: Tips From Domestic Violence Survivors For SurvivorsMultilingual

The Safety Planning Guide was created by members of Sanctuary’s Survivor Leadership program and has been reviewed by multiple clinicians. The guide draws from survivors’ and clinicians’ expertise, as well ...

MENTAL: Santa Clara Resource Flyer

Summary of SCC Behavioral Health Programs

MENTAL: SCC Cultural Communities Wellness Program (CCWP)Multilingual

A Family Outreach and Engagement Program (formerly known as ECCAC or Ethnic and Cultural Communities Advisory Committee) providing linguistic and culturally competent outreach, education, advocacy and peer support to ethnic ...

MENTAL: Self-Care in Difficult TimesMultilingual

Updated from April 2018 Immigrantinfo Blog – Links to some free local resources for adults and children, Also a few relaxation and energy therapy options for anyone who would like ...

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Immigration Legal Info and Assistance for all immigrants & refugees, Advocacy, Ethnic Service Providers, Undocumented, Translations, Interpreters, Know Your Rights, Rapid Response Network (RRN), DACA, Government Resources, USCIS Updates, Multi-language Materials

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Found 47 Results / Page 1 of 2

EMPLOYMENT: Undocumented Workers’ Employment RightsMultilingual

12/20 With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided to workers by both federal and California law. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Chinese |

ETHNIC: European Immigrants in the United States

1/11/24  Europe has been a major source of North American immigration and population growth for more than five centuries. However, Europeans’ prevalence among U.S. immigrants began to wane in the second ...

ETHNIC: Mountain View Spanish Language Leadership AcademyMultilingual

Since 2017,  the City has hosted the Spanish Language Leadership Academy. Each session is led by staff from City departments and includes information on each department’s core service function, major ...

GOVERNMENT: Adult Refugee Services Unit (ARSU) newsletter #7

April 14, 2022 The ARSU NEWSLETTER shares pertinent information relevant to the needs of Refugees and Non-citizen Crime Survivors and includes
resources and updates for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA), ...

GOVERNMENT: CA COVID-19 Immigrant GuideMultilingual

6/29/21 If you’re an immigrant living in California, you can access help and public benefits, some regardless of immigration status. Multi-language:

GOVERNMENT: Their East San Jose neighbors were dying. So frustrated community leaders formed their own COVID task force

3/14/21 Magdalena Carrasco’s frustration was boiling over. More than a third of Santa Clara County’s first coronavirus deaths had swept through just four ZIP codes in the East San Jose ...

HEALTH: A Limiting Lens: How Vaccine Misinformation Has Influenced Hispanic Conversations Online

12/8/21 It isn’t possible to tell a single story about how this vaccination gap came to be. A history of medical exploitation and discrimination may play one role [4][5]. Data ...

HEALTH: Accessing COVID-19 Testing and Treatment – Tips for Uninsured and Undocumented CA ImmigrantsMultilingual

COVID-19 testing, examination and treatment count as emergency services and are FREE of charge under Medi-Cal, regardless of income or immigration status. Emergency Services are not counted as Public Charge. ...

HEALTH: Black Coalition Against COVID (BCAC)

The Black Coalition Against COVID has assembled leaders from across the nation to provide science-based facts and information needed to drive COVID prevention awareness, increasing mask usage and vaccination.

HEALTH: CA COVID-19 Health Equity Playbook for CommunitiesMultilingual

12/1/20 Strategies and Practices for an Equitable Reopening and Recovery – The COVID-19
pandemic has underscored stark disparities, particularly among Latino communities. This booklet is a part of California’s ...

HEALTH: CA Department of Health Multi-language COVID-19 Updates and GuidanceMultilingual

Coronavirus updates, alerts, statistics, tips and guidance from the CA Dept of Public Health . Multi-language links to: Spanish
Arabic, Amharic, Cambodian, Chinese (Simplified), Farsi (Persian), Hindi, Japanese, Korean, ...

HEALTH: CA Department of Public Health (CDPH) Immigrant Communities Guidance on Public ChargeMultilingual

The CDPH is focused on ensuring all individuals, regardless of their immigration status, are protected from the outbreak and receive appropriate testing and treatment. For families that are concerned about ...

HEALTH: COVID-19 Guidance for Immigrant CaliforniansMultilingual

6/29/21 This guide provides tips about services, including public benefits, that are available to immigrant Californians, including some that are available regardless of immigration status. Including: ** Stay-at-home order considerations ...

HEALTH: CuidadoDeSalud.govMultilingual

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services today unveiled, the first website in Spanish of its kind to help consumers take control of their health care by connecting ...

HEALTH: Gardner Health ServicesMultilingual

COVID-19 Update: Gardner Health Services continues offering free vaccinations and COVID-19 tests to the East San Jose community. For more information or to schedule an appointment call them at (408) ...

HEALTH: Health Equity Considerations & Racial & Ethnic Minority GroupsMultilingual

Health equity is when all members of society enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. Public health policies and programs centered around the specific needs ...

HEALTH: Healthcare access for Undocumented Folks in the Time of COVID19Multilingual

If you feel sick, with symptoms of fever and dry cough, do not be afraid to seek medical assistance and call a doctor first. CDC Guide in Spanish Spanish . Although ...

HEALTH: InformaGente COVID-19 Youtube conversation for Latinx CommunityMultilingual

Listos California, in partnership with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts (NHFA), launched “InformaGente,” a new online conversation series to ...

HEALTH: Listos Safety Tips for Public Health Emergencies like COVID-19Multilingual

Listos California helps individuals, families and communities prepare for disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods. We also help Californians respond to COVID-19. When we all do our part, we keep ...

HEALTH: Medical Assistance Programs for Immigrants in Various States

6/21 Federally funded Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) is available to otherwise eligible “qualified” immigrants who entered the U.S. before August 22, 1996, and those who have held ...

HEALTH: MediCal Expansion Covers Young AdultsMultilingual

1/1/2020 Beginning January 1, 2020, a new law in California will give full scope Medi-Cal to young adults under the age of 26 and immigration status does not matter. All ...

HEALTH: Multi-language Coronavirus Stay Safe VideosMultilingual

Stay safe with true information
There is a lot of information about COVID-19. Do you know what is true and what is not true? USAHello has information from sources ...

HEALTH: NILC FAQ: Eligibility for Assistance Based on Immigration Status

5/27/21 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress has passed several emergency measures that provide
assistance to struggling individuals and families. This table provides information about immigrants’ eligibility for ...

HEALTH: Why few farmworkers isolate in California’s free COVID-19 hotel rooms

12/26/20 County and state officials, as well as advocates, say farmworkers fear the hotel rooms open them up to job loss, deportation, problems with citizenship or residency cases, even the ...

HEALTH: You have Rights to Protect Your Health – Going to the Doctor

2/20 You can still get health care without insurance. This includes emergency room care, community health centers, migrant health centers, free clinics, and public hospitals. You have options.Doctors and nurses ...

