Active Minds – Student Mental Health Resources

The nation’s premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for students
We are dedicated to saving lives and to building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on students and young adults ages 14-25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the US. Multi-language: Spanish Key Words:

How Does the American Red Cross Help Asylum Seekers and Migrants?

4/8/19 The American Red Cross has several different programs to assist people in different situations. Disaster relief: During natural disasters or other emergencies, people who have disaster-related needs can access Red Cross services. regardless of immigration status. The Red Cross does not ask families to show identification in order to stay in our shelters.
Our Restoring Family Links program provides peace of mind to thousands of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the US by helping them reconnect with their families abroad.
The American Red Cross will also help reconnect family members who have lost touch with their loved ones during migration. Some of the organizations we are working with include Catholic Charities, Gathering Humanity, and Annunciation House.

New Comienzos Help for Deportees in Mexico

Volunteer program with support, free services and assistance for people deported to Mexico.
Al llegar a México después de un largo periodo de tiempo o por primera vez. Nuestros, Dreamers, Personas Repatriadas y familias binacionales se encuentran con muchos problemas para re-adaptarse a la vida en México. Tenemos varios servicios gratuitos para ellos. Queremos asistirlos en la reintegración a la sociedad mexicana y ayudarles a que persigan y cumplan sus metas y objetivos. Queremos demostrar de que el sueño americano también en México se puede lograr empoderandolos un paso a la vez.

Protecting Assets and Child Custody in the Face of Deportation: A Guide for Practitioners

Designed for immigrants and those who work with them: the host of attorneys, nurses, social workers, financial services professionals, and religious workers who are stepping up in challenging times. Appleseed’s Manual helps families develop plans to deal with critical financial and family issues in the event of detention, deportation, and other family emergencies. Languages: Spanish Key Words: Legal, Lawyer

Helping Immigrant Clients with Post-Conviction Legal Options: A Guide for Legal Services Providers

6/2019 For non-citizens, even a low level offense like a shoplifting conviction can lead to mandatory deportation. However, this can be avoided when people secure post-conviction relief to erase or modify their old convictions. If the convictions are vacated, or the sentences reduced, the grounds for removal often evaporate.
This guide, created by the ILRC and Californians for Safety and Justice, is an effort to turn these “rare cases” into the rule, rather than the exception, by helping to build the capacity of legal service providers and pro bono attorneys to provide post-conviction relief to immigrants who would face certain deportation without it. Key Words:

Senior Community Service Employment Program

Offered in Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz and San Mateo counties. Where we assist mature adults 55+ to find part time employment with paid classroom training, job placement and follow-up. Must be unemployed, eligible to work, with income below 125% of Federal Poverty level. Positions include Teacher’s Aide, Receptionist, Office Assistant, Health Aide, Computer Operations and more. Contact Melody Insogna (8:30 am – 2:00 pm) 408-577-1981 ext. 302

Sewa Bay Area

Sewa Bay Area is one of the most active Sewa chapters of the international NGO. Activities include Case Management, Serve community projects partnered with local nonprofits, the Lead high school community service program, and a summer mentorship for college students. and disaster relief for the CA fires. Helping families in the SF Bay Area regardless of color gender, race, religion, or national identity. Multi-language: Hindi, Key Words: East Indian, Service, Asian, Volunteer, SCC, CADRE

National Latinx Psychological Association (NLPA)

The National Latinx Psychological Association (NLPA) is a national organization of mental health professionals, academics, researchers, and students whose objective is to generate and advance psychological knowledge and foster its effective application for the benefit of the Latinx population.

The Role of Contact and Values in Public Attitudes Toward Unauthorized Immigrants

4/19 This report from the American Immigration Council seek to analyze the reasons why people are likely to hold particular attitudes about immigrants. Just as with any
other public issue, attitudes about immigrants are wrapped up not only with individuals’ personal characteristics, life experiences, and beliefs about a wide range of other issues, but also some of their personal values and the type of contact that they have with immigrants. Key words: Undocumented, research,

Sunnyvale Community Services

Services including food and one time financial assistance includes help with rent, rental deposits, utility bills, medically-related bills, bus passes, gas vouchers and pass-through direct assistance. Also enrollment assistance in MediCal, CalFresh, and other benefits. As part of a realignment of zip codes for the Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) of agencies in Santa Clara County, Sunnyvale Community Services is now serving low-income residents of the Alviso neighborhood of San Jose. Immigrant friendly. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Russian

Archive – Immigration Deportation and Hardship Center

The IHC provides lawyers with forensic mental health evaluations, including summary psycho-social reports for consideration in immigration court proceedings. By also offering long term counseling, and case management to our legally vulnerable immigrant clients and their families, as needed, our forensic mental health services are unique in the community.
IHC is currently serving/processing a number of cases including the following: U-Visa applicants – T-Visa applicants – Hardship Waiver applicants – Asylum Applicants – Support for Immigrants in the Criminal Justice System Key Words: Factr,

