3 Ways to Make a ‘Breath Break’ Part of Your Daily Routine

The deep, methodical breathing works by stimulating the vagus nerve, which in turn triggers a calming response in the body. “Slowing your breath can lower your heart rate, release tension, and calm your nervous system, relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety” she explains. “It can also help take the focus (away) from thoughts that may be causing you tension, (and moving it) to your breath.”
This article describes three breath exercises to kick things off. Keu Words: Mental Health

Archive – 2019 Financial Literacy Annual Report

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau) issued its Financial Literacy Annual Report for fiscal year 2019.
Promoting savings has also been a key part of the agency’s work. The Bureau launched Start Small, Save Up, an initiative to encourage the public to save and be better prepared for emergencies or unplanned expenditures. As part of the initiative, the Bureau launched a Savings Boot Camp, a multi-week email course to guide people through the fundamentals of savings.
The Dodd-Frank Act requires the Bureau to report on its work to provide consumers with information to make informed decisions about financial products.

Silicon Valley Index Since 1995

The Silicon Valley Index has been telling the Silicon Valley story since 1995. Released early every year, the Index is a comprehensive report based on indicators that measure the strength of our economy and the health of our community – highlighting challenges and providing an analytical foundation for leadership and decision-making.Ā  Produced by JOINT VENTURE SILICON VALLEY. Key Words: Santa Clara County, SCC, research, demographics


Dec 2016 Report – Immigrant youth make up a significant portion of both the population and the workforce in the Silicon Valley. An area famous for its economic wealth, the SV stands out for its deep disparities when it comes to the lives of undocumented immigrants. The report explores the obstacles young immigrants face when trying to access fair wages, housing and higher education. Key Words: DACA, Dreamers

Archive – 2014 Voices of Change Report – Nuestro Futuro Initiative

2014. The findings from over 6 months of community surveys and focus groups carried out by the Hispanic Foundation across San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. More than 2,200 individuals participated. The majority of participants were immigrants, women, and low-income individuals with less than a high school education. In addition, most of the respondents had never been asked to give their input on quality of life issues before the survey. Key Words: Spanish, Latino, Latinx

Silicon Valley Indicators

The Silicon Valley Indicators website is an extensive and always fresh collection of charts and data on Silicon Valleyā€™s economic and community health trends. Continuously updated with all the latest data, it also provides links to local, regional and national data sources, and resources for additional information within each of the indicator categories: People, Economy, Society, Place and Governance.Ā  Ā The Silicon Valley Index has been telling the Silicon Valley story since 1995. Released in February every year, the Index is a comprehensive report based on indicators that measure the strength of our economy and the health of our community highlighting challenges and providing an analytical foundation for leadership and decision making.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Abortion Access for Immigrants

This resource addresses immigrant-specific concerns and provides information on how to access abortions.

If you are applying for an immigration benefit or have questions about your status, you should talk with a qualified immigration lawyer.

This resource provides guidance on the following questions:

  • If abortion is legal in my state, can I get one even if Iā€™m undocumented?
  • If I get an abortion, will it affect my immigration status or my ability to get my citizenship?
  • Can I travel to another state for an abortion if I am undocumented?
    What do I do if I canā€™t afford an abortion?
  • Can I get health care, including abortions, in my language?
  • What happens if I am undocumented and pregnant, and have a medical emergency?
    Is it safe to seek health care if I am undocumented?
  • Do I need to show an identification card to get health care?
  • Can I use medication for an abortion?
  • Can I self-manage my abortion without a health care provider?

Dial 211 for Essential Community Services

In many states, dialing “211”Ā provides individuals and families in need with a shortcut through what can be a bewildering maze of health and human service agency phone numbers. By simply dialing 211, those in need of assistance can be referred, and sometimes connected, to appropriate agencies and community organizations in the county where the caller is located. Key Words: Resource Directory. Multi-lingual:
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |
Korean |

Accessibility Checker

Many programs have accessibility checkers that are built-in or easy to add after a simple internet search. For example, the Microsoft Office Suite includes a handy accessibility checker that makes it quick and easy to review a Word document for accessibility. While this automated checker doesn’t always catch every issue, it’s a great starting point. The checker offers tips for fixing issues and can teach you to avoid making the same mistakes again.