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News & Info

Government Proclamations, Public Health Guidelines, COVID-19 News and Information

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Found 62 Results / Page 1 of 3

CHILDREN: Raising Children in a New Country: An Illustrated HandbookMultilingual

Refugee and immigrant families come to the United States with a wealth of parenting strengths, drawing on culture, tradition and family experience. Like most parents in the U.S., they tend ...

COMMUNICATION: Improving Access to Public Websites and Digital Services for Limited English Proficient (LEP) Persons

12/21 Many entities – government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses – use websites and digital services to provide information and services to the public, to accept applications, and to manage accounts. ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: SCC Public Health Dept COVID-19 Data DashboardMultilingual

We are committed to providing accurate, reliable reports to the public. Additional data will be added over time. The information presented here is updated daily and is dependent on reporting ...

DISASTER: 5 lessons COVID-19 has taught us for the next pandemic

3/16/21 The pandemic that launched the nation’s first and most ambitious experiment to slow the spread of COVID-19 ” stay-home orders for 7.6 million Bay Area residents ” is easing. ...

DISASTER: AlertSCC – Multi-language Emergency AlertsMultilingual

AlertSCC is a free, easy, and confidential way for anyone who lives or works in Santa Clara County to get emergency warnings sent directly to their cell phone, mobile device, ...

DISASTER: FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance UpdateMultilingual

FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020.  The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral ...

EMPLOYMENT: COVID-19 Prevention Non-Emergency RegulationsMultilingual

On December 15, 2022, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted to adopt non-emergency COVID-19 prevention regulations. These regulations took effect on February 3, 2023 and will remain in ...

EMPLOYMENT: Free COVID-19 Contact Tracing CourseMultilingual

2022 In this free, 7 hour virtual course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, and why contact tracing can be effective. How contact ...

EMPLOYMENT: Silicon Valley minimum wage going up in 2024. But will it be enough for high cost of living?

12/30/23  Although minimum wage is going up as high as $18.55 in Sunnyvale, workers and business owners say the increases aren’t enough to make a dent in the region’s expensive ...

EMPLOYMENT: US Living Wage Calculator

The tool helps individuals, communities, and employers determine a local wage rate that allows residents to meet minimum standards of living. Since 2020, childcare expenses are ground-truthed (established data values ...

ETHNIC: 40% of AAPI LGBTQ youths have considered suicide in last year

4/20/22 The survey from the Trevor Project found that 40 percent of LGBTQ youths who are Asian American or Pacific Islander, or AAPI, have seriously considered suicide in the past ...

ETHNIC: Modern Language Association (MLA)

2021. The MLA Language Map is for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning about the linguistic and cultural composition of the United States. The Language Map uses aggregated data ...

FINANCE: Need money during coronavirus pandemic? How to avoid loan sharks and debt traps

4/2/20 As millions of Americans lose jobs, shifts and other sources of income during the coronavirus health crisis, financial experts worry that people will be preyed upon by loan sharks ...

FINANCE: Online Traffic Fine Reduction RequestMultilingual

8/15/20 If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for your traffic ticket, you may request the court to consider ...


11/4/21 will be the first meeting of the the San José City Council approved 55 organizations to the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, an important part of the City’s Community and Economic Recovery ...

GOVERNMENT: VOLUNTEER: Californians for All Volunteer Match

5/27/20 Governor’s CA Volunteers office has launched a partnership with VolunteerMatch to create a volunteer engagement platform.
This will make it easier for any Californian to volunteer, whether at ...

HEALTH: 5 Things To Know About the Delta Variant

7/22/21 For the first time in more than a year, we’re feeling some hope”or at least cautious optimism”that the pandemic could recede to the background. But experts want us to ...

HEALTH: ADA Guidance on ‘Long COVID’ as a Disability

7/26/21 In light of the rise of long COVID as a persistent and significant health issue, the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services and ...

HEALTH: AirNow Interactive National Air Quality Map

AirNow is your one-stop source for air quality data. Our recently redesigned site highlights air quality in your local area first, while still providing air quality information at state, national, ...

HEALTH: American Sign Language (ASL) Video Series on COVID-19 TipsMultilingual

American Sign Language playlist of 20 CDC educational videos on COVID-19 including: Prevention, Managing Anxiety, Social Distancing, Parents Supporting Children, Older Adults, Symptoms, Cleaning your home, and more Key Words: ...

HEALTH: CA Department of Health Multi-language COVID-19 Updates and GuidanceMultilingual

Coronavirus updates, alerts, statistics, tips and guidance from the CA Dept of Public Health . Multi-language links to: Spanish
Arabic, Amharic, Cambodian, Chinese (Simplified), Farsi (Persian), Hindi, Japanese, Korean, ...

HEALTH: CA Notify Contact TracingMultilingual

You have the power to help your friends, family and community Add your phone to California’s exposure notification system to get COVID-19 exposure alerts and to protect those around you. ...

HEALTH: California’s new plan for moving from “pandemic” to “endemic” COVID-19

2/17/22 State’s top health official unveils a strategy for living with the virus. The plan promises more reliable supplies of essential tools, so California is less dependent on unstable global ...

HEALTH: CDC Advisers Endorse Pfizer Vaccine for Children Ages 12 to 15

5/10/21 The federal government on Wednesday took a final step toward making the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine available to adolescents in the United States, removing an obstacle to school reopenings and ...

HEALTH: CDC Recommends COVID-19 Vaccines for Pregnant Women

8/11/21 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday urged pregnant women and women who were recently pregnant to get vaccinated for COVID-19, saying there was mounting evidence ...

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ESL Resources

This page contains a list of Santa Clara County ESL Providers, as well as links to various free online tools for ESL teachers and students.

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Found 38 Results / Page 1 of 2

CHILDREN: Colorin ColoradoMultilingual

A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners. Current news articles regarding the COVID-19 impact on schools, ESL, the childcare system and tips for parents. This site ...

CHILDREN: Learning Games For Kids

Educational games are a great tool for building foundation math and language skills that today’s elementary school curriculum requires. These online learning games and songs for kids are fun, teach ...

COMMUNICATION: Signing Savvy Sign LanguageMultilingual

A sign language dictionary containing several thousand high resolution videos of American Sign Language (ASL) signs, fingerspelled words, and other common signs used within the United States and Canada. Key ...

ESL: About ESL

Contains a variety of lesson plans, articles, and resources for every level of ESL Teacher and student. Sign up to receive email of free daily lessons. Key Words: Instructor Resource, ...

ESL: America Learns

A free educational site with Video lessons and 1000s of activities to practice English speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, grammar and a U.S. Citizenship course. Also available are Apple ...

ESL: Angel Fire

Links to other sites that differentiates between the English spoken in America, Britain, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and Scotland. Slang from all countries, British /American Dictionary and more. Some ...

