COVID-19 Update: Effective June 22, 2021 the center has resumed in-person operations. Please Note: We do require the use of a mask upon entry into our office regardless of vaccination status. We are also able to assist clients via phone and video meetings.
AnewAmerica changes lives through creating economic opportunities for targeted communities. Many women, minorities and immigrants face economic insecurity with no means to accumulate wealth. AnewAmerica leverages entrepreneurship to train and coach individuals to start their own business to support economic growth for themselves and their communities. Offices in Oakland and San Jose, CA
Multi-Language: Spanish
Locality: Local (SCC+)
Intercultural Speakers Bureau from ING
ING’s ICSB examines the roots and inter-connectedness of various forms of bigotry, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, racism, and xenophobia, that are directed against Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Latinx, Asians, Hindus, Sikhs, and Native Americans. Panels of speakers address the history and impact of knowledge creation under colonialism and slavery, old and neo-orientalism, xenophobia, and internalized bigotry. Panels will include group discussions and conclude with calls to action to counter prejudice and hate while building an inclusive society based on mutual understanding and solidarity.
To schedule a panel, allow 2-4 weeks advance notice and at least 1-2 hours for a panel for speaker presentations and discussion. Contact us at 408-296-7312 extension 160 or email Key Words: SCC
Two California counties sue Trump administration over new green-card rules
8/13/19 San Francisco and Santa Clara counties filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging the Trump administration’s new “public charge” rules to restrict legal immigration.
The lawsuit is the first after the Department of Homeland Security’s announcement Monday that it would deny green cards to migrants who use Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance.
Minorities in the Bay Area grapple with racism, anxiety in Trump’s America
8/17/19 After President Donald Trump’s tweets telling four minority congresswomen they should go back where they came from, the mass shootings at an El Paso Walmart by a gunman who said he was targeting Mexicans, the workplace raids in Mississippi and the Trump administration’s recent announcement that it wants to impose a wealth test on legal immigrants, many nonwhite residents of the diverse Bay Area are experiencing something unfamiliar: feeling unwelcome in their own country.
Some residents are carrying proof of citizenship. Some are having tough conversations with their kids about race and discrimination. Some are afraid to speak Spanish in public. And mental health professionals report seeing increased anxiety or despair among their clients, especially people of color. Key Words: Mental Health, Stress
8/25/19 A list of organizations frim the CA Dept of Social Services, that have indicated they can provide legal consultation and/or education and outreach services specifically related to public charge.
The public charge regulation does not apply to lawful permanent residents (green card holders) applying for citizenship, refugees, asylees, Special Immigrant juveniles (SIJs), certain trafficking victims (T non-immigrants), victims of qualifying criminal activity (U nonimmigrants), or victims of domestic violence (VAWA self-petitioners), among others. Key Words: Health, Public Benefits,
San Jose: Mayor and police chief in crosshairs of immigration debate
6/27/19 Despite Mayor Sam Liccardo denouncing President Donald Trump’s threat of ICE raids in sanctuary cities, local activists say San Jose lawmakers and police must do more to build trust with the undocumented community.
Immigrant rights advocates say Liccardo and San Jose Police Chief Eddie Garcia’s comments on Santa Clara County’s proposal to amend its ICE detainer policy stirred more distrust of authority among immigrants in San Jose.
During a rally dubbed “Enough is Enough” on Tuesday, several speakers expressed concern over inconsistent statements from the city and law enforcement.
They say it has generated fear among undocumented residents toward local authorities.
Pro Bono Legal Project
COVID-19 Update:
If you have a legal problem in a civil matter in Santa Clara County and you live in this County of Santa Clara, but cannot afford a private attorney, we might be able to help. We take or assist with cases in family law, and consumer law.including:
Family Law Clinics – Divorce, Paternity Issues, Domestic Violence, Custody Matters
Lawyers in the Library-Clinics
Virtual Lawyers in the Library
Limited Scope & Full Representation
Debtors’ Rights Clinics
General Administrative Support – Client Intake, Translation, Form Completion
Other Services include Lawyers in the Library Virtual Assistance
Archive – Protests in San Francisco, Palo Alto over migrant detention centers
7/2/19 Hundreds of protesters took to the streets in the Bay Area on Tuesday to protest U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention centers for immigrants.
One protest began at noon at Market and Montgomery streets, near Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office. Another took place in Palo Alto. Key Words: ICE
Asians are now largest group in these two Bay Area counties, new data shows
6/20/19 The latest census numbers on race and ethnicity, released Thursday, highlight the Bay Area’s increasingly diverse population. In Santa Clara County, one of the first minority-majority counties in the nation, Asians have been the largest racial group since 2014. Key Words: API, Demographics, immigrant, API
On Lok Lifeways
A comprehensive health plan that provides long-term care for eligible seniors living in San Francisco, Fremont, Newark, Union City, or Santa Clara County (not including Gilroy, Morgan Hill, or San Martin). The program offers full medical care and support services with the goal of helping seniors live at home and in the community for as long as possible.