2021 Report on International Religious Freedom

6/2/22 The annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom”the International Religious Freedom Report”describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The report covers government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals, and U.S. policies to promote religious freedom around the world. The U.S. Department of State submits the reports in accordance with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

Understanding the Impact of Extreme Heat Events

3/28/22 The Los Angeles Times recently published an article detailing the impact of heat-related deaths in California and found that extreme heat caused approximately 3,900 deaths in California over the past decade”that is six times more than the state’s official count. Even so, extreme heat receives substantially less awareness than other disasters, despite killing more Americans each year than wildfires, hurricanes, and floods.

IAN Non-profit Resource Center (Immigrant Advocate Network)

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Pro Bono Net, is dedicated to expanding access to immigration legal resources and information through collaboration and technology. IAN was created in 2007 by leading immigrants’ rights organizations, to increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them. We create our own tools, build platforms for others, and work with partners to harness the power of technology and collective action to better support immigrants and their advocates.

Multilingual COVID-19 Resources

This FDA toolkit is designed to help community, health and social service organizations, lay health advisors (promotoras), YMCAs/YWCAs, fraternities, school organizations (e.g., PTAs/PTOs), senior centers, faith-based organizations, and others to share accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines in their social media networks and educational channels using FDA official COVID-19 messages to fight misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. In this toolkit, you will find Twitter, Facebook and Instagram messages and images about the most common myths about the COVID-19 vaccines. Multilingual COVID-19 Vaccines Myths Social Media Toolkit in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Korean Tagalog, Vietnamese

Covid-19 hospitalizations average $4,000 in out-of-pocket costs per visit, research says

2/18/22 Measures to protect patients hospitalized with Covid-19 from financial liability have been rolled back by most insurers in the US, leaving the vast majority of patients with an average out-of-pocket bill of about $4,000 for each hospital stay,.
Between March 2020 and January 2021, less than 9% of patients with private health care insurance had any cost-sharing associated with Covid-19 hospitalization. By March 2021, more than 84% of patients with private insurance had some financial responsibility.
In December, the risk of hospitalization was 44 times higher for unvaccinated adults than it was for adults who were fully vaccinated and boosted, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

News Literacy Project

The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan national education nonprofit, provides programs and resources for educators and the public to teach, learn and share the abilities needed to be smart, active consumers of news and information and equal and engaged participants in a democracy.

A Limiting Lens: How Vaccine Misinformation Has Influenced Hispanic Conversations Online

12/8/21 It isn’t possible to tell a single story about how this vaccination gap came to be. A history of medical exploitation and discrimination may play one role [4][5]. Data shows that language barriers, as well as concerns about immigration status, childcare and work schedules may also impede access to care [6][7].
All of these factors create a foundation of doubt and mistrust that allows misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines to flourish on social media.

MPI Language Portal

A Translation and Interpretation Digital Library
search the database to find resources used to provide services to Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals. The database gives you thousands of state and local agency documents used to provide services to LEP clients, including contracts, planning reports, and translated material. Key Words: Language Access

Language Access: Translation and Interpretation Policies and Practices

created to assist local government administrators, policymakers, and others who are looking for ways to provide high-quality and cost-effective translation and interpretation services.
Practitioners’ Corner Archive
Centralizing Translation Across Agencies Through Computer Assisted Translation (CAT)
Testing and Training Volunteer Translators and Interpreters
Top 10 Best Practices for Multilingual Websites
Doing More with Less on Language Access
How to Assess the Effectiveness of Language Access Programs
Drafting RFP and Contracts for Language Access Services
Tips for Testing and Certifying Multilingual Employees
Tips for Ensuring Translation Quality

El Tecolote

12/21 Longest-running bilingual newspaper in California. Serving the SF Bay Latino community since 1970. #eltecolote #eltecolotesf #accionlatinasf Key Words: Media

The Facebook Papers

10/24/21 The Facebook Papers represents a unique collaboration between 17 American news organizations, including The Associated Press.
Journalists from a variety of newsrooms, large and small, worked together to gain access to thousands of pages of internal company documents obtained by Frances Haugen, the former Facebook product manager-turned-whistleblower.

Facebook Froze as Anti-Vaccine Comments Swarmed Users

In March, as claims about the dangers and ineffectiveness of coronavirus vaccines spun across social media and undermined attempts to stop the spread of the virus, some Facebook employees thought they had found a way to help.
By altering how posts about vaccines are ranked in people’s newsfeeds, researchers at the company realized they could curtail the misleading information individuals saw aboutCOVID-19 vaccines and offer users posts from legitimate sources like the World Health Organization.
“Given these results, I’m assuming we’re hoping to launch ASAP” one Facebook employee wrote, responding to the internal memo about the study.
Instead, Facebook shelved some suggestions from the study. Other changes weren’t made until April.