ESL: Breaking News English

FREE Interactive & Printable English – There are 7 levels, from elementary to advanced with a new lesson every two days. All lessons are based on stories currently in the ...

ESL: Dave’s ESL Cafe

A great web site full of resources for ESL students, teachers, schools, and publishers. Includes free chatrooms, forums, resource links, ESL Quizzes, slang and idiom lists, and an International ESL ...

ESL: English Daily

Free site with an assortment of materials such as Toefl vocabulary quiz, Slang, Idioms, Proverbs, and Daily Conversation practice. Key Words: ESL, Student Resource

ESL: English for My Job

Website for people who work in restaurants, bars, hotels, cafes, airports, and anywhere else where you might have to talk to customers in English. .All of the exercises are free. ...

ESL: English Page

Free site with resources for all levels, lots of activities, and a Lesson of the Week. Exchange messages with other students and ask questions. Key Words: ESL, Instructor Resource, Student ...


ENGLISHpracticeONLINE is a free English language website. There are lessons, exercises and practice tests on all the skills, as well as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and many other essential resources for ...

ESL: English Study MAterials

Free English lessons, exercises, quizzes, tests, and games for students and teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL)/English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Key Words: Instructor Resource, Student Resource


ESL: ESL America

ESL America is an English language website to practice conversation, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and more AND all of it has sound so you can listen while you practice Key Words: ...


ESL go is a free English community of ESL students and ESL teachers. We help ESL students learning English as a second language through free ESL classes and free English ...

ESL: ESL Lounge for Teachers

Offers free lesson materials for ESL classes. Fully printable worksheets for all ESL teaching needs. Song lyrics, reading comprehension, ESL articles, guides to English grammar and teaching ESL around the ...


Free grammar and vocabulary worksheets (printables) arranged by topic. Our free resources can be used by ESL Teachers, for homeschooling, and by literacy tutors who teach English/ESL to adults.

ESL: ESL Station

ESL Station, a service of the ESL Department at San Jose City College is an ongoing design project of ESL instructors to provide students and teachers with practice activities and ...

ESL: Idioms 4You

Everything you always wanted to know about English Idioms including definitions, audio, scenarios, explanations, live real world examples and conjugations. New content added daily. Key Words: ESL, Instructor Resource, Student ...

ESL: Lanternfish

Many great resources for ESL teachers and students including exercises for practicing real life English, including job interviews, using the telephone, shopping, and everyday conversations. Contains printable teaching resources for ...

ESL: Latino Adult Education Services (LAES) “Tierra de Opportunidad”Multilingual

Handbook of ESL Lesson plans designed to give ESL teachers essential real world curriculum for immigrants. Modules include: Dealing with Taxes; Analyzing, Debating Community Issues; Collaborating with Neighbors; Following Changes ...

ESL: Learn English Feel Good

ESL portal with free English grammar and vocabulary exercises, printable worksheets, video-based exercises, lists of American idioms and phrasal verbs, and much more. Key Words: Instructor Resource, Student Resource

ESL: Learn English with Jokes and Riddles

A cute and innovative free website with over 300 jokes and riddles in the database. All are suitable for all ages. Reading English jokes and riddles in class is a ...

ESL: Learn English with Pictures and Audio

Learn English with Pictures is a free, online, resource to learn English words in a fun way. The site has over 400 words and photographs ranging from animals to kitchen ...

ESL: Many Things

This site has a lot of exercises for students. The topics are interesting for adults and are very varied. They also have quizzes and puzzles. All the activities are interactive ...

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The Tools/Research Section contains useful toolkits, apps and databases for immigrants and their advocates. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 20 Results / Page 1 of 1

COMMUNICATION: Accessibility Checker

Many programs have accessibility checkers that are built-in or easy to add after a simple internet search. For example, the Microsoft Office Suite includes a handy accessibility checker that makes ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: AAPI (Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders) Data

Policy Research and reports on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Local, State and National Demographics, Rights & Identities, LGBT and Gender Issues, and Religion. A Project of Karthick Ramakrishnan at ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: RACECOUNTS – Measuring Racial Disparity is CA Counties

Race Counts project has developed a tool to assess racial disparity is 7 Key Issue areas: *Economic * Opportunity * Access to Health Care * Education * Housing * Democracy ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool

The Urban Institute Children of Immigrants Data Tool is an interactive tool designed to generate charts and tables with indicators on children, age 0 to 17, for the United States, ...

DISASTER: FEMA Mobile Disaster App – English & SpanishMultilingual

The app provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, maps of open shelters and Disaster Recovery Centers, and tips on how to survive natural and manmade disasters. The latest version ...

ESL: USA Learns English apps

With 4 levels of USA Learns English apps, you can use your phone, tablet or iPad to:
*Watch videos from our popular 1st English course!
*Practice listening to ...

HEALTH: Global Outreach Language Toolkit

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is committed to ensuring that all eligible Californians can get Medi-Cal coverage for themselves and their families. To foster collaboration with community ...

HEALTH: Refugee Health Information Network (rhin)

RHIN is a national collaborative partnership that has created a database of quality multilingual, public health resources for those providing care to resettled refugees and asylees. Resources include Health education ...

IMMIGRANTS: InformaGente

Listos CA launched InformaGente—an online conversation series to foster a culture of emergency readiness among Latinx communities. The goal is to connect our Latino community with critical information on COVID-19 ...

RESOURCE: Don’t be a Bystander: 6 Tips for Responding to Racist Attacks

A simple primer on how to interrupt racist attacks in public from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). This video suggests how we can all support a victim without involving ...

RESOURCE: Language Access: Translation and Interpretation Policies and Practices

created to assist local government administrators, policymakers, and others who are looking for ways to provide high-quality and cost-effective translation and interpretation services.
Practitioners’ Corner Archive
Centralizing Translation ...

RESOURCE: MiConsulMex – Mexican Consulate App for Smart Phones & TabletsMultilingual

Offered free by the Mexican government to provide information about services, protections, and activities of the Consulates.
Available Soon: New feature of an Emergency Button that will immediately contact ...

RESOURCE: Notifica AppMultilingual

Notifica is an app by United We Dream that gives you and your family a help button to alert key contacts if anyone is at risk of deportation. Simply create ...

RESOURCE: Phone Ringtone Advises CA Immigrants of Their Rights

6/27/17 SALINAS These are uncertain times for the immigrant community and advocates are trying to find ways to bring them help and comfort.
The latest effort comes in the ...

RESOURCE: San Jose Library Virtual Privacy LabMultilingual

Learn about privacy topics and generate a custom privacy toolkit geared towards your online needs. Toolkits include links, tips, and resources that empower you to customize your online identity. Email ...

TRANSLATION: I Speak Cards – Request for InterpretationMultilingual

These cards can be used to help an individual obtain interpretive services. Check on the language to download and print out. Insert the name of the individual on the blank ...