Goodarzi Scholarship Grant

Financial assistance designed to assist college students in California. This grant is awarded to female students of Iranian descent who”within the last seven years”have migrated to the US. The maximum award granted to each student within a year is $10,000. Key Words: Submit a completed application by the end of June of each year to be considered for the following school year calendar. Persia, Farsi, Financial Aid, Scholarship, post-secondary education, PARS,

Sourcewise (formerly Council on Aging)

While our Information & Referral resources are specialized to help older adults and older persons with disabilities, we strive to support any individual (18 or older) who requires assistance finding resources within Santa Clara County. Services include: information & awareness – health insurance counseling & advocacy program – senior employment services – meals on wheels – care management – family caregiver support program – public authority services – senior farmers’ market nutrition program – Interactive Resource Database. , South County Transportation for Non-Emergency Medical, Vaccine Clinics and Errands Call (408) 762-7362 , Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Key Words: Seniors, Health

Eastside Neighborhood Center

Catholic Charities program providing East San Jose with educational, recreational, wellness, nutritional, and social services. The majority of the participants are very low-income Latino and Filipino seniors, many facing economic, language, educational, and cultural barriers.
Multicultural special events, classes, presentations, workshops, wellness classes, Social services, Nutritional program Languages: English, Spanish, Tagalog Key Words: meals, food, health

Vietnamese American Roundtable (VAR)

The VAR envisions a strong and unified Vietnamese American community that works towards improving our quality of life. Cultural Learning
Each year, VAR organizes events and workshops that are significant to the community – ranging from immigration forums, district elections, public health resource fairs, community cooking classes and more. Within each of our events, we build on the need to understand and pass on our cultural traditions.

A Guide to Representing Asylum Seekers in Expedited Removal and Reinstatement of Removal Proceedings

6/18 Ordinarily, when immigrants are facing deportation, they are placed in removal proceedings pursuant to Section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), or “Section 240” proceedings. In Section 240 proceedings, immigrants appear before an immigration judge (IJ), who must provide them a fair and neutral opportunity to present their case, and they have the right to bring an attorney to represent them. If the IJ denies them relief, they can appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and then to a federal court of appeals.4 Unfortunately, many asylum seekers do not receive these basic procedural protections because they are subject to “expedited removal” proceedings or “reinstatement of removal” instead of a Section 240 proceeding.

Latinas Contra Cancer

Cancer has become the number once cause of death of Latinos according to a 2012 report from the American Cancer Society. LCC *Increases awareness for earlier diagnosis through culturally and linguistically appropriate education *Develops programs and best practices based on working in community *Provides access to care for Latinos through screening and partnerships with health care providers
The resource page contains a map with links to agencies around the country that provide cancer services to Latinos. Languages: English, Spanish Key Words:

Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of mental health within the Chinese community through advocacy, education, research, support, and services to represent the wide spectrum of Chinese families and individuals affected by mental illness, and to help them develop meaningful and productive lives in the future. Multi-language Key Words: NAMI,

SCC Network of Care for Behavioral Health

This Web Data Base is a resource for Santa Clara County individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. It provides information about behavioral health services, laws, and related news, as well as communication tools and other features.
Key Words: Depression * Pain Management * (Opioids) Substance * PTSD * Grief / Grieving * Autism * Stress Recovery * Smoke Free * Fitness * Alzheimer’s * ADHD * Heart Health * Breast Health * Cancer * Mental Health * Counseling * Therapy *

Raising a Girl: A Handbook for Newcomer Mothers and Daughters

This book from BRYC contains a Special Focus on Female Genital Cutting (FGC). It is intended for mothers and daughters or caregivers of girls to read through and talk about together. This can help girls and their caregivers understand each other better and strengthen their relationships. This is especially important as you transition into a new culture and as girls transition from childhood to womanhood. Key Words: Children, Refugee Multi-language: Somali

Southeast Asian Raids – Resources for Refugees Facing Deportation to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos

Resources for Refugees Facing Deportation to Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has carried out a series of devastating raids on Southeast Asian refugee communities. This website was created by non-profit and community organizations to provide resources and up to date information to people facing deportation to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, API.

