COVID-19 Guidelines for the General Public

As of April 6, 2022, close contacts in most settings who have been exposed to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are asymptomatic are no longer required to quarantine, regardless of vaccination status. California Department of Public Health (CDPH) masking guidance also strongly recommends wearing a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days, especially in indoor settings and when near those at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease.
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |

San Jose leaders approve recommendations to address COVID-19 health disparities

9/2/20 San Jose leaders unanimously accepted 30 recommendations Sept. 1 from Santa Clara County’s Health and Equity Task Force to tackle growing health disparities in the time of COVID-19.
The recommendations include translating emergency information, contact-tracing, extending rent relief, distributing food and adding additional COVID-19 testing sites.
Councilmember Magdalena Carrasco said as of Aug. 31, more than 170 cases were reported in Santa Clara County, but many residents still don’t know where to get the services they need. Key Words: Equity

Archive – Tzu Chi Providing Care and Support After Northern California’s Lightning Complex Fire

9/4/20 The CZU fire in the southern Bay Area was one of three major fire sites in the Bay Area. Minjhing Hsieh, Executive Director of Tzu Chi’s Northwest region, visited the Santa Cruz County shelter for the first time on August 27th alongside volunteers Grace Chen and CM Yung. Volunteers learned more about the shelter from the site manager, Mark Larson, who told them that the area is 110 acres, has 71 cabins, and a parking lot that can accommodate 150 RVs. On August 20, nearly 500 evacuees occupied the shelter, of which, about two hundred people lived in the cabins, and about three hundred lived in 130 RVs. Key Words: Disaster

Coronavirus shutdowns are hitting Bay Area Vietnamese-owned nail salons hard

9/5/20 While most of the state’s businesses have been able to resume some activity, nail salons have remained largely closed under state and local health orders since the start of the pandemic. In most of the Bay Area, as well as Sacramento and Southern California, where cases remain widespread under the state’s new color-coded reopening system, nail salons are not yet allowed to reopen indoors. For many, outdoor operations aren’t an option.
About 70 percent of California’s nail salon workers are Vietnamese-American, according to a 2019 report, and the pandemic is taking a heavy toll on a small business niche that’s been shut for five months now. The report was released by the UCLA Labor Center and the nonprofit California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, which advocates for nail salons.

Need money during coronavirus pandemic? How to avoid loan sharks and debt traps

4/2/20 As millions of Americans lose jobs, shifts and other sources of income during the coronavirus health crisis, financial experts worry that people will be preyed upon by loan sharks who stand to profit.
“We saw this during the foreclosure crisis, where people were in distress and scammers took advantage to promise to help people connect to relief for a fee they could not afford” said Kevin Stein, deputy director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, a San Francisco-based nonprofit that advocates for protecting consumers. Key Words: Disaster, Emergency

San Jose Rental Assistance Program

Program for qualified SJ residents who are behind on rental payments due to loss of income related to COVID-19. Financial assistance may cover expenses such as rental payments, utilities, and housing deposits from April 2020 through December 2020.
Financial assistance available through Catholic Charities. To apply please call:
Vietnamese: (408) 757-8044 and/or (408) 757-6661.
Spanish: (408) 757-7703 and/or (408) 757-7591.
All other languages and general inquiries: (408) 758-0011.
Applications will be accepted through a lottery system.
For more information about eligibility, please call the rental assistance program at (408) 758-0011
Multi-lingual: Spanish, Vietnamese

Next Door Solutions (NDS) – Domestic Violence

The premier domestic violence agency in Santa Clara County. We are the only stand-alone domestic violence agency and the largest provider of these services. 24/7 HOTLINE for victims of domestic violence (408) 279-2962 Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese

MENTAL HEALTH – WomenSV (Domestic Violence Support)

We work one-on-one with survivors to help them find the means to break free from abuse and go on to build healthier lives for themselves and their children. We assist with safety planning, provide court and attorney accompaniments and connect survivors to resources and help available to them, based on their specific needs. We educate the community, train providers and empower survivors to break the cycle of abuse in middle-to-upper income areas so that every woman and child can exercise their fundamental human right to be free and safe in their own home. Key Words: SCC, legal, Los Altos

Choices for Children

Need help paying for child care: California Alternative Payment Program (CAPP):
The family must be income eligible and children must be under 13 years of age or have exceptional needs. Our staff assist families in identifying child care and other community services that meet the specific needs of the child and family. Multi-lingual: Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian

Online Traffic Fine Reduction Request

8/15/20 If you have a financial hardship and can show that you are unable to pay the full amount for your traffic ticket, you may request the court to consider your ability to pay. The Judicial Council and eight California Superior Courts are working together to develop a new online option for people struggling with traffic court debt. The “MyCitations” tool allows people to look up their traffic citation, answer a series of simple questions and submit a request to the court for a possible reduction in the amount owed. Users can also request a payment plan, more time to pay or community service.

Uplift Family Services

The richly diverse Bay Area can be fast-paced and transitory. The ever-widening gap between socioeconomic levels has left many families struggling, feeling isolated and disconnected from a close-knit community.
When Uplift Family Services steps up to help, we are typically addressing both mental health and basic needs, including food and clothing. The biggest behavioral health needs include depression, anxiety, suicidality, substance abuse, school bullying, behavioral issues and parenting skills. CADRE Member, Key Words: Mental Health

Kara Grief Support

Kara’s mission is to provide grief support for children, teens, families and adults. Our guiding values are empathy and compassion. Free one-on-one peer counseling or support groups with trained volunteers or sliding scale fee therapy with a professional licensed therapist. We serve individuals who are grieving a death as well as those managing a terminal illness (their own or another’s).
Call 650-321-5272 or fill in this online form.
Multi-language: Spanish
Serving primarily Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.

Inclusive emergency Response – Immigrants Essential and Vulnerable in San José

8/7/20 New research from New American Economy (NAE) released today in partnership with the City of San José highlights how immigrants are both essential to San José’s rapid response efforts and especially vulnerable due to gaps in federal relief packages, language access barriers, and increased risks of infection associated with frontline and essential work.
San José is one of twelve recipients of NAE research to inform culturally sensitive emergency response measures that ensure all residents are included, regardless of immigration status. Key Words: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Disaster, undocumented

Ujima Adult and Family Services

Provides culturally proficient mental health services to African youth, their families, and adults. Case management services are provided in the home and are available on a 24-hour basis. Refers clients to community resources to support academic success and allows clients to remain at home with their family. The African Adult Program provides 24-hour culturally proficient mental health services for the seriously mentally ill. Services include case management, medications, treatment and crisis intervention. Multi-language: Amharic, Creole, Somali, Tigrinya

Peninsula Food Runners

Our recipients include soup kitchens, shelters, low-income residences, affordable housing centers, schools, senior centers, family centers, homeless programs and group homes. We deliver 70,000+ healthy nutritious meals weekly to 400+ agencies on a regular or rotating basis. in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. Also serving several Recipient Agencies in San Francisco, Oakland, Fremont, Hayward, Newark, and Union City. For Donor and Recipients in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, contact us for our partner organizations.
SIGN-UP – We’ve partnered with ChowMatch to manage our food donations. To receive free surplus food, please sign-up on the ChowMatch application and we will do our best to bring you free healthy meals that meet your needs.

SCC Mental Health Guide for Immigrants.

The Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR), in partnership with the SCC Behavioral Health Services, have developed a mental health guide for immigrants. This brochure includes guidance on:
Where to get mental health services in Santa Clara County
Tips on what to do if you are worried about a loved one suffering from a mental health illness
Additional immigrant resources
English |
Spanish |
Vietnamese |

Discount Clipper START Card

Save on San Francisco Bay Area transit. with a pilot program to provide single-ride discounts to eligible riders. Participants can receive: a 50% discount on Caltrain, Muni, and Golden Gate Transit and Ferry, and a 20% discount on BART,
To qualify, you must…**Be a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area **Be 19-64 years old **Not have an RTC Clipper Card for people with disabilities **Have a household income of 200% of the federal poverty level or less. Multi-language: , ,
Spanish |
Chinese |
Tagalog |

San Mateo County Immigrant Relief Fund

Immigrants are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, risking their health and well-being every day to keep our society going. And yet, many immigrants were left out of the CARES Act relief. The San Mateo County Immigrant Relief Fund – initially funded by a generous contribution from John A. and Susan Sobrato – is providing financial support to immigrant families left out of the federal government’s relief efforts. Immigrant families may be eligible to receive a $1,000 grant to help in this time of crisis.

SCC Community Resources for Youth, Families and Individuals Impacted by COVID-19

Santa Clara County Directory – Many services are available to all members of our community, regardless of ability to pay or immigration status.
If you, a family member or someone you know has been impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and need food assistance, health services, financial help, legal assistance or other support services, here are some available resources that can help.

Self-Care in Difficult Times

Updated from April 2018 Immigrantinfo Blog – Links to some free local resources for adults and children, Also a few relaxation and energy therapy options for anyone who would like relief from stress and anxiety. These techniques were chosen because:
***They are simple and effective***They are free and do not require the assistance of a Therapist***They are not language intensive, although for some there are multi-language handouts
| English | Arabic | Dari | Farsi | French | German | Somali | Spanish | Tigrinya |.

San Jose takes pride in its diversity but has no in-house translators

7/23/20 With more than half the households in San Jose speaking a language other than English, the nation’s 10th largest city doesn’t have full-time staff dedicated to translation and interpretation at City Hall.
Without full-time translators on staff, San Jose Councilmember Magdalena Carrasco, whose constituents include many monolingual Spanish speakers, has come to expect her own bilingual-certified team to fill the void.

American Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center (VFAC)

VFAC is an Integrated Condolence Care Program for families and communities who have suffered loss of loved ones, and who have experienced a disrupted grief process due to restrictions related to COVID-19. Grieving is always difficult, and we recognize the Coronavirus pandemic creates additional challenges and needs. This VFAC offers information and resources that we hope will be helpful during this difficult time.
Note: We will add new resources to this page as we become aware of them. If you have ideas for additions, please contact us at
(Pagina en español)
Mlti-language: Spanish


For those living below the poverty line in Santa Clara County:
Community Services providing them food boxes, backpacks, school supplies, diapers, hygiene items, clothing, household items, and furniture.
Medical & Dental Clinic volunteer doctors and dentists provide medical and dental care to those in need.
Phone: (408) 288-2185
Key Words: COVID-19, Coronavirus, SCC

Midtown Family Services

Family crisis response services is a vital part for families to become stably housed and economically self-sufficient. we provides a comprehensive range of support services designed specifically for those in distress. Key Words: Rental Assistance, casework

Santa Clara County Extra Help Vote Center Staff

Most Vote Center Staff will be working multiple days and therefore will need to be hired as Santa Clara County Extra Help employees. Applicants should be U.S. Citizens and registered voters or Legal Permanent Residents and at least 18 years of age. All Extra Help Vote Center Staff must successfully complete paid multiday training classes starting in early September. Work dates range from late October to November 4, 2020. Follow the appropriate link below to apply online, once your application is approved and referred to our office, we will contact you to schedule training classes and vote center assignment. Key Words: Employment, jobs, SCC

SJPL Works: Career & Business

SJPL Works unites the expertise of the area’s top leaders in economic and workforce development to create an extensive network of resources for employment seekers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. We have partnered with numerous local organizations, including Employment Development Department (EDD), SCORE, Silicon Valley Talent Partnership, Robert Half, SJSU Career Center, US Patent & Trademark Office, AnewAmerica, and work2future.

IRC Individual Development Account (IDA)

START SAVING – Get up to $4,000 for individuals and $8,000 for families to buy a car or pay for school. This is not a loan”you never need to pay this money back! Start learning about American finances, building your credit, managing your money, and investing in your future through the Saving Together Program. Eligibility requirements:
– Refugee, Asylee, SIV or T-Visa
– Arrival date <3 years for car or <5 years for education - Low to medium income range For more info contact International Rescue Committee– Lonny Dara (408) 529-7395
Key Words: Education, Scholarship,

Silicon Valley Pain Index shows ‘white supremacy’ prevalent across institutions

6/23/20 First-ever local index highlights 65 statistics of inequality
The San Jose State University Human Rights Institute on Tuesday unveiled the Silicon Valley Pain Index, the first of planned annual reports focusing on racial discrimination and income inequality in the region.
Coming at a time when institutional biases against Black people and communities of color are under heightened scrutiny, the index leans on the latest available data and reporting to call out disparities such as the disproportionately high death rate of Latinos from COVID-19 in SCC and the overwhelmingly white makeup of tech company executive suites.
The Silicon Valley Pain Index shows that white supremacy is operating in most all of the institutions and systems in Santa Clara County, whether it be in the criminal justice system, the economy, education, healthcare, or housing,
Key Words: Diversity, Racism

Archive – San Jose COVID-19 Virtual Local Assistance Center

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this page consists of resources for San José residents on:
**Food ** Immigrant Resources ** Housing ** Employment & Job Training ** Health & Wellness ** Utilities & Internet ** Small Businesses and Nonprofits. For more information call 311 or 408-535-3500, or fill out a contact form. Live chat (8-5, M-F), TTY for the hearing impaired at 1-800-735-2922. Key Words: Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese |

Avenidas Senior Center in Palo Alto

Volunteer drivers to and from medical appointments, pick up groceries and prescriptions, and other services as needed.
8/28/21 Grand re-opening of classes, resources and social programs, including Health & Wellness, Senior Nutrition, and:
LGBTQ Seniors Initiative |
Chinese Community Center
Bilingual Programs: Vietnamese
Multi-language: Mandarin, Vieetnamese
Key Words: Transportation, Food, Mental Health,

Sex Worker ER Grant Fund

BAWS (Bay Area Worker Support) is re-introducing one of our community care structures by offering emergency grants for sex workers experiencing hardships during COVID-19. We are able to give small grants of $50 – $200. If you have a larger expense or ongoing needs we will gladly promote your crowdfunding campaign on our social media, or help you set one up.
QUALIFICATIONS: These grants are only available to current sex workers in the Bay Area who depend on sex work to pay their bills and do not have other forms of support.

SCC Office of Mediation and Ombuds Services (OMOS)

OMOS helps parties have difficult conversations, generate options, and reach voluntary resolution of their conflicts but does not provide legal advice.
The County recently passed a moratorium on evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a part of the County’s comprehensive approach to executing this measure, OMOS’s free mediation services are being used to address any conflicts that may arise as a result of this moratorium on Unlawful Detainer/eviction matters. More importantly, mediation is an effective way for landlords and tenants to proactively and productively discuss the payment of rent that is owed, once the moratorium lifts.
Multi-language: English, Spanish,
Key Words: Santa Clara County, coronavirus

Request for Proposals: Immigration-Ensuring the Safety and Security of Immigrants thru 9/30/20

The intent of this grant opportunity from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, is to support responsive projects that help ensure the safety and security of immigrants in our communities.
Grant applications must be submitted through our online application system, Apply SVCF. Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis through September 30, 2020, or until all funds are distributed, whichever comes first. If all funds have been distributed before September 30, the application will be closed for submissions and our website will reflect this.

Santa Clara County Free & Low Cost Immigration Legal Assistance

SCC invests in immigration legal services with local accredited agencies to provide free and low cost assistance with immigration legal issues.
Key Words family visa petition, employment authorizations, removal of conditional status; assisting immigrants to obtain permanent residency under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA); helping victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and human trafficking to obtain work authorization, permanent residency leading to path to citizenship, DACA, deportation defense, unaccompanied minors, etc. OIR
Asian Law Alliance |
Catholic Charities |
PARS Equality Center
PAGE GONE 4/7/22

Silicon Valley Council of Non-Profits (SVCN) Job Board

The SVCN is leveraging our job board to help nonprofits providing essential services connect with talented and passionate nonprofit staff who suddenly find themselves out of work or underemployed.
If you have openings you need to fill right away, we’ll post the positions on our website and share them with our nonprofit email list and on our social media feeds including LinkedIn.
Please choose the Member rate on the submission form. Key Words: Employment, CBO

SCC OIR Newsletter8 – COVID-19 – Immigrants & Mental Health

OIR has compiled a list of mental health resources for local immigrants to provide guidance and support on this issue.
The Office of Immigrant Relations would like to remind Santa Clara County residents that mental health services are available for immigrants. Everyone is encouraged to seek the needed healthcare regardless of status. Multi-language:MENTAL HEALTH GUIDE FOR IMMIGRANTS – English |
Key Words;

Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks – Taking Care of Children

3/18/20 Children react to stress differently than adults – they may withdraw or behave in a more ‘babyish’ way, seem anxious or clingy, be preoccupied with illness in their play or drawing, have problems sleeping or nightmares, or may get physical symptoms such as stomachaches or headaches. Here are some tips for supporting children and young people: Multi-language:
Chinese |
Vietnamese |
Spanishj |
Tagalog |
Key Words:

Solo Solidarity Fund

You may receive $500 if you:
**live in Santa Clara County ** are affected financially by COVID-19 ** are an undocumented immigrant in deportation proceedings or have an immediate family member detained by DHS or ICE.
Call 408-770-6202
Endorsed by the SCC Rapid Response Network

SCC Office of Education Inclusion Support WarmLine

The Inclusion Support WarmLine (408) 453-6651, Offers FREE individualized supports for parents, teachers, and community members working with children who have disabilities and other needs. Offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese (and other languages as needed). Contact Warmline: Multi-language:
English |
Spanish |

Key Words: Children, education, special needs, AFN, Inclusion Collaborative

Animals – PET PANTRY – Silicon Valley Humane Society

4/11/21 Pet Pantry is available to all residents of Santa Clara county experiencing financial hardship. Pet Pantry food is distributed from our Animal Community Center located at 901 Ames Avenue in Milpitas between the following hours:
Thur 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. & Fri – Sun 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Pet Pantry assistance is offered every 30 days based on availability. Prescription diets are not available. Supply is based on donations and will vary month to month. Addition of another animal to your home while accepting Pet Pantry assistance will result in removal from the program.
Phone: (408) 262-2133

Community Health Partnership (CHP) Member Organizations

CHPSCC health centers and clinics are one of the few sources of accessible, affordable, and culturally competent health care services for low-income and medically underserved populations, independent of Immigration status. While maintaining a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities they serve, these health centers and clinics provide an array of services including general family practice, medical and dental care, well baby visits, prenatal care, nutritional counseling, health education, and prevention, counseling, mental health services, and community outreach. Multi-lingual: Spanish, Vietnamese, Phone Translation Service

SCC Emergency Assistance Network (EAN)

The Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) agencies in Santa Clara County provide a variety of services to prevent homelessness, utility disconnections, and hunger. The goal is to stabilize individuals and families during times of trouble and help them return to self sufficiency.
Member Agencies St. Joseph’s Family Center |
LifeMoves – Georgia Travis House |
LifeMoves -Opportunity Services Center |
Community Services Agency (CSA) |
Sunnyvale Community Services |
West Valley Community Services |
The Salvation Army |
Sacred Heart Community Service |
Key Words: Food, Rent, Mortgage, Utilities Assistance, Medical, Transportation.

Bill Wilson Youth Drop-In Center

COVID-19 Update The Drop-In Center is OPEN Monday – Saturday from 9 am – 9 pm and Sunday from 9 am – 5 pm.
Located at 693 South 2nd Street, San Jose, CA 95112.
This center is a one-stop center for homeless youth (ages 13-25) who are living on the streets or marginally housed.
Services include: food, clothing, personal care items, lockers, and access to phone, computers and emails. Showers and washer and dryer facilities are also available for free. Open to all youth regardless of immigration status.
Key Words: Mental Health

Bill Wilson Center (Center for Living with Dying)

COVID-19 Update: Bill Wilson Center offers a variety of services for children, adolescents, families and adults, including health care, counseling, addiction recovery, housing, LGBTQ and Foster Youth programs, Drop In Centers, the Center for Living with Dying, and more. Services are provided independent of immigration status. If you need help or know someone who needs BWC’s services please call 408-243-0222. If you are in crisis please call 408-850-6125. Key Words: Undocumented, grief, trauma, ptsd Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese

Regional Nonprofit Emergency Grant Application For San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties

The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting nonprofit organizations in dramatic ways due to closures and event cancelations; a surge in demand for services; and challenges enforcing strict public health guidelines (including social distancing and self-quarantining).
During this time of incredible need, SVCF is accepting applications for nonprofit organizations serving San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. It is expected that these
funds will address loss of revenue and/or unexpected costs,

Resources For Non-Profits – San Jose List

We are partnering across City departments and with trusted nonprofit service organizations to help guide you in this time of crisis. With fast changing information and new resources coming online daily, we recognize it can feel overwhelming. The sites highlighted below offer a comprehensive local focus to navigating COVID-19 resources: Multi-language:
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese
Key Words: coronavirus, CBO

Archive – ALA DACA Renewal Video – Scholarships Available

5/5/20 Contact Asian Law Alliance ‘ right away for a free consultation to see if you should renew your DACA.
(408) 287-9710. Scholarships for the $495 fee are still available for eligible applicants.
The Supreme Court is currently considering termination of the DACA program. A decision could come any day and if they decide to terminate the program, it will be too late. The good news is, that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is still accepting DACA renewals. If your DACA will expire within the next year or even if your DACA has expired, you may be able to renew. Key Words: Undocumented., immigration,

Death reports show coronavirus hit San Jose’s poor, Latino neighborhoods hardest

5/11/20 According to records obtained by the Bay Area News Group, more than a third of the county’s first 100 deaths occurred in just four ZIP codes on the city’s East Side. In the county’s poorest ZIP codes, the death rate from COVID-19 is four times as high as in the wealthiest ZIP codes.
…They offer insight into a phenomenon seen around the country and across the world: The toll of coronavirus is falling disproportionately on vulnerable communities, where residents ” predominantly Latinos and African-Americans ” have long been poorly served by existing health care systems, and where many ” because of economic stress or the nature of their jobs ” have been unable to stay safely at home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

SV Strong

Links to Santa Clara County COVID-19 resources and programs including:
How to Volunteer, Rent & Mortgage, Virtual Income Tax Support, Low Cost Internet, Childcare, Immigrants, Unemployment Insurance, Seniors, Stimulus Payments, Mental Health, Support for Homeless Residents, Find Employment, Donate Medical Supplies or Services. Key Words: SCC, Coronavirus, Silicon Valley

First 5 Community Family Resource Centers and Resource Directory

The goal of FIRST 5’s Family Resource Center Initiative is to give Santa Clara County families the skills and capacity to promote their children’s development, ensure their children’s school readiness, build strong family relationships, and create a connected community.

FIRST 5 established a network of Family Resource Centers (FRCs) throughout Santa Clara County to increase family access to services and provide parents/caregivers opportunities to become more involved in their children’s healthy development and school readiness. FRCs are often at the center of other collaborative efforts that seek to improve the lives of families and the communities in which they live.

5/21 The FIRST 5 COVID 19 Resource Guide still contains relevant information about how to access financial aid, food, housing assistance, childcare, and other essential SCC services for families. Multi-language:  Spanish |    Vietnamese |    Chinese |    Tagalog |

SCC OIR Newsletter6: COVID-19 Impact on Immigrants

4/13/20 Immigrant Labor is Critical for Our Survival, but Immigrant Workers are at the Forefront of the COVID-19 Impacts
As the COVID-19 virus spreads rapidly, it is more evident than ever that immigrant workers employed by several front line industries (those that keep U.S. residents healthy, safe, and fed) also suffer disproportionate impacts of the health, political, and social crisis. Key Words: Know Your Rights, KYR, Unemployment, Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations

SCC OIR Newsletter5: COVID-19 and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment

4/3/20 As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, so does the spike in anti-immigrant rhetoric that often leads to racist attacks, hate incidents, and hate crimes. Many media outlets have reported on this development, such as The New Yorker, Huffington Post, and NBCNews. Asian Americans Advancing Justice created a page that compiles stories of Asian Americans who are targeted on a daily basis. Key Words: Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations

Silicon Valley Council of Non-Profits

The mission of SVCN is to benefit nonprofits and protect and empower the communities they serve by:
***Convening nonprofit, community, business, and government groups to collectively work on community challenges.
***Supporting nonprofit leaders through workshops, summits, and cohort learning.
In partnership with CADRE, SVCN has created a site with Nonprofit Crisis Resources with Health and Government Guidelines and updates, Reopening tips, IT support and technical assistance,and more. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese

Comprehensive UAP COVID-19 Information and Resources Guide

The Office of Cultural Competency Universal Access Program (UAP) is a collaborative model with FIRST 5, County of Santa Clara agencies, SCC Office of Education, Alum Rock Unified School District, Franklin McKinley School District, and other nonprofit partners.
The UAP team pulled together a set of resources to help navigate families, particularly COVID19-related resources. This information is fluid and it is updated regularly.
The portal includes our guide, with links to the Public Health Department, as well as a multitude of resources and information from food distribution, VTA, homelessness, immigration, unemployment, legal rights, childcare for essential workers, hotlines, and more. Key Words: Directory

South Bay Asian Americans report attacks, harassment amid coronavirus pandemic

4/6/20 The viral posts documenting attacks or harassment targeting Asian Americans amid the novel coronavirus pandemic are not isolated incidents, nor is the South Bay excluded from it, academic researchers and law enforcement say.
While these incidents have been shown in everyday interactions ranging from grocery stores and tenant disputes, researchers say the racism has been prompted by the nation’s highest office, as President Donald Trump and his administration have used language like the “Chinese Virus” and “Wuhan Virus” to describe COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. These terms have also been deemed inappropriate by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Project Do More LGBTQ Resources

This page is an ever-expanding project and we are working on creating and sharing more resources and guides as soon as they are available that are focused on the LGBTQ+ community of Northern California. Should you not be able to find the resource you were looking for or have any questions, please contact us at
Please note that some community organizations, resources, and programs may be impacted by COVID-19. Contact the associated organization for more information.

Santa Clara County CAN (COVID-19 Assistance Navigation Hotline)

Leave a message on the SCC CAN Hotline 408-802-2124 and receive a call back within 24 hours with assistance to:
***Navigate safety net services like unemployment, food, housing, and others by helping you understand what assistance is available and guiding you through the application process.
***If needed, we can connect you with legal aid attorneys to answer questions about work related legal issues, such as questions related to employment status and income.
Mulri-language: English, Spanish and Vietnamese
SCC CAN is a project of the Fair Workplace Collaborative: Vietnamese American Round Table, Pilipino Association of Workers and Immigrants, Day Worker Center of Mountain View, Step Forward Foundation, Enterprise Foundation, Latino Business Council of Silicon Valley, Working Partnerships USA

AACI Asian Women’s Home (Domestic Violence Shelter)

AACI’s Asian Women’s Home serves survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. Asian Women’s Home serves everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, socioeconomic background, or sexual orientation. All communities are welcomed! To inquire about services or to seek help, please call our free and confidential 24/7 hotline at (408) 975-2739. Key Words: DV Multi-language: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin and Vietnamese Key Words: Undocumented
Vietnamese |
Traditional Chinese |
Simplified Chinese |

Community Solutions South County Crisis Support

Crisis support resources and mental health services for South County residents (Gilroy, Morgan Hill, San Martin and the surrounding areas). There are no fees or insurance required to call the crisis line! Immigrant friendly. 24-Hour Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline: 1-877-END-SADV (1-877-363-7238)
Are you experiencing a crisis and need to talk with someone? We can help! Please call 408-683-4118
We can provide:
*Information and linkage to community resources
* Linkage to mental health services
* Support de-escalating crisis situations to restore family stability
Multi-language: Spanish, Key Words: Domestic Violence, SCC

Operation Access (OA)

With support from the community, we bring together medical professionals and hospitals to provide donated outpatient surgical and specialty care for the uninsured and underserved. OA enables Bay Area health care providers to donate vital surgical and specialty care to people in need.
Do you work at a community clinic? We provide a referral pathway for community clinic patients who need specialty medical services many clinics cannot provide. Our volunteers donate their time to help your patients.
Refer a Patient.
Spanish |
Key Words: COVID-19, Undocumented

Housing Industry Foundation Emergency Assistance

12/27//20 HIF Update:
Community members threatened by homelessness and interested in applying for an emergency grant, will be required to demonstrate need and ability to utilize our emergency housing grants for sustained stability up to $2,500. Apply to network partner organization for your zip code. An unstable housing situation can arise from any number of unexpected circumstances, such as medical bills, job loss, or Covid-19 related circumstances.
Key Words: pandemic

Friends of Hue Foundation

FHF provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and disaster preparedness education in the Bay Area. We have a trained Bi-lingual Vietnamese speaking emergency response team to help with natural disaster. Volunteers provide food and supplies and helped with filing claims for the victims.
We will do our best to support you during this difficult time. Multi-language: Vietnamese

Indian Health Center

2/13/21 COVID-19 Update: In-office visits are being kept to a minimum but most services can now be accessed via telehealth (you could have a Medical, Dental or Counseling appointment by phone, tablet, or computer). The WIC program continues as usual.
Coronavirus vaccine clinics for registered clinic patients, based on the availability of the vaccine.
Call (408) 445-3400. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese
Key Words: Coronavirus, Healthcare, COVID-19

Farmworkers deserve workplace protections too – Ash Kalra

3/31/20 Today we celebrate the birthday of the visionary labor leader and community activist, Cesar Chavez. His contribution to the fight for economic and social justice for California’s farmworkers underscores the fact that we still have much to accomplish to ensure fair and safe working conditions for these workers. As our state addresses the overwhelming task of combating the coronavirus, we must mitigate the impacts on workers, and in particular, our most vulnerable ones. We need to dedicate resources to protect the health of California’s farmworkers.
When a farmworker is diagnosed with the coronavirus, other farmworkers who were exposed to that worker should be paid to take the number of sick days recommended to self-quarantine. The $9.5 billion farmers are receiving in federal emergency assistance makes this possible.

SCC Public Health Dept COVID-19 Data Dashboard

We are committed to providing accurate, reliable reports to the public. Additional data will be added over time. The information presented here is updated daily and is dependent on reporting by numerous agencies across the County and outside partners. Info on number of cases by cities and zip codes, hospitals and nursing homes, and demographics Multi=language:

SCC Homelessness Prevention System

The HPS program provides temporary financial assistance (e.g. rent, deposit, or utilities payment) to low-income families or individuals who are struggling to maintain their housing. HPS is available to low-income (80% of Area Median Income) households in Santa Clara County who are at imminent risk of losing their housing. Call: (408) 926-8885 Email:
Multi-language: Spanish

CA Department of Health Multi-language COVID-19 Updates and Guidance

Coronavirus updates, alerts, statistics, tips and guidance from the CA Dept of Public Health . Multi-language links to: Spanish
Arabic, Amharic, Cambodian, Chinese (Simplified), Farsi (Persian), Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Telegu, Tigrinya, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Key Words: pandemic flu, COVID-19, GOVERNMENT

Free Summer Meals for ALL Children & Youth 18 and Under

6/26/22 Free meals are available to ALL kids ages 18 and under this summer, with no registration required! Second Harvest of Silicon Valley has launched a site locator on its website. Families can enter their locations using their address, city, or zip code. Icons pop up on a map where summer meal sites are located and when users click on the icon, they see all the information needed, including location details, mealtimes and contact information.
School meal programs are not subject to Public Charge.
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |
Farsi |
Russian |
Arabic |
French |
Italian |
German |
Dutch |
Key Words: School

2019 TRUTH Act Forum

Questions Posed and County responses at the TRUTH Act Community Forum held on 12/10/19.
The Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR), Division of Equity and Social Justice (DESJ), facilitated and coordinated the TRUTH Act forum, for the purpose of providing information to the community and consider public comment regarding SCC law enforcement agencies’ provision of access or information to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during 2018.
OIR held the forum in collaboration with the Forum for Immigrant Rights & Empowerment (FIRE) Coalition of SCC, which is composed of the following: Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN), Silicon Valley De-Bug, Asian Law Alliance, Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), Pangea Legal Services, People Acting in Community Together (PACT), Sacred Heart Community Service Agency, Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic, and YMCA Silicon Valley. Key Words: Deport, RRN

Financial Assistance for Low-Income SCC Residents

10/1/20 Update Thanks to funding from the County of Santa Clara, City of San José, and a network of private partners, the Santa Clara County Homelessness Prevention System has additional rental and financial assistance available for at-risk residents who’ve been financially-impacted by COVID-19
See specific eligibility criteria and more detailed program information – including instructions for how eligible households can add their name to our Interest List.
. Multi-language:
Key Words: Coronavirus, Pandemic, COVID-19

SVCF Regional Nonprofit Emergency Fund Temporarily on Hold

1/21 Update SVCF is seeking contributions to the Regional Nonprofit Emergency Fund, which has been supported by a range of individual and family donors, corporations and other foundations. Until further funding becomes available via contributions, our Nonprofit Emergency Fund has temporarily stopped accepting applications from nonprofits in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
SVCF will also provide operating grants for other nonprofits that have experienced unexpected costs due to the COVID-19 pandemic as described below.Area region. The fund will be used to provide flexible operating support grants to nonprofit organizations serving one or more of the 10 counties (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano and Sonoma). Key Words: Silicon Valley Community Foundation, coronavirus, pandemic

Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness (LRIF)

1/1/20 The Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness (LRIF), signed on Dec. 20, 2019, permits eligible Liberians to apply for permanent status until Dec 20, 2020 with form I-485. According to the last census date, there are 75 Liberians residing in Santa Clara County and they have only a one year window to apply.
Contact for more information. .Key Words: SCC, Immigration, TPS

Apply Online for a California College Promise Grant

For eligible California residents, the California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) permits enrollment fees to be waived. (Assistance for the purchase of books and supplies must be applied for separately.)
Many CA Community Colleges offer online California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) applications through CCCApply. Key Words: Education, Scholarship, Financial Aid

Knowing Your Rights Builds Power

The Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) cares deeply about all residents, no matter their immigration status.
SCC funds and provides services to all residents regardless of immigration status. You and your family may be eligible for the County’s health services, housing programs, and others.
Every family is different. To make the right choice for your
family, consult with trusted legal service providers. The
OIR can connect you to a variety of agencies that can answer your questions for free or at low cost. Also check the Events page to find workshops that will resume after the pandemic shut-down, throughout the county. Key Words: KYR, COVID-19

Archive – A historic moment’: Santa Clara County unveils landmark Vietnamese service center

10/19/21 SAN JOSE ” Community leaders, military veterans and Santa Clara County elected officials broke ground Saturday for the country’s first healthcare service center designed specifically to serve the Vietnamese American community.
The center, built by the county and expected to open in the fall of 2021, will be a one-stop shop, where residents will be able to access the county’s senior wellness programs and mental health services, get vaccinations, visit a pharmacy and more. Key Words: SCC

US Immigration History Booklet

In 2019, the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) worked with the CA History Center & Foundation to create a timeline of immigration history in the US.
Immigration history in the U.S. is saturated with movements and practices that expand the definition of democracy and to apply that “all are created equal” to a broader community. On the banner and within this booklet, various forms of community resistance can be seen through the celebration of heritage months, the rise of the United Farm Workers (UFW), marches to defend immigrant rights, the creation of the Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network (SCC RRN), and so much more. Key Words:

San Jose earned perfect score for LGBTQ equality, despite some shortcomings

12/13/19 For the fifth year in a row, the Human Rights Campaign gave San Jose a perfect score for equality in services, laws and protection for its lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer residents.
The eighth annual Municipal Equality Index researched 49 criteria for local communities, including hot-button issues such as actions against conversion therapy and single-user gender-neutral bathroom accessibility, both of which San Jose earned points for because of state laws.
Eighty-eight out of 506 cities nationwide earned a perfect score ” the highest number in the index’s history – and the national city average jumped to a record high of 60 points. Neighboring Oakland and San Francisco also earned a perfect score.

Three Bay Area cities considered most diverse in the U.S.

10/14/19 Cultural identity has long been at the heart of the melting pot that is America. Yet immigration continues to be a hot-button issue even as the country gets more ethnically diverse. The nature of race, culture and community seems more controversial now than ever.
San Jose, which ranked at number eight, got a total score of 68.5. San Jose has a population of 1,030,119, according to the census. “It stands out particularly in terms of linguistic diversity” says Gonzalez. “As the second most language-diverse city, San Jose has about a quarter of its residents who speak Asian and Pacific Islander languages, and another 23 percent who speak Spanish.”

CADRE (Collaborating Agencies’ Disaster Relief Effort)

CADRE coordinates organizational preparedness planning in non-disaster times and activates to respond and provide essential services during and after a disaster.
CADRE works with Santa Clara County’s emergency management community to build disaster resilience among service organizations through communication, coordination and preparedness training.
CADRE is the official local Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster (VOAD) for SCC under Northern California’s State VOAD. Sign up for the CADRE Connection newsletter and receive emergency preparedness updates on the last Monday of the month. Contact with questions.

Santa Clara County lawmakers declare a Climate Emergency

8/30/19 SCC Supervisor Dave Cortese’s resolution to declare a climate emergency was unanimously approved with Supervisor Cindy Chavez absent.
The declaration acknowledges that global climate change is “caused by human activities” that have resulted in a climate emergency that impacts the well-being health and safety of SCC residents. It demands immediate action to address the causes and effects of global warming, but does not yet include any actionable items for either local residents or government officials. to halt, reverse, mitigate, and prepare for the consequences of the climate emergency and to restore the climate for future generations.
The county now joins a handful of Bay Area cities that have declared a climate emergency, including San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Cupertino and Santa Cruz,

Trump administration’s “public charge” rule is creating a chilling effect on immigrants

9/22/19 Across the Bay Area, the looming change in what is known as the “public charge” rule is sowing confusion and fear within the immigrant community, causing many people to abandon programs they need for fear of retaliation from immigration authorities, according to nearly two dozen interviews with health care providers, lawyers, nonprofit organizations, and social service agencies. Statewide, the rule could impact more than 2 million Californians, most of whom are not subject to the regulation, and could result in 765,000 people disenrolling from MediCal and CalFresh, according to UCLA’s Center for Health Policy Research. Key Words: ALLIES4, Food Stamps, CalFresh, Public Benefits


This Activity Guide offers comprehensive, year-round listings of after school and summer programs in Santa Clara County. It includes free programs, scholarships, and programs that target children with special needs and non-native English speakers.
The guide is managed by InPlay, a non-profit whose mission is to help underserved children and youth to discover their unique interests and talents. We welcome your questions and suggestions at:
This guide is sponsored by the County of Santa Clara and the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Key Words:

Double Up Food Bucks for CalFresh

Get more fruits and vegetables when you spend your CalFresh EBT dollars at participating grocery stores. For each $1 of your CalFresh EBT that you spend on California grown fruits and vegetables you earn $1 to spend on ANY fresh fruits and vegetables on your next visit. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese Key Words: food stamps, benefits, health