TRANSLATION: PanLex Translator AppMultilingual

The PanLex Translator app provides access to PanLex’s free multilingual dictionary. You can translate words from any language to any other language. The dictionary contains more than 5,700 of the ...

TRANSLATION: Refugee Phrasebooks – 16 LanguagesMultilingual

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Cultural Orientation Resource Center was funded to develop phrasebooks for selected refugee populations. These phrasebooks include appropriate English phrases for use in daily American ...

TRANSLATION: Tarjimly Translation AppMultilingual

Realtime Translators for Refugees. Anytime. Anywhere. Fast. Free Over 9000 Vetted volunteer translators in 80+ languages. NGOs and nonprofits around the world use Tarjimly to effectively communicate with the people ...

USCIS: Tools to Avoid ScammersMultilingual

The USCIS wants to combat immigration services scams by equipping applicants, legal service providers and community-based organizations with the knowledge and tools they need to detect and protect themselves from ...

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Rapid Response

The Rapid Response Section contains articles, reports, press releases and tools that support local collaboration regarding local immigration enforcement activities, deportation, Know Your Rights and current immigrant issues.  All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 71 Results / Page 1 of 3

ADVOCACY: Right to Be (previously Hollaback!) Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian American and Xenophobic Harassment
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, we at Hollaback! partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt our free bystander intervention training as well ...

ADVOCACY: SCC Rapid Response Network Training
The RRN in SCC is a community defense project developed to protect immigrant families from deportation and to provide moral and accompaniment support during and after immigration operations in our ...

ADVOCACY: What is a sanctuary city?
2/17 A sanctuary city is a place that has decided to keep local resources to solve local problems. Some people think ‘sanctuary’ means the city is harboring fugitives. That’s a ...

AFGHANISTAN: Afghan Coalition
Formed in 1996, Afghan Coalition is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community organization. We are dedicated to strengthening Afghan families, improving their access to social services, and building a strong and united ...

AFGHANISTAN: Explainer: Humanitarian Parole and the Afghan Evacuation
8/30/21 The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has prompted a refugee crisis. UNHCR reports that more than 550,000 Afghans have been displaced since January due to Taliban advances. Those ...

AFGHANISTAN: San Jose City Resource Page
9/1/21 Information and resources, including local resettlement and legal assistance and congressional assistance for relatives still in Afghanistan.

AFGHANISTAN: Steps to Protect Your Online Identity from the Taliban: Digital History and Evading Biometrics Abuses
8/17/21 We understand that the Taliban is now likely to have access to various biometric databases and equipment in Afghanistan, including some left behind by coalition military forces. This technology ...

AFGHANISTAN: Where Afghan refugees are expected to be resettled, by state
9/16/21 The Biden administration this week notified state authorities of the number of Afghan evacuees each state could receive in the coming weeks as part of the first phase of ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: Afghan Immigrants in the United States
9/7/21 The dramatic aftermath of the U.S. military departure from Afghanistan after 20 years of war and rapid rise of the Taliban prompted a chaotic evacuation of Afghan allies and ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: Not Just a Latino Issue: Undocumented Asians in America
3/21 Of all migrants to the U.S., 40% come from Asia, and out of 18 million Asian Americans in the country, 1.7 million are undocumented. Undocumented status in the U.S. ...

EDUCATION: Guidance and Model Policies to Assist California’s Colleges and Universities in Responding to Immigration Issues
10/2018 This advisory to CA Community Colleges provides information regarding recent California “sanctuary” jurisdiction legislation that prohibits state and local agencies from using resources to further certain federal immigration enforcement ...

EDUCATION: My Undocumented LifeMultilingual
Our mission is to provide up-to-date information and resources to undocumented students, their families, and allies (including educators, counselors, and administrators). We post scholarship opportunities that are open to undocumented ...

ETHNIC: Webinar: Understanding Afghan Resettlement
10/1/21 National VOAD convened resettlement experts to explain the resettlement process, discuss best practices, and answer questions regarding the current Afghan evacuee resettlement. 1 hour Key Words: Refugee, Asylee, Evacuee, ...

FINANCE: Solo Solidarity Fund
You may receive $500 if you:
**live in Santa Clara County ** are affected financially by COVID-19 ** are an undocumented immigrant in deportation proceedings or have an immediate ...

GOVERNMENT: DHS Updates Immigration Enforcement Priorities
9/30/21 Safety and security remain top priorities. “We will prioritize for apprehension and removal noncitizens who are a threat to our national security, public safety, and border security” the memo ...

HEALTH: Medical Assistance Programs for Immigrants in Various States
7/21 Federally funded Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) is available to otherwise-eligible “qualified” immigrants who entered the U.S. before August 22, 1996, and those who have held a ...

IMMIGRANTS: Biden Vastly Expands “Protected Areas” Where ICE Can’t Arrest Immigrants
10/28/21 Starting this week, the number of places where immigration enforcement officials are not allowed to arrest people is growing. The Biden administration issued a new policy Wednesday that directs ...

IMMIGRANTS: CA Local Rapid Response Hotlines
From Ready California, a list of County RRN Hotlines. Please use these numbers ONLY if you need assistance during an immigration raid and use the associated websites for informational inquiries. ...

IMMIGRANTS: Detained or Deported: What About My Children? Parental Rights ToolkitMultilingual
4/20 The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) publishes a guide to help asylum seekers maintain custody of their children, available in English and Spanish, in every immigration detention center in the ...

IMMIGRANTS: DHS Sensitive Locations Fact SheetMultilingual
Fact sheet from CLASP -The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has longstanding policies that restrict immigration enforcement actions in “sensitive locations.” This means that, except in limited circumstances, immigration agents ...

IMMIGRANTS: For UndocuLeaders Participating in ProtestMultilingual
6/5/20 Even if the media claims immigration agencies won’t be making arrests, CBP have been deployed to demonstrations. We know that ANY interactions with any law enforcement agency can lead ...

IMMIGRANTS: Forms of Identification for Undocumented Immigrants
Alternative identification cards can enable immigrants to enjoy great benefits other residents also enjoy and they can help facilitate their abilities to cooperate with local law enforcement in resolving crimes ...

IMMIGRANTS: Guide for Undocumented Immigrants Travelling in CA
8/2020 Everyone in the U.S. has certain rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, regardless of their immigration status. In order to exercise your rights, you must know what they are ...

IMMIGRANTS: How to cre­ate a fam­i­ly plan
Video Avail­able in Eng­lish. Cre­at­ed by Immi­grant Legal Resource Cen­ter.

IMMIGRANTS: How to pre­pare your fam­i­ly in case of arrest by ICE
Video avail­able in Eng­lish. Pro­duced by Catholic Char­i­ties.

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Resource Search

ImmigrantInfo has created a searchable database with hundreds of links to websites which we believe are of interest to immigrants, their advocates, researchers, ESL students and ESL teachers. As a rule, our resource links are non-political and non-commercial in nature. We have assigned multiple categories to every link to assist you in narrowing down to the relevant links you are looking for. We’ve included a text search where you can specific keywords or phrases that are located in the Name or Description of the listing. We encourage your feedback on the database content and categories.