6 Tips for Managing Medical Misinformation at Your Next Family Gathering

11/6/21 Given the divisiveness that has developed in our society over the last several years, there’s a good chance that the holiday spirit might not prevail, despite our best intentions. Misinformation and disinformation are often the uninvited guests at some holiday events.
But don’t give up hope! We have the perfect “gift” to help address all sizes, shapes, and beliefs of misinformation that your loved ones might have embraced. The News Literacy Project, a national nonpartisan education nonprofit, shares advice for navigating tricky conversations. They have created an infographic, “How to speak up without starting a showdown: Six best practices for talking to friends and family about sharing falsehoods online” precisely for the situations that we might encounter over the holiday season or any time of the year.

Across Parties, Americans Support People Seeking Refuge

9/22/21 WASHINGTON, D.C. ” Strong majorities of Republicans, Independents and Democrats agree that the U.S. should have a legal, secure way to welcome people from oppressed or war-torn countries.
In a new poll of 1,200 adults, including 1,000 registered voters, 65% of Americans ” including 61% of Republicans, 63% of Independents and 75% of Democrats ” agreed “that the United States should have a legal, secure process in place to take in people from oppressed or war-torn countries, such as Afghanistan.” The nationwide, online survey was fielded Thursday through Sunday. Key Words: Refugees, Asylum

7 Immigration Myths We Must Unlearn to Reclaim Our Humanity

Our immigration system is broken and cruel. Trump was enabled in turning the cruelty up to 11 by an infrastructure he inherited. It must be reengineered before another madman is allowed to hack American ideals to that extent again.
But fixing it demands that we examine ” then toss into the ash heap of history ” the myths on which our archaic, even barbaric, immigration apparatus rests.

California 1st to Set Quota Limits for Retailers Like Amazon

9/22/21 California on Wednesday became the first state to bar mega-retailers from firing warehouse workers for missing quotas that interfere with bathroom and rest breaks under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom that grew from Amazon’s drive to speed goods to consumers more quickly.
The measure also bars Amazon, the online retail giant, and similar companies from disciplining workers for following health and safety laws and allows employees to sue to suspend unsafe quotas or reverse retaliation. The bill applies to all warehouse distribution centers, though proponents were driven by Amazon’s dominance.

Switchboard (for Refugee Service Providers)

Switchboard is a one-stop resource hub for refugee service providers in the US. Funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), Switchboard offers a library of learning resources, an online evidence database, a range of self-paced e-learning courses, regular live learning opportunities, and on-demand technical assistance for ORR-funded organizations. Switchboard is implemented by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). IRC has partnered with Lutheran Immigrant Refugee Service (LIRS) to provide employment-related training and technical assistance.

DCARA ASL Interpreting

DCARA Interpreting is a deaf managed non profit providing interpreting services which allows for on site and video communication between hearing people and deaf people in Bay Area, California. request@dcara.org 510-722-7004 Multi-language: ASL Key Words: SCC Language Access

Trabajos del Campo

7/21 Trabajosdelcampo.com: is an anonymous Job Review Platform for migrant and seasonal farmworkers in North America. The goal is to improve the working and living conditions of farmworkers across the US and Canada by providing a platform to communicate freely about farm job working conditions(think Glassdoor for farmworkers).
The Anonymous Job Review Website Concept has already brought transparency and accountability to the workplace across numerous industries. Trabajosdelcampo.com will bring the concept to those who need it most, our Nations’ Farmworkers.

9 Tips for Lightening the Load of Zoom Fatigue

During this past year of isolation, video-conferencing platforms have become a crucial way to stay employed and stay in touch, but they are increasingly leaving us overwhelmed and exhausted. Stanford professor Jeremy Bailenson has been studying the phenomenon of Zoom fatigue and outlines the four causes in a new study. We briefly describe the causes below and provide some of The Grove’s best practices for lightening the mental load of virtual meetings.

After Hurricane Maria Comic

Throughout 2017 and 2018 I investigated how low-income families in Puerto Rico recovered from Hurricane Maria, which devastated the Caribbean island in September 2017. Alongside the brilliant illustrator John Cei Douglas, I turned this ethnographic research into a comic, FREE to download in English and in Spanish. Although the comic tells the story of a fictional family, “After Maria” is based on the experiences that tie together all of the families I spoke to.