Former Dreamer lends a hand to U.S. deportees arriving in Mexico

3/10/19 Israel Concha was taken to Texas by his Mexican parents when he was just four years old. Thirty years later he was deported.
Alone with no money or opportunities in Mexico City, Israel had nothing but his shattered self-esteem.
It motivated him to create a place to go for people like him – Mexican nationals who lived their entire lives in the U.S. and found themselves suddenly living in Mexico.
Our Game Changer is former Dreamer Israel Concha and his organization, New Beginning. key Words: Deport, Dreamer, Comienzo


Chopsticks Alley Art promotes Southeast Asian cultural heritage through the creative shared expression of art by underserved Asian artists to foster greater understanding, support, and celebration among individuals with differing abilities, the LGBTQ community, and youth.
We celebrate the uniqueness and cultural diversity of Southeast Asian contemporary art and provide promotional support to artists in an impactful and sustainable way. Key Words: Vietnam, API

A Grown-Up’s Guide to Using Technology with Young Children

2019 The Center for Early Learning at Silicon Valley Community Foundation has partnered with Common Sense Media, the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology, to create this resource. It was created to be a resource that recognized that technology will be used with young children in today’s complex world of different household makeups – from multiple generations living under the same roof, to single parents working more than one job, to stay-at-home parents caring for multiple children all day long, to friends and relatives acting as a child’s primary caregiver .
We recognize that the confusion and challenges surrounding using technology with young children (for the purpose of this guide, from birth through age 8) vary widely depending on the child’s age, so we divided the guide into sections based on age brackets: 0-2, 3-5 and 6-8.

Lead Filipino

We are a community organization of students, adults, and families based in San Jose, CA. We design and provide programs that educate Filipinos/as on civic leadership, public interest issues, and our ethnic history in the United States. From our signature Annual Fly Pinays Leadership Summit, to our 8-week summer Awareness in Action Program (AAP), and a variety of partnerships in key advocacy campaigns, LEAD Filipino aims to increase the visibility of Filipinos/as in public leadership across communities. Multi-language: Tagalog, Key Words: Grassroots

Immigration Options for Undocumented Immigrant Children

8/18 A collection of one-page fact sheets fro ILRC on:
*Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) * Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) * U Visa * Trafficking Visa (T Visa) * Asylum * Temporary Protected Status (TPS) * Family Visas * Conditional Permanent Residence * Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) * Non-LPR Cancellation of Removal
Advocates should only use these fact sheets for quick reference. Please consult with an immigration expert before filing any applications for relief with USCIS. Key Words: Legal,

Study Guides and Strategies

The Study Guides and Strategies Website is intended for students, ages middle school through returning adult, as well as their parents, teachers and support professionals. Its resources are intended to empower all learners without regard to institutional and national boundaries; cultural mores and religious beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation. Since 1996 the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric, educational public service. Key Words:


Malikah trains women in self defense, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, organizing, and healing. We’re all about building power and capacity for all women around the world. Malikah is a grassroots movement that facilitates opportunities for women to come together in sisterhood, to engage in critical reflection and education, to build habits of self-love, and to cultivate action-oriented communities prepared with the tools and skills to clap-back. Key Words: Islam

Map To Success: Identifying Job Opportunities and Career Pathways

1/22/19 he National Immigration Forum’s Map to Success is an interactive tool, providing immigrants and other workers with information on select career paths in the U.S. The map lists jobs with the greatest shortages in states with large immigrant populations, highlighting occupations with potential for career advancement. We aim to assist American employers recruit workers to fill job shortages, and thus help to enhance our overall economic well-being. Key Words: Employment

Hmong Cultural Center of Butte County

HCCBC serves the Hmong community of Butte County with several programs. Seniors Mental Health Program using Western treatment methods and traditional cultural practices and understanding, particularly with trauma, stress, anxiety, isolation, stigmatization, and depression. Koomtes Youthl Program. Tutoring, subject skills development, character development, Hmong Language Class, Hmong Cultural Class, and leadership development. Providing culturally competent reproductive health prevention education to individuals and families. Multi-language

Food banks see impact of Trump’s immigration policies

11/21/18 Families of immigrants have been reluctant to go to food banks and sign up for food stamps this year, anti-hunger advocates said, because many are afraid the federal government will use those requests for assistance against them in immigration proceedings.
The result is that many families, including children and pregnant women, could be at risk for malnutrition, according to food bank officials and anti-hunger groups.
Officials are pointing to a new “public charge” rule under President Donald Trump, that would change what factors immigration officials consider when deciding if applicants qualify for a visa or permanent resident status.