Disclaimer: does not endorse any service or organization included in our Resources database. We are not responsible for any data inaccuracies or omissions. The user assumes all risks related to any misinformation. welcomes input to help keep our database current.

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Found 1880 Results / Page 1 of 76

ADVOCACY: AILA’s Advocacy Action Center
4/11/22 Take Action: Urge the Senate to Pass the American Dream and Promise Act and the Farm Workforce Modernization Act

ADVOCACY: American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
ADC is a civil rights organization founded in 1980 and committed to defending the rights of people of Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage.
ADC is the ...

ADVOCACY: Asian, Inc.
We empower diversity by creating opportunities in business development, housing and financial education, targeting low- to moderate-income communities of all races.

ADVOCACY: Capulli TonalehquehMultilingual
Capulli Tonalehqueh is an Aztec dance and cultural diffusion group based in San Jose. Their name means “community of guardians who accompany the sun” in the Nahuatl language. Their mission ...

ADVOCACY: Detention Watch Network
DWN is a national coalition of organizations and individuals working to expose and challenge the injustices of the United States’ immigration detention and deportation system and advocate for profound change ...

ADVOCACY: Forward Together
Forward Together is a multi-racial organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform culture and policy to catalyze social change. Our mission is to ensure that women, youth ...

Since a shared vocabulary is the necessary first step for discussing racial equity, Generocity has put together a glossary of terms you might find useful.

ADVOCACY: How to Deepen Our Compassion for Refugees
4-7-22 When we face large numbers of people in need, we almost instinctively pull back. By questioning this reaction, we can make space for a more empathic response.

ADVOCACY: Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We ...

ADVOCACY: Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC)
The Interfaith Immigration Coalition (IIC) is a partnership of faith-based organizations committed to enacting fair and humane immigration reform that reflects our mandate to welcome the stranger and treat all ...

ADVOCACY: Jose Antonio Vargas: Don’t Ignore Asian-Americans In Unauthorized Immigration Debate
10/19/18 Contrary to what’s reflected in the mainstream media, the Asian undocumented population is far from negligible. There are an estimated 1.7 million undocumented Asian-Americans living in the U.S., and ...

ADVOCACY: Know Your Rights VideoMultilingual
Jan 2016. 10 minute video in English and | Spanish | advising how to interact with authorities.

ADVOCACY: Kosmos Interview with American Muslim Voice Founder
12/15/15 Samina Faheem Sundas, a Sunni Muslim woman originally from Pakistan living in the United States, is the founder of American Muslim Voice, a grassroots organization that seeks to foster ...

ADVOCACY: Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG)
In the wake of the 2016 election, an army of more than 120,000 lawyers, law students, and activists rose up in defense of the values, principles, individuals, and communities that ...

ADVOCACY: Multi-faith Rally and Re-affirmation of Santa Clara County Values
8/20/17 In a display of unity against bigotry, leaders of numerous faiths, members of their congregations and others, joined public officials to express solidarity in the wake of the bloody ...

ADVOCACY: Non-profit Racial Equity Pledge
The disparate health and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Silicon Valley communities of color are a profound illustration of the devastating cost of systemic racism
130 nonprofit leaders, ...

ADVOCACY: Rainbow Welcome IniativeMultilingual
The Rainbow Welcome Initiative through Heartland Alliance supports lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) asylees and refugees as they resettle in the United States. This project helps LGBT asylees and ...

ADVOCACY: Refugee Council USAMultilingual
The RCUSA is a coalition of 29 U.S.-based non-governmental organizations, is dedicated to refugee protection, welcome, and excellence in the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Key Words: Legal Resources for displaced Afghans seeking humanitarian assistance and guidance

ADVOCACY: Report an Antisemitic, Bias or Discriminatory Incident
Report an Antisemitic, Bias or Discriminatory Incident
ADL believes people should not be targeted or treated unfairly because of their religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national ...

ADVOCACY: Right to Be (previously Hollaback!) Bystander Intervention Training to Stop Anti-Asian American and Xenophobic Harassment
In response to the rise in Anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment, we at Hollaback! partnered with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC to adapt our free bystander intervention training as well ...

ADVOCACY: SCC Rapid Response Network Training
The RRN in SCC is a community defense project developed to protect immigrant families from deportation and to provide moral and accompaniment support during and after immigration operations in our ...

ADVOCACY: South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking (SBCEHT)Multilingual
Human trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery that is widespread and occurs in the US, California, and right here in the Bay Area. It is one of the largest ...

ADVOCACY: STAND TOGETHER: Welcoming Muslim Refugees in Challenging Times
2016 This guide was created for advocates, service providers, and supporters like yourself as a tool to address
this backlash toward refugees and Muslim Americans, and to help you ...

ADVOCACY: We are All America
We Are All America is a national coalition of 10 human rights organizations, working to uphold and strengthen our nation’s commitment to welcome and protect those seeking freedom, safety and ...

ADVOCACY: What is a sanctuary city?
2/17 A sanctuary city is a place that has decided to keep local resources to solve local problems. Some people think ‘sanctuary’ means the city is harboring fugitives. That’s a ...

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Emergency Disaster

The Emergency/Disaster Section contains links to multi-language, multi-cultural information about health, safety, and emergency preparation and response. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 159 Results / Page 1 of 7

CHILDREN: Backpack Emergency Card for Children
Printable ID Cards from the CDC to be completed and carried in children’s backpacks. It is important to have your emergency contact information with you in case of an emergency. ...

CHILDREN: What Kids Can Do: Paying Attention to Children’s Capacities in the Pandemic
2/25/21 Opening up opportunities for children to get involved can make a tremendous difference to their recovery by increasing feelings of solidarity, empowerment, and interconnection. Still, the knowledge, creativity, energy, ...

COMMUNICATION: IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC)
COVID-19 Update:
The IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) is offering pro-bono INTERNET CONNECTIVITY, IT support, and hardware, With social distancing, internet connectivity has becoming even more critical, and we ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: CDC Social Vulnerability Index
Social vulnerability refers to the potential negative effects on communities caused by external stresses on human health. Such stresses include natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks. Reducing social vulnerability ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: How Census Data Help the Nation Respond to Disasters
4/20/20 In the broad landscape of disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery, U.S. Census Bureau data can be immensely valuable.
The Census Bureau produces timely local data that are ...

DISASTER: 2023 was hottest year in decades
1/8/24  The European climate agency Copernicus said the year was 1.48 degrees Celsius (2.66 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times. That’s barely below the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit that the world ...

DISASTER: 26 Steps to Preparedness Workbook
This workbook from Campbell CERT shows you how to build an emergency preparedness food, water and supply kit over the course of several weeks or months at a pace that ...