On Lok Lifeways is a certified Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Arabic, Russian, Hmong
SCC Voter’s Choice Act
Starting with the Presidential Primary on 3/20/20, the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters is modernizing voting and providing voters with greater flexibility and convenience. Some of the Changes: *Every registered voter will receive a Vote By Mail ballot starting 29 days before Election Day *Voters can vote at any of the Vote Centers in Santa Clara County *Approximately 25 Vote Centers will open for 11 days including Election Day and approximately 100 Vote Centers will be open for 4 days including Election Day for a total of 125 Vote Centers throughout the County on Election Day Multi-language: Chinese | Spanish | Vietnamese | Tagalog |
Public Safety Power Shut Off (PSPS)
6/19 As a safety precaution, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) monitor local fire danger and extreme weather conditions across California and evaluate whether to turn off electric power.
While Public Safety Power Shutoff events are more likely to occur in high fire-risk areas, all Californians could be impacted by emergency events and need to be prepared with a plan.
Customers should update their contact information with their energy company so they can receive notifications. People with no PG&E account can call 1-877-900-0743 to enroll for notification.
Multi-language: Spanish | Vietnamese | Chinese |
Korean | Key Words: Disaster
Oasis Legal Services for LGBTQIA+ immigrants
We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3)organization providing comprehensive legal services to assist LGBTQIA+ immigrants. Our services include: * Screening for immigration relief * Affirmative asylum * Residency
* Citizenship * Family petitions
Serving territory of San Francisco Asylum Court Washington State to Canadian Border to Bakersfield in Central CA. Multi-language:
Spanish | Key Words: Gay Lesbian, Homosexual,
2020 census citizenship debate erodes trust in Santa Clara County
7/15/19 On Thursday, the president announced that he’s backing down on his efforts of including the question after admitting that an ongoing, raging legal battle would interfere with printing materials on time, citing instead that he would be seeking the information from existing federal records.
Despite the president throwing in the towel, little has been done to temper anxiety from local leaders who say that the president has instilled mistrust among immigrant communities that will potentially affect participation.
Pakistani American Community Center (PACC)
We are dedicated to preserving our cultural heritage and bridging the gap between Pakistan and the Pakistani’s in the Bay Area. We pass along our cultural heritage from one generation to the next and share our heritage through multiples events, lectures, presentations and classes throughout the year.
Sewa Bay Area
Sewa Bay Area is one of the most active Sewa chapters of the international NGO. Activities include Case Management, Serve community projects partnered with local nonprofits, the Lead high school community service program, and a summer mentorship for college students. and disaster relief for the CA fires. Helping families in the SF Bay Area regardless of color gender, race, religion, or national identity. Multi-language: Hindi, Key Words: East Indian, Service, Asian, Volunteer, SCC, CADRE
Mountain View Senior Resource Guide
2021 Update – The Age Friendly City Task Force has worked to provide a brief description and contact information on resources available to seniors living in Mt. View. Key Words: Transportation, Housing, Food and Nutrition, Health, Grief Support, Financial Services, Legal Communication, Senior Center, Aging
Assemblyman Rivas creates bill to help Santa Clara County farmworkers
6/27/19 According to recent studies conducted in the Salinas and Pajaro valleys, families are living in cars and overcrowded conditions averaging seven people per household, Rivas said. In one instance, 40 people were living in a three bedroom house that contained only two bathrooms.
Rivas’ bill, AB 1783 ” also known as the Farm Worker Housing Act of 2019 ” eases the housing crunch by creating a streamlined process that eliminates the need for a conditional use permit for farmworker housing on agricultural land. Rivas’ bill passed the Assembly last month and is now headed to the Senate floor.
Portuguese Historical Museum
The Portuguese Historical Museum opened on June 7, 1997, just a few days before Portugal Day, which is commemorated on June 10 annually. The museum is one of the major attractions of History San José. In keeping with the theme of the historical park, it depicts life as it was in the Santa Clara Valley (now known as Silicon Valley) at the turn of the 20th century.
Sunnyvale Community Services
Services including food and one time financial assistance includes help with rent, rental deposits, utility bills, medically-related bills, bus passes, gas vouchers and pass-through direct assistance. Also enrollment assistance in MediCal, CalFresh, and other benefits. As part of a realignment of zip codes for the Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) of agencies in Santa Clara County, Sunnyvale Community Services is now serving low-income residents of the Alviso neighborhood of San Jose. Immigrant friendly. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Russian
Santa Clara County Upholds Sanctuary Policy; No Cooperation With ICE
6/4/19 SAN JOSE (KPIX 5) ” Santa Clara County will not be providing any special cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials when potential illegal immigrants are about to leave county jail, even in the cases of violent offenders.
The Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted 5-0 to uphold their existing policy of non-cooperation with ICE. Key Words:
Archive – Immigration Deportation and Hardship Center
The IHC provides lawyers with forensic mental health evaluations, including summary psycho-social reports for consideration in immigration court proceedings. By also offering long term counseling, and case management to our legally vulnerable immigrant clients and their families, as needed, our forensic mental health services are unique in the community.