Why a Santa Clara County judge is having people sign a U.S. flag

5/28/21 Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Johnny Gogo has been taking a U.S. flag with 48 stars around the Bay Area ” and the country ” in a campaign to remember the survivors of one of the darkest periods of our nation’s history, the forced internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
Gogo, a former Santa Clara County prosecutor, was inspired after Judge Roberta Hayashi reached out to him to get more involved in Fred Korematsu Day events. He came up with a plan to get a 48-star flag ” that’s how many states there were in the 1940s ” and find internment survivors sign it. But he had no idea just how important it would become.

Bay Area has become more segregated over decades, report says

6/21/21 The Bay Area has become more racially segregated since 1990, mirroring a long-running national trend of cities and neighborhoods dividing more starkly along ethnic lines, according to a new study by UC Berkeley researchers.
Oakland, Fremont, San Francisco and San Jose are all among cities ranked as “highly segregated” by the university’s Othering & Belonging Institute.
Although the Bay Area has one of the country’s most diverse populations, researchers say ethnic groups have settled into homogenous neighborhoods, often hindering economic advancement in segregated communities of color. But the Bay Area is not alone ” more than 8 in 10 metro areas have become more exclusionary in recent decades.

711 Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS)

Free TTY-based Telecommunications Relay Services permit persons with a hearing or speech disability to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call persons with or without such disabilities.

Dial 711 to be automatically connected to a TRS communications assistant. It’s fast, functional and free. Dialing 711, both voice and TTY-based TRS users can initiate a call from any telephone, anywhere in the US, without having to remember and dial a ten-digit access number.
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Chinese |
Tagalog |
Korean |
Key Words: Access and Functional Needs, Communication, AFN

Guide to Promoting Immigrant Health

Undocumented Californians have the legal right to use public services.
A collection of multi-language public messages on resource eligibility for undocumented immigrants, powerpoints and downloadable materials for service providers to educate immigrants on their rights.
Info on Public Charge, COVID-19 vaccine and treatment, MediCare, EITC, language interpretation rights, and more.

How COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy puts others at risk

5/8/21 As long as some people remain hesitant to get the shot, the virus will continue to circulate – and could cause infection in others, whose immune systems aren’t vigorous enough to fully defend them.
They’re insulated only when so many other people are fully vaccinated that the virus can’t find enough people to infect, then stops its spread.
The vulnerable include elders, people born with faulty immune systems and people who must take immunosuppressant drugs for illnesses ranging from cancer to rheumatoid arthritis. Also at risk are people who would love to be vaccinated, but can’t because of life-threatening allergies.

Overwhelming majority of California’s Asian Americans fear physical violence, poll says

5/7/21 In the wake of a rash of alarming hate crimes nationwide, more Californians are acknowledging that Asian Americans experience discrimination, and an overwhelming majority of Asian Americans report that they fear becoming victims of hate-based violence, a new survey says.
The California Community Poll, which surveys Californians about politics, race and current events in conjunction with the Los Angeles Times, found that 70% of Californians agree that Asians are “frequently or sometimes” discriminated against.

Subtle Asian Mental Health Facebook Group

Please acknowledge that while we would like to be inclusive, this space is primarily a place for Asians and those of Asian descent.
Our hope for this group is to reach as many Asians struggling with mental health, cultural issues, inter-generational trauma, and associated problems as possible. We want Asians to realize they are not alone in their struggles and experiences and that there are others who are here to provide support.

Archive – Marshawn Lynch, Dr. Fauci discuss vaccine hesitancy in Black, Hispanic communities

4/16/21 During Marshawn Lynch’s 12 NFL seasons he earned a reputation for his fearless style on the field, while remaining one of the league’s most reclusive figures off the field. Now the retired running back is lending his voice to try to help members of Black and Hispanic communities make more informed decisions about receiving COVID-19 vaccines. And he’s enlisted the assistance of the nation’s top infectious disease specialist to do it.
Lynch released a 30-minute interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci on his YouTube channel Friday, becoming the latest prominent athlete to sit down with the nation’s leading infectious disease expert to discuss the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines as the U.S. continues to combat the pandemic.