DISASTER: 7 Saturdays to a More Fire Resistant Home
PG&E presents a series of short YouTube videos discussing simple ways to prepare for wildfires including Defensible Space, Evacuations and Emergency Supply Kits.

DISASTER: Active Shooter Video – Run, Hide, Fight
A 6 minute video from Houson Ready on how to survive an active shooter event in an office. Language: English

DISASTER: Addressing domestic violence should be part of recovery plan during natural disasters
8/31/17 Hurricane Harvey is the most recent natural disaster that has caused damage and destruction across many communities. When disasters strike an entire community, they do not affect all community ...

DISASTER: After Hurricane Maria ComicMultilingual
Throughout 2017 and 2018 I investigated how low-income families in Puerto Rico recovered from Hurricane Maria, which devastated the Caribbean island in September 2017. Alongside the brilliant illustrator John Cei ...

DISASTER: Air NowMultilingual
EPA’s AirNow provides a simple way of quickly checking current and forecast air quality information for planning daily activities and protecting your health.Automatically displays the current AQI (Air Quality Index) ...

The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map provides information that you can use to help protect your health from wildfire smoke.

DISASTER: AlertSCC – Multi-language Emergency AlertsMultilingual
AlertSCC is a free, easy, and confidential way for anyone who lives or works in Santa Clara County to get emergency warnings sent directly to their cell phone, mobile device, ...

DISASTER: American Red Cross (ARC) – Find Open Shelters
If an emergency has forced you to evacuate your home, the Red Cross may be able to help. National site with locations of all Red Cross sponsored emergency shelters.

DISASTER: American Red Cross (ARC) – Free Disaster Preparation and Response AppsMultilingual
Spanish language toggle feature on Red Cross Disaster Preparation Apps Tornado, Hurricane, Earthquake, Flood, Wildfire, and First Aid (even Pet First Aid). Also includes Monster Guard disaster prep game for ...

DISASTER: American Red Cross (ARC) Contact Loved OnesMultilingual
War and disaster can tear families apart when they need each other the most. The American Red Cross can help your family members reconnect, whether the separation was caused by ...

DISASTER: American Red Cross (ARC) Reunification AssistanceMultilingual
6/2021 Reunification of Family in the US and US Territories
Restoring Family Links to locate a family member outside of the US separated by international crisis. Phone or text (1-800-985-5990).
our ...

DISASTER: American Red Cross – Silicon Valley Chapter (ARC-SV)
Classes in disaster preparedness and response, health and safety, first aid, and childcare. Emergency assistance for victims of home fires and natural disasters. Fire prevention and community education programs. International ...

DISASTER: American Red Cross Power Outage Checklist
For prolonged power outages,, there are steps you can
take to minimize food loss and to keep all members of your household as comfortable as possible. Key Words: Disaster, ...

DISASTER: Assistance for Governments and Private Non-Profits After a Disaster
FEMA helps state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and certain types of private nonprofit organizations respond to and recover from major disasters or emergencies. After an event like a hurricane, ...

DISASTER: Audit: State Disaster Planning Still Ignores Disabled and Limited English Speaking People
12/23/19 The audit focused on the emergency alert, evacuation and shelter plans in place for the California Office of Emergency Services and Ventura, Sonoma and Butte counties ahead of their ...

DISASTER: CA Hazard Maps by County
All CA county maps color coded risk for Earthquake, Wildfire and Flood Hazards
Santa Clara |
Alameda |
Santa Cruz |

DISASTER: CA Power Outage and Fire Response Resources
The State of California is providing resources to help Californians impacted by the unique challenges brought on by wildfire and power shutoffs. Information on current wildfires burning in California, Learn ...

DISASTER: CA Wildfire Preparation and AlertsMultilingual
Information from CalFire on prevention, preparation, preparation of property, checklists for evacuation, animals (pets and livestock), what to do if trapped, returning home and rebuilding. Register for
accurate alerts and updates on active ...

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The Education Section contains the links to consortiums, educational resources, financial aid and information to aid Santa Clara County immigrants in continuing education. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 32 Results / Page 1 of 2

DISASTER: Unemployment Assistance (DUA)Multilingual
DUA is a federal program that night be authorized to provide financial assistance to jobless workers and the self-employed when they are unemployed as a direct result of a Presidentially ...

EDUCATION: Learn to Earn Tool Kit

EDUCATION: Opportunity Youth Academy (OYA)
The Opportunity Youth Academy offers Santa Clara County students a blended program of teacher-directed instruction and online credit accrual and recovery options. The individualized support of teachers, counselors, navigators, liaisons ...

EDUCATION: UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center
Helping Undocumented Students Thrive at SJSU
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center provides for undocumented students”and connects them with supporters throughout the SJSU community.
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center ...

EMPLOYMENT: AFL-CIO: When the Paycheck Stops – Survival guide to unemployment
Advice on surviving the COVID-19 pandemic including how to find the help you need, taking charge of your personal finances, and looking for a job. Key Words:

EMPLOYMENT: CA EDD (Employment Development Dept)
California is responding to the spread of a respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus (COVID-19). While investigations to learn more about the virus are ongoing, workers and employers should ...

EMPLOYMENT: CA State List of Essential Workers
The California State Public Health Officer has designated the following list of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” to help state, local, tribal, and industry partners as they work to protect communities, ...

EMPLOYMENT: Culturally and Linguistically Competent Nursing Care – Free Online Course
From Think Cultural Health – As healthcare disparities among cultural minority groups persist in our country, culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) are increasingly recognized as an important strategy for ...

EMPLOYMENT: Day Worker Center of Mt. ViewMultilingual
Now open to serve you in person!  The Day Worker Center of Mountain View is a non-profit organization that connects the day worker community with employers in a safe and ...

EMPLOYMENT: DiversityInc Job Board
Apply to work at companies that “get it.” In 2020, DiversityInc’s job board included more than 166,000 job listings hiring diverse applicants. Our job board is a useful tool both ...

EMPLOYMENT: Employment-Based Visa Categories in the United States
7/8/21 One of the key principles guiding the U.S. immigration system has been admitting foreign workers with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy. Current U.S. immigration law provides ...

EMPLOYMENT: Expand Ability
Expandability’s mission is to provide support and services that aim to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities by supporting and developing their abilities through advocacy and meaningful ...

EMPLOYMENT: Expedited Licensure Process for Refugees, Asylees, and Holders of Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs)
Beginning January 1, 2021, individuals in with refugee, asylee, or special immigrant visa status, who apply for licensure by the Board of Registered Nursing may seek an expedited licensure process. ...

EMPLOYMENT: Immigrant Workers’ Rights and COVID-19 – Frequently Asked Questions
4/10/20 This document from the National Employment Law Project.answers frequently asked questions from immigrant workers and their advocates about COVID-19-related topics. Key Words: Undocumented

EMPLOYMENT: La Cooperativa Campesina de CaliforniaMultilingual
A 501 c (3) corporation, is the statewide association of agencies implementing and administering farm worker service programs including employment training, advocacy and disaster relief. Members: California Human Development Corporation (CHDC) | Center for Employment Training (CET) | Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC) | Employers’ Training Resource (ETR) | ...