IHC is currently serving/processing a number of cases including the following: U-Visa applicants – T-Visa applicants – Hardship Waiver applicants – Asylum Applicants – Support for Immigrants in the Criminal Justice System Key Words: Factr,
SCC Parks Prescription Program
June 2019 The Park Rx Program is a partnership between Public Health, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center’s Pediatric Healthy Lifestyle Center, and the SCC Parks and Recreation Department. This program is designed to promote park utilization for individuals who are at high risk for chronic disease and to families with limited park access. Families receive park prescriptions from their physicians to participate in park walks, rain or shine, the first and third Saturday of each month. To address identified barriers to park utilization, participants receive parking passes, transportation if requested, Spanish translation and incentive items including rain gear. Key Words:
Helping Immigrant Clients with Post-Conviction Legal Options: A Guide for Legal Services Providers
6/2019 For non-citizens, even a low level offense like a shoplifting conviction can lead to mandatory deportation. However, this can be avoided when people secure post-conviction relief to erase or modify their old convictions. If the convictions are vacated, or the sentences reduced, the grounds for removal often evaporate.
This guide, created by the ILRC and Californians for Safety and Justice, is an effort to turn these “rare cases” into the rule, rather than the exception, by helping to build the capacity of legal service providers and pro bono attorneys to provide post-conviction relief to immigrants who would face certain deportation without it. Key Words:
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Offered in Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz and San Mateo counties. Where we assist mature adults 55+ to find part time employment with paid classroom training, job placement and follow-up. Must be unemployed, eligible to work, with income below 125% of Federal Poverty level. Positions include Teacher’s Aide, Receptionist, Office Assistant, Health Aide, Computer Operations and more. Contact Melody Insogna (8:30 am – 2:00 pm) 408-577-1981 ext. 302
After Trump’s threat of immigration raids, San Jose police chief and mayor reassure community
6/24/19 Chief Eddie Garcia and Mayor Sam Liccardo met with members of a Spanish-speaking church Sunday. Less than a day after President Donald Trump postponed nationwide immigration raids that were planned for Sunday, San Jose’s police chief and mayor reassured nearly 500 members of a Spanish-speaking church that local police won’t participate in federal immigration enforcement. Key Words: Deportation, ICE,
SCC OIR Newsletter: February 2019
Featuring favorite moments from the Beacon of Light Awards with photos and a brief description of the Awardees and their accomplishments.
Healthy Nail Salon Program
In Santa Clara County, there are over 850 nail salons, with more than 5000 nail technicians. A majority of the nail technicians are Vietnamese women in their reproductive years. Every day, nail salon owners and workers endure prolonged exposure to low levels of toxic products that may increase risk of cancer, allergies, respiratory, neurological and reproductive health issues. There is a lack of enforceable laws regulating the level of toxin exposure for nail salon workers. In a joint effort with the CA Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative, SCC is implementing the Healthy Nail Salon Recognition Program to protect the health of nail salon workers and customers, and to improve indoor air quality. Vietnamese Flyer | English Flyer | Key Words:
Vietnamese Small Business Resource Center
In February, 2019, the Silicon Valley Small Business Development Center, opened a Vietnamese American Satellite, specifically to help Vietnamese entrepreneurs ” the first office in the U.S. dedicated to serving Vietnamese-speaking business owners.
The center will offer resources in English and Vietnamese to help the Vietnamese business community navigate bureaucracy, new technologies and market expansion. The one-stop shop offers expert advice, low-cost workshops and small business training, among other services. Key Words:
Sourcewise (formerly Council on Aging)
While our Information & Referral resources are specialized to help older adults and older persons with disabilities, we strive to support any individual (18 or older) who requires assistance finding resources within Santa Clara County. Services include: information & awareness – health insurance counseling & advocacy program – senior employment services – meals on wheels – care management – family caregiver support program – public authority services – senior farmers’ market nutrition program – Interactive Resource Database. , South County Transportation for Non-Emergency Medical, Vaccine Clinics and Errands Call (408) 762-7362 , Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Key Words: Seniors, Health
Eastside Neighborhood Center
Catholic Charities program providing East San Jose with educational, recreational, wellness, nutritional, and social services. The majority of the participants are very low-income Latino and Filipino seniors, many facing economic, language, educational, and cultural barriers.
Multicultural special events, classes, presentations, workshops, wellness classes, Social services, Nutritional program Languages: English, Spanish, Tagalog Key Words: meals, food, health
Vietnamese American Roundtable (VAR)
The VAR envisions a strong and unified Vietnamese American community that works towards improving our quality of life. Cultural Learning
Each year, VAR organizes events and workshops that are significant to the community – ranging from immigration forums, district elections, public health resource fairs, community cooking classes and more. Within each of our events, we build on the need to understand and pass on our cultural traditions.
From undocumented teen to powerful leader, David Campos redefines American Dream
5/7/19 He went from being a frightened teenage boy crossing the border to one of the Bay Area’s most influential politicians ” an embodiment of the American Dream.
As a Latino, a gay man and former undocumented immigrant, Santa Clara County Deputy Executive David Campos has stayed close to his roots, upholding the rights of the communities he belongs to, while championing diversity throughout his career as a public servant.
SJSU UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center
The UndocuSpartan Student Resource Center (USRC) is invested in creating educational opportunities that will further the success of UndocuSpartans at San Jose State University. The USRC uses a cross-cultural and social justice lense to provide holistic support and resources to undocumented students and the campus community.