Bridging Differences Playbook

According to Dr. Allport, “Only the type of contact that leads people to do things together is likely to
result in changed attitudes”1
. Intergroup contact is especially likely to decrease prejudice between
groups when it occurs under specific conditions.
Activities that incorporate these conditions are known as “intergroup bridging” activities. Intergroup
contact theory2
proposes that the following conditions should be met to allow for successful intergroup
bridging to occur:
Members of the different groups must have equal status. One group cannot be treated as
“less than” or “lower status” than any other, e.g. instructor/student relationship.
Members of the different groups must hold a common goal they wish to achieve.
Members of the different groups must agree to work together cooperatively to ensure that
groups are not competing against one another.
There must be i

Violence and hate against Asian Americans is a health and safety crisis for everyone

3/17/21 Public outings carry extra danger for Asian people, with a spate of recent attacks targeted against Asian elders that have resulted in racial trauma, injury, and death. Asian elders are perceived as vulnerable. Volunteer escorts, private guards and air horns aren’t enough. We need government support and commitment. Key Words: Hate Crime, AAPI

New Stanford research: Why Zoom can wipe you out

2/23/21 COVID-19 pandemic has moved our lives into a virtual space. Why is that so exhausting?
The tiredness doesn’t feel earned. We’re not flying an airplane, teaching toddlers or rescuing people trapped in burning buildings. Still, by the end of the day, the feeling is so universal that it has its own name: Zoom Fatigue.
Stanford researchers find four causes for ‘Zoom fatigue’ and propose simple fixes

Archive – A Comcast Employee Was Told to Upsell Internet to Low-Income People. So He Quit.

1/29/21 I didn’t like how Xfinity/Comcast were positioning themselves as caring and helping and doing everything they can. When I was like, that’s not what you’re doing. It’s business as usual……
Xfinity/Comcast got rid of data limits for the first two months of the pandemic. Then, I don’t know why, they just got reinstated. The pandemic didn’t end and school didn’t reopen, but they said, now we’re charging everybody again

Archive – San Jose – Digital Inclusion Partnership

12/31/23 Website gone

2/21 The CA Emerging Technology (CETF) has been funded to work with communities throughout San JosƩ to close the digital divide through expanding device access, digital adoption and literacy skills. Digital Inclusion Partnership in collaboration with the CETF is a non-profit organization that provides statewide leadership to accelerate the deployment and adoption of broadband to unserved and underserved communities and populations in California. Key Words: DIGITAL LITERACY

‘I Will Not Stand Silent.’ 10 Asian Americans Reflect on Racism During the Pandemic and the Need for Equality

6/25/20 Today, as the U.S. struggles to combat a global pandemic that has taken the lives of more than 120,000 Americans and put millions out of work, President Donald Trump, who has referred to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” and more recently the “kung flu” has helped normalize anti-Asian xenophobia, stoking public hysteria and racist attacks. And now, as in the past, it’s not just Chinese Americans receiving the hatred. Racist aggressors don’t distinguish between different ethnic subgroups”anyone who is Asian or perceived to be Asian at all can be a victim. Even wearing a face mask, an act associated with Asians before it was recommended in the U.S., could be enough to provoke an attack. Key Words: Hate Crimes


An open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally. Anyone has the potential to be an ally. Allies recognize that though they’re not a member of the underinvested and oppressed communities they support, they make a concerted effort to better understand the struggle, every single day.
Because an ally might have more privilege and recognizes said privilege, they are powerful voices alongside oppressed ones.

Delays, Barriers Plague Santa Clara County’s Quarantine Subsidies

12/8/20 With applications for financial help taking weeks and months to process, if at all, the county’s would-be beneficiaries face an impossible choice. Amid a staggering surge in Covid-19 filling up hospitals and prompting economically devastating lockdowns, Healing Grove Executive Director Brett Bymaster says an untold number of mostly poor, mostly Latino people are choosing to go back to work to avoid homelessness.

SafeChat Silicon Valley

SafeChatSV is a confidential online chat platform for people that have experienced or are experiencing domestic violence or intimate partner violence to connect with an advocate for support.
SafeChatSV is a collaborative project of domestic violence organizations in Silicon Valley. Trained, confidential advocates are available to provide emotional support, connection to resources, and education around domestic violence and relationship abuse. Multi-language: Spanish, Vietnamese


The Anti-Oppression Network is a coalition of individuals, grassroots groups, and community organizations dedicated to grounding our work towards liberation in the principles of decolonization, anti-oppression and intersectionality.
The aim of the Network is to provide resources, support, solidarity, and mutual aid in helping individuals, collectives, community organizations and society as a whole re-evaluate, unlearn, disrupt and transform cycles of oppression, and develop meaningful strategies for more effective, long-term, and sustainable organizing.
Key Words: Canada, Indigenous, tolerance, racism

Coronavirus Advice for Consumers

AVOID CORONAVIRUS SCAMS with advice from the FTC: learn how to tell the difference between a real contact tracer and a scammer. Legitimate tracers need health information, not money or personal financial information. *** Don’t respond to texts, emails or calls about checks from the government. Here’s what you need to know.*** Ignore offers for vaccinations and miracle treatments or cures. Scammers are selling products to treat or prevent COVID-19 without proof that they work.