OnwardCA is an initiative of companies, foundations, and humans to get California workers displaced by COVID-19 essential life services and back to work as quickly as possible. Help you get ...

EMPLOYMENT: Santa Clara County Current Living Wage Rate
County’s Living Wage rates are reviewed and updated annually based on specified cost of living adjustments. New rates are effective July 1 of the following fiscal year.
Key Words: ...

EMPLOYMENT: Silicon Valley Council of Non-Profits (SVCN) Job Board
The SVCN is leveraging our job board to help nonprofits providing essential services connect with talented and passionate nonprofit staff who suddenly find themselves out of work or underemployed.

EMPLOYMENT: SJPL Works: Career & Business
SJPL Works unites the expertise of the area’s top leaders in economic and workforce development to create an extensive network of resources for employment seekers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. ...

EMPLOYMENT: Undocumented Workers’ Employment RightsMultilingual
12/20 With a few exceptions, undocumented workers enjoy all of the legal rights and remedies provided to workers by both federal and California law. Multi-language:
Spanish |
Chinese |

EMPLOYMENT: Upwardly GlobalMultilingual
Highly qualified immigrant professionals want to rebuild their careers here in the U.S., but they’re not familiar with the American way to job search. We are a nonprofit organization that ...

EMPLOYMENT: US Living Wage Calculator
The tool helps individuals, communities, and employers determine a local wage rate that allows residents to meet minimum standards of living. Since 2020, childcare expenses are ground-truthed (established data values ...

EMPLOYMENT: Work2FutureMultilingual
Work2future operates One-Stop Centers that serve the areas of San Jose, Campbell, Morgan Hill, Los Altos Hills, Gilroy, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Monte Sereno, and the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara ...

ESL: English for My Job
Website for people who work in restaurants, bars, hotels, cafes, airports, and anywhere else where you might have to talk to customers in English. .All of the exercises are free. ...

IMMIGRANTS: ITIN – The Facts about the Individual Tax Identification Number
The Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to ensure that people – including unauthorized immigrants – pay taxes even ...

Page 1 of 2

Immigration & Citizenship

The Immigration & Citizenship Section contains links to trusted immigration resources and assistance for SCC Immigrants and refugees. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 110 Results / Page 1 of 5

ADVOCACY: How to Deepen Our Compassion for Refugees
4-7-22 When we face large numbers of people in need, we almost instinctively pull back. By questioning this reaction, we can make space for a more empathic response.

ADVOCACY: Refugee Council USAMultilingual
The RCUSA is a coalition of 29 U.S.-based non-governmental organizations, is dedicated to refugee protection, welcome, and excellence in the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Key Words: Legal Resources for displaced Afghans seeking humanitarian assistance and guidance

CHILDREN: Immigration Options for Undocumented Immigrant Children
8/18 A collection of one-page fact sheets fro ILRC on:
*Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) * Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) * U Visa * Trafficking Visa (T Visa) ...

This toolkit describes CORE’s Refugee Communications Initiative and provides guidance on using the tools CORE
has developed to enhance your organization’s communication with refugees about the resettlement process and ...

COMMUNICATION: Spotlight on the Changing Demographics of Hispanic Americans
9/28/23 With more than 62.5 million Hispanic Americans recorded in the 2021 American Community Survey, they now comprise 18.8% of the population. Hispanic households collectively earn more than ever—$1.4 trillion in ...

Our website gives you several ways to track your case and get answers to your immigration questions.

DEMOGRAPHICS: More than 10 million US citizens live with an undocumented immigrant
9/10/21 Analysis: – More than 10 million U.S. citizens share a household with an undocumented immigrant, according to a new analysis of Census Bureau data by immigration advocacy group ...

EDUCATION: Center for Applied LinguisticsMultilingual
CAL has been a leader in refugee education and orientation since 1975. We have been helping immigrant and refugee newcomers understand fundamental aspects of life in the US, as well ...

EDUCATION: Learning for Justice-Formerly Teaching Tolerance!

Our work has evolved in the last 30 years, from reducing prejudice to tackling systemic injustice. So we’ve chosen a new name that better reflects that evolution: ...

EMPLOYMENT: DHS’ New Work Permit Measures Are Welcome Change with Potential to Address USCIS Challenges 
On September 20, 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced measures to accelerate the processing of some work permits and to extend their validity period for particular categories of individuals. ...

EMPLOYMENT: Employment-Based Visa Categories in the United States
7/8/21 One of the key principles guiding the U.S. immigration system has been admitting foreign workers with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy. Current U.S. immigration law provides ...

ETHNIC: Mexican Heritage Plaza School of Arts and CultureMultilingual
Although La Plaza will no longer be a testing site, our partner Gardner Health Services will continue offering free vaccinations and COVID-19 tests to the East San Jose community. For ...

FINANCE: Solo Solidarity Fund
You may receive $500 if you:
**live in Santa Clara County ** are affected financially by COVID-19 ** are an undocumented immigrant in deportation proceedings or have an immediate ...

GOVERNMENT: ILRC Public Charge Safe to Use ListMultilingual
This is a list of public benefits programs that do NOT trigger public charge and are safe to use. Whether or not public charge applies to you, the programs on ...

GOVERNMENT: REAL ID Frequently Asked Questions
After the May 7, 2025 deadline, Federal agencies, including DHS and TSA, may only accept state-issued driver’s licenses and ID cards as identification to access federal facilities – including TSA ...

GOVERNMENT: The importance of race, gender, and religion in naturalization adjudication in the US
3/1/22 This study examines group disparities in naturalization approvals by race/ethnicity, gender, and religion. We find that all else being equal, non-White applicants and Hispanic applicants are less likely to ...

Short Video and audio clips with COVID-19 related messages Key Words: Language Access Multi-language: Mayo, Español, Akateko/Kuti’, Ñomndaa (amuzgo), Numte oote (ayapaneco), Cha’ jna’a (chatino), Úza’ (chichimeco jonaz), chinanteco, Ngiba ...

IMMIGRANTS: 7 Immigration Myths We Must Unlearn to Reclaim Our Humanity
Our immigration system is broken and cruel. Trump was enabled in turning the cruelty up to 11 by an infrastructure he inherited. It must be reengineered before another madman is ...

IMMIGRANTS: CA Comparison of Benefits & Rights Based on Immigration Status
10/19 Includes education benefits, public benefits, travel and transportation, civil rights, workplace and employment benefits. This chart, from Immigrants Rising, Shows benefits available to citizens, LPR’s (permanent residents, undocumented) Based ...