Raising Young Children in a New Country: Supporting Early Learning and Healthy Development

Focus on immigrant and refugee parents raising children from prenatal to age 5. Provides families with information about healthy development, early learning, school readiness and family engagement. Published by Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services (BRYCS). Multi-language: Arabic, Nepali, Somali & Spanish Key Words:

Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Older Americans

While each person’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies from fires and floods to potential terrorist attacks. By evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan that fits those needs, you and your loved ones can be better prepared. This guide outlines commonsense measures older Americans can take to start preparing for emergencies before they happen. Key Words: VPOPs, Seniors, Elderly

Stop Hate Project / Lawyers’ Committee HOTLINE

The Lawyers’ Committee serves as a resource for organizations and individuals combating hate crimes in their respective communities The Stop Hate Project works to strengthen the capacity of community leaders, law enforcement, and organizations around the country to combat hate by connecting these groups with established legal and social services resources.
Resource and reporting hotline for hate incidents: 1-844-9-NO-HATE (1-844-966-4283). Key Words: Hate Crimes

ConXión to Community

COVID-19 Update: ConXión’s Day Worker Center is serving as a ‘drop-in center’ for homeless. Due to social distancing and attendance, the stay is time limited. Open 7-days a week, 7 am – 2 pm.
All services are open to all regardless of immigration status.
ConXión is located at 749 Story Road Ste 10
San Jose, CA 95122 Multi-lingual: Spanish, Key Words: San Jose, Mental Health, Employment

When Facts Don’t Matter: How to Communicate More Effectively about Immigration’s Costs and Benefits

11-18 Policymaking in democratic societies relies on the engagement of an electorate able to access and think critically about new information, and to adjust their views accordingly. This report explores why there is often a pronounced gap between what research has shown about migration trends and immigration policy outcomes and what the public believes. To do so, it explores the social psychological literature on why people embrace or reject information, as well as recent changes in the media landscape. The report concludes with a reexamination of what it takes to make the “expert consensus” on these issues resonate with skeptical publics, including recommendations for policymakers and researchers seeking to communicate more effectively the costs and benefits of immigration.

Consumer Guide (Guía de Protección al Consumidor) from the Mexican Consulate

Published in Spanish on Apr 1, 2018 – In this “Consumer’s Guide” recommendations compiled from several organizations, including the Better Business Bureau, Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health, The Law Foundation, the San Mateo Council, Vision and Commitment, Community Legal Services East Palo Alto, Project Sentinel, Center for Responsible Lending, PG&E, One Degree and the Mission Asset Fund (which offers Financial Advise Window at the San Jose Consulate).

SCC Family Justice Centers

The Family Justice Centers provide a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who coordinate services to focus exclusively on victims of domestic violence by making services and resources available in one centralized location. 3 locations Sunnyvale, San Jose, Morgan Hill Key Words

TRAC (Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse)

TRAC is a data gathering, data research and data distribution organization at Syracuse University. TRAC-Immigration, deals in-depth with how our nation’s immigration laws are enforced in administrative and criminal courts by a wide variety of agencies. Reports include records of individual judges. A reference library containing government immigration studies and a glossary are also maintained.
Other TRAC Data and reporting sites include: Web sites describing the enforcement activities and staffing patterns of the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Key Words: DHS, DEA, FBI, IRS, ATF, FOIA, DEMOGRAPHICS

UndocuBlack Network (UBN)

The UBN is a multigenerational network of currently and formerly undocumented Black people that fosters community and facilitates access resources. The UndocuBlack Network is building local chapters in New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC.
UBN is working with several organizational partners to create resources or adjust current ones, so that they are accessible to the Black undocumented community. Our soon-to-be launched resource guide will include low cost and inclusive legal, health, housing and educational resources. If you are aware of and/or connected to any low cost or free resources that can be utilized by anyone regardless of immigration status or race, please complete this form with the necessary information.

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power

9/6/18 Immigrants play an increasingly pivotal role in the U.S. economy. Every American benefits from the taxes that immigrants pay and from the money they spend on consumer goods and services. Their participation in the economy creates a demand for goods and services, thereby boosting job growth. This fact sheet is one of a series of papers examining the various roles immigrants play in our economy. It highlights research illuminating the role that immigrants play in helping cover the cost of public services at the local, state, and federal level, and how their spending contributes to the U.S. economy. These immigrant contributions are often overlooked, but they significantly benefit all Americans.

ICE Lies: Public Deception, Private Profit

2/18 Current U.S. immigration policy is driven in large part by the criminalization, scapegoating and targeting of people of color, inflicting trauma on immigrant communities and our society at large. This report proposes that ICE’s patterns of irresponsible governance”including fiscal mismanagement and opacity in detention operations”contribute to a failure of accountability for its ongoing rights violations Addressing these good governance concerns would not address all the problems in the system, or even the worst of them, but
would constitute a critical first step toward oversight that has been sorely lacking on the part of Congress and independent oversight bodies like the DHS Office of Inspector General. This report was a collaborative effort of Detention Watch Network (DWN) and the National
Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC).