Wi-Fi Hotspots for San Jose Library Members

As part of the SJ Access initiative, you can check out a Wi-Fi hotspot device with your SJPL membership. Not a Library member, yet? Get a library card
This service is FREE and available to adults (18+) living in Santa Clara County.
Hotspot devices are subject to availability and can only be requested by calling a participating location (see list). Key Words: Communication, internet, connect

Sign Language for First Responders (Evacuate)

Simple, 3-minute video that shows first responders key words in American Sign Language (ASL) that would be helpful in communicating with those who are deaf or hard of hearing in an evacuation. Words include emergency, help, wait, go, sit, let’s communicate through writing, etc. Overall a well-done video. She repeats the signs a few times to help ingrain them in your head and points out how signs are different if they are similar to one another. Key Words: communication, Language Access

Lack of Access to Information Implies Double Risk for Latinos During The COVID-19 Pandemic

8/18/20 As reported by NBC News, the combination of mass misinformation on social media and inconsistent signals from the U.S. government is now a “particular threat” to communities of color in the country, which continue to represent the highest rates of infection and hospitalization.
The media explains that the fact that these communities have higher levels of mistrust of government, less access to health care, and lack of information in Spanish is now “a dangerous mix.” Key Words: Language Access

California Teleconnect Fund (CTF)

The CTF is a program run by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) that provides a 25% discount on select telephone services and 50% discounts on broadband services to schools, libraries, hospitals and about 7,000 Community Based Organizations (CBOs). Money for the discount comes from a surcharge paid by telephone customers (“ratepayers”) on their monthly phone bills.
501(c)3 and 501(d) nonprofits can apply for the Fund as a Community Based Organization.

InformaGente COVID-19 Youtube conversation for Latinx Community

Listos California, in partnership with the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts (NHFA), launched “InformaGente,” a new online conversation series to foster a culture of emergency readiness among Latinx communities.
5/28/20 The first InformaGente conversation features actor Nicholas Gonzalez, star of ABC’s The Good Doctor, and Dr. Gil Chavez, Senior Advisor to the Director of the California Department of Public Health. Dr. Chavez and Mr. Gonzalez discuss issues related to COVID-19 from hand washing and physical distancing, to concerns about visiting a doctor due to immigration status.
Multi-language: Spanish

Pacific Islanders hit hard by the coronavirus

7/19/20 ‘I was naive to think this couldn’t touch my family’.
In L.A. County, Pacific Islanders suffer the highest infection rate of any racial or ethnic group, more than 2,500 per 100,000 residents. That’s six times higher than for white people, five times higher than for Black people and three times higher than for Latinos, according to county health demographic data that exclude Long Beach and Pasadena, which have their own health departments.
Key Words: API, Asian Pacific

Many Latinos Couldn’t Stay Home. Now Virus Cases Are Soaring in Their Communities.

6/29/20 In California, where Latinos make up 39 percent of the population and nearly 57 percent of new cases, the spikes have been particularly confounding. The state was the nation’s first to shelter in place, and cellphone data indicated that its residents were among the most committed to limiting their movement, and with it the spread of the disease.
Infection rates have remained relatively low in affluent neighborhoods, including those occupied by the state’s wealthy Latinos. But sheltering in place never happened for many Latino families with members who work in industries that never shut down, making them especially vulnerable to the virus.

Tech Interactive at Home

Teachers and parents, we’ve pulled together a collection of lesson plans and activities that you can adapt for at-home learning. You’ll find a variety of materials for different grade levels, subjects and levels of independence, but what they all share is our mission of developing the problem-solvers of tomorrow. Key Words: Education, children, Multi-language:

Archive – GSMA”Worldwide Association Of Mobile Operators

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors.
As part of their Disaster Response Programme they also have an excellent page dealing with Refugee Connectivity

VOLUNTEER: Californians for All Volunteer Match

5/27/20 Governor’s CA Volunteers office has launched a partnership with VolunteerMatch to create a volunteer engagement platform.
This will make it easier for any Californian to volunteer, whether at home to help a neighbor, volunteering for an hour or dedicating a year to service to help their communities.
It offers a variety of service options from activities you can do at home or with local organizations. It will provide more than 10,000 volunteer engagement opportunities in CA.
Share how you are helping your community with stories, videos and photos using the hashtag #CaliforniansForAll on social media or e-mail us at info@cv.ca.gov.
Key Words: COVID-19, Coronavirus