IMMIGRANTS: DOJ Rescinds Trump ‘Zero Tolerance’ Rule That Separated Thousands of Migrant Families
1/26/21 The Justice Department on Tuesday rescinded a Trump-era memo that established a “zero tolerance” enforcement policy for migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, which resulted in thousands of family ...

IMMIGRANTS: Final Public Charge Rule

12/23/22 Only those deemed likely to be primarily dependent on cash aid for income maintenance or long-term care at government expense could be denied ...

IMMIGRANTS: Final Public Charge Rule

12/23/22   Only those deemed likely to be primarily dependent on cash aid for income maintenance or long-term care at government expense could be denied ...

IMMIGRANTS: Free Immigration Legal Support Services
Direct immigration legal services are available free of charge to​ ALL CSU students, recent Alumni, employees, and their immediate families.​​

IMMIGRANTS: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Abortion Access for Immigrants
This resource addresses immigrant-specific concerns and provides information on how to access abortions.

If you are applying for an immigration benefit or have questions about your status, you should talk ...

IMMIGRANTS: Muslim & African Ban Recission Community Advisory
1/22/21 Asian Law Caucus, alongside partner organizations, hosted an information session in English explaining the executive order rescinding the Bans and what it means for individual cases and for related ...

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Santa Clara County

The Santa Clara County Section includes publications, articles and special resource links for SCC immigrants. All of these links and much more can also be found in the Resources Search page.

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Found 92 Results / Page 1 of 4

ADVOCACY: Non-profit Racial Equity Pledge
The disparate health and economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on Silicon Valley communities of color are a profound illustration of the devastating cost of systemic racism
130 nonprofit leaders, ...

CHILDREN: SJPL Family Learning CentersMultilingual
Family Learning Centers (FLCs) offer free learning opportunities, resources and services for adults and families. The Centers are designed to support:
English Language Learners (ELL)
Adults ...

COMMUNICATION: Assurance Wireless Free Phone & Service
Assurance Wireless Unlimited combines our Lifeline service with the temporary Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) to give eligible customers Unlimited Data & Texts & Minutes, plus 10GB Hotspot Data.
Lifeline ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: Bay Area has become more segregated over decades, report says
6/21/21 The Bay Area has become more racially segregated since 1990, mirroring a long-running national trend of cities and neighborhoods dividing more starkly along ethnic lines, according to a new ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: San Jose Interactive Language MapMultilingual
2018 Interactive Map of Language Spoken at Home by Census Tract in San José, CA. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Tagalog, Serbian Croation, Persian (Farsi) and Hindii. Layered showing locations of ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: SCC Public Health Dept COVID-19 Data DashboardMultilingual
We are committed to providing accurate, reliable reports to the public. Additional data will be added over time. The information presented here is updated daily and is dependent on reporting ...

DEMOGRAPHICS: Silicon Valley Pain Index shows ‘white supremacy’ prevalent across institutions
6/23/20 First-ever local index highlights 65 statistics of inequality
The San Jose State University Human Rights Institute on Tuesday unveiled the Silicon Valley Pain Index, the first of planned ...

DISASTER: CADRE (Collaborating Agencies’ Disaster Relief Effort)
CADRE coordinates organizational preparedness planning in non-disaster times and activates to respond and provide essential services during and after a disaster.
CADRE works with Santa Clara County’s emergency management ...

DISASTER: Inclusive emergency Response – Immigrants Essential and Vulnerable in San José
8/7/20 New research from New American Economy (NAE) released today in partnership with the City of San José highlights how immigrants are both essential to San José’s rapid response efforts ...

DISASTER: San Jose Emergency NotificationsMultilingual
Emergency public information notifications and updates in English,
Spanish ,
Vietnamese , and
Chinese ,

DISASTER: Silicon Valley, a Global Pandemic,and a Better Normal
6/21 The COVID-19 crisis has caused major disruption across Silicon Valley and exacerbated long-standing structural inequities, demanding a strong response. Silicon Valley has never been satisfied with the status quo, ...

DISASTER: The Salvation Army SCCMultilingual
A national faith based organization with multiple social services including Disaster Services, Emergency Financial Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Food, Family Counseling Services, Health Services, Housing and more. Main Santa Clara County ...

ETHNIC: San Jose African America Community Services Agency (AACSA)
The AAACSA, founded in 1978, is one of the only African American cultural centers in the Silicon Valley. Our mission: providing quality educational, cultural, social and recreational programs, services and ...

ETHNIC: Sewa Bay AreaMultilingual
Sewa Bay Area is one of the most active Sewa chapters of the international NGO. Activities include Case Management, Serve community projects partnered with local nonprofits, the Lead high school ...

FOOD: 2nd Harvest of Silicon ValleyMultilingual
3/20 COVID-19 Update:
Call (800) 984-3663, Text: GETFOOD to (408)455-5181, Email:, or visit the SHFB website to find closest food box pickup during shut down period. All ages ...

FOOD: Catholic Charities Free Food Distribution
FREE Weekly and Bi- Weekly Drive Thru sites at Churches for food. No registration needed beforehand – Registration will be done on site.
Dates range Tuesday through Saturday

FOOD: Self Help for the ElderlyMultilingual
We have set up additional phone lines to provide information and help with sign up for Congregate or home-delivered meals, COVID-19 vaccinations, and other referrals. The hours are Monday – ...

10/20/20 Zulma Maciel to helm new Office responsible for advancing citywide equity framework to address systemic racism. This Office is responsible for advancing systems change through a citywide racial equity ...

GOVERNMENT: Our Post-Covid Lives Shouldn’t Go Back to ‘Normal’ – They Should Go Back Better
4/2/21 Op-Ed By Susan Ellenberg
Covid-19 stripped down our support structures and shone an unforgiving light on the pre-existing gaps in services for our county’s families, specifically as they ...

GOVERNMENT: San Jose Office of Immigrant Affairs
The City of San José’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (SJ OIA) was established in 2015 for the purpose of facilitating and accelerating immigrant integration through civic, economic, linguistic, and social ...

GOVERNMENT: SCC Division of Equity and Social Justice (DESJ)
DESJ departments provide numerous resources to the community. The County of Santa Clara provides fiscal resources to numerous community organizations or agencies within the county to help best serve the ...

GOVERNMENT: SCC Quick Guide to Services 2019
Santa Clara County provides essential services that people need on a daily basis to work and live in Silicon Valley – whether residents need a marriage license, access to children’s ...

GOVERNMENT: SJ Language Access Policy
11/10/16 The purpose of this policy is to ensure that San Jose City employees make reasonable efforts to minimize
barriers to accessing City programs or services for customers with ...

HEALTH: Community Health Partnership (CHP) Member Organizations
CHPSCC health centers and clinics are one of the few sources of accessible, affordable, and culturally competent health care services for low-income and medically underserved populations, independent of Immigration status. ...

HEALTH: COVID-19 Guidelines for the General PublicMultilingual
As of April 6, 2022, close contacts in most settings who have been exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are asymptomatic are no longer required to quarantine, ...

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