7/11/18 This Global Compact presents a non-legally binding, cooperative framework that builds on the
commitments agreed upon by Member States in the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants. It fosters international cooperation among all relevant actors on migration, acknowledging that no State can address migration alone, and upholds the sovereignty of
States and their obligations under international law.
…It is crucial that the challenges and opportunities of international migration unite us, rather than divide us. This Global Compact sets out our common understanding, shared responsibilities and unity of purpose regarding migration, making it work for all.
Key Words: UN, United Nations, immigrants, international

Facts about Mandatory Detention

Mandatory detention is the practice of imprisoning an individual without any consideration of whether incarceration is necessary or appropriate. Current U.S.
immigration policies require whole categories of non-citizens to be imprisoned without any individual assessment of their risk to public safety or flight or of their
vulnerability in detention while the government tries to prove that it has the authority to deport them. This 2017 Fact Sheet from the Detention Watch Network outlines the practice and justification. Key Words: Undocumented, deportation

Living in Limbo: Your Rights, Benefits, and Obligations With No Immigration Status

7/20/18 Every year, millions of people wait for Congress to advance a solution that would provide stability for undocumented persons and their families. The numbers left waiting and worrying without a pathway to citizenship, protection from deportation, or the ability to work under the Trump Administration has only increased with the limitations on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for certain countries.
Without a solution, many are left with questions about how they can survive, resist, and thrive as an undocumented person in the US. If you are undocumented, this guide will help you answer some of those questions by informing you of your continuing rights, benefits, and obligations while you wait for federal legislation.

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATFADV)

24-Hour Multilingual Helpline [617-338-2355] will connect you directly with an ATASK employee or volunteer who can currently provide services in these languages: English, Bangla, Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Taiwanese, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Manipuri, Mien, Nepali, Tagalog or Filipino, Thai, Urdu, Vietnamese
ATASK is a nonprofit, community organization serving Pan-Asian survivors of domestic and intimate partner violence. We provide services in Greater Boston and Greater Lowell and offer limited assistance in other cities throughout Massachusetts and New England.
P.O. Box 120108, Boston, MA 02112
Helpline: 617.338.2355
Office Telephone: 617.338.2350
Office Fax: 617.338.2354
Key Words: API, TRANSLATION, interpreter

Immigrant Child Health Toolkit

Created by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) to help clinics caring for immigrant children and families. Includes:
*demographics, access to care, socioeconomic factors and unique stressors for immigrant children here.
*Commonly asked questions about clinical and practice issues related to immigrant health.
*Immigration Status FAQs – Learn more about the unique needs of children and families that related to immigration status and family separation.
*Commonly asked questions regarding access to health care and public benefits for immigrant children.
*Mental health considerations for immigrant children
*State Legal Resources for Immigrant Children and Families – Interactive map providing state by state resources and organizations addressing the legal needs of immigrant families.

Burma Refugee Family Network (BRFN)

BRFN is a 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofit organization established to support and empower refugees of all ethnic groups from Burma resettling in the
wider SF Bay Area. BRFN provides and advocates for culturally and linguistically appropriate social support services, such as language training, social welfare, education, physical and mental healthcare, employment, housing, and cultural bridging and preservation. BRFN works in collaboration and partnership with other community organizations in order for the refugees and asylees to achieve self-sufficiency and civic engagement in the community. Office in Oakland. Multi-Language: Burmese, Translation?

Vision Literacy

A virtual English learning community is a continuation of our traditional English classrooms, embracing technology we have developed our community offerings to include distant learning services. Reducing the impact to English Learning Parents and other adults of being away from the classrooms, we have developed through the Google for Education platform, a virtual facility where they can continue to meet and learn English through our remote learning services. Now Parents can continue to improve their English skills to help their kids in school activities that for many are now done from home. Key Words: ESL

ICAN-International Children’s Assistance Network

COVID-19 Update:
Find information on everything regarding the virus: shelter-in-place; food distribution; family needs such as diapers, formula, and calming kits; learning at home for kids; financial relief information; and housing resources.

ICAN Social Programs
To engage and inspire Vietnamese Americans to make a difference in their lives, families and communities through culturally competent social programs. First 5 Family Resource Center. Local family support, counseling, disaster response, translation, Key Words:

We are All America

We Are All America is a national coalition of 10 human rights organizations, working to uphold and strengthen our nation’s commitment to welcome and protect those seeking freedom, safety and refuge in the United States. We organize people across religious and cultural differences to build inclusive communities where we all belong.

Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)

RAICES is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families and refugees in Central and South Texas. RAICES is the largest immigration non-profit in Texas with offices in Austin, Corpus, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. Projects include RAICES Family Reunification and Bail Bond Fund: Free Our Families and LEAF PROJECT for Universal Representation for Unaccompanied Children.