Death reports show coronavirus hit San Jose’s poor, Latino neighborhoods hardest

5/11/20 According to records obtained by the Bay Area News Group, more than a third of the county’s first 100 deaths occurred in just four ZIP codes on the city’s East Side. In the county’s poorest ZIP codes, the death rate from COVID-19 is four times as high as in the wealthiest ZIP codes.
…They offer insight into a phenomenon seen around the country and across the world: The toll of coronavirus is falling disproportionately on vulnerable communities, where residents ” predominantly Latinos and African-Americans ” have long been poorly served by existing health care systems, and where many ” because of economic stress or the nature of their jobs ” have been unable to stay safely at home amid the coronavirus pandemic.

IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC)

COVID-19 Update:
The IT Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) is offering pro-bono INTERNET CONNECTIVITY, IT support, and hardware, With social distancing, internet connectivity has becoming even more critical, and we recently launched an effort called projectConnect to provide additional support to communities. Interested parties can contact us at projectconnect@itdrc.org.
Both organizations and individuals are welcome to submit to projectConnect, though we will prioritize communities.. As always, we continue to support EOCs, medical centers, and other responders with our usual IT hardware (e.g. tablets, laptops, and computers), IT support, and internet connectivity as well.


InformedImmigrant.com is dedicated to increasing access to resources and knowledge for the undocumented immigrant community across the U.S. We understand that these times are especially hard on immigrant communities dealing with the unique challenges of coronavirus and immigration status.
Regularly updated national and state by state resource guides plus where to get legal help and DACA renewal.
Multi-lingual: Spanish
Key Words: COVID-19, health, financial, mental health, education

South Bay Asian Americans report attacks, harassment amid coronavirus pandemic

4/6/20 The viral posts documenting attacks or harassment targeting Asian Americans amid the novel coronavirus pandemic are not isolated incidents, nor is the South Bay excluded from it, academic researchers and law enforcement say.
While these incidents have been shown in everyday interactions ranging from grocery stores and tenant disputes, researchers say the racism has been prompted by the nation’s highest office, as President Donald Trump and his administration have used language like the “Chinese Virus” and “Wuhan Virus” to describe COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. These terms have also been deemed inappropriate by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Technology Guide for People with Disabilities

Various organizations work to help people with disabilities to overcome social, physical, attitudinal or other difficulties and avoid exclusion from many areas of life. Many employers nowadays offer opportunities for them to earn decent money. And there are multiple resources, software programs, and technological devices to help young people with different disabilities to obtain a proper education and subsequent benefits. Key Words: AFN
Fee Based

San Jose legislator pushes to protect farmworkers during COVID-19 crisis

4/2/20 The question of who qualifies as an “essential worker” during the coronavirus crisis is no longer limited to health care workers and first responders ” it now includes grocery store clerks, restaurant employees and truck drivers. Local legislators are now pushing to add farmworkers to that list, as they’re filling produce trucks and grocery store shelves.
San Jose Assemblymember Ash Kalra this week called for Gov. Gavin Newsom to expand protections for the roughly 500,000 to 800,000 farmworkers across California, including the ability to stay home and take care of their families amid the COVID-19 outbreak without worrying about the resulting financial strain.

Women’s Magazine -ASIAN AMERICAN FEMINIST ANTIBODIES{care in the time of coronavirus}

With the COVID-19 pandemic neither behind us or solely ahead of us, this zine offers a way to make meaning of the coronavirus crisis through long-standing practices of care that come out of Asian American histories and politics. We bring together first-hand accounts and analyses from our communities, including health and service workers and caregivers on the frontlines, students, people living with chronic illness, journalists, and organizers. Together, this collection of stories, essays, and artwork shows how we experience, resist, and grapple with a viral outbreak that has been racialized as Asian, is spoken of in the language of contagion and invasion, and reveals the places where our collective social safety net is particularly threadbare. Key Words: Ethnic Media, collaborative

UNDOCUMENTED workers among those hit first – and worst – by the coronavirus shutdown

4/4/20 Many of the undocumented, working in construction, restaurants and other service sectors, have already lost their jobs. Others, in industries like agriculture and health care that have been declared essential, work in jobs that typically require close quarters or interacting with the public, putting them at higher risk of getting sick.