Key Words: Immigrant, college
Lead Filipino
We are a community organization of students, adults, and families based in San Jose, CA. We design and provide programs that educate Filipinos/as on civic leadership, public interest issues, and our ethnic history in the United States. From our signature Annual Fly Pinays Leadership Summit, to our 8-week summer Awareness in Action Program (AAP), and a variety of partnerships in key advocacy campaigns, LEAD Filipino aims to increase the visibility of Filipinos/as in public leadership across communities. Multi-language: Tagalog, Key Words: Grassroots
Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of mental health within the Chinese community through advocacy, education, research, support, and services to represent the wide spectrum of Chinese families and individuals affected by mental illness, and to help them develop meaningful and productive lives in the future. Multi-language Key Words: NAMI,
SCC Network of Care for Behavioral Health
This Web Data Base is a resource for Santa Clara County individuals, families and agencies concerned with behavioral health. It provides information about behavioral health services, laws, and related news, as well as communication tools and other features.
Key Words: Depression * Pain Management * (Opioids) Substance * PTSD * Grief / Grieving * Autism * Stress Recovery * Smoke Free * Fitness * Alzheimer’s * ADHD * Heart Health * Breast Health * Cancer * Mental Health * Counseling * Therapy *
How do you get Hispanics involved in local politics? Mountain View may have found a way
3/4/19 Started in 2017, Mountain View’s academy could be a model for other cities trying to get Hispanic residents involved with local government. Hispanics make up one-fifth of the U.S. population but just 1 percent of elected officials, according to a 2016 analysis by Univision News. Last year, Mountain View elected two minority council members: Lucas Ramirez, who is Hispanic, and Ellen Kamei, who said her family background included Japanese, Chinese and Puerto Rican field workers, according to the Los Altos Town Crier.
Chopsticks Alley Art promotes Southeast Asian cultural heritage through the creative shared expression of art by underserved Asian artists to foster greater understanding, support, and celebration among individuals with differing abilities, the LGBTQ community, and youth.
We celebrate the uniqueness and cultural diversity of Southeast Asian contemporary art and provide promotional support to artists in an impactful and sustainable way. Key Words: Vietnam, API
A Grown-Up’s Guide to Using Technology with Young Children
2019 The Center for Early Learning at Silicon Valley Community Foundation has partnered with Common Sense Media, the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology, to create this resource. It was created to be a resource that recognized that technology will be used with young children in today’s complex world of different household makeups – from multiple generations living under the same roof, to single parents working more than one job, to stay-at-home parents caring for multiple children all day long, to friends and relatives acting as a child’s primary caregiver .
We recognize that the confusion and challenges surrounding using technology with young children (for the purpose of this guide, from birth through age 8) vary widely depending on the child’s age, so we divided the guide into sections based on age brackets: 0-2, 3-5 and 6-8.
Bay Area families are opening their homes to asylum seekers: ‘It’s a bold act of resistance’
12/9/18 Sorce, 32, and Matzke, 40, are among hundreds of Californians who have volunteered to host asylum seekers in the past year, opening their homes and their personal lives to immigrants who have just set foot in an unknown land, carrying just a few personal belongings and the trauma of their journeys. At a time when the country’s asylum system has deeply divided the nation ” and as the administration of President Donald Trump works to keep out thousands of members of a migrant caravan stuck in Mexico ” a growing number of Bay Area families are giving them a chance.
Malikah trains women in self defense, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, organizing, and healing. We’re all about building power and capacity for all women around the world. Malikah is a grassroots movement that facilitates opportunities for women to come together in sisterhood, to engage in critical reflection and education, to build habits of self-love, and to cultivate action-oriented communities prepared with the tools and skills to clap-back. Key Words: Islam
Capulli Tonalehqueh
Capulli Tonalehqueh is an Aztec dance and cultural diffusion group based in San Jose. Their name means “community of guardians who accompany the sun” in the Nahuatl language. Their mission is to create spaces for, facilitate the practice of, and promote community health through indigenous Mexican culture. As a nonprofit and volunteer-run collaborative, they organize ceremonial dance events, art, and music workshops, agricultural initiatives, educational summits, pan-indigenous exchange, and community outreach/activism. Through these efforts, Capulli Tonalehqueh hopes to promote and sustain cultural, physical, and spiritual well-being. Key Words: SCC Multi-language: Spanish
Santa Clara County Welcoming Video
SCC Short Multi-language You-Tube, with welcoming messages.
Catholic Charities Free Food Distribution
FREE Weekly and Bi- Weekly Drive Thru sites at Churches for food. No registration needed beforehand – Registration will be done on site.
Dates range Tuesday through Saturday
Demographics of deportation: Noncitizens fare better in communities that are 20-40 percent Hispanic
12/12/18 An exhaustive new UC Santa Cruz analysis of deportation practices across the country reveals a “protective effect” for noncitizens living in communities that are 20 percent to 40 percent Hispanic.
“There’s a lot of talk about what makes a place welcoming for immigrants, and this research puts a number on that,” said Juan Pedroza, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, whose findings appear in the current issue of Policy Studies Journal. “A sizable concentration of Hispanics”between 20 and 40 percent”provides the momentum and agreement that immigrant rights should be a priority.” Key Words: Research, Demographics
ConXión to Community
COVID-19 Update: ConXión’s Day Worker Center is serving as a ‘drop-in center’ for homeless. Due to social distancing and attendance, the stay is time limited. Open 7-days a week, 7 am – 2 pm.