Tarjimly Translation App

Realtime Translators for Refugees. Anytime. Anywhere. Fast. Free Over 9000 Vetted volunteer translators in 80+ languages. NGOs and nonprofits around the world use Tarjimly to effectively communicate with the people they’re trying to help. Where machine translation has failed them, Tarjimly is solving a major problem for these organizations by mobilizing the world’s bilingual speakers. Key Words: Language Access

PanLex Translator App

The PanLex Translator app provides access to PanLex’s free multilingual dictionary. You can translate words from any language to any other language. The dictionary contains more than 5,700 of the world’s 7,000 languages. It is a support to students, translators, interpreters, new arrivals, clinicians, as well as disaster relief and refugee-support personnel. Read more about the PanLex Mission to overcome language barriers to human rights, information, and opportunities. Key Words: SCC Language Bank

Refugee Portal – BRYCS (Bridging Refugee Youth & Children’s Services)

We created this portal to ensure that refugees have easy access to multilingual resources. The languages shown here represent the most common languages spoken among refugees resettled in the U.S. Click on your language below for resources on the topics of family life and parenting, early childhood, the U.S. school system (K-12), children’s books, and health/mental health. Key Words: multi-language, family,

We Have Rights: Video When ICE is Outside our Doors

5/5/18 In direct response to expressed community need, ACLU has joined forces with Brooklyn Defender Services to create and distribute a series of powerful and informative videos based on true stories to provide real life action points for what to do when ICE is outside our doors, is in our homes, stops us in our communities, and/or arrests us. Multi-language: View in Spanish | Urdu | Arabic | Haitian Creole | Russian | Mandarin

Amid travel ban controversy, Bay Area refugees share their journeys to America

5/12/18 State Department data shows the U.S. resettled an estimated 15,500 Syrian refugees in 2016 toward the end of Obama’s presidency. As of April this year, the Trump administration had admitted only 11 Syrians, according to NPR.
But Arabian and other refugees who settled in the Bay Area are sharing their experiences in a series of intimate storytelling events known as the “Made Into America” project. On Thursday night at Palo Alto’s Mitchell Park Community Center, she described her family’s decision to flee Aleppo.

Revving Up the Deportation Machinery: Enforcement under Trump and the Pushback

This May, 2018 report caps a year-long study that took MPI researchers to 15 locations across the United States, some fully cooperating with federal immigration enforcement and others not. There they interviewed everyone from senior ICE field leaders to state and local elected officials, immigrant-rights advocates, former immigration judges, and consular officials.
The study finds that the engine that fueled ICE’s peak effectiveness- the intersection of federal immigration enforcement with state and local criminal justice systems- is being throttled by state and local policies that limit cooperation with ICE. Key Words: Research

Fraud Alert – Federal Trade Commission warns of new scam from ‘Chinese Consulate’

4/28/18 A new scam is making the rounds and this time the scammers claim to be from the Chinese Consulate office. The callers are targeting people with Chinese last names however, anyone can become a victim, according to the Federal Trade Commission.
People across the country are getting calls and messages saying they have to pick up a package at the Chinese Consulate office or they need to avoid being in trouble with the Chinese Consulate. The caller then asks for your bank account or credit card information, or they tell you to make a bank transfer to them.


ProLiteracy, the largest adult literacy and basic education membership organization in the nation, believes that a safer, stronger, and more sustainable society starts with an educated adult population. WE SUPPORT 1,000 member programs in the U.S. and 25 countries worldwide that provide adult literacy instruction. WE PRODUCE more than 400 print and digital instructional tools for tutors and students. Key Words:

Notifica App

Notifica is an app by United We Dream that gives you and your family a help button to alert key contacts if anyone is at risk of deportation. Simply create your messages today and you will be ready to press a button for help when you or your family needs it. Alerts are designed to inform family members, legal advocates, and other contacts that the sender may have been detained by the police or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Spanish

Gateway Community Outreach

Our Family Resource Center supports over 1500 Edenvale families on a weekly basis, providing food, clothing, life skills classes, and more at no cost.
Other community programs including homeless advocacy, giveaways, Safe Space facility in San Jose, CA Key Words: Children, Teens, Human Trafficking, Human Rights

Community Services Agency (CSA)

CSA offers food and financial assistance for rent, PG&E bills, and vouchers for basic necessities such as work clothing and transportation. Limited dental, vision and prescription assistance for uninsured children.. For the most up-to-date information check
Facebook page
HOUSING: To apply for the rent relief package offered by the City of Mountain View, call 650-968-0836 or email and include your name and your phone number. Member Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) Multi-language: Spanish

Deportation Fears Putting Mental Strain on Hispanic Families

3/1/18 Recent U.S. immigration policy changes are causing significant mental distress for many Hispanic parents in the country, a new study finds.
A “substantial proportion” of Hispanic parents surveyed reported that “they are avoiding authorities, warning their children to change their routines and worrying about the future due to recent U.S. immigration policies and news,” said study lead author Kathleen Roche.
Nearly 40 percent said they often avoided getting medical care, help from police, or support from social services because of immigration actions and news.
Key Words: Undocumented, DACA, mental health, anxiety, depression, family, Latino, Disaster

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)