A doctor clearly explains how to disinfect your groceries and take out – Video

3/27/20 With the coronavirus spreading rapidly, even something as simple as bringing a canned good into your home with the virus could end up setting your family back. You don’t know who handled that item before you or whether they have COVID-19, therefore we must take extraordinary measures to protect ourselves. Key Words: coronavirus, health, COVID-19

COVID-19 Screening Tool

3/27/20 If you think that you or a family member have been exposed, this free Apple App can help you understand what to do next about COVID-19.
Let’s all look out for each other by knowing our status, trying not to infect others, and reserving care for those in need. Key Words: CDC. pandemic, disaster, health care

New Data Privacy Rights for California Consumers

1/1/2020 The CA Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which went into in effect on January 1, 2020.
CCPA grants new rights to CA consumers:
Right to know what personal information is collected, used, shared or sold by the business,
Right to delete the consumer’s personal information held by both the business and by extension, the business’s service providers;
Right to opt-out of the sale of the consumer’s personal information. As required by the law, businesses must provide a “Do Not Sell” information link on their websites or mobile apps;
Children under the age of 16 must provide opt-in consent, with a parent or guardian consenting for children under 13; and
Businesses may not discriminate against consumers in terms of price or service when a consumer exercises a privacy right under CCPA.

As Supreme Court decision looms, undocumented Asians say they must speak up or risk losing DACA

11/30/19 Experts say Asian and Pacific Islander recipients of DACA are often overlooked despite there being over 1.7 million undocumented members of this group in the country, according to May Sudhinaraset, assistant professor in community health sciences in the School of Public Health at UCLA. So-called APIs are the fastest-growing immigrant population in the nation, and in California, represent one out of five immigrants without legal papers.
She said research shows that among Asian and Pacific Islanders, there’s little benefit from being open about one’s undocumented status ” but a high chance of being exploited or looked down on.

US Immigration History Booklet

In 2019, the Santa Clara County Office of Immigrant Relations (OIR) worked with the CA History Center & Foundation to create a timeline of immigration history in the US.
Immigration history in the U.S. is saturated with movements and practices that expand the definition of democracy and to apply that “all are created equal” to a broader community. On the banner and within this booklet, various forms of community resistance can be seen through the celebration of heritage months, the rise of the United Farm Workers (UFW), marches to defend immigrant rights, the creation of the Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network (SCC RRN), and so much more. Key Words:

Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Economic, social and cultural rights are those human rights relating to the workplace, social security, family life, participation in cultural life, and access to housing, food, water, health care and education. Dispelling the myths specifically surrounding economic, social and cultural rights is crucial to dismantling unworkable categorizations of rights as we move towards a human rights agenda that treats civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights as truly universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Keu Words: Human Rights, International

Facebook Says It Will Fight Disinformation About the 2020 Census

12/19 The 2020 Census will be the first census to take place in the height of the social media age, and this is why everyone is so worried. The Bureau has launched this site answering frequently asked questions like “do non-citizens get counted?”, and there’s an email hotline set up for reporting falsehoods and rumors about the census: rumors@census.gov.
The government-led population count is a driver for myriad allocations in government programs, for allocation of congressional representation, as well as for private companies’ marketing strategies and a million other aspects of American political and economic life. And since its beginnings, it has inspired distrust in certain corners of the country ” something that the conspiracy-theory-prone are guaranteed to latch onto as census forms and census takers begin fanning out around the country in the first quarter of next year. Key Words: ALLIES8

Three Bay Area cities considered most diverse in the U.S.

10/14/19 Cultural identity has long been at the heart of the melting pot that is America. Yet immigration continues to be a hot-button issue even as the country gets more ethnically diverse. The nature of race, culture and community seems more controversial now than ever.
San Jose, which ranked at number eight, got a total score of 68.5. San Jose has a population of 1,030,119, according to the census. “It stands out particularly in terms of linguistic diversity” says Gonzalez. “As the second most language-diverse city, San Jose has about a quarter of its residents who speak Asian and Pacific Islander languages, and another 23 percent who speak Spanish.”

Santa Clara County lawmakers declare a Climate Emergency

8/30/19 SCC Supervisor Dave Cortese’s resolution to declare a climate emergency was unanimously approved with Supervisor Cindy Chavez absent.
The declaration acknowledges that global climate change is “caused by human activities” that have resulted in a climate emergency that impacts the well-being health and safety of SCC residents. It demands immediate action to address the causes and effects of global warming, but does not yet include any actionable items for either local residents or government officials. to halt, reverse, mitigate, and prepare for the consequences of the climate emergency and to restore the climate for future generations.
The county now joins a handful of Bay Area cities that have declared a climate emergency, including San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Cupertino and Santa Cruz,