All services are open to all regardless of immigration status.
ConXión is located at 749 Story Road Ste 10
San Jose, CA 95122 Multi-lingual: Spanish, Key Words: San Jose, Mental Health, Employment
SCC Family Justice Centers
The Family Justice Centers provide a multi-disciplinary team of professionals who coordinate services to focus exclusively on victims of domestic violence by making services and resources available in one centralized location. 3 locations Sunnyvale, San Jose, Morgan Hill Key Words
Consumer Guide (Guía de Protección al Consumidor) from the Mexican Consulate
Published in Spanish on Apr 1, 2018 – In this “Consumer’s Guide” recommendations compiled from several organizations, including the Better Business Bureau, Santa Clara County Department of Environmental Health, The Law Foundation, the San Mateo Council, Vision and Commitment, Community Legal Services East Palo Alto, Project Sentinel, Center for Responsible Lending, PG&E, One Degree and the Mission Asset Fund (which offers Financial Advise Window at the San Jose Consulate).
Growing up undocumented in Mountain View
9/28/18 In his new book, “Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen,” Jose Antonio Vargas recounts his own story of growing up in Mountain View and living for years with the fear of being outed as a non-citizen. He uses his biography to show a national paradox — a country wedded to undocumented residents in spite of a national system that refuses to recognize them as anything other than illegal.
SCC Latino Health Fact Sheet
9/17/18 Latinos in Santa Clara County have some health advantages relative to other racial and ethnic groups, and there has been marked improvement on some health outcomes over the last decade. However, Latinos experience significant disparities for other health and social indicators when compared to other populations. This brief highlights both these advantages and disparities. Key Words: Diversity, Demmographics, Research
San Jose Library Virtual Privacy Lab
Learn about privacy topics and generate a custom privacy toolkit geared towards your online needs. Toolkits include links, tips, and resources that empower you to customize your online identity. Email or print your privacy toolkit for future use. Available to the public. |
Spanish |
Vietnamese | Key Words:
Plan to strip H-1B visa holders’ spouses of right to work hits final stage
8/22/18 A policy change to strip spouses of H-1B visa holders of their right to work has entered its final review, with senior leaders in the Department of Homeland Security moving toward approval, according to a new court filing.
The proposed rule change was set in motion by President Donald Trump’s “Buy American and Hire American” executive order, according to Homeland Security.
Those affected hold the H-4 visa, a work permit for spouses and under-21 children of H-1B workers. It remains unclear if all spouses of H-1B holders will be banned from working, as Homeland Security has only said “certain H-4 spouses” will be targeted by the new rule.
Santa Clara City Library
On line ESL resources, books and multi-language periodicals available.
3 Branches, Free Library Cards for Santa Clara County Residents (any immigration status). Multi-language books, periodicals, videos, ESL Conversation Clubs, Citizenship Resources, Adult and Family Literacy Services , Immigration Legal Asst.
SCC Mental Health Guide for Immigrants
A brochure from the Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Dept. The immigrant community is facing a lot of stress that intensifies mental health challenges. Santa Clara County has a variety of resources available to
all, regardless of immigration status. Key Words: Undocumented,
Mental Health Starts With Me
A site with links to Santa Clara County Mental Health Resources including: General Mental Health Services, LGBTQ, Faith-Based, Culturally Specific, and Online Support. Key Words: SCC
The Salvation Army SCC
A national faith based organization with multiple social services including Disaster Services, Emergency Financial Assistance, Emergency Shelter, Food, Family Counseling Services, Health Services, Housing and more. Main Santa Clara County offices in San Jose and Gilroy. Spanish Key Words: EAN, Homeless, Disaster, CADRE, SCC
Disaster Assistance Services for Immigrants – SCC OIR
Published in August, 2018, this guide from the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relation (SCC OIR) provides detailed information about various types of local, state, and federal, disaster assistance services available for non-citizens. Key Words: undocumented, emergency
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |
San Jose Office of Immigrant Affairs
The City of San José’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (SJ OIA) was established in 2015 for the purpose of facilitating and accelerating immigrant integration through civic, economic, linguistic, and social inclusion.becoming the most successful multi-cultural city in the world.
Key Words: RRN, KYR, RIF,
Burma Refugee Family Network (BRFN)
BRFN is a 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofit organization established to support and empower refugees of all ethnic groups from Burma resettling in the
wider SF Bay Area. BRFN provides and advocates for culturally and linguistically appropriate social support services, such as language training, social welfare, education, physical and mental healthcare, employment, housing, and cultural bridging and preservation. BRFN works in collaboration and partnership with other community organizations in order for the refugees and asylees to achieve self-sufficiency and civic engagement in the community. Office in Oakland. Multi-Language: Burmese, Translation?
With Contra Costa ICE contract ending, activists push to release detainees
7/16/18 Now that the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office has ended its jail contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, activists who pressured officials to end the partnership are calling on them to release the 169 detainees at the West County Detention Facility before they’re transferred out of the region.
Civil rights activists from across the Bay Area (concerned that many detainees may be jailed in facilities far away from their families and lawyers) are calling on ICE to speed up their cases and to release eligible detainees on bond. But whether ICE will clear their cases seems unlikely.
Traditional Asian, Indian cultures contribute to stigmatization of mental illness
6/23/18 Teenagers get mixed messages about depression and anxiety, and it’s hurting them. Many Indian and Asian parents grew up in a society where mental illness was not considered a health issue needing treatment, like a broken arm or leg. It is considered a matter of self-will.
Traditional Asian values place importance on staying silent, saving face, suppressing emotions, obedience to authority, and academic excellence. Preserving the reputation of a family is prioritized over the needs of an individual, and presenting an image of perfection to the outside world is more important than resolving the issues or illness of a family member. Key Words: Counseling, Mental Health, API
Vision Literacy
A virtual English learning community is a continuation of our traditional English classrooms, embracing technology we have developed our community offerings to include distant learning services. Reducing the impact to English Learning Parents and other adults of being away from the classrooms, we have developed through the Google for Education platform, a virtual facility where they can continue to meet and learn English through our remote learning services. Now Parents can continue to improve their English skills to help their kids in school activities that for many are now done from home. Key Words: ESL
CAPI (Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants)
12/17 If you are a legal non-citizen in financial need, and don’t qualify for SSI due to your immigration status, you may be eligible for financial assistance through the CA state CAPI program. Flyer in English, Spanish and Vietnamese Key Words: benefits, public charge, immigrant
Thousands march in “Families Belong Together” rallies across Bay Area
6/30/18 Calling on President Donald Trump to reunite more than 2,000 immigrant children separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, Bay Area residents on Saturday joined hundreds of thousands of people across the nation to protest – some for the first time ever – a policy many say is a haunting reminder of America’s darkest moments in history.
Braving scorching heat, local protesters delivered a clear and loud message to the president: “families belong together.”
ICAN-International Children’s Assistance Network
COVID-19 Update:
Find information on everything regarding the virus: shelter-in-place; food distribution; family needs such as diapers, formula, and calming kits; learning at home for kids; financial relief information; and housing resources.
ICAN Social Programs
To engage and inspire Vietnamese Americans to make a difference in their lives, families and communities through culturally competent social programs. First 5 Family Resource Center. Local family support, counseling, disaster response, translation, Key Words:
San Jose Interactive Language Map
2018 Interactive Map of Language Spoken at Home by Census Tract in San José, CA. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Tagalog, Serbian Croation, Persian (Farsi) and Hindii. Layered showing locations of schools, community centers and libraries. Key Words: Demographics, Disaster, Communication, SCC, translation
Palo Alto Adult School
In addition to ESL classes, SCAE supports students in gaining the academic knowledge and skills needed to complete a secondary diploma, achieving their Adult High School Diploma or GED. acquire college readiness or prepare for vocational training.
Mission Asset Fund Immigration Programs
For those eligible to apply for Citizenship, Adjustment of status, green card or Temporary Protected Status renewal, MAF offering 0% loans that cover the cost of the USCIS filing fees. Also, 0% interest social loans thru Lending Circles for any purpose, and Business expansion loans with financial education and support, Key Words: Credit
SCCOE Public Schools Directory
the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) Public Schools Directory provides quick access to our county’s schools districts and schools, community colleges, and SCCOE staff and programs.
SCC Farmers’ Market Directory
Selected Farmers’ Markets will accept EBT Cards and may also have special programs to expand purchasing power. Keep yourself and your family healthy with fresh fruits and vegetables. Check the directory for schedules and information about policies of the numerous markets open now in Santa Clara County.
English, Spanish, Vietnamese
Bay Area strongly backs DACA, but still has reservations about undocumented immigrants, poll finds
6/18/18 As Congress prepares to vote this week on a measure that could decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of young, undocumented immigrants in the country, bipartisan support in the immigrant-rich Bay Area is strong for the controversial DACA program, a new poll shows.
But Bay Area voters aren’t as quick to back the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, who over the past several months have become targets of the Trump administration’s aggressive deportation policies. Key Words: Immigration, Deferred Action, Children
SCC Public Health Department (PHD)
Services including Immunizations, Health Info, including: Referrals to Resources for Pregnancy Care and Parenting, Adult Immunization and Travel Clinic, Birth and Death Registration, Public Health Pharmacies, STD/HIV Testing & Support, Women, Infants & Children (WIC), California Children’s Services (CCS), Black Infant Health Prenatal/ Postpartum Empowerment Groups. Information on | cold weather shelter locations and warming centers |around Santa Clara County. Multi-language:
| Language Access and Communications Assistance |
SCC Better Health Pharmacy – Free Prescriptions
Walk-in patients can deliver prescriptions during open hours. Doctors can fax prescription to (408) 294-6305 or send electronically and medication will be mailed after confirmation of address.
No controlled drugs, NO insurance, NO copays
We are the first and only dedicated drug donation pharmacy in California. We received unused, unopened, and unexpired medications from manufacturers and licensed healthcare facilities, and dispense the drugs at no cost to patients who have a valid prescription and ID. Our pharmacy aims to increase medication access for all and serves patients who cannot afford their medications. Key Words: Multi-language: English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese |
Vietnamese American Chamber of Commerce – Silicon Valley
Serving businesses’ needs with the core focus in Vietnamese businesses and businesses serving Vietnamese community. Promoting and supporting member businesses for the advancement of economic growth throughout the Silicon Valley area.
Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern CA
The Japanese Chamber of Commerce of Northern California (JCCNC) was founded in 1950 to promote business, mutual understanding, and goodwill between Japan and the United States.
Amid travel ban controversy, Bay Area refugees share their journeys to America
5/12/18 State Department data shows the U.S. resettled an estimated 15,500 Syrian refugees in 2016 toward the end of Obama’s presidency. As of April this year, the Trump administration had admitted only 11 Syrians, according to NPR.
But Arabian and other refugees who settled in the Bay Area are sharing their experiences in a series of intimate storytelling events known as the “Made Into America” project. On Thursday night at Palo Alto’s Mitchell Park Community Center, she described her family’s decision to flee Aleppo.
ICE gained access to Santa Clara County inmates, breaching sanctuary policie
3/27/18 The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office allowed federal deportation officers to enter the jail it operates and interview four inmates this month in violation of the agency’s pro-immigrant sanctuary policies, officials said.
The interviews occurred March 7 and 8, around the time that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers visited San Francisco County Jail and interviewed an inmate there in a breach of the city’s sanctuary rules, which restrict local cooperation in deportation efforts.
Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith, in a statement to The Chronicle, said members of her staff ‘mistakenly’ let ICE officers into the jail. After learning of the incident, she said, the office “reevaluated and strengthened the clearance procedures in which all law enforcement agencies are permitted to enter our facilities.”
Gateway Community Outreach
Our Family Resource Center supports over 1500 Edenvale families on a weekly basis, providing food, clothing, life skills classes, and more at no cost.
Other community programs including homeless advocacy, giveaways, Safe Space facility in San Jose, CA Key Words: Children, Teens, Human Trafficking, Human Rights
Community Services Agency (CSA)
CSA offers food and financial assistance for rent, PG&E bills, and vouchers for basic necessities such as work clothing and transportation. Limited dental, vision and prescription assistance for uninsured children.. For the most up-to-date information check
Facebook page
HOUSING: To apply for the rent relief package offered by the City of Mountain View, call 650-968-0836 or email and include your name and your phone number. Member Emergency Assistance Network (EAN) Multi-language: Spanish
SF woman settles lawsuit for 2014 arrest after police deny her a translator
3/9/18 Advocates for victims of domestic violence and police translation services announced a $50,000 settlement Thursday for a San Francisco woman who said she was sexually assaulted by her ex-partner, and was then arrested by officers who wouldn’t provide her an interpreter. Key Words: KYR
Foundation for Hispanic Education
Committed to its mission to identify, understand, and address the Latino education achievement gap through innovation and collaboration, the Foundation continually funds and provides resources to local and national initiatives undertaking educational issues facing minorities in innovative ways.
Serving the East San Jose community for over 30 years, the Foundation currently operates the Center for Latino Education and Innovation, and three charter high schools: Latino College Preparatory Academy, Luis Valdez Leadership Academy, and Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy.
Workforce Institute (WI)
Through the Workforce Institute (WI), the San José Evergreen Community College District has been inspiring Silicon Valley’s workforce for over 30 years. A primary learning and development resource for individuals, public agencies, and business partners to develop workforce skills. Member of the SBCAE (South Bay Consortium of Adult Education). Key Words: SCC, EVC, SJCC, Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese
Stanford Community Law Clinic
CLC is fundamentally a trial practice clinic, where students represent clients in three distinct but closely related subject areas: housing, social security disability, and criminal record expungement matters. Services: housing, social security disability, workers’ rights and criminal record expungement matters.
Multi-language: English and Spanish
Office in East Palo Alto
SCC OIR Trusted Legal Providers List
SCC Mental Health Resources
COVID-19 Update: Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks |
Coping with Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks”Taking Care of Children |
La Importancia de la Salud Mental
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |
Quick Reference contact list for all programs – adult, children, teens, ethnic and cultural services. Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Call Center is the entry point for access to all Santa Clara County behavioral health services. Support for individuals and families who are in crisis; considering suicide; or struggling with mental illness, substance use, or both. Key Words:
24/7 Helpline 1(800)704-0900 Support available in Afan-Oromo, Amharic, Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Manfarin) Somali, Spanish, Taiwanese, Tagalog, Tigrina and Vietnamese
Santa Clara County announces One County, One Future
1/19/17 Santa Clara County has launched a long term multi-media campaign designed to reach all immigrants and refugees with a united messages: “You are an essential part of our community and you are welcome. We are One County with One Future.” The SC County Executive and the Consul Generals from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua were there to affirm that the SCC Office of Immigrant Relations is a trusted source of information and assistance. will serve as a central source of information about programs, services and legal developments for immigrants and refugees.
Rebekah Children’s Services Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center promotes school readiness through education, information and resources on nutrition, health, kindergarten readiness, early literacy, positive parenting and parenting advocacy for children and families. The Family Resource Center provides many FREE programs, services, and activities for families with children ages 0-5.