SEARAC is a national organization that advances the interests of Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans by empowering communities through advocacy, leadership development, and capacity building to create a socially just and equitable society. We envision a socially, politically and economically just society for all communities to enjoy for all generations.
Site contains Directories of legal and CBO resources, original research and publications, and news and information about the impact of new immigration policies on the Asian commuinties. Key Words: API

Legal Liabilities for Local Governments that Choose to Enforce Fed Immigration Detainer Requests

3/18 This new report: 1) outlines the constitutional and legal framework governing ICE’s detainer requests to
law enforcement agencies to engage in arrests and detention for civil immigration purposes; 2) places
ICE’s recent and current detainer practices in historical context; 3) outlines the legally defective ways
this and previous administrations have attempted to package these practices, and 4) discusses the non-legal consequences of local law enforcement officers
acting as immigration agents. Prepared by collaboration of: National Immigration Law Center, Southern Poverty Law Center, American Immigration Council, American Immigration Lawyers Assoc, and the Nat. Immigrant Justice Center.

Foundation for Hispanic Education

Committed to its mission to identify, understand, and address the Latino education achievement gap through innovation and collaboration, the Foundation continually funds and provides resources to local and national initiatives undertaking educational issues facing minorities in innovative ways.
Serving the East San Jose community for over 30 years, the Foundation currently operates the Center for Latino Education and Innovation, and three charter high schools: Latino College Preparatory Academy, Luis Valdez Leadership Academy, and Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy.

Workforce Institute (WI)

Through the Workforce Institute (WI), the San José Evergreen Community College District has been inspiring Silicon Valley’s workforce for over 30 years. A primary learning and development resource for individuals, public agencies, and business partners to develop workforce skills. Member of the SBCAE (South Bay Consortium of Adult Education). Key Words: SCC, EVC, SJCC, Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese

White Swan Foundation (East Indian Mental Health Support)

White Swan Foundation for Mental Health is an India based not-for-profit organization that offers knowledge services in the area of mental health. We aim to provide patients, caregivers and others with well-researched content that will help them make informed decisions on how to deal with mental health issues. Site includes videos and information addressing different mental health issues and obstacles to treatment from an East Indian perspective. The White Swan Foundation team will collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations across the world to bring to you the best-in-class knowledge on mental health.
White Swan Publications in Hindi

Rebekah Children’s Services Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center promotes school readiness through education, information and resources on nutrition, health, kindergarten readiness, early literacy, positive parenting and parenting advocacy for children and families. The Family Resource Center provides many FREE programs, services, and activities for families with children ages 0-5.
This neighborhood-based center is open to everyone in the community. Key Words:

SCC Rapid Response Network Hotline (RRN)

The Santa Clara County RRN is a 24/7 hotline that community members can call to report ICE operations and receive help in real life time! When you call the RRN line: The dispatcher that receives the call will support the community member in asserting their rights, and will dispatch trained Rapid Responders to the impacted site. If immigration enforcement is confirmed, the Rapid Responders will conduct legal observation, collect evidence that may support the immigration case of the impacted family, and provide moral support and accompaniment to the impacted family. If a community member is detained, we will connect them with immigration attorneys for legal counsel and provide accompaniment support. We want to make sure no community member has to go through this on their own.
To report a raid,Call (408) 290-1144
This is not a general information hotline. Key words: RRN, Deport Spanish

Refugees Contribute: Strategies for Skilled Refugee Integration in the U.S.

11/2017 Report from Upwardly Global – Immigrants and refugees with professional backgrounds face complex challenges to reestablishing their careers – such as a lack of professional networks,language barriers, and unfamiliarity with U.S. job search norms. Refugees, who often have experienced emotional trauma and long employment gaps, must overcome even greater challenges. This report details common barriers that refugees face, and how they can be overcome with targeted interventions.

Legal Aid at Work

COVID-19 Update – If you are having work-related issues due to the coronavirus, call our Work & Family helpline: 800-880-8047 or general helpline: 415-864-8848.
Multi-language: English, Spanish, Chinese, Urdu, Vietnamese and Farsi
English Coronavirus FAQ |
Vietnamese Coronavirus FAQ |
Spanish Coronavirus FAQ |
Chinese Coronavirus FAQ
Key Words: Employment

Legal Aid at Work offers free information online, including our selection of more than 100 detailed and up-to-date fact sheets about specific provisions of the law related to employment. Also English, Spanish and Chinese manuals for employers to protect the rights of their workers.. Spanish | Chinese
Workers’ Rights Clinic, helplines 415-864-8208 or 866-864-8208 (toll-free) Key Words: ALLIES1, RRN, Rapid Response