This neighborhood-based center is open to everyone in the community. Key Words:
SCC Rapid Response Network Hotline (RRN)
The Santa Clara County RRN is a 24/7 hotline that community members can call to report ICE operations and receive help in real life time! When you call the RRN line: The dispatcher that receives the call will support the community member in asserting their rights, and will dispatch trained Rapid Responders to the impacted site. If immigration enforcement is confirmed, the Rapid Responders will conduct legal observation, collect evidence that may support the immigration case of the impacted family, and provide moral support and accompaniment to the impacted family. If a community member is detained, we will connect them with immigration attorneys for legal counsel and provide accompaniment support. We want to make sure no community member has to go through this on their own.
To report a raid,Call (408) 290-1144
This is not a general information hotline. Key words: RRN, Deport Spanish
Refugees Contribute: Strategies for Skilled Refugee Integration in the U.S.
11/2017 Report from Upwardly Global – Immigrants and refugees with professional backgrounds face complex challenges to reestablishing their careers – such as a lack of professional networks,language barriers, and unfamiliarity with U.S. job search norms. Refugees, who often have experienced emotional trauma and long employment gaps, must overcome even greater challenges. This report details common barriers that refugees face, and how they can be overcome with targeted interventions.
Northern CA Rapid Response Hotlines and Updated KYR from ACLU
Given recent threats of large scale ICE raids, the ACLU of Northern California wants to make sure you know your rights and have access to rapid response hotlines set up in the Northern California region. Spanish Key Words: Undocumented Immigrants, Deportation, Legal, KYR, RRN
In Trump era, “Rapid Responders” protect undocumented immigrants from ICE
2/4/18 Less than two years after its inception, the Rapid Response Network of Santa Clara County has amassed a remarkable 700 volunteers – from longtime organizers and faith leaders to grandparents, stockbrokers and stock boys, saleswomen and software engineers – ready to respond to reports of ICE sightings with notebooks and recording devices in hand. Many of the Rapid Responders, like the Lynches, are white U.S. citizens – not directly impacted by the immigration debate – but desperate to find some way to do more than stand by.
San Jose chief visits Latino congregations to calm fears of deportation and ICE raids
2/12/18 Amid rising anxiety in immigrant communities fueled by deportation fears and increasingly aggressive federal operations, San Jose police Chief Eddie Garcia did one of the things he does best. Chief Garcia spoke at a Spanish-speaking mass Sunday at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish to offer assurance that police will not double as immigration enforcers.
San Francisco Bar Association
The Attorney of the Day Program is assisting people in removal proceedings before the immigration court, with applications for employment authorization documents. For more information, see
Spanish interpretation.
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto (CLSEPA)
Specializing in immigration, housing, workers’ rights, records clearance, and consumer protection. Offices in East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, San Francisco and Burlingame. Multi-;anguage: Spanish Key Words: SCC OIR Legal Provider List
SJCC Dreamer’s Resource Booklet For Transferring to a University of California (UC)
This 2017 booklet was designed to help AB540/DACA
students find the appropriate contact information
for the universities they are applying to. In this booklet you will find information regarding:
· DREAM Centers (not all campuses have one)
· Financial Aid Resources
· Student run organizations that provide support
for AB540/DACA students
· Contact information for administrators equipped to answer students questions
· Scholarship website links
Key Words: Education,
CA State DSS Immigration Services Contractors
The CA Dept of Social Services, Immigration Branch funds qualified nonprofit organizations to provide services to California immigrants. Services include the following five categories: (1) Services to Assist Applicants seeking Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA); (2) Services to Obtain Other Immigration; (3) Services to Assist Applicants seeking Naturalization; (4) Legal Training and Technical Assistance Services; and (5) Education and Outreach Activities. Key Words: citizenship, integration, Directory
Apoyo Legal Migrante Asociado (ALMA)
Providing legal advice, education, and services to immigrants and the legal community. Specializing in serving low-income immigrants and charging below market rate fees. Family-based immigration advice and practice. Assistance to immigrant victims of crime and survivors of domestic violence who do not have immigration status. Services: Low cost immigration legal services in Milpitas, U-visa, VAWA, education SCC OIR List Multi-language: Spanish
African Advocacy Network (AAN)
AAN offers immigration legal services for African and Afro-Caribbean immigrants working towards securing a legal status and beyond in the USA. Adjustment of status, Family petition, Consular Processing, VAWA, U-Visa,Citizenship & naturalization, Work Permit, Asylum applicants, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and removal defense. Multi-language Translation & Interpretation, Serving: San Francisco, Marin, the East Bay, SCC, Santa Clara County, South Bay and the Greater Bay Areas. Key Words: Trusted Resource List,
Senior Adults Legal Assistance (SALA)
SALA is a non-profit elder law office whose mission is to support older persons in their efforts to live safely, independently, non-institutionalized, and with dignity. Services: public benefits, long term care, housing, consumer law, simple wills
YWCA Silicon Valley
Services:providing safe and secure housing, crisis hotlines, counseling, court assistance, and other community and safety programs t Domestic Violence, sexual assault & human trafficking: VAWA, U &T visa. providing services and resources for the most vulnerable children, women, and their families – this includes those experiencing domestic violence and/or homelessness, those facing job cut-backs, low wages, and housing loss, and those impacted by emergency school closures who lack affordable childcare options.. By appointment only. Key Words: Women, pandemic, SCC Multi-language: Spanish