Care, Cope, Connect – Children’s Mental Health

The Care, Cope, Connect resource, was created by Sesame Street in Communities in collaboration with the First 5 Association of CA, helps parents cope with stress and provide safety and security for their children.
In CA, nearly half of all children under the age of 17 have immigrant parents and 46 percent of households with children report a significant traumatic experience. First 5s are committed to helping parents weather these stressful situations and mitigate impacts on young children’s development, health, and learning. Activity books for parents and children: English | Spanish | Arabic | Korean Key Words: Mental Health,

Fear compromises health, well-being of immigrant families, survey finds

12/15/17 Immigrant families….are living with heightened fear and uncertainty because of stricter immigration policies and increased enforcement under the Trump administration, according to a report released Wednesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The fear, and the stress it creates, is compromising children’s health, possibly for the long term, the report said. It is also causing some parents to forgo health care or withdraw from public health programs such as Medicaid, which covers people with low incomes, and Women, Infants and Children, which provides nutritional assistance.

Disaster Legal Aid

The goals of this website are:
*to serve as a centralized national resource for legal aid, pro bono and criminal defender attorneys across the country on legal issues related to all types of disasters,
*to recruit and help mobilize pro bono attorneys in the aftermath of a disaster, and
*to provide accurate and timely information on legal issues related to disasters to the low and moderate income public.
This is a collaborative effort of Lone Star Legal Aid, the American Bar Association, the Legal Services Corporation, the National Legal Aid and Defender Association, the Texas Legal Services Center and Pro Bono Net. Multi-language:
Spanish |

The case for immigration

9/3/17 The contemporary debate around immigration is often framed around an axis of selfishness versus generosity, with Donald Trump talking about the need to put ‘America first’ while opponents tell heartbreaking stories of deportations and communities torn apart. A debate about how to enforce the existing law tends to supersede discussion of what the law ought to say.
All of this misses the core point. Immigration to the United States has not, historically, been an act of kindness toward strangers. It’s been a strategy for national growth and national greatness.


11/17 This is Part One of our new ‘Eyes On ICE: Documenting Immigration Abuses’ series, which examines the role of video in exposing immigration abuses, holding Immigration and Customs officials accountable, and advocating for communities. Follow along each month as we create & share resources, case studies, interviews with activists and organizers, videos and more in hopes of strengthening communities in resistance

RACECOUNTS – Measuring Racial Disparity is CA Counties

Race Counts project has developed a tool to assess racial disparity is 7 Key Issue areas: *Economic * Opportunity * Access to Health Care * Education * Housing * Democracy * Crime & Justice * Healthy Built Environments. Racial disparity is pervasive across California and it impacts all of us. See the full picture across counties, issue areas and indicators. Santa Clara is a high performance, low disparity, and more populous county. Winter 2017 Report

Detention Watch Network

DWN is a national coalition of organizations and individuals working to expose and challenge the injustices of the United States’ immigration detention and deportation system and advocate for profound change that promotes the rights and dignity of all persons.

Freedom for Immigrants (FFI)

The Freedom100 Fund maintains a revolving loan fund for immigration court bonds. Each person bonded out is provided with case management support, including housing, connections to attorneys, transportation, and mental health services for the best chance of winning their cases.
The Freedom for Immigrants Direct Support Fund provides financial support to people in immigration detention, recently released from detention, and their families.
Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC). Grants of up to $500 to help detainees and their families.
The National Detention & Abuse Reporting Hotline at 209-757-3733</strong > or dial 9233 from detention for assistance or to report abuse. See website for reduced hours January to May 2024.  Key Words: Legal

Apoyo Legal Migrante Asociado (ALMA)

Providing legal advice, education, and services to immigrants and the legal community. Specializing in serving low-income immigrants and charging below market rate fees. Family-based immigration advice and practice. Assistance to immigrant victims of crime and survivors of domestic violence who do not have immigration status. Services: Low cost immigration legal services in Milpitas, U-visa, VAWA, education SCC OIR List Multi-language: Spanish

African Advocacy Network (AAN)

AAN offers immigration legal services for African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants working towards securing a legal status and beyond in the USA. Adjustment of status, Family petition, Consular Processing, VAWA, U-Visa,Citizenship & naturalization, Work Permit, Asylum applicants, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and removal defense. Multi-language Translation & Interpretation, Serving: San Francisco, Marin, the East Bay, SCC, Santa Clara County, South Bay and the Greater Bay Areas. Key Words: Trusted Resource List,

YWCA Silicon Valley

Services:providing safe and secure housing, crisis hotlines, counseling, court assistance, and other community and safety programs t Domestic Violence, sexual assault & human trafficking: VAWA, U &T visa. providing services and resources for the most vulnerable children, women, and their families – this includes those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness, those facing job cut-backs, low wages, and housing loss, and those impacted by emergency school closures who lack affordable childcare options.. By appointment only. Key Words: Women, pandemic, SCC Multi-language: